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55.55% Spider-Frame (Spider-man X Harem) / Chapter 5: More Power Uncovered

Chapter 5: More Power Uncovered

(Look of Cashier)

Cashier: That will be $14.99 Sir.

She shyly told Peter as she packed the items in a bag on the table with a half eaten cake near it from her.

Peter Parker: Here you go beuatiful~

Peter passed the money over with a wink and a charming smile to the cashier and picked up the bag of clothing, but as he was about to leave he was stopped by the cashiers voice, as he turned back he realised her face was flushed pink.

Cashier: Wait! W-well my name is Louise and I was wondering if maybe I can have your number.

Her voice quietened down nering the end as she was blushing a load.

Peter Parker: haha I actually don't have my phone on me but what I can give is....

He leaned in and grabbed her chin and lifted it also at this time Louise realised fully the difference in height between her and him towering over her.

Peter Parker: this~

As he closed the distance between his and her face, she went wide eyes as she realised what was about to happen and as he got closer she closed her eyes and puckered her lips.

Peter came to a stop just before they met and stayed there and as she opened her eyes she saw how close he was, but he then rubbed the corner of her mouth with his thumb cleaning a bit of cake off her.

Peter Parker: You had something there.

As he then ate it and kicked his lips.

Peter Parker: And it was delicious, and I wonder what the rest of you would taste like~

Steam started to come out of her head as her eye balls rolled to the back of her head as then fell backwards passed out, with a dumb happy smile on her face.

Peter leaned over the till and saw her position.

Peter Parker: Well good night then.

He made his way to the street but also turning the closed sign around to closed.



(Skip to Peter sitting in Central Park)


Peter sat down and started replacing his old clothes with more concealing and overall better than his clothes previous.

(His Clothes)

Peter got back up and continued walking back towards his base.

Peter Parker: 'that was my first real fight with this new power and including my first fight with my former "friends", I have realised that I have no idea what my power do so I am going to just train for a while amd avoid leaving base.'

He was so lost in his thoughts that he didnt notice he arrived back to his warehouse, the door opened for him and Ultron welcomed him back, he came back to his senses and walked in the door as it slowly closed behind him.

(Cut to Avengers Tower)

The tower was in a emergency as they brought in Miles, Luke Cage and Jessica for emergency treatment of second degree burns and exhaustion and the other Avengers were watching over them.

As their condition started to improve the group all left and went towards the meeting room,when everyone entered and sat Tony started to speak.

Tony Stark: Ok someone explain to what's happening!?

Bruce Banner: Well by my information when investigating the massive spike of energy they were caught in a unnaturally powerful explosion.

Tony Stark: I kinda got that dumbass.

Bruce got angry at his comment at tightened his fist to stop himself self from turning.

Steve Rogers: Tony calm down.

Tony Stark: Or what!

Steve stepped up so he was in the face of Tony.

Steve Rogers: or I will make you

Everyone was getting nervous but one person named Natasha.

Natasha Romanov: Both of you shut up and stop being childish!

She shouted at the two so called adults, they both scurried back to their seats scared at Natashas anger, with their tail between their legs they started to glare at eachother from across the table but swiftly stopped at her glare.

Natasha Romanov: Now before I continue where is She-Hulk?

Everyone: I don't know.

Natasha Romanov: Well let's find her and find out if she is okay or needs help, so falcon and Peitro (Quicksilver) go out looking for her as you guys can get Coverage over a large area in no time.

Pietro Maximoff: We are on it boss.

He dashed out of the room causing a slight gust of wind to blow at the rest of them.

Falcon: Dammit wait for me.

Natasha Romanov:With them gone we need to figure out what that beam was, so any ideas?

Hank Pym: Well from what I could tell it was completely new to me, meaning I have never seen this before.

Tony Stark: The amount of energy released could power continents if not the planet.

Bruce Banner: What I don't understand how this could suddenly appear and then disappear out if thin air.

The door swung open as a nurse rushed in.

Nurse They are awake but very distraut for some reason.

The whole team move towards the infirmary and are shown Jessica crying; miles silent and clenching his fists and finally Luke now wher to be seen.

Wanda Maximoff: Jarvis Wheres Luke?

Jarvis: Mr Cage is Currently in the Gym training.

Tony Stark: Show us him Jarvis

Jarvis: Of course sir.

A Hologram of the gyms live video footage appeared and showed Luke destroying the equipment for example punching through punching bags and throwing weights around.

Tony stark: Ugh! I have to pay for that dick.

Mostly everyone got annoyed at hi comment, but Natasha moved towards Jessica and sat near her then tried questioning her.

