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92.5% ELECEED - BROTHER COMPLEX / Chapter 37: Chapter 36

Chapter 37: Chapter 36

After dinner kids were doing force control samantha was washing the plates delein was also helping her the cats were sleeping with kayden who was also in control of casein's body then someone ring the



Doorbell two times


I dry my hands with a clean towel and go to the living room to open the door


I open the door and see who I didn't expect to see at least this early sure about your decision?

??- yes.

I nodded and step aside she enter and I closed the door

Dad enters the living room after cleaning the plates and sees her and looks at me

SAMANTHA- she's Jiyoung yoo the chairwoman of shinhwa and jisuk's big sister.

DAD- first ranker of Korea huh...well, I already clean the plates so if you have any important matters to discuss you can do that in the bedroom or basement.

I nodded and

SAMANTHA-...and you four start preparing for sleep.

All four of them stop doing force control and I motion to jiyoung to follow me

After going inside the bedroom I


Close the door and take out a file from my shadow and handover to jiyoung who takes that with a puzzled look

I sit down on the bed and pat beside me

SAMANTHA- that terms and conditions every scarlet member has to remember and follow them all, now don't just stand there sit down and read them carefully.

she nodded and set down on the bed and start reading the file

I take out a headset from my shadow and use that for listening to music while she read the papers carefully


Baddest do~ what the baddest do~ (hey)

The baddest do~ (hey),we the baddest~ooh

Baddest do what the baddest do~ (hey)

The baddest do~(hey), we the baddest~

Coming at you live~

Real real wild~

Here to light it up~

Set the world on fire~

Gonna break ruuules~

And hearts in twos~

'Cause that's what the baddest do~

Never going back~

Nah not that~

Diamonds on drip~

'Cause I came to make a splash~

Gonna break ruuules~

And hearts in twos~

'Cause that's what the baddest do~










After a few songs later I felt a pull on my sleeves I look to my side and see Jiyoung complete reading the papers I remove my headset and throw that inside of my shadow

SAMANTHA- you completely read that?

JIYOUNG- yeah...

SAMANTHA- still wants to join the scarlet?

I ask with a serious gaze looking at her eyes seeing through her emotions and thoughts


She replies with a bit of hesitation I carefully observed her after a few moments later I finally spoke normal circumstances, everything under the name of shinhwa should be transferred to scarlet and every member should decide for themselves if they want to join scarlet or not, and you suppose to leave your first ranker position and get special training from me at the scarlet HQ and without my permission, you couldn't leave the scarlet HQ...but I can make an exception where you don't have to sacrifice still be the first ranker of Korea and chairwoman of shinhwa and still get the special training under me.

she looks a lot relived but she still thinks carefully about what I said and that's what I like about a person who can think calmly in any kind of situation

JIYOUNG-...I cannot get something for nothing and...I don't think I have anything you don't.

I smiled at her and she averted her gaze with red cheeks

SAMANTHA- how cute.

I held both of her cheeks with my right hand

JIYOUNG- ( w-what is she doing?! don't tell me-!!)

her thoughts were interrupted as I close my face to hers

SAMANTHA- I have an official sparing in a few days I want you to talk with the other groups leaders and take care of all the paperwork.

JIYOUNG- what??

she asks with a confused face I lose my hold on her face and lie down on the bed

SAMANTHA-...I said I have a sparing in a few days normally I didn't fight in populated areas but it's a good experience for the kids to see a real sparing so I thought why not.

JIYOUNG- that so...I take care of that...

I felt disappointed in her voice I pull myself up and bought my lips near her left ear

SAMANTHA- why do you sound disappointed? did you taught I was going to kiss you?

JIYOUNG- yes...NO I DIDN'T MEAN IN LIKE THAT I mean I mean...I'll handle all the paperwork and it's getting quite late I have to attend the meeting with the other group leader tomorrow goodnight.



she leaves the room in a hurry I smirk while looking at the closed door

SAMANTHA- much longer do you intend to stay hidden?

as I said that kayden stepped out from the corner of the room's shadow

KAYDEN- so how many days do we have for preparing for the sparing?

I look at kayden then I look at my mobile screen and reply

SAMANTHA- one day if he is in a hurry two if he stops somewhere or saving his energy.

kayden nod I start thinking about the future sparing

kayden suddenly spoke interrupting my thoughts

KAYDEN-...well last time I saw him he was a bright ball of sunshine always carrying that warm smile of yours a bit childish and helplessly naive when it's come to trusting others although he is naive when it comes to trust others who want to take advantage of him, he was very cautious and does not pick fight that he doesn't think he can win he has a tendency of overestimate his opponents which prevents him from being cocky in fights and last overly sentimental he deeply loves his close ones so much that he is willing to put himself in harm to protect them...well now I think about it you both have a lot of similarities.

I smile at that

SAMANTHA- yeah...he used to be so pure and innocent whenever I see him it's used to give me a warm feeling but...also negative feelings like how can some like him survive in the harsh world of us awakened ones what if something happened to him...haaa...well I try to give him a safe life but-

KAYDEN- you take his freedom although not entirely since the island is quite big itself two times bigger than south Korea if im correct right?

SAMANTHA-...yeah...two times...

I look at the night sky from the window

KAYDEN- well as you promise if he able to win against you let him join the world rank so...I prefer to give your everything to test him at this spar that will ease your mind.

