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Chapter 5: CHAPTER 4

Irene's peaceful sleep was being interrupted by the constant ringing of her phone. It's been a while since she had a nice sleep like this where you do not have to worry about work or anything. But no, it has to be disturbed by a freakin' phone call. Who could it be? She made it clear to everybody in the office that she'll be taking a vacation leave with her fiancé. She even sent an email to notify everyone about her leave.

A couple more minutes and the lady chief forced her eyes to open. She shook her head slightly, getting rid of the sleepiness. She is not supposed to be like this. She is Irene Bae, the editor-in-chief of Reve Publishing. Work always comes first. She is in this stupid vacation because she was trying to keep her job and her position. If someone dares to call her while she's on her leave, it must be urgent.

The problem is, she cannot find her phone. It's been ringing for like 5 minutes straight now but she can't get a hold of the stupid thing.

"Wendy...", she called the sleeping blonde as she frantically searched for the device. "Wendy!"


"Crap. Wendy! Phone!", the chief said as she struggled to find the source of the loud ringtone. "Wendy, where is it??"

As her personal assistant for two years, the blonde always takes care of her important belongings. Even though Wendy said she will not be her PA during this vacation, the blonde still did the simple things like keeping her phone in its usual place out of habit.

"Handbag... Inside pocket...", the blonde mumbled.

After knocking over some books and a couple of Wendy's childhood pictures on the bedside table, she finally managed to get her hands on her bag.

"Hello?? Hello?? Hellooooooo??", she greeted as she struggled to hear the person on the other line. "Deez? Deez of Kingdom Come? Oh right! Wait... Wait. Are you there?? Hellooooo???"

The line was getting cut as she paced back and forth across the room to get a better reception. She saw Wendy groaned and covered her face with a pillow, getting annoyed that the lady chief was being too loud.

"I have a horrible service, Deez. Just give me a minute!"

"What the hell, Irene?! I am fucking sleeping!!"

Hearing Wendy curse means the blonde was genuinely pissed. They had a very tiring day last night and she understands the blonde's aggravations.

"Deez, hold on just a second please.", she said, now in a whispered tone, not really wanting to trigger Wendy even more.

With no time to spare to change her clothes, Irene quickly grabbed her robe to cover her thin satin night dress. She could still hear what Wendy said last night, "That's the pajama you decided to wear in Jeju?". Well, she was supposed to be alone in a hotel room and never had she imagined staying in a room with the blonde.

"No no no, Deez. I know that the news about my visa reached you but I am actually currently working on it as we speak.", Irene wedged her phone between her shoulder and her ear as she put her sandals on. Of course, she has to be on a freaking island when someone important calls. The signal outside the mansion might be better than the inside and Irene has to try her luck because it is a very important business deal that she cannot miss.

"No no no. I promise it won't affect the release date. It will proceed as discussed.", she walked past the pool side and went straight to the very large front lawn but it is also kind of a beach front because it was facing the sea. Irene doesn't really know how to name the parts of the Son's mansion anymore as the area is very big.

Thankfully, the reception got better. "Yes... I know you're worried, Deez, but you don't have to be. Nooo. Please don't back out. It's all gonna be fine.", she has to play nice to the man on the other line because she cannot afford to lose this important project.

"Yes. Of course, I am listening to you, Dee—-"

"Arf arf!" A high pitched bark was heard.

𝑶𝒉 𝒎𝒚 𝒈𝒐𝒅. 𝑰 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒐𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒐𝒐𝒓.

Irene has never been fond of animals. She had a lot of bad experiences with them during her childhood. From an elephant spraying snot at the zoo to witnessing a tiger bit a guy who just wants to take a picture with it. The tiger was supposed to be "calm" and "kind" and the keepers said it will not even move even if you sit beside it. The same tiger bit the guy's finger that's doing a peace sign for a photo op. Irene could enumerate a lot of other experiences she had but it would take her until tomorrow. It was horrible and traumatic for Irene's young mind that she grew up avoiding anything from the animal kingdom.

"Arf arf! Arf arf!" Changie's little bark pulled her back from her flashbacks.

"Shhhhhh! Sit! Sit!", she commanded the dog. "No no. Not you, Deez. Of course, no.", she let out a nervous laugh.

