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77.86% Bottom Trainer (Pokemon) / Chapter 516: Chapter 516 Life is like a drama

Chapter 516: Chapter 516 Life is like a drama


In the Tournament, it is the fourth Quasi-Legendary Pokémon.

Natsu isn't sure if Diantha has a Quasi-Legendary Pokemon, but she should have a Quasi-Legendary Goodra from the Kalos Region.

But in the previous battle, she had never summoned this Pokemon.

Even in the final round, Lance, Shirona, and Steven all summoned the Quasi-Legendary Trump Card, but Diantha didn't, the other Pokémon was basically Lucario.

Not because Diantha's strength is stronger than Shirona and the others, but also depends on each opponent and then sending Pokemon.


The appearance of Togekiss, and his "Ten Air Slash" feat, forced Diantha to not know what to do.

Send Fight-Type Lucario again?

Otherwise repeat Gardevoir's mistake.

So in desperation, Diantha could only send Goodra to fight.

It can be felt clearly that Diantha's Goodra should be a Pokémon that joined her team relatively late. Although it is also a Gym Leader level, it has also evolved to his final form, but it doesn't feel like Lance Dragonite, Shirona Garchomp, Steven Shiny Metagross, are a little weaker.

Maybe that's why Diantha didn't play it before.

Because his strength is not necessarily stronger than Lucario and Gardevoir.

Then Natsu saw Diantha showing a helpless look, "Natsu, your Pokemon just evolved too, right?"


Natsu thought for a moment.

"Is Goodra too?"

Diantha nodded, patted the slightly restrained Goodra on the back, and said with a complicated expression: "This kid also evolved last night."

It made sense why Diantha had not sent Goodra to fight earlier.

It's just that Pokémon evolve. Togekiss had shown her ability to adapt to circumstances and adapt to previous battles, but Goodra was still unknown.

Dragon-Type Goodra vs Fairy-Type Togekiss?

This would undoubtedly violate the Attributes.

Natsu hadn't thought about the Fairy-Type exposure yet.

The evolution of Togekiss had caused quite a stir to some extent. If the Fairy Type was added at this time, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the entire world would become a sensation.

At that time, Natsu and Togekiss will be the center of the storm.

Although he also wanted to use the fame this tournament brought him to add popularity to the Gym he opened next.

Fairy-Type appearances had a great impact.

Especially for a bunch of Dragon Type Pokémon Trainers.

Of course, a guy who claims to be a Dragon-Type but is actually a Flying-Type Pokémon Trainer doesn't count.

But this is sure to have a huge impact and influence on Dragon-Type Pokémon across the Pokémon world and Trainers who are interested in Dragon-Type Pokémon.

Natsu wasn't sure, there would be some extreme and powerful Dragon Type Pokémon Trainers coming to trouble him.

In more popular terms, Natsu was currently unable to bear the impact of such an event of that magnitude.

After all, Natsu was still a famous young Trainer.

In addition, Natsu glanced at Diantha across from him.

There is a decision in his heart.

Togekiss is acting.

This was something they negotiated last night to avoid some Elves trouble.

Togekiss understood and gave Natsu a reassuring look.

"Let me see your full strength, Miss Diantha." Natsu said with a smile after getting a reply from Togekiss.

Diantha also laughed.

She might have sensed it already, and this round should have been the end of his race.

Diantha only has one Goodra that has just evolved, and Natsu has three Pokémon, one unharmed Alakazam, Togekiss injured but still has battle power, and one Pokémon that hasn't been dispatched yet.

At this stage, no matter how similar the players were in terms of strength, at least they were almost the same, with one enemy and three sweeps basically impossible.

But Diantha didn't really care about this pursuit. She likes being with Pokémon, followed by acting in movies, and then fighting Pokémon.

Took a deep breath and said, "Okay!"

The battle continues.

In this game, since Togekiss's terrible "Ten Air Slash" has reached the pinnacle of this tournament, I don't know how many people are running to the TV and computer, wanting to see Togekiss Are his abilities really "perverted"?

"Goodra, Thunderbolt!"

Diantha didn't think much of it, and concentrated on this fight.


Seeing that, Goodra exploded with successive golden currents, which turned into streaks of light, and moved towards Togekiss in the sky. go with.

Goodra is a typical Pokemon with a strong special defense, second special attack, and lack of physical attack abilities.

And to deal with the Togekiss Flying Type, the "Thunderbolt" Electric Type is also a good choice.

Natsu thought Diantha would let Goodra decide the outcome with a Dragon Type move, but didn't expect the opening to be "Thunderbolt".

But that didn't make him panic.

"Extreme Speed, dodge!"


Togekiss shouted loudly, gently shaking her wings, white light on her body, her speed reached extreme in an instant.

Under the naked eye, white light sticks to the "Thunderbolt" beam. While subtly dodging the attack, the white light drew a beautiful arc in the air and moved towards Goodra.


