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22.46% The Otherside Of A Flipcoin / Chapter 43: CH43: A spark & A fire

Chapter 43: CH43: A spark & A fire

"I can't! I will make everybody worry because of me!" Shirahoshi argue again, against her own suggestion, and I just lie-down between her mountains, closing my eyes, thinking.

"We can go anywhere you want.." I tell her, as she's still pondering, blubbering, but her shaking body tells me I hit some nerve, and looking at her, she's on the verge of tears, with her face fidgeting, turning red.

I quickly climb to her cheek, rub her cheek with mine, saying "Come on, Don't cry, just say what you really want and we'll do it".

'Damn, she's too cute, my ecchi thoughts go haywire! clear-the-mind-clear-my-soul-perish-the-mind-clean-my-soul-', but her mumble cut my thoughts away.

"Sssss...Ssss....Sea! To the sea-forest!!" Shirahoshi speaks while crying.

"Hey!", I yell at her, "Let's go for a date! But, you can't cry, it ruin the whole purpose of it!".

She relax a bit, smiling shyly while wiping her tears, while I go to the shark, Megalo, telling him "Go outside of the palace's bubble. we will arrive there, and you carry us on your back".

He nods like he understood, saying his usual "shark", and swim away.

I wait for 10 minutes, before telling Shirahoshi "Hug me tight! Don't let go of me in anytime! Okay?".

"Yes!" she answers, as she hug me in the middle of her bosom with both her hands, and we *teleport*.

Outside the palace's entrance, we see Megalo, and I quickly shout to him "HERE", as we fall down from the sky. He catch us to his back, and I quickly turn us to be invisible, so all people can see is just a shark swimming.

"We're still here, Megalo, but act like we're not... Fly to the sea forest please".

"WOW, IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL OUTSIDE" Shirahoshi shouts with a smile on her face, and excited voices gets out of her from every little view along the way.

I sit in the middle of her huge yellow-bra, and she sits on the shark's back, holding the fin, kinda like a women's-style-horse-riding, just so we won't fall and the invisibility will work on her, and we fly slowly, as we enjoy the view.

When she finally relax, she asks me to tell her stories, and I tell her about the world above the water, and how I came here.

I ask her to tell me about herself, but it's short, as she was locked for so long, and the sadness kept growing when she talk how her mother died by a crazy rebel, when her mother tried to make peace with humans, and we're actually on our way to the sea-forest to see her grave.

At the island's entrance, I enter the bubble on the shark's back, with Shirahoshi bosom on my back, her hands hug the shark's fin, and I tell her "Don't talk until we're out!".

Megalo pass the gate with no problems, and descend down into a giant forest on the sea's-floor.

"I...Always wanted to come here! *SOB*" Shirahoshi start crying again as soon as we enter the forest, arriving to a huge air-bubble here.

She go to a beautiful white mausoleum, and quietly pray.

I jump off of her, letting her have her moment.

'DANGER' I feel, and jump up, taking my sword out.

*CLASH*, my sword block a giant ax flying toward her.

I land back, thinking 'should I teleport us back?', when 'DANGER', I jump up, *CLASH*, another ax.

'It must be some devil-fruit... she said he marked her, so it must be so...' I ponder how to stop it, when I suddenly feel 'Danger!', but in a different kind, and looking up, I see a fish-man with 4 legs riding on a wooden-plank-board, like he's surfing on a surf-board on an invisible wave, and suddenly, we hear him yells "SHIRAHOSHIIII, YOU HAFT TO... MARRY ME!!! ... OR DIE!!!!".

'HE'S GOT A BUBBLE TO PROTECT HIM!! and he's a fish man!!!' I think about my next move, 'so if he's still in the water... devil fruit... I just need to pop his bubble? steal his fruit, arrest him... and that's it?'.

"SHIRAHOSHI, stay here, don't move! Megalo, protect her!" I scream as I take my wings out, flying to the edge of the bubble, and convert lots of energy to ice.

