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75% The King Of Titans / Chapter 3: Chapter 2: Bryan McGregor

Chapter 3: Chapter 2: Bryan McGregor


It took me almost six months to get accustomed to living in this new life.

It was such a shock to see Mom and Dad alive and breathing...

But still, the shock was lessening now.

When I had reincarnated 6 months ago, I didn't even want to leave their sight (being a baby helped in that).

Fearing that they would disappear.

But I was much more tame now after the all the fear and panic of my reincarnation had wore off.

Though shockingly, I had also come to find out that I hadn't regressed to the past like I had initially thought.

Instead, this was a whole another world!

Instead of the modern 21st century, the current civilization resembled a late 19th century kingdom! With kings, nobles and the whole monarchy system!

The technology was also stuck in late 19th century. As in...there was no technology...

Except for this big revelation at the start, my first six months in this life went smoothly.

Eat, sleep, poop, repeat.

It was mostly that but occasionally I was conscious for long enough that I was able to play with Mom or Dad.

That was an highlight.

I also tried to walk but I was unsuccessful so for the time being I started to train myself to gain some control over my bladder and also speak.

While speaking provided some good results, the pooping on the other hand...

A loud shriek of a baby's cry pierced the calm and peaceful McGregor house.

"It's alright little Bryan, Mama's changing you nappy! Don't cry!" Soothingly my mother says as she changes my... nappy.

Another disadvantage of living in the 19th century, there were no diapers...

Such humiliation...

I'm gonna lock these memories in my mind forever... Hopefully I won't remember these moments when I have grown up.

So embarassing...

Leaving that aside, it was still a wonder how despite the world being an alternate version, my and my parents name were still the same.

Bryan McGregor. That was my name. In this life and in my old one. I guess that made it easier for me to accept this life (and not think of it as just an simulation for my brain).

My parents on the other hand were named Andrew McGregor, a black-haired broad-shouldered tall lumberjack. And my mother Lilian McGregor, a slim and beautiful red-haired woman that was both gentle and kind.

I still don't understand what happened to Dad that he looked like this here... He was just slim but tall glasses wearing banker in my past life.

But here he's a ripped, tall and strong lumberjack!

I guess this was what you called Variants?

My Mom on the other hand looks the same though she a little younger than when I lost her.

It still brings me a lot of joy to see their happy and breathing faces.

As she finishes changing me, I happily exclaim. "Mama Mama! Bubu gaga! Buri buri puri!"

"Yes Bryan Mama's changed your nappy! Do you want to play with you plushy?" She happily says as she sits down to play with me.

The worst thing about being a baby was having my nappy changed... It was simply humiliating.

But as Mom pats my head, I quietly think.

'While this baby thing has many disadvantages...'

A warm feeling envelopes me.

'This... isn't so bad.'


Another thing wrong with being in a medieval world is that there's really not much entertainment.

Dad mostly keeps working, chopping logs (I'm still suprised that he's a lumberjack!) and while Mom sometimes plays with me, she also has other duties to attend to.

So between eating, playing, pooping and sleeping there aren't many moments where I don't have anything to do (cause I was sleeping most of the time).

But... As I grew, my hours spent awake drastically increased. And that left me with a lot of free time on my hands.

Now, what should a six months old baby do when he's bored?

He's gonna explore of course!

Thanks to the crawling skills that I mastered early on, it didn't take me long to map out the whole house (much to the panic of my parents as I disappeared from my crib).

It was small, nothing big. It only had the ground floor, where there was the kitchen and dining table. Further back there were two rooms, one where Mom, Dad and me slept and the other was used for keeping some tools for Dad.

It was more like a cottage than a house. Fully made from wood.

But it was homely, warm and full of love so it didn't matter if it was small.

It was home.

'That other room would probably be given to me in the future when I grew up.' I would like to think so... But this WAS a medieval world... So you never know.


And aside from the kitchen, dining area, and the two rooms there wasn't anything else.

Also judging from what I could see through the windows and when Mom sometimes takes me out to collect fruits, we lived in a forest.

Which... made sense when think about my father's work as a lumberjack.

I guess we were on the "average peasant" tier of the medieval society hierarchy system.

But the biggest downside to living in the medieval world was, to my dismay, that there were no bathrooms.

Which also means no toilets...

That means, that you would have to go out into the wild to shit.

And there was a river just a few minutes down where you could bath.

... Yeah... there was no internal plumbing (or any plumbing). So obviously there was no 24/7 pooping in comfort.

Truly... Medieval world wasn't what it looked like in Webnovels and fanfics.

'But I swear to god!' I thought, determined. 'Even if it takes my whole life, I WILL introduce this world to internal plumbing!'

Just then a relieved voice of my mother cuts through my thoughts. "There you are Bryan! I've been looking everywhere for you!"

And then the prodding starts as she looks over me to make sure that I'm alright...

"Thank Maria that you're alright Bryan! Don't worry me sweetheart!"

"Guga gu!" I nod.


"Look Bryan! Papa's managed to hunt such a strong deer today!" He puffs out his chest proudly.

"Bubu Guga!" I excitedly yelled (like the cute baby that I was).

"Indeed! Your Papa is the greatest Papa inside all the Walls!" He nods as if understanding the baby-talk.

"Buga Gagu!" I nod happily with both my small arms over my head.

"Indeed you're correct young one! Hahahahahahaha!"

"Gagagagagagaga!" I laughed alongside him.

A few feet away Mom shakes her head amusement at our antics.


Dad and I sat on the wooden kitchen table, waiting for food. He says jovially as he pats my head. "You're growing up so quickly son! You're gonna catch up to me in no time at all! Haha!"

I nod seriously. "Un! Un!"

Mom then comes in, carrying the food. "Here you go Dear!"

And so, we enjoyed our peaceful dinner (more like they enjoyed cause I don't have teeth to eat).

"Buba Guga!"

"No Bryan don't throw food at your father's face!"

Yeah... This life was definitely a lot more fun than my past one.

And we enjoyed our slow, and peaceful life in our own little slice of the planet.

Away from all the problems of the world...

Not knowing that soon the problems were going to arrive at their doorstep...

... With a colossal bang!



And Done!

Here you go guys! With the second chapter!

I know this might seem like a filler but a little slice of life to build up the characters is important.

Next chapter! Bryan learns just where exactly he has reborn!

Till then, see ya!

GodOfHeroes GodOfHeroes

1300 Words.

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