Not "Air Slash"?

The audience was a little disappointed, but understood Natsu's choice.

"Thunderbolt" has a clear restraining effect on Togekiss, and if you're unlucky, you may fall into a "Paralyze" state.

"Goodra, melt!"

The battle between Gardevoir and Togekiss, Diantha didn't notice.

But after all she was Diantha, a future champion, a little information and information gave her little defense, so she bet that Natsu would not dare to let Togekiss suffer the damage of "Thunderbolt". Stopping "Air Slash" forcibly.

After all, Togekiss was also hit by Gardevoir's "Future Sight" before, and her condition wasn't good. If she hit "Thunderbolt" once, as long as Goodra wasn't controlled, Goodra could take her away in one wave.

Fortunately, Diantha was right.

Goodra's surface, which was like a slippery liquid, began to crumble and melt rapidly, and his entire body became soft, which greatly strengthened Goodra's resistance to Physical Move.

bang !!

White light swept across Goodra's body quickly, hitting some of the liquid on the outside, but it didn't do much damage.

Togekiss is also a special attack Pokémon, its physical attack abilities, Natsu hasn't seriously trained it yet.

What's more, whether it's "Air Slash" or "Extrreme Speed", Togekiss has only just learned it, and proficiency is low, which is why it takes ten "Air Slash" before completing Gardevoir.

So Goodra wasn't too hurt.

"Air Slash."

But now, with Togekiss behind Goodra, it was time to strike.

"Goodra, Thunderwave."

Diantha also saw it, "Air Slash", it's okay to hit Goodra once, as long as Togekiss dares to raise this "Thunder Wave".

This is Diantha's tactic.

Use the "Thunderbolt" and "Thunder Wave" moves that Togekiss can't handle, to make Togekiss's "Air Slash" unable to work.

Natsu's complexion slightly changed.

Diantha's tactics, if it sounds good, it's injury after injury, but if it's bad, isn't it a game of luck with Natsu?

Bet whether Togekiss can use "Air Slash" after "Paralyze".

If Togekiss can control Goodra with "Air Slash" even though "Flinch", Diantha will recognize her.

But with just one failure, Goodra could make Togekiss lose form.

Natsu's eyes flickered, and Togekiss immediately stopped using "Air Slash".

this time.

This is Diantha showing the audience how to deal with immature "Aircraft".

If Togekiss evolves a little longer, it won't take much. In two weeks, if she mentioned movement proficiency, she wouldn't be too restricted in battle.

Obviously, Diantha took advantage of Togekiss' short evolutionary time.

But Togekiss didn't evolve for a long time, Diantha's Goodra, did it evolve for a long time?

"Safeguard." Natsu's replacement strategy.


Safeguard Togekiss blocked Goodra's "Thunder Wave" precisely.

Diantha smiled and said softly, "Goodra, Substitute."

The thick liquid on Goodra's body squirmed for a moment, and then in front of him, it formed the exact same illusory image stopping between Togekiss and him body.

Natsu closed his mouth.

He is still thinking now, whether it is necessary to properly drain the water so that the dignified Kalos Regiob champion is not "shaven" in the future.

It turns out.

He thought too much.

Now it's not a matter of letting it go or not, but even if it's not allowed, Diantha seems to have the upper hand now.

That's right, she is a future champion.

It was good that Natsu had an edge and advantage in information. Now that the information was revealed, Diantha naturally made simple, timely and effective tactical adjustments according to her own abilities.

As soon as this "Substitute" comes out, Togekiss' ability is lost in half.

However, this turning point soon came.

"Goodra, Dragon Pulse!"

Diantha saw that Goodra was worried for now, and immediately turned her head and started attacking.

"Nasty Plot." Natsu gave orders to Togekiss while Diantha took the lead.

It's just that as soon as he said these words, he heard Diantha's command on the opposite side, and then looked at Togekiss with a "worried" look.


A sly black light appeared in Togekiss' eyes, and the "Nasty Plot" move greatly increased her special attack abilities.


The rich blue-purple "Dragon Pulse" slammed straight through her front door, enveloping her.

"Chakky Ei!!"

Right after Togekiss's "Nasty Plot" ends, she experiences a "Dragon Pulse" baptism, and suddenly reveals "pain" and "struggle".

Like that, it really made some of the girls who like cute Togekiss pierce their hearts.

Must be sick, right?

Natsu who saw Togekiss's "acting", twitched from the corner of his eye, trying to remain calm.

This is a bit cocky, hello.

"Ai, player Natsu saw Goodra using 'Substitute', so he wanted to use 'Nasty Plot' to enhance his special attack to solve the problem caused by 'Substitute' as soon as possible, this choice is not wrong. But no player Natsu didn't expect player Dintha to attack without the slightest hesitation, it's like hitting the muzzle of a gun."

The comments are still there, but there is no sense of existence.

Then, the tournament shot is given to Natsu, and a close-up is given.