'BING-BI! BRO-GE! HELP ME!' I shout in my head, while creating ice-spears with all the energy I gathered, spin them fast, and aim all of them into the incoming-fish-man.

"SHIRAHOSHI WILL MARRY ME!!!" I shout while releasing all the spears toward him.

*CLASH,CLASH,BOOM*, his 'surf' board breaks.

*CLASH,CLASH,Clash,clash,BOOM*, he can't block them all, and they start hitting him, till one of them succeed in popping the bubble.

'YES! Success??' I look for a sign, and see he stopped moving, and then drop down like a stone in a well, sinking without moving, yet he seems alive, just without energy to move his body.

I create a bubble around my body, change my face without Shirahoshi noticing, and go out to the water.

His eyes glare-daggers at me, but I laugh "what kind of fish eat devil fruit? you're crazy".

'If I disconnect his devil-fruit he could move again, I better tie him really really good' I plan my moves, taking heavy-ropes, looping all his body, before I put my hand on him and start disconnecting the devil fruit from him, with my back to Shirahoshi so she won't discover my secret, and also him.

After a short while, the fight is done, and I walk back with him tied to a rope, mouth shut-tight, plus a slave-collar on his neck, telling him "If you take it off, or try anything funny, it will blow your head off, so think twice", but he's half-dead already from taking his devil-fruit away.

"AYNNNNNNN" Shirahoshi jumps at me, grabbing me, and pushing all of my body into her cheek, as she rub us together, while crying in joy.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank youuuu!" she shout.

'Wait, something is weird, it was way too easy, is there some punchline awaiting me?' I ponder about the situation, like my senses alert me, and suddenly 'DANGER!', I look to the side, and see a human-mountain, a giant human monster, who looks like a 6-year-old-child-mountain, coming our way.

"MEGALO! RUN!" I yell to him, and *teleport*.


"I took his powers away, so he can't mark her ... And, I put a collar on his neck, so I don't know how it works, but it limit him for sure ... Plus, he didn't come in here for those 10 years, even though it seems easy to him, so he's probably afraid of the palace..." I think in a loud voice about the situation, as I walk back and forth on Shirahoshi stomach, who lie-down on her bed, in the palace.

"So I'm safe now? I can go out?" Shirahoshi asks with a happy-shy smile, and I nod 'yeah'.

"A..A...Ayn, wha..wha...what you said, wha...wha...why?" Shirahoshi mumble to me, and I look at her puzzled, asking while narrowing my eyes "What I said? Remind me please?".

Shirahoshi's face turn pink, like the color of her hair, and her blue eyes open wide, looking like an ocean exist in them. She look nervous, as she clench her hands, holding them above her chest, and blink fast.

"About you, marry me" she whisper shyly.

"Hahaha, sure, if you propose to me like that, of course I'll say yes" I answer her, while walking toward her face, "But... the size difference is a problem?".

"NO, nonono, You, You, You said that! I didn't agree!" Shirahoshi say, and I *chuckle*, telling her "hmm, spur of the moment? Anywayyyy, We're friends, right?" I change the subject, and as she nods 'yeah', we hear the door opens, so I quickly turn invisible, and we see Megalo enter inside, while the guards start to close the door.

He fly toward us, and we both happily shout "Megalo!"/"You're safe!".

*BLURGHHH*, Megalo throw-up on the floor, and from his giant shark's mouth he spit the tied body of the fish-men-murderer we almost captured.

"AWESOME!" I shout as I jump down, turning visible, but just then a giant merman enter inside, and aim to stab me with his golden trident.

*CLASH*, My sword and his trident create sparks, and we both take a step back.

"FATHER! NO!" Shirahoshi yells, and we both look at her, "HE, HE, AYN-SAMA, HE SAVED ME! LOOK", and she point at the tied-up merman.

I look back at her father, that giant merman.

'He's as big as her, just ugly, with unkempt beard, looking like a hobo-king with the crown on his head. Her mother must be really beautiful' I laugh to myself.

He narrow his eyes at her, look at me, and asks "Are you sure he defeated him, jamon?", and after we both nod 'yeah', he says "OI! You. How did you get in here?", and I shut my mouth, not ratting Megalo out.