"Arf! Arf!" Changie started again. Irene tried to ignore the dog, keeping her distance from it. "I think it is not a good idea to back out from our agreement, Deez. We already have an amazing marketing plan for the project."

"Arf!" The Pom started to run around the lawn.

"Yes, of course! I can email you the plan and—"

An angry screech was suddenly heard. Irene looked around as the sound seemed to be coming from a nearby tree. As she searches for the source of the unusual sound, she continues speaking to the person on the other line. "...uh the plan and... the schedules.... yes... I'll send it to you."

"Arf arf! Arf arf! Arf Arf!" The little dog started barking at a certain tree.

"Shhhhh dog!! I'm on the phone!", she scolded the pup. Irene heard a confused "What did you say?" from the person on the other line. "Oh no. No. You're not a dog, Deez. Sorry. It's... Listen, I think this will be a win-win situation for both of us—-"

The screech came again and then she finally saw it. A huge Steller's Sea Eagle, eyeing Changie like the hungry predator that it is.

"Arf arf! Arf arf! Arf Arf!" Changie wouldn't stop barking as the wild eagle flapped its wings, getting ready for a take off, with eyes fully focused on its target.

"The whole promotion will be smooth and amazing and the projected sales after the release would be sensational. Trust me when I say it.", she said with confidence as she watched the eagle soar to the sky. It flew in circles above her and Changie, seemingly being careful on how it would deliver its attack. "Yes, of course. I could arrange a meeting for you with our marketing team. Just tell me your availability."

Irene notices the eagle stopped flying in circles and is finally diving to its prey. "Deez... I... I just want this project to be successful... I...", she watched the eagle snatched Changie by its huge talons. "No no no no. Give me that dog! Give me that dog!", she yelled at the bird, earning a puzzled "Excuse me?" from the man on the phone. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry. Deez, hold on a second. Can you hold on a second please?", she said as she started running after the eagle and Changie. "Just a second, Deez, please. Just a second....", she was already pleading. She cannot believe the embarrassing situation she is currently in right now. She's talking to the author of the big book project himself and she's chasing after two freaking animals at the same time. She knew she sounded very stupid during the conversation. She thought of just explaining everything to the man later.

Irene couldn't care less about the dog. If it's just her, she would just let the hungry bird snatch it and eat it or whatever. Sounds gruesome but isn't it how nature works? Animals preying on each other? But Changie is no ordinary dog. It's the Son's family pet. She witnessed how they adored and loved this little creature. She noticed how Seungwan's face lit up when she picked up the creature last night.


Why is she addressing Wendy with the blonde's real name in her head? In the middle of chasing a freaking eagle?

She was confused for a moment but what she is certain of is that her fiancé's family would be extremely devastated if they find out their precious puppy was taken.

"Give me the dog back!!", no matter how loud she calls for the bird, she knew that it could not understand her. It completely ignored her yells and just kept flying with the dog struggling on its tight grip. "I SAID GIVE ME THAT DOG!" Frustrated that the bird shows no sign of letting the puppy go, Irene threw her phone to the eagle, hoping it would somehow distract the bird and just drop the dog already.

It did. The phone slightly grazed the bird's wings. It wavered a bit and loosen its grip, dropping the dog in mid-air.

Now, Irene's concern is the dog being injured once it hit the ground. She hurriedly went to the spot where Changie would land and extended her arms forward, ready to catch the poor pup. "Come on. Come on. I'm here. I'm here. I'm here.", she spoke to herself as she followed Changie's falling body. She managed to catch the little dog, setting aside the fact that she's touching something from the animal kingdom. What's important right now is that the puppy is safe. "I gotcha. I gotcha." Since the eagle is still roaming around, she kept carrying Changie in her arms as she was afraid that the eagle would attack it again.

As she was not sure if she had already ended the call with the author, she quickly sprinted across the lawn to where her phone had landed with Changie still in her arms. "Deez? Hello Deez? Are you still there? I'm so sorry... So sorry... I dropped the phone...", she apologizes to the man in between her heavy pants as if she had just finished running a marathon. "What I'm saying is that I do not want to force you into doing anything you do not want, Deez."

The eagle returns, flying in circles again above where they are standing and lets out another angry screech.

