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51.51% Corrupted Marvel / Chapter 17: The Living Plague

Chapter 17: The Living Plague

The boy stood in the doorway, looked pass Manley at the body of the slim man. Ignoring the boy for the moment, Manley collected the guns and reloaded them.

"So…you going to say something?" asked Manley.


"Really kid, I don't have time for this bullshit." Manley retook his seat in the middle of the room contrary to his words.

"Why? You're going to kill me anyways," said the freckled boy.

"Kill you…I didn't think I would have to, any reason I should?"

"I am not stupid; you can't leave witnesses. If this is a ploy to get information, I don't know anything anyways…"

"First you are stupid and second, I can leave as many witnesses as I want. Why don't you prove me wrong and describe me as if you would to someone that wants to find me?"

"A grown muscular body with a child's head."

"…Fuck you, am I that distinct…child's head? How old are you kid?"

"I am…twelve…I think."

"What's your story, how did you end up with this guy?"

"I…Belzane circus…they killed everyone." He looked over at the corpse. "He said if I proved worthy, joined the Hand, I will live."

"Okay, circus performer, dead family, got it. Name?"

"Pinaki Pointer, they called me Pinpoint at the circus…" The boy then walked up to the fat man's corpse, remove the knife, flipped, then threw it. "I can do this."

The knife vibrated as its point was stuck in the leg of the chair centimeters from Manley's shin.

"Kid…if I didn't know that knife wouldn't hit me, I would've shot you."

"I…people were always impressed; it's why he didn't kill me."

"Yeah…well I was going to call you Hostage, but Pinpoint is fine. Listen, dude is dead, so you won't be holding hands or whatever. You got somewhere to go, any family left?"

"Holding hands? No, it's The Hand. The people that will come after you and family, if I did, they would come for them too. I had no family before joining the circus."

"Holly batman bullshit. You are telling me this white ninja is part of a clan of white ninjas?"

"What? This isn't a joke!"

Manley removed the knife from the chair and walked over to Pin. "Here, you keep the knife, you can chill with me for now, until I find a better place for you. We must leave though, I got very little time to deal with the Bertolli's before they track me down." He handed the knife to the boy, then walked out the door.

Manley stopped to see if the boy was following, he was. Ahead of him was the hall leading back to the restaurant, to his right was what he assumed was the back door. Walking out the back door, Manley tried to reorient himself, he needed to get to his car.

"Those people, why leave them alive?" asked Pin.

"That Slim guy really influenced you huh? The reason they're alive is to clean up the crime scene. The mob will take some time to find me, but the police will never stop looking. I am taking huge risks here, but I can't let my self get comfortable," said Manley.

Pin said nothing else as the two walked around the building, to the car and drove off. Manley drove to his apartment.

"You will stay here for now; I have to wait till dark to see how many fish are in the net." Manley checked the bag of money he left in the apartment. He took out some cash and toss it at Pin.

"What's this for?" asked Pin.

"Food, you expect me to cook for you." Manley sat in the living room on a chair across from Pin. "So, any plan's for the future?"

"I…I didn't think about it, what future do I have anyways…" Pin sat in silence, looking down at the money in his hands. "I could join another circus, maybe but they could…"

"Die? Listen I already have a robin, but you have talent, I will consider taking you under my wing."


"Don't look at me like that, I am not some creepy old man taking advantage of a young boy. I am only thirteen, and not rich yet but I will get there."

"You're thirteen! How…you're so big."

"Oh, you interested in some steroids, are you, well lucky for you these have no side effects." Manley went back to his car, got his other bag, and came back. He then slides two packages of pills to Pin while wiggling his eyebrows. "Go on, join the dark side…" Pin didn't react, he seems to make his expression blank when nervous. "Just take one, after you exercise. It will help you get big and strong. Get food, workout, keep busy and I will be back."

Manley walked out to his car and drove away. He then pulled up to the Bertolli's headquarters, which he scoped out earlier before choosing that restaurant. It was a butcher shop, with a diner attached. A one-story building. The Dinner has many windows, with a clear view of the outside. The upper echelon of the Bertolli mob was present.

Manley parked his car, then walked up to the restaurant. There were guards at the front door, they waved him away, but he kept approaching.

"You, stupid! private party," said one guard. He turned away from Manley and looked to his partner but looked back when he saw his partner looking straight ahead. "What's your problem!"