Natasha Romanov: Jessica what's wrong? What happened at the origin of the spike?

Jessica removed her hands on her face and looked at Natasha with a certain face that Natasha recognised as a face of loss and grief.

Natasha Romanov: Jessica you need to tell me what happened, I can't help you if you don't say anything to me-

Jessica Jones: He's dead.

This got everyone wide eyed as they now know someone at least close to Jessica is dead.

Natasha Romanov: Who's dead Jessica?

Jessica Jones: Spider-man is dead, Peter is dead.

She burst into tears again and began weeping,Natasha got up and began walking backwards away.

Natasha Romanov: What no no no, please god no not him, please not him

Everyone went wide-eyed as all the women started crying and the guys brows creased in confusion on his death and the girls reaction.


A thuding noise could be heard from behind them as they looked back and saw Wanda on her knees as tears started to stream down her face, vision tried to get close to her and comfort her.

Vision: Wanda are you alright?

When his hand reached to touch her a  burst of red energy smacked right into him and smashed his body into wall, Hank rushed to him to check if he's okay.

Clint Barton: What do you think your doing Wanda!

Energy started to swirl around her as the wind picked up around her creating a mini tornado as everyone struggled to keep their ground.

Wanda Maximoff: If he's not in this world then there's no reason it should exist!

She quickly vanished in a burst of energy blinding everyone after they got there sight back they saw a burn mark on the ground where she was, Quicksilver ran in at super speeds and started to ramble to the team

Pietro Maximoff: Guys emergency again She-Hulk is in the hospital, she got in a massive fight and lost-wait Where's Wanda?

As he liked around he was surprised at the destruction, the girls haveinf tear marks and at vision being helped out of a wall by Hank but no Wanda.

Pietro Maxinoff: Where is Wanda Natasha?

Natasha tried answering but her voice got stuck as she remembered that Peter was dead.

Steve Rogers: Your going to want to sit down for this son.


Similar situations were happening at different teams with Susan Storm telling the Fantastic 4, Kitty telling the X-men and the civilians that were there at the explosion telling news outlets that Spider-man is dead.

Many female heros cried and realised how much they wanted him but they constantly pushed him away either believing that they couldn't be together of just he wasn't enough,but now they know he was to good for them.


                 (Time skip 1 week)

      (Location in Peters warehouse)


Just out of the training room was a corridor to further into the warehouse but crashing could be heard and parts of metal being bent and ripped apart was heard inside the training room, a Ultron drone tried running past the opening but was stopped by a green energy that dripped it and ripped its metal arms of and legs then used the arms and legs to impale itself.

As the figure reveals itself to be...

(Mags look)

Peter Parker: Mags powers are incredible, he's able to not only to everything Magneto can do but he can  magnetise non magnetic metals and other non magnetic materials.

Peter de-transforms and transforms into

(Excalibur look)

Peter Parker: Excalibur, this frame is truly powerful with its versatile and agile move set, I have tested its ultimate weapon the exalted blade and well..

(Exalted blade look)

Peter Parker: Theres nothing I haven't been able to cut and destroy.

Peter returned to his base form and walked to the living room

Peter leaves the warehouse while bidding farewell to Ultron for a bit, he transforms into Volt and runs to Times Square, he leaves his transformation while hiding in a alley away and comes out to the crowded street and begins to walk to a hot dog stand.

Peter Parker: Can I have a jumbo hot dog with ketchup

Hot dog vendor: Coming right up

Peter Parker: So how has the Stand been doing?

Hot Dog Vendor: Well it's been OK but I have noticed that it's getting more dangerous around here with Spider-man gone.

Peter had a confused face as he heard what wa said.

Peter Parker: What happened to him?

Hot Dog Vendor: What? Have you been living under a rock, Spider-man is dead.

Peter Parkerb W-what how!?

Hot Dog Vendor: He was blown up when the giant beam of light hit the sky, but her you go any way.

Peter passed him some money but he looked his mind some where else.

Peter Parker: 'People think I am dead, I have to Investigate this'

He began walking around eating his hot dog when suddenly the main billboard changed into the news, it showed the avenger, defenders and the X-men fighting the Sinister Six but it seemed they were losing.

Peter Parker: Do I have to do everything by myself.

He closed his eyes tiredly as he quickly ate his hot dog and ran into a alley way but before he transformed he put down a device on the ground as a robotic voice sounded out.


Peter Smirked as he transformed into a new Warframe

Peter Parker: Titania!

(Either go to the link or look at Comment on this)

Peter started to shrink before shooting up and then towards the fight at mach 3

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