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I still couldn't believe my ears, I mean escape? I was just begging Ivan few days ago for his generosity which he granted to us but now Cruzita is bringing up the dangerous plan of us to escape? Like, there was a lot of things that could go wrong and I don't want to think about what will happen if Ivan finds out about it. Especially not after my first failed attempt.

"So what do you say?" Cruzita asked me, a expectant look on her face.

I shook my head at her. "No, I'm not so sure about this Cruzita."

Cruzita reached out to grab my hands. "Look, I know you are scared. It's okay, I am too. But, we have to escape."

"Okay, I need a minute." I told her pushing myself up from the chair and I began pacing around. "Like do you have any idea what you are asking us to do?"

"Of course I do child." Cruzita told me with a small smile on her face, "But this...this world isn't safe for us! It isn't safe for you!"

"Well nowhere is safe for us!" I pointed out, "We can't escape this place because every guard here is on high alert and let's say we manage to escape the woods, there are more ruthless monsters than the Midnight pack, believe me I know that!" I told her shuddering a little bit at the memory of the rogue werewolves I had encountered when I tried to escape.

Cruzita let out an exasperated sigh. "I understand your worries but I have a plan and I think it will work." She said with conviction.

"Okay, let's say your plan does work," I told her and she nodded my head at me to continue, "Where will we go? We can't go back to the town because that would be the first place Ivan would look and we have no home to go to anymore. Papa will probably sell me off to a merchant and you would also be sold alongside me for betraying him. We have nowhere to go Cruzita!" I pointed my eyes already welling up with tears.

"We could escape to the mountains." Cruzita told me and I frowned at that.

"The mountains?"

Cruzita nodded her head at me. "Yes child. The mountains, no one would think to look for us there. We could start afresh, me and you. We could rear chickens and you will be free to run into the woods as much as you want without you worrying of any beasts." Cruzita finished as she grabbed my arms.

I let out an resigned sigh. "Fine, but how will we get out of here? It's impossible to escape this place you know...."

"You leave that to me." Cruzita cut me off, "There's a secret passage way in the castle, it's not used by many."

I frowned at that. "Secret passage way? How do you know about that?"

"You never mind that child." Cruzita brushed me off, "You just go and meet the King and come back immediately to your chambers. Sometime around midnight, I'll come fetch you."


"No but, it isn't safe for you here. Now go and remember midnight okay?" Cruzita told me sternly and I nodded my head at her.

"Okay, midnight." I told her and she smiled at me.

"Good, now go meet the king." Cruzita ordered and I smiled at that before I left my room and did as she asked.


That night, I had tossed and turned in my sleep. I couldn't get much sleep, not after what Cruzita and I spoke about! I had gone to the meeting with Ivan as planned. Thankfully it was just us both. He had busied himself with signing off some papers. He was so busy he didn't even spare much glance at me when I was in the room with him. He didn't look at me when I thanked him for releasing Cruzita and Blue, who by the way I still haven't seen.

I asked him about it but he just said he was in the care of a vet doctor. They were checking if Blue had any disease and if he was safe to be returned to me. I had thanked him for that too but Ivan still didn't look at me, which was fine by me. I had a lot going on my mind anyway.

That night I didn't change into my nightgown. I had pulled out a dark tunic which I had worn with a pair of dark leggings and dark boots. I waited anxiously on my bed, waiting for Cruzita to come. I was still waiting when I heard footsteps and muffled voices.

I looked down at the tiny space on my door. I could see the legs of people walking past my door. I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep, pulling the covers all the way to my chin. I squeezed my eyes tightly waiting for someone to come into my room at any moment. But no one came.

I opened my eyes and let out a relieved breath I didn't know I was holding. Where the hell is Cruzita? She should have been here by now! She said midnight! I muse as I looked at the door wondering when Cruzita would come. I was still lost in my thoughts when I heard loud murmurs and small shouts from outside.

I got up at that and sat still on my bed listening for more noise. It sounded as if people were running and the voices were getting louder. I saw a flash of light out my window which prompted me to get up from the bed. I got up and walked towards the window. Pulling the curtains, I looked outside only to see some guards outside they were each carrying torches and running towards the gate.