"Father! I'm saved now! Right? Right? I can go out of this room!" Shirahoshi shake him up, as he go to hold the fish-man, and make sure it's really the crazy-stalker.

"I sealed his powers, and here, that's the key to his collar" I tell him as I throw the key at him.

"I...", he start speaking, pausing, and then smile while saying "Invite you to a banquet!".

He suddenly shout "OI! GUARDS! CALL MY SONS! COME TAKE THE PRISONER!" and few guards come rushing in, taking the tied-fish-man, and run out.

"Shirahoshi, you can come out now!" the father happily say, and she smile widely, as she go out, while picking me in her hands on the way, and he follow us.

'The rumor of his defeat is like a fire in a dry wheat field' I think as everyone we pass by seems happy.

"Look! Look! Ayn-sama! I'm free now!" Shirahoshi tells me while I coat myself with a bubble, but it makes me sad, asking "Why the sama? Please call me Ayn, aren't we friends?", and she shyly look at me, whispering "..ayn..".

By the time we finish touring the whole palace, arriving to a huge room, we see there's a lot of tables full of food and drinks, and lots of people wait all around them.

She go to a giant table, where her father is, and 3 merman, probably her brothers, jump happily at her, while I jump down and find a seat.

For the next few hours we eat, party, get drunk, and I get to know lots of people.

When I see Shirahoshi is gone, I say my good-bye to everyone, and in the moment I get out of the palace, I *teleport*, arriving at her room, seeing her in there, sleeping on the bed.

I climb on her, lie-down between her boobs-mountains, and go to sleep.

In the morning, opening my eyes, I see blue. Giant blue eyes, staring at me, looking infuriated.

"Good morning, beautiful" I say as I stretch my body, rolling around.

"Go...Go...Good...Morning..." she mumble, "I thought yesterday was a dream, but when I saw you when I woke up, I knew it was real", she speaks with a blazing smile, and tears of joy escapes her eyes.

I stand up, and walk to her cheek, giving her a kiss, and whisper "so you have no reason to cry now, do you?".

She wipe her tears, and nod her head, 'yeah', so I give her another kiss on her cheek, and she begin to *giggle* joyfully.

Shirahoshi turn her head to me, and peck a kiss on me, like I did, but her giant lips kiss my whole face.

I put my hands across her lips, hugging her cheeks, and kiss her lips back, and she turn red, kissing back my whole head.

I take a step back, and we look at each other's eyes.

She start mumbling "I...I...I think I...", but I cut her, saying "I think I've fallen in love with you", and she smile-shyly, pouting, like I stole her words, and now it's my turn to *giggle*, and she join me with her silent-mumble " too..".

I step forward, hugging her cheeks again, and kiss her giant lips, then kiss her cheek, and return to kiss the side of her lips, saying "I must find a way to turn big, cause I can't see how we can be a couple with this size difference, BUT, I'll come visit you a lot, at least once a week, I promise!" I declare and put my fist on my chest, like I'm swearing an oath to her.

"That's a promise!" she says with her captivating smile, and put her little-finger in front of me.

"HAHA", I laugh, as I put my little-finger on hers, saying "Pinky swear".

I tell her "I got to go, see you soon", as I kiss her again by the side of her lips, and *teleport*.


"Here, catch" I tell Violet as I enter the tree-house in Rusukaina and see her sitting on the couch with a worried face.

Her face-expression looks scared, so I ask her "what's wrong? where's Rebecca?", and she turn her head away.

"REBECCA!" I shout, but no response, and I assume she's not here, even if I search the whole house.

"This island is extremely dangerous, even for me, so if you she's out, you better tell me right now, and maybe I'll find her still alive" I warn Violet.

Her face turn gloomy, tears appear in her eyes, and she scream "PLEASE HELP HER! SHE, SHE, She left more than an hour ago! Even though she said she'll be gone for few minutes and return!".

"Okay", *Sigh*, "wait here" I tell her, and run out, jump high above, take my wings out, and fly to find some clue to her whereabouts.