"But this is... this is your legacy. This book is your legacy.", she started sprinting away as the eagle seemed to be flying towards her. It was so difficult to run carrying a dog and talking to someone on the phone at the same time. This is a very weird way to have her morning work-out. "And I think it's up to you to present your legacy to the world...", she stopped running just to check if the eagle was still following her but it was a very wrong decision because the bird was just a couple of feet behind and her stopping just made the bird catch up with them. "Call me tomorrow with your decision. My phone is always on. Okay? Bye!", she finished her sentences in a flash as if she were rapping. She was about to run away from the eagle again but it was already too late. The eagle extended its feet with its long talons out, very eager to snatch Changie successfully this time. Irene's reflexes told her to raise her free hand (the one that's not carrying Changie, the one that's holding the phone) to act as a way to defend herself and the dog. The wild creature made its attack. It failed to take Changie away. But it was successful in snatching Irene's phone.

𝑶𝒉 𝒏𝒐.

"No wait! No no no no....." It is the only phone she brought for this trip. It is her business phone. She didn't bother bringing her personal phone with her because there is no one so important worth contacting outside her job. Hell, she even considers this trip as one of her business trips. Since it's a business phone, all of her important contacts are there. She didn't bring her laptop either as today's technology already allows you to do everything with a phone. Well, this huge mansion probably has a laptop or computer and she could ask Wendy to borrow one but still, it's such a hassle to lose everything she had stored in that device.

Maybe she could actually still take it back. The eagle is still flying in circles again above them.

She raised the dog up in the air and made the poor Changie as bait. "Take the doggie! Look at this delicious doggie! I need that phone, just take the doggie! Here, take the dog!", she started running around in circles as well, following the eagle's flight patterns while raising Changie up in the air for the bird to see.

"Please, I need that phone! Just take the doggie! Take it!", her pleas fell on deaf ears.


Wendy couldn't go back to sleep anymore. She tried her best to sleep again but all she did was toss and turn. The hard and uncomfortable floor is not helping either. She even went for the bed since Irene was not around but still failed to go back to dreamland. Speaking of the devil, it is Irene's fault why she's struggling right now. Who wakes up at 7am on a vacation to chit chat in a phone call? It would be nice to sleep in when you're on a holiday like this.

She loudly groaned as she forced herself to get up. Might as well check the witch's whereabouts and have a nice breakfast with the family. Maybe the food will lighten up her mood.

The blonde washed her face with the cold water, changed her pajamas to a casual fit, and headed for the door.

As she closed the door behind her, she noticed another person exited the room next to them. The figure is very much familiar and Wendy knows who it is. What confuses her is as to what the person is doing in their home so early in the morning.


"Morning.", the charming girl smiled tiredly.

"What are you doing here?"

"Uh. Yeri had too much to drink last night. She passed out by the pool."

"Oh. That kid."

"Yeah. I had to carry her to her room. I tried to leave once she was settled and safe but she insisted for me to stay the night."

According to Yeri, Seulgi has always been so caring for her family even after they broke up. The girl has always been a doting girlfriend when they were together though. The one that is always present in all of the family gatherings. The one that is always there whenever a family member or a friend needs help on something. She's kind, loving and selfless. The girl is extremely talented and dashing as well. Wendy could think of any positive adjective and that would definitely describe Seulgi. She is the ideal person you could dream of to have in your life. Wendy once said she was the lucky one. No wonder everyone in the family loves the charming girl, especially Yeri.

As she and Yeri are both an only child, they formed a bond like that of sisters. So when the news of Wendy and Seulgi dating reached her cousin, Yeri was the happiest. Yeri was thrilled to have another unnie in her life.

"My cousin is really fond of you. Thank you for always looking out for her."

"Nah. She's family. That's what we do."

Wendy smiled genuinely at that. "Right."

They held each other's gaze for a moment until the atmosphere became a little bit tense. They haven't talked since they broke up as Wendy immediately left for New York after that, so it is actually the first time they had a decent conversation. Last night was not counted because it was just a greeting and the house is full of so many people. This time, it's just the two of them.

Seulgi coughed to clear the air between them. "So... I think I'm gonna leave the brat to you."

"You're leaving already?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Why don't you join us for breakfast first?"

Seulgi let out a chuckle. "I was kinda hoping you would say that. Hell, I am starving."

