##Chapter 15: Hunter
I pull up the long gravel driveway on the outskirts of town. Even though it's after eight o'clock in the evening, I bypass the house my brother and I grew up in and head straight to the garage. With the amount of time Mason spends there, he should set up a cot and just be done with it already.
I step through the wide door and into a space large enough to hold three vehicles. There's a car hoisted on a lift and another with its hood popped open. My brother slides out from beneath the cherry-red Camaro when he hears my approaching footsteps.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" he asks, voice filled with surprise. There's grease smudged on his cheek, and his fingers are covered in it. Even when he scrubs them at the end of the night, they never get completely clean. Guess that's one of the occupational hazards of being a mechanic.
I shrug and head to the dinged-up fridge off to the side and grab a beer. "Want one?"