The scene where the corner of his eye twitched was perfectly captured.

"Maybe Natsu is also worried about his Pokemon right now. He's been in bad shape, and now even worse."

Very good.

Togekiss and Natsu's "acting" brings some effect.

That's what Natsu gave Togekiss just now.

Immunity to Dragon-Type Moves?

Just play one!

Has anyone really paid attention to Togekiss immunity?

Then let others guess.

After all, as long as he didn't show it in person, it would be impossible for some people to study the video afterwards.

Even if they did realize it was a little complicated, no one would think about immunity to Dragon Type moves.

Most likely Natsu did some special training on Togekiss to make her have strong resistance to Dragon Type moves.

Luckily, Togekiss had been with Natsu for so long, and she had also learned something when she was close to ink and black, sump, and close to red.

It's still very realistic.

Life is like a drama.

It's true that some people have noticed Togekiss' state, but it's not as "helpless" as one might think.

But these people didn't think much of it.


Now if someone came out and said that some Pokémon were immune to Dragon Type move damage, it's estimated that one person could drown them with one mouthful of drool.

Several subconscious judgments brought about by subjective consciousness provide the best cover for Natsu and Togekiss' "show".

"Air Slash!"

As soon as "Dragon Pulse" ends, Natsu directs Togekiss to attack again.

And Diantha, who saw that "Dragon Pulse" was causing good "damage" to Togekiss, didn't hesitate and continued to let Goodra attack.

"Goodra, one more Dragon Pulse!"

This time.

Togekiss dodged.

It is better to show "fear" of such an attack.

This subconscious action and behavior really made everyone not hesitate anymore, just concentrate on this battle process.


Natsu always complains that other people's Pokemon can unlock "blood locks", this time Togekiss really shows others what a true "blood lock" is.

"Pokemon Natsu is very tenacious." Several people saw Togekiss' panting appearance and couldn't help but admire her.

"What a beautiful and tough Pokémon."

"Enough, enough."



"Blood lock" or something, audiences have long been used to.

According to them, "locking blood and hanging" equals "stubbornness".

After all, it's not a game, and there's no health bar, so Pokémon can defend against it with their willpower.

The battle quickly ended.

Goodra Diantha used "Substitute" once again, and after a few attacks, things really weren't very good.

Even though Togekiss is immune to Dragon Type moves, Goodra Diantha not only knows Dragon Type, but Diantha also seems to have done some special exercises and drills for her Electric Type moves.

So Togekiss looks really bad now, but not completely pretend, the taste of "Thunderbolt", she really doesn't want to try again, and the white hair on her body burns a lot.

Natsu and Diantha looked at each other, both saw the attitude in each other's eyes.

This is the last resort!

"Goodra, Draco Meteor!"

"Togekiss, Brave Bird!"


Goodbye. With all her might, Goodra exhaled a fiery breath into the air.

Togekiss also gritted her teeth, putting all her energy into the "Brave Bird" move.


roar —

One after another the fire meteorites fell directly from the sky, "Brave Bird" Togekiss also finished the Stockpile, ignoring the Meteorites that fell from the sky, moving towards Goodra Bump.


As the "Brave Bird" hit Goodra, the dense Draco Meteor hit Togekiss.

Even though the Dragon Type energy did not cause any damage to her, the pain that the Meteorite had struck on her body was real.

Wait until the smoke clears.

All the audience saw, Goodra and Togekiss both fell to the ground and lost movement.


The audience cheers.

Some for Diantha finally get Pokemon out of Natsu.

Some congratulations to Natsu for making it to the top 4.

It's more of a "persistence" for Togekiss, who actually replaced Diantha's Goodra.

Natsu and Diantha ran into the field at the same time, hugging their respective Pokémon.

"Cha Chakkey."

Togekiss opened her eyes weakly and moved towards Natsu with a playful wink.

Natsu gently patted her back.

"(Act) well."

Actually, the acting wasn't too much, Togekiss really wasn't in a good shape right now.

However, being able to replace Diantha's Goodra did take a lot of advantages from the Fairy Type.

Togekiss is the best result.

Diantha eventually develops a tactic based on the only information she has, and defeats Natsu, a Pokémon that appears "against the sky", making it impossible and turning many people against it. more recognized.

It also made a lot of people recognize "Aircraft", but not so misguided.

Many people's "crazy" thoughts disappeared.

Natsu also made it to the semi-finals, making Togekiss a big show.

Everyone is happy!

Natsu was even more certain of one thing during this fight.

Sometimes, an information advantage can actually be turned into a practical advantage.

Whether it's an "Aircraft" feature, or a "Fairy-Type" Pokémon feature, this is an informational advantage.

The advantage!

If nothing else, he would be able to maximize his own interests by relying on his own information gains in the future.

Is it Fairy Type or Mega Evolution.

Mega Evolution Stones, and now he finally has the power to start trying to collect them


(end of chapter)

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