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Chapter 3: Wizard vs. Wizard

Wizard vs. Wizard

I arrive back in Magnolia at two in the afternoon stopping in a magic shop on my way to the guild. I enter the shop with magic trinkets littered about. The items were hanging from the ceiling on shelves and even floating in the air. I go to the front counter where a young woman is reading a book that seems to have no pages.

"Hello, I'm looking for a few magic items." I say airily

She puts the page less book down and eyes me up and down before saying in a southern drawl. "What'cha lookin for."

Ignoring her accent, I ask. "I need some kind of map, compass and bag for storage."

"New wizard huh, well I have some youngin' wizard sets to help you out." She steps around the counter and heads to a shelf carrying three tiers of bundled items. "I have three sets here, the prices are labeled below. The first has a self updating map that shows everything in a hundred mile radius and a satchel that can hold a tarp's worth of goodies".

"The second one has two bracers. One shows your current location and can map out anywhere in Ishgar. The second brace can store the same amount as the satchel but fits over the wristband. It also has an anti theft charm so you can't place items you know don't belong to you inside. I should also say they refit for the new owner."

"Now finally the third is a ring and a bracelet. The rig can store up to a shop's worth of items and can place items that don't belong to you inside so long as you have permission from the owner. The bracelet is the same as the brace except it creates a map out of light magic and can show the whole globe."

After weighing my options I pick the magic bracers for 100,000 jewels. I head out of the shop with my new magic tools taught towards the guild hall

When I arrive instead of the usual fighting people actually seem to be having a good time eating and drinking. Master also seems to have pulled himself out of his morning dreariness. I head to the bar when I get there, Makarov says. "First day and I already got a call from a magic counsel."

"Why I didn't cause any property damage" I say feeling a little flustered

"I know that's partly why they called, they thought you were pretending to be a member of the guild" he says in an exasperated tone.

"Well at least the job was a success and nobody was killed" I reply

"Hupmf well, That's what matters" he says exhaling through his nose.

I head to the job board and see a newly placed job.


Defeat the Devon Theft Family


The Devon Theft Family have taken over the north side of the village.

Go to Tuly village and meet the sheriff. The Devon Theft Family are comprised of skilled Earth wizards. Their leader can use Lava Make Magic.

Reward 110,000

I do a quick Google search for the village and targets. 'This is the quest where Natsu destroyed the clock tower. I should take this job before Natsu causes another incident.' I pull the job off the board and head towards master.

" I'll take this job."

He eyes the poster and says. "It's pretty late in the day are you sure you want to start another job"

I reply "Yeah it'll be fine I'll stake them out and attack in the middle of the night."

"Okay, don't cause any collateral damage. I want your track record to stay clean as long as possible." he says trying to convey importance.

"I'll see you tomorrow master." I wave and walk to the guild's front door.

"Wait! You're the new guy right. I wanna fight you." Natsu seemingly recovered from the morning ass-whooping he got from Erza steps in front of me lighting his hand on fire.

"Sure thing! I have a new job to complete but I'll spar with you tomorrow at the edge of town if that's alright." I say in a straight tone.

"Alright that's fine but you have to complete the job before coming back even if it takes a few days, better delaying the fight then smearing the name of FairyTail." he says extinguishing the flame on his fist with a grin on his face.

"Of course we can't have that happening now can we." his smile widens at my retort and steps aside but then Erza in her casual armor steps forward.

"I would also like to have a fight with you." As Erza says this the guild hall seems to jump in shock causing Macao to choke on his food.

"Okay but we'll do it a week from today." 'That should get me enough time to train. Honestly I'm pretty overpowered but I have near zero experience. I'm like a noob playing as a level 100 character. It's good for fighting stupid monsters but an experienced combat wizard like Erza is something else entirely.'

The guild hall erupts

"Holy shit the dumbass actually accepted Erza's challenge."

"AHAHA I got a thousand jewels on Erza."

"Who knows the new kid has weird magic. I'll put five hundred on the newbie."

"You're crazy Erza is gonna mop the floor with him"

Wakaba smacking Macao's back trying to help him looks at Ostrum and says "Do you think the kid has a chance against her."

Macao recovers and looks to the front and says "Honestly it depends on how fast he can take out Natsu tomorrow if he can at all. Once we see that fight we can place our bets for the next match."

Natsu, irritated by the people around him yells "WHAT THE HECK ERZA WHY DID YOU HAVE TO TAKE THE FLAMES OUT OF MY ENGINE."

Erza in a quiet rage looks at Natsu. "Oh yeah I still haven't finished my revenge for this morning."

Natsu quickly loses the color in his face and takes a step back saying "Sorry Erza, I didn't mean to yell, I was just caught in the moment that's all. haha." Natsu laughs nervously clearly fearing for his life.

Erza looks to be having none of it though and Natsu yells "Happy emergency retreat now." He jumps back while Happy catches him as they fly towards one of the windows.

Erza quickly requips a long chain and slings it towards Natsu, barely catching his leg "Get over here." she yanks the chain pulling him in slamming him to the ground.

Erza starts to mercilessly beat the life out of him. I interject "I'll see you tomorrow, I have a job to get to."

Erza stops beating him and turns, giving me a thumbs up and a smile before going right back to rearranging Natsu's facial structure.

I step out of the guild and activate my map bracer. 'Lets see, lets see Tuly village, ahh there it is one hundred and fifty kilometers northwest.' I head along the path and cross the magic train tracks. 'Actually I should follow the train tracks. It's basically an easy path from Magnolia to Margaret Town. In theory it should cross right through Tuly village.' I checked the map and sure enough the tracks cross through tuly village.


'Damn I'm fast thank goodness I wished for this body it makes this super convenient.' As I'm running along the side of the tracks I play my music and pick up the speed. Quickly passing through a couple of stations before I see a large clocktower. 'That must be it' I slow down and cut through the woods before entering the village.

As I walk through the town I head towards the large building with a sign reading sheriff in bold print. I step inside and see a man who I can only describe as looking like Charlie Swan from twilight but with a cowboy hat sipping some black coffee and reading some paperwork behind a desk. The sheriff's station seems to have four large holding cells two one each side. the place is well lit with light lacrimas and a beautiful magic long gun is behind his desk in a magic holding case.

He looks up at me and says "Can I help you son?"

"Yes my name is Ostrum, I'm from Fairytail for the Devon Theft Family job." I quickly respond

"The guildmaster wasn't kidding, you are fast." he says before taking another sip of his coffee.

"So what can you tell me about these guys?"

"Well mostly what's on the poster but here are their wanted posters the boss is on the top." he passes me a stack of wanted posters that were paperclipped together on his desk. " The job is simple but Lamia Scale and Blue Pegasus have given it a go. Both teams failed the job and left without even telling me what happened. Something strange is happening over there, be careful."

I say my goodbyes to the sheriff and head towards the northside of the village. I stop on the way there. 'I need to cloak my magic from them.' I start spreading my magic over my body and try to force some of the magic into my body. A warmth of ethernano enters my body as it shines a white light. The Fairy Slayer magic enters my body and begins to head to my core and attack it. 'Good, if it goes for the magic core it will just concentrate around the core and flood my body without entering the atmosphere, keeping myself hidden.

I enter the northern district of the village and begin to stake out waiting for nightfall to attack.

—chapter end—-

Alright this chapter is shorter because it was filled with dialogue. The next chapter will have some solid action. I'm going to try and do the fight better than I did with the vulcans. If you like this series, leave a review . I would also appreciate it if you would comment and critique anything positive or negative about the series. The comments keep me going.

Seriously I appreciate all of you thanks for reading this chapter.

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