I nod

Next morning

After eating breakfast I was doing force control in the living while the kids were talking among themselves kayden was within casein's body who was eating his 'meow bites' dad reading some books

then I hear


JISUK- huh? I don't remember if I ordered something? Did anyone of you order something?

SUBIN- nope.

WOOIN- I also didn't.

JIWOO- I go check who's outside...


JIWOO- huh?...yes but Who are you?...oh...sis someone is looking for you.

I open my eyes and stood up and walk towards jiwoo and stand beside him and look at the one who was looking for me

SAMANTHA-...did you eat anything in breakfast?

??- huh? No I didn't I forget my money at home.

SAMANTHA- figured well come in and eat something first.

I go to the kitchen


Just as samantha went to the kitchen jiwoo step aside and the figure entered the house

Just as the figure enter everyone look at the figure's face with gasped expression

??- nice to meet you! I'm Sami the third director of scarlet!

Sami introduce themselves with an excited smile

While everyone was still on their own taught about sami's looks kayden come down from the bedroom

KAYDEN- you've grown so much sunshine.

Kayden smile and ruffles sami's hair

SAMI- k-kayden I'm not a kid anymore.

Sami pouted and others around were surprised as kayden was known for hating being all touchy

KAYDEN-...yeah...whatever sunshine...

kayden ignores sami's pout and strokes sami's hair and sami leans into the warmth touch

KAYDEN- heh only kids like getting stroked on their head.

Kayden smirks and others give a small smile at their interaction

Sami quickly pull back

SAMI- n-no I... it's not...this...this only because nobody ever stroked on my head as a child!

sami yells in a flustered state

kayden's smirk and others small laughter get replaced with a frown

KAYDEN- that's right...I almost forget that you were feared by the scarlet members...







then after a few moments of silence sami spoke

SAMI-...well that was the old days now everyone respects me as the 3rd director of scarlet and the chairman of scarlet academy.

sami said with a bright smile that can melt anyone's heart and that what happened everyones mood lighten up slowly and samantha enter the living room with some bowls

SAMANTHA- eat first after we talk about your business for coming here.

sami nod and take the bowl from samantha with a smile and sit down on the sofa

JIWOO- uh sis is miss sami also your student?

KAYDEN- pfft~ ahem I didn't know that miss sami are you also a disciple of samantha?

sami glared at kayden who was smirking at sami

SAMANTHA- haaa...first of all sami here is a boy and no he is not my student since his powers are special exactly opposite of my powers.

After hearing that everyone had a face of shock expression their disbelief

subin stoop up and said

SUBIN- unnie you are joking right? I mean she is as beautiful as you.

samantha smirks and reply

SAMANTHA- it's quite funny seeing your all looks and about sami he is indeed a male his looks are just a genetic occurrence.

DELEIN- now that I look at him carefully he looks a lot like you samantha.

After delein words heard others also look at sami then samantha again sami then samantha that same happened a few times then

Sami's facial features are nearly identical to those of samantha but his platinum white hair that flows down to his back and deep Golden eyes give him a divine beauty that sets the two apart he is tall with an androgynous albeit girly 20 year-old adolescent wearing purple long sleeve and navy blue pants

JIWOO- he looks like your twin, sis just the hair and eye colors are different.

other three kids also nod but delein still looking at sami

SAMANTHA-...he is an artificial awakened one I created from my DNA.

Kids were shocked and delein nodded himself

DELEIN- that explains a whose DNA did you mix with yours to create him?

at that question the kids also look at samantha

SAMANTHA-... confidential.

at her answer delein nod understanding her the kids still look at sami then jiwoo asks an interested question

JIWOO- if you create him from your DNA doesn't that mean he is your next generation as in your son?

Now that attracted everyone's attention


Samantha didn't answer jiwoo but sami answered for her

SAMI- yes in fact im her son although it's a SSS rank secret with how she created me.

DELEIN- I understand if others find out that scarlet develop that kind of technology then awakened from the whole world would declare war on scarlet to get their hand on this kind of technology to create their army of awakened ones...

Dalein trails off and others face become pale upon hearing that

SAMI- exactly...well I have to say you are quite smart uncle.

DELEIN- heh this much is nothing I also thought about cloning technology but I didn't have much funds to support that project.

delein explain proudly

SAMANTHA-...did you done eating?

SAMI- huh? Oh yes.

samantha stands up then starts walking toward the front door

SAMANTHA- if you are done with your food then lets go we have a pending spar to fight.

After saying that samantha went outside sami also follow behind her with kayden

others also follow them outside with confused and surprised faces

outside the house samantha and sami both standing facing each others the gap between the two is almost 3 meters

kayden standing beside both of them in front of their house gate

samantha's eyes glow scarlet and a wave of red energy left from her eyes


that energy spread in all directions and start creating a new space around samantha and sami that space started to increase in size just after one second the whole Seoul was covered in the red energy separating the outside world from samantha and sami

DELEIN- is!! This!!

KAYDEN- samantha's spatial isolation.

Delein was shocked feeling the energy from samantha's spatial and the kids looking at the sky covered in transparent red energy with awe and admiration


Samantha's whole body cover in black shadow after a few sec the shadow return


Back to her own shadow revealed samantha wearing white shorts and black long sleeve

on the other hand Sami's clothes started to burn


Away revealing a black suit with Golden pattern on the back with an attached overcoat

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