"RAORRRR", "GRAWRRRR", I hear 2 animals growl at each other, so I look there, but see it's only a giant crocodile and a gorilla, no sign to Rebecca.

I turn to leave, but a shiny object catch my eyes, so I turn back to them, and look on the floor, at the shiny-object, finding out in closer look it's a golden-bra.

'REBECCA'S GLADIATOR BRA!' I shout at my head, and descend down in full-speed.

*BOOM*, I land on the gorilla's head with my feet, knocking him down, then *teleport* above the crocodile, using the same trick, *BOOM*, knock him down, and go to see for sign around the bra.

'There's nothing...' I examine the place, but suddenly I sense the crocodile 'Blood-lust!' on me, trying to bite me, so I explode my King's-Haki, hitting him to submission, but my eyes caught sight inside his open mouth.

I jump into his mouth, holding his mouth from closing.

"REBECCA! HEY, REBECCA! WAKE UP!" I yell to the sleeping-beauty who stuck between the crocodile's teeth.

She slowly open her eyes, before shouting in panic "HELPPPPP", and look at me with a stupor, a total shocked face.

"Hold onto me!!" I yell at her, and she wake-up, jump on me for a hug.

I release the crocodile's mouth, *teleport* outside of it, and *BANG*, his mouth shut-tight in front of us, as he's knocked out.

"AYNN! AYNN! AYNNNN! I'M SORRY! AHHHAAA" Rebecca cry while hugging me, and I hug her back, pat her head, and go sit under a tree, breathing heavily in exhaustion.

I *SIGH* loudly, pick her to a princess-carry, and consult her "Shhh, relax now, all okay... let's go back, all fine now, but Violet is panicking in the house".

Her cry stop for a moment, before she burst again, smearing all of her liquids on my bare-chest, as my shirt was ripped apart by my wings, and only now I notice her breast exposed in front of me, making my eyes wide open, and my partner stand in attention.

'Oh, wow, that's... wow' my mind go on a shut-down, because her breast was too beautiful, so beautiful I almost gobbled it, but another round of her runny nose wakes me up.

I 'see' her screams were a danger-magnet, alerting many creatures around us, so I ask her "please quiet down, it's dangerous", and in response she shove her head in my chest, while she keep on crying, but only the *SNIFF* part, which just make me laugh, attracting even more disasters upon us.

'I don't want her to see me teleport, or know about it, nor invisibility', I think as I just run with her in my arms to a deserted location I know of, a cave near a lake, but decide to just jump into the water, getting a bath while we're at it.

*Splash*, our bodies sink in, and I 'see' none followed us.

I swim a bit, with her in my arms, still hugging hard, her hands around my neck, and her head on my shoulder.

I reach a spot I can stand on, and pat her head quietly, as she slowly relax, looking like she's on the verge of falling asleep.

"Ayn... I'm sorry..." She whisper in a shy tone, "I, I, I'm sorry", she repeat herself, like she couldn't find any other words in her.

I comb her messed pink hair, just humming "mmm" in acknowledgment, and rub her back with my other hand.

I start washing her body with my hands, cleaning her, from her hair to her back, all the way to her toes, while she still hugging me, and she also begin rub my back and my hair.

I take off my pants and underwear, washing myself down below, and she wash herself in that area, but I got a massive boner, from those squishy perfect boobs pushing into me, yet we act like there's nothing there.

After too much time, evident in the duck-skin Iv'e got in my hands, like I'm 100 years old, I slowly walk us out, take out 2 towels, and we each dry the other body.

"Hmm, do you prefer a bikini, or a dress is also okay?" I joke on her outfit-style, as she went out in her bikini.

"Not funny. I didn't want to ruin the clothes you gave me" she pout back.

"But there's lots of clothes in the house?" I ask, and she tell me "We didn't want to touch anything", making me realize I left them too spontaneously.

"My bad", I say as I sit on the towel I threw on the grass, at the edge of the lake, with her on my lap, thinking 'what should I do now?'.

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