The remaining slaves were taken away by one of the other maids that had followed Mother so I assume they would be brought back to the manor house.
Meanwhile, Mother seemed to want to look around a little more and we started to stroll around the market.
And as though some kind of switch had been flipped, all the merchants that had refrained from approaching us had practically started to swarm around us.
This must have happened before because the maids Mother brought along immediately surrounded us, preventing the merchants from getting too close.
"Dear ladies! Won't you come and see the wares we have?"
"Madam Nilm! We have managed to catch a wyvern! Won't you consider perusing our goods?!"
"Madam Nilm! We have a range of slaves that we've caught at the borders! If you could take a little bit of time to inspect them, I'm sure there is one to your liking!"
Journal Entry:
If I had a Crea for every Off-Worlder that I've seen that was enslaved, I would have two Creas... The last one being that Off-Worlder I saw in the auction.
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