"I had a misunderstanding with some of your guys at Vincenzo's, I am here to clear things up," said Manley.

"Vincenzo's! you stay right here, Lorenzo, talk to the boss," said the guard. His partner walked into the diner. He came back five minutes later and ushered Manley into the diner. Two new guards were flanking him.

Manley looked around at the gathered mobsters, but his focus was on their food and drinks. He was led to a table with three men in suits. One was a fat man with a scarred face, a short man with a permanent scowl, and a dark-haired man with a charismatic disposition.

"I am Diego Bertolli, you my friend have cost me a lot," said the short man.

Manley was expecting the charismatic one to be the boss, but he said nothing, just smiled. Manley didn't realize he was looking at the man while Bertolli was talking.

"Oh, you want to ignore me," said Bertolli. His voice was a whisper, but Manley heard every word.

"Sorry, thought that guy would be in charge. No offence but that would make more sense, plus all you're going to do is threaten me. It's predictable, I just would rather wait for the good cop to say something," said Manley.

"You think Matteo is a cop, he is the only reason you're still alive. If you—"

Some people in the diner started coughing, which distracted Bertolli, especially when the number started to rise.

"What is going on!" said Bertolli. He picked up his glass and took a long drink as he waited for an answer. "Well, someone answer—"

As Bertolli started coughing, Manley started eating. The food wasn't placed here for him but, that doesn't stop him from enjoying himself. As he eats, people are falling over, coughing their lungs out.

Matteo, one of the only people still unaffected looks around at the collapsing forms then back at Manley. "Did you do this?"

"Do what? You mean this isn't your power play?" asked Manley.

Matteo looked around at the now suspicious faces of the guards, they quickly looked away from him.

EXP Gained 10

EXP Gained 15

Manley ignored his gains and locked eyes with Matteo. "So, what now, boss." Manley said the words to Matteo but the whole diner could hear him over the growing silence as the coughing died down.

EXP Gained 75

"Everyone out!" said Matteo. After the guards left, he looked at Manley. Anger and fear washed over Matteo's face. "What do you want? If you think they will kill me because of your words, think again."

EXP Gained 20

Bertolli was the last to die but Manley ignored him. "Your people have messed with my friend's business, so I messed with yours."

"What business, we've only expanded into prostitution and gambling. Who is your friend and wo are you?" Matteo could hardly contain himself, but he maintained his professionalism.

"It doesn't matter, take some time off to rebuild. I hope to never have to visit you boys again." Manley kept eating like he had no worries in the world. His scan skill showed him Matteo reaching for his gun under the table. "I wouldn't do that if I was you, oh, and don't eat the food." He thought to warn Matteo about the drink but figured he got the idea. "I am Buff, The Living plague."

Manley whipped his mouth with a napkin, took a sip of the drink, then walked out. He drove back to his apartment to see Pin doing some sort of balancing act. He was doing a handstand, tossing the knife through his legs with one hand and switching then catching it with the other hand.

"I've never seen that workout before," said Manley. He placed his bag on the table in the living room. "The Bertolli are settled for now, let's talk about this Hand job."

Pin caught the knife and got to his feet. "I don't know anything about them, just what Slim told me. I know where they meet when I was with him but that's it." Pin reached over, moved Manley's bag and grabbed one of the pills given to him. "This thing is amazing, where did you get it?"

"I made it; we're going to tackle this ninja thing in the morning. Scope out the place, I assume they only come out at night? You wouldn't know. You can stay here for now but before I leave, join my group."

"Leave I though this was your place?" asked Pin.

"Don't worry about that, just say yes to joining the group."

"Ye…yes, I join your group."

Party member gained

Manley watched as Pin looked alarmed, then started turning his head away. He turned completely around but pointed back directly at Manley. "How—"

"Oh, shit I meant to start turning that off before getting new members." Manley utilized a function he never used before to stop his group and party members from sensing his location unless he allowed it, except Roger. He didn't want to alarm his brother because the other boy would start pestering him if he noticed the change. Roger kept the function off, but Manley could always sense when he turned it back on, which he did on occasion.

"What! It's gone. What was that?" asked Pin.

"It's how I am going to keep track of you, so don't try anything after I am gone." Manley checked something first.

Pinaki "Pinpoint" Pointer PARTY Human

"You could at least have a trait, dammit," said Manley.

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