Something was wrong! I could feel it and I needed to find out what it is! With that thought in my head, I made a move to go out my room before I stopped. I looked down at myself and knew I couldn't get out of my room like this, not without raising any suspicions. I walked towards the wardrobe and yanked out my cloak which I wrapped around my shoulders. I pulled the hood to my head before I finally went out of my room.

On getting out of my room, I was surprised to see so many guards awake at this hour. They were all talking in hushed whispers as they moved about the corridors. No one seemed to notice me or if they did, they didn't pay me any attention. I immediately used that to my advantage as I marched through the hallways.

I was still walking when I noticed Kiran standing at the corner. With him was his sister Aurora who was dressed in a night gown. I could also see some guards were present too. Based on the way they were huddled together they seemed to be talking about something serious. I decided to go and meet them.

"Hey, Kiran, Aurora." I called as soon as I neared them and I watched Aurora's eyes widen in surprise but she quickly masked it, "What's going on?"

"Fuck." Kiran cursed silently as he looked away from me, "What are you doing here?" He asked me.

Aurora quickly stepped forward a warm smile on her face. "Arianne dear, you were supposed to be asleep."

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep." I said eyeing them with a wary look. They were hiding something! I was just about to ask what it was when a guard suddenly ran towards us.

"Your majesties." The guard bowed to Aurora and Kiran, "His highness is back with the body!" The guard informed and my ears perked up at that.

"Fuck." Kiran cursed again and I frowned at that.

Body? What body? "What is he talking about? Whose body is it?" I asked no one in particular.

"Okay that's it, Aurora take her and lock her in her room! The rest of you guards are coming with me!" Kiran ordered and the guards nodded their heads while I just stood there staring at them with a confused look on my face.

Just what the hell is going on?

Before I could ponder on my thoughts, Aurora reached for me and wrapped her arms with mine. "Come on Arianne, let's go to bed."

"No!" I jerked my arm away from Aurora's. "I want to know what's going on!"

"I'm sure the boys have it covered, now come on let's go." Aurora coerced but I was having none of it.

"I don't want to go to my room! I want to know whose body it is they found!" I told her firmly.

Aurora winced at that. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"Well, I guess I'll just have to find out myself then!" I told Aurora with determination and she looked at me with something akin to pity.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You could wait till tomorrow and..."

"No!" I cut her off. "I want to do it now!" I said and even as I said it I could feel a sinking feeling in my gut.

Aurora let out a resigned sigh at that. "Alright then, come with me and stick close to me!" She ordered and I nodded my head at her.

Together Aurora and I walked down the hallway. We walked past the dining room floors and down the stairs. We took twist and turns and descended more stairs, taking parts that led us further down in the castle. Finally, we got to the doors that led outside. Aurora pushed it open and I shivered at the cold. Even in my cloak and tunic the cold was still too much. I turned to look at Aurora who was dressed in just her nightgown and she wasn't shivering. Guess she can't feel cold, she is part wolf after all.

I looked away from Aurora only to notice the guards in front of us, they were all staring at something. No, not something, someone. I corrected as I trailed their look of focus and I could see the head of Ivan. His hair was covered in snow, he made no move to brush it off. His hair was also in disarray, he didn't tie it this time. It was let loose , all the way to his shoulders and wasp of hair flew to his face because of the gentle breeze that was blowing.

I left Aurora's side and pushed my way forward. I pushed against the guards till I finally found myself standing in the front. Ivan's gaze whipped to look at mine and I saw a flash of surprise in his eyes before it was set into a hard glare.

"What the fuck is she doing here? Why the sn't she in her room?" Ivan growled at the guards who immediately bowed their heads.

I immediately came to their rescue. "It wasn't their fault, I asked to come."

"You shouldn't be here!" Ivan growled menacingly at me and I felt my heart thrum in fear.

I licked my now dry lips as I answered. "I know, but I heard a body was found." I said and looked down only to see Ivan's hands were coated with blood. Behind him I could see a body laying down in the snow. I couldn't see who it was because Ivan's big frame was covering it.