"Of course you are. I know your appetite.", Wendy returned a laugh, really glad that the tension earlier was gone and they are starting to get comfortable with each other again, just like before. But Seulgi has always been warm and comfortable. That's just her nature. That familiar feeling that Wendy feels whenever she's with the brunette makes her nostalgic of their past.

But there is a reason why it's already in the past. Wendy mentally slapped her face and told herself to focus. She has a fake fiancé to deal with and a career in the making. She cannot afford to be swayed again by the Seulgi's Charm.

What's important with Wendy right now is that they are on good terms, that they are on talking terms. She doesn't want any awkwardness with the brunette especially when Yeri and Seulgi are so close.

The two made their way to the dining room. They were greeted with the smell of freshly toast bread and kimchi stew, making Wendy's mouth water. There is already food that was prepared on the table but no one is around.

"Where's everyone?", Seulgi asked

"I have no idea. Have a seat. I'll go check on them."

Wendy exited the dining hall and went to search for her family and her fiancé. She found her Halmi and her mom, looking out from a window in the main living room of their humble home. The two are giddy and seemed amused by something outside. Her fiancé was still nowhere in sight. She wonders where Irene has gone after taking that very loud phone call which was the reason why she is already awake right now.

"Good morning.", she greeted the two women. "What are you guys doing here? Have you seen Ire—-. Oh."

"Omo Seungwan-ah! Her mom exclaimed in amusement. "Look at Changie and Irene! They are so cute together!", the woman clasped her hands.

"What is she doing?", Wendy's brows furrowed as she adjusted her vision to get a better look on what Irene is doing with their dog.

The lady chief had Changie up in the air with her hands, running in circles across the lawn. It looked like Irene was playing with the pup.

"She's playing with Changie. We thought she didn't like him."

𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒓𝒅., Wendy thought as she knew Irene dislikes animals. Playing with the puppy is very out of character for the lady boss.

"Will you go get her Seungwan-ah? Tell her breakfast is ready. She needs all the energy cause we have a whole day planned for her."

"Hmmmm.", Wendy nodded to her grandmother and went out to get her fiancé.

"Look! Just give me my phone. Come on. Please... Give it back.", said the lady boss to no one in particular. She can see Irene was already sweating and almost out of breath. If she was playing with the dog, why is Changie looking like it was pleading for help from Irene's grasps?

"What the hell are you doing?", she asked, making Irene stop from what she was doing.

"Oh my god. Your grandmother was completely right! The eagle came and tried to take the dog. But then I saved him. Then it came back and it took my phone...", her fiancé explained as the woman tried to catch her breath.

"Are you high? Did one of Yeri's friends give you some weed last night?"

"What? No! I'm serious! He's got my phone, and Deez is calling me on that phone."

Well, maybe she is telling the truth. Her Halmi indeed mentioned some eagles on the island. But maybe Irene is just really high. Why would the eagle take her phone? That part doesn't make sense.

"I am not lying. Why would I make that up??", Irene said as if the lady chief was reading her mind.

"Alright. Alright. Relax. We'll get another phone, same number."

"Well, how about the things I stored there?"

"Like what? Like porn?"

"What?? No! Like some important files and stuff."

"Oh." Wendy cleared her throat to hide the embarrassment of thinking that the important things stored in the phone that Irene was worried about were inappropriate stuffs. Why did she even think of that? "Don't worry, I had that phone's memory backed up to a cloud drive. All the things you stored there can be easily retrieved."

"Oh. That's possible?"

"Yes. Hello, modern technology.", she said sarcastically. She always knew that Irene is not a techy person so she had everything backed up to a cloud storage in case anything happened. She was glad that she did. "I'll make a call to order the phone and we'll go tomorrow into the town to get it once it's ready for pick up."



"Okay. Well, you go then.", she released Changie from her arms and the dog ran back to the house, happy that he's once again free from anyone's hands. "I still need to use your computer to send an email."

"You can't. There is no internet."

"What? I thought your family is rich?"

"Yeah. But this is a freaking island. The internet connection is intermittent. We'll just have to wait for your phone. You're on vacation, Irene. People at work would understand."

"Well. I hope Deez understands."

"He would. Come on. Breakfast is getting cold. And you also need to get ready."

