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Monkey See, Monkey Do!

Episode 3 $Eason 1 "Monkey See, Monkey Do!"

🐵 ➡️ 👁️ -- 🐒 ➡️ Do!

Ruthai cried as Jenny dragged her to her room & shoved her in the closet as punishment.

Jenny felt guilty for beating her up.

Ruthai just sobbed in the closet.

Her older brother, Thomas, returned home.

When Ruthai's older brother went upstairs, he heard sobbing in the closet.

He asked...

"What's that?"

Ruthai yells, "Nothing!"

He yells, "Hm?"

He opens the closet to see her bloody from the kicks & bruised.

He comforted her & yells, "Who did this?!"

Ruthai would speak very little of the situation.

She'd lie.

Jenny chose to turn a blind eye to her own sin.

And so, her brother, Thomas, heard no evil.

The next day, Thomas poked at Ruthai until she said, "Okay, Jen kicked me, but the cops beat me. I went out. I got caught. I ran into the supply closet of a different store after getting caught at the first store I went to just to buy groceries. So in the next door, when I peeked out to see if the coast was clear, the cops got me, and I had to fight them off."

Jenny had bandaged Ruthai up in mountains of guilt.

One day, there was this girl.

This strange girl.

She walked the streets in search of someone.


Two other demons would flow; they'd be in front of her but never dared go behind her.

She wanted them where she could see them.

It is 3 days later.

Jenny on the Left, Ruthai on the Right

Jenny says 🤦🏻‍♀️"Listen, I'm sorry for hurting you. It's a bad trait of mine. To get violent."😩

Ruthai says 🙍🏻‍♀️"Siblings do it all the time."😥

Jenny replies 😫"But it's wrong, especially after what you went through."🤦🏻‍♀️

Ruthai excuses her, saying 🙇🏻‍♀️"I ticked you off."😓

Ruthai kisses Jenny's pointed ear.

Thomas came in his cat form.

They all looked similar; all had green eyes, and two had noticeable bits of white fur, but it was primarily black.

Thomas says, "Ruthai, come inside."

Ruthai follows him after morphing into her human shape.

Her body is like a human's; the only difference is the fur.

She has three forms:


Her head will look like a Cat's head, and her body will appear humanoid.


Her head will be human-shaped, her body will have fur, and her ears will be elfish with hair all over it.

The tip of her nose will have no hair & will be pink.


She'll have a big cat head & cat body.

Her cat shape head is enormous due to a big genetic modification flop...

Ruthai was already inside the 🏠 house 🏠

She was going inside Thomas' room.

Ruthai asks, "What's up?" & Thomas replies, "I guess Jenny was right. You going outside would be, Nope, was a bad idea."

Ruthai asks, "Have you ever heard screaming in the basement?"😳

Thomas says, "Yeah. I want to check down there, but Jenny says it's mice."🤨

Ruthai says, "It sounds human."🙁

Thomas says that "I know."🤨

Thomas goes to check the basement.

There was a four or five-year-old down there.

It was her, she yelled, "Help!"

Thomas goes down & asks, "Who are you??"

She says, "I'm Human! I'm human!! I'm just... I was kidnapped!"

She was kidnapped at four & held here for three months.

Siblings wanted to check the basement, but Jenny wouldn't let them.

The child morphed into a human shape.

It had no fur & the hair turned black.

Thomas' human shape had no hair on his legs.

Ruthai looked down there & saw her, Then yelled, "The fluff?!"🤨

Ruthai said, "Who is this?!"😳

The child morphed back into her cat shape & says, "I'm Day."😳

Ruthai yells, "Who kidnapped you?!"

Day says, "The lady with the white spot on her eye & black fur."

Ruthai yells, "Jenny?!" Then Thomas looks at her & asks, "Can you go get Jenny?"

Ruthai was mad at Jenny; Jenny was always mentally unstable.

Jenny has trained Ruthai to think she was her mother, but that was so that Ruthai wouldn't feel bad about her parents dying.

Jenny had locked Ruthai in the house, but that was to keep Ruthai from getting killed.

Jenny has kicked Ruthai & locked her in the closet.

Jenny has Brutally murdered officers.




"Jenny would never do this? She's four; how did she get her" Ruthai Yells.

Thomas says, "Get Jenny!"

Jenny was divvying herself up when...

"Jenny, you kidnapped a baby?!" Ruthai yells.

Jenny took off her now & says, "I'm..." In shock.

To be continued & connected...

Goodnight_Reads Goodnight_Reads

Episode 3 $Eason 1 "Monkey See, Monkey Do!"

To see images, look up "Ruthai: Rin's Town" on Wattpad.

The cover of the wattpad version of this book was created by Lovely Editor AKA Lovely_Bees

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