"For what?"

"You're going out with mom and Halmi."

"I don't wanna go out."

"Shopping. Sightseeing. Family business tours."

"I don't wanna go shopping."

"You'll love it."

"No. I don't wanna go sightseeing either."

"You're going."

"No. I don't wanna go."

"You're going."

"I'm not going."

"Yes, you are."

"I'm not going."

"Yes, you are. Now, give me a nice big hug because they are still looking at us from the window."

"No. I don't wanna touch you."

"Come now. We don't want them to think we're fighting."

"I don't want to."

"Come on. Hug time. Hug time.", Wendy held the cloth of Irene's robes and pulled the chief into her. She quickly glanced at the window and the two women watching them are still standing there with love and hearts in their eyes. If Irene wants to pull this pretense without any problem, she should accept the fact that there would be skinships in their act.

"No, I don't wa—-"

"Ohhh. There we go.", Wendy cooed as she engulfed Irene in an embrace. She started caressing Irene's back with her hands to make it look real.

"What are you doing?"

"Hugging my fiancé. That's a thing you know."

Surprisingly, Irene seems to be getting along with her act. The lady chief's stiffened body relaxed in Wendy's hug. "See? Isn't this nice?"

"Mmmm-hmmm.", Irene hummed.



Irene started hugging Wendy back which surprised the blonde. The lady chief started caressing her back too, making Wendy's body froze.

"You want this, huh?", Irene whispered in her ears. The lady's warm breath spreads across the blonde's skin, making her cheeks turn into a light shade of pink.

"Isn't this sweet, Seungwan-ah?", Irene continued, her real Korean name rolling perfectly from Irene's tongue. The light shade of pink becomes a dark shade of red. It was the first time Irene called her by her real name and it weirdly sounds good to her ears.

She just wants Irene to get along with her act. She didn't expect the chief to return the teasing back way too far.

When Irene started burying her face on the blonde's neck, Wendy started losing it. She wanted to let go, but her body seemed to forget how to move.

"This is so warm.", Irene muttered, her voice sending shivers down Wendy's spine. The chief's hands started moving down from her back to her bum. Irene started giving it a little tap at first until she started grabbing it.

Wendy gulped nervously as she forced herself not to back away. Her Halmi and her mother are basically still watching them and pushing Irene away may send a different message to them. She has to collect herself and tell herself that she can get through this. She won't back away from Irene's game.

"So nice... Right, Seungwan-ah?"

"I-if you...", she coughed to clear the lump on her throat so that she could finish her sentence well. "If you touch my ass one more time, I will cut your fingers off in your sleep. Okay?", she warned.

"Hmmm. Okay."


They released each other from the hug. There's so much that happened in that hug that made Wendy regret why she initiated it in the first place. She felt a huge amount of energy was taken from her.

It was tiring. Dealing with Irene is so tiring.

"Come. The food is waiting.", she reached for Irene's hand and intertwined her fingers with the chief, pulling her back into the house. Though her knees were still weak because of what Irene did to her, she had to finish the act because the two women in the window were still there. They seem to find their little PDA moment quite entertaining and decide to watch until the movie is over.


"How was the food, Irene?", Wendy's Halmi asked her fiancé. They finally started eating the breakfast served on the table. She had to apologize to a hungry Seulgi who was patiently waiting for her to come back so that they could finally eat. She hadn't realized how uncomfortable the situation was when she invited her ex to stay for breakfast, forgetting that she's already engaged with another woman. Now, sitting in between them, Wendy just wants to be swallowed by the floor.

"Oh. I am enjoying it! It's amazing. It's been a while since I have eaten an authentic Korean dish. I've been used to just eating oats for breakfast."

Irene seemed genuinely enjoying the meal and Wendy knows she'll love it because her Halmi's and her mom's cooking is extraordinary. Wendy was grateful that she grew up in a household that has people that cook well cause Wendy loves home-cooked meals so much. There is always something special about it.

She watched her Halmi smile at the compliment.

"How about you, Seulgi?", the old lady asked the other girl on her right.

"You know I always love the food you make, Halmi. This is delicious as always.", the brunette said, flashing her perfect smile to the old woman.

Wendy noticed Irene stopped chewing her food and coughed a little. "Water?", she whispered. Irene mouthed "I'm good" and continued with her plate. Whether it's about how Seulgi commented on the food like she's been used to eating here for a long time or whether Irene is actually choking, Wendy has no idea. It's probably the latter because she's certain that Irene does not even care about Seulgi's existence. They were just using each other and the lady chief's main goal is to get married, get that US citizenship and get divorced. There are no feelings involved here. Having an ex being friendly with her should not be an issue.

Wendy decided to relax a bit. Overthinking is such a waste of time and energy when she shouldn't be. She's on a vacation and she'll make the most of it.

Yeri's disheveled appearance entered the dining room.

"Morning.", the girl yawned as she approached the table. "Seulgi-unnie, you are still here?"

"Yeah, Seungwan-ah invited me to stay for breakfast. Probably a payment for taking care of your drunk self last night."

Yeri chuckled and started eyeing Irene, then Wendy, then Seulgi and her eyes drifted back to Irene. "Oh. This is interesting.", she muttered, earning a confused look from the people in the room. A smirk escaped her lips and Wendy expected an incoming tease about the position she is currently in but the blonde tried to prevent it by giving the younger girl a shut-your-mouth-or-I'm-taking-back-my-boat glare. It seemed effective because the girl rolled her eyes and mouthed "Fine.". Yeri took the seat next to her mom and started filling up her plate with food.

Wendy sighed and took a sip from her glass of water. Just when she just told herself not to overthink this whole weird breakfast meal with her past and her present, Yeri of course, has to make fun of it.

"My head hurts like hell.", Yeri complained as she started filling up her glass with milk.

"Oh yeah? It's probably because you were so drunk last night that you can't even walk yourself back to your room." Wendy said.

"Unnie, I was just so happy you finally came home. Plus there's your shocking announcement that you're getting married to Irene-unnie. I just can't contain my excitement. You can't blame me for celebrating you."

Now, it is Selugi that has stopped chewing and seemed frozen on her seat.

"Seulgi-unnie, are you okay?", Yeri asked, noticing it too.

"Uh yeah. I just need a second. I was so hungry, I realized I was just practically inhaling the food.", Seulgi said jokingly, earning a laugh from Halmi and her mother. Wendy quickly filled Seulgi's glass with water and told her to drink.

The meal continued with Yeri asking about Irene and her work in New York, Halmi telling her own story about how she met and got engaged to her grandfather, and her mom sharing simple breakfast recipes to Irene and Seulgi so that they could eat a variety of healthy foods aside from instant and processed ones.

Her family doesn't seem to find Seulgi and Irene being together in one table weird at all. Maybe because Seulgi has always been treated as a family friend regardless of their past. Irene was not saying anything about it as well, so she guessed everything seemed good.

Everyone had just finished their plates when Wendy's phone rang. She doesn't want to take the call in front of everyone so she decided to ignore it. It's probably just Somi, reminding her of the gift certificates she owed the girl for letting her borrow her cardigan.

But her phone began ringing again.

"Answer your phone, babe. It must be important.", Irene said, narrowing her doe eyes on her. The lady chief must be assuming it's from work. Wendy groaned and excused herself from the table.

She fished-out the phone from the back pocket of her jogger pants and accepted the call after reading that it was Sooyoung.

"What now?", she asked the girl on the other line.

"I'm here at the Jeju Airport. Pick me up."

"What? When have you—"

"No time to chit chat, Seungwan-ah. My phone is dying. I'll wait at the arrival area. Don't be too long! Bye!!"

"Wai—", and the phone call ended leaving Wendy with so many questions. It was just like yesterday that Joy was not sure yet when she could come and now, she's already at the airport.

"Who was that?" Irene inquired as soon as she went back to her seat.

"That was Sooyoung."




"Mom, I need a driver. Sooyoung is at the airport.", she said. She heard Yeri squeal.

"Sooyoung-unnie is coming?!"

"Yeah. She just landed. I need to pick her up."

"Well, honey, Mr. Choi took the day off. The other driver is with your dad."

"You cannot drive?", Irene asked.

"Seungwan-ah doesn't have a driver's license here.", her mom answered.

"I don't have an international license either.", Wendy said.

"I could drive you." / "Let me drive you.", Irene and Seulgi said in unison.


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