"Who is that?" I asked looking up at Ivan who looked away from me. That sinking feeling in my gut was back again but I pushed it away as I stared at Ivan.

"Whose body is that?" I repeated, my voice already shaky.

Ivan looked up at me a solemn look on his face. "I never wanted you to find out like this." He said before he moved away, the body finally coming into view.

The first thing I noticed was the spilled bloody gut on the snow and I almost puked at the sight. Whoever it was, the stomach was cut open and the guts were spilling out onto the snow. I manager to tear my eyes away from the gory sight and I raised it up to see who the owner of the body was.

My knees crumpled to the snow when I finally saw who it was. I opened my mouth, but no sound came out. I tried to speak again but it felt like my vocal cords suddenly stopped working. I closed my eyes and opened them again but the body was still there.

Her mass of dark and grey curly hair lay on the ground covered in snow and blood. Her eyes were wide open, a hint of surprise in them. Her lips were slightly parted and I noticed how blue they were from the cold. I crawled towards the body and reached for her outstretched hand but it was already frozen. I couldn't feel any warmth coming from it anymore. I looked up at the body again and the dark hollow eyes of Cruzita stared back at me!


I really want to read your thoughts on this one guys...Please like and comment and also give me powerstones please...

DA_Aloera DA_Aloera

And in the dark, I can hear your heartbeat

I tried to find the sound

But then it stopped, and I was in the darkness

So darkness I became...

For this chapter I listened to 'Cosmic Love' by Florence+the machine. Those are part of the song lyrics and I feel it will actually go well with this chapter.


A single tear rolled down my cheek as I crawled closer to Cruzita still holding her hand. I hope she would squeeze it back and get up with that warm smile on her face but she just laid their on the snow, not moving, her hollow eyes staring into space.

"Cru..." I choked on a sob when I tried to call her name, "Please wake up! Please Cruzita, wake up!" I said the tears already pouring freely on my cheeks. I crawled over and pulled Cruzita on my laps. Cradling her cheeks which were cold. They weren't suppose to be cold! She's supposed to be alive, not dead.

"Cruzita come on, please wake up!" I urged but her eyes stared at me still not blinking, "Okay fine, I promise I won't go to the woods again, I won't stress you out anymore! I will try and make friends, I will stay out of trouble and help you around the house so please Cruzita...Please don't leave me!" I sobbed as I promised words to Cruzita but she wouldn't get up still.

I sniffed as I wiped away my tears from my cheeks. I then pulled Cruzita close to me. "You can't leave me Cruzita, you hear me? You can't, you are all I have left so please for all the gods in the land sake just wake up!" I yelled with a sob. But of course Cruzita didn't stir, she was dead!

I sobbed as I cradled her cold body close to mine. She was gone! She left me all alone! The only family I had left and she was gone.

"Get her away from the body and prepare for a burial." Ivan ordered his guards who bowed and moved towards me to carry out their order.

The guards moved towards me and pried Cruzita's body away from mine while I glared at Ivan from where I was kneeling on the snow. It was all his fault! Cruzita died because of him! Actually no, he killed her! I concluded as I stared at Ivan's hands which were still coated with blood, Cruzita's blood no doubt.

Two of the guards reached down to pull me up from my feet but I pushed against them and reached for one of the guards sword which was attached to his waist. I unsheathed the sword and pointed it at Ivan who arched a brow up at me.

"Arianne what are you doing?" Aurora hissed at me but I paid no heed to her and continued staring at Ivan.

"What are you doing? Stop her right now!" Kiran ordered the guards who were about to reach for me but Ivan stopped them by raising his hand.

"Leave her be!" He commanded in a loud voice and everyone bowed at that but I remained standing, feeling rage and hatred for the man in front of him.

Ivan walked towards me. "So, you think I killed her?" He asked cocking his head at me but I gave him no response.

"You want to kill me? Alright then." Ivan said then reached for his shirt and ripped it apart, exposing his chest. "The only way you can kill me is if that sword goes through my heart. I won't ever heal from that, I'll be dead. So you better make sure it does because this the the only chance Arianne." Ivan drawled with a hint of amusement in his eyes, he wasn't even sorry!

"Don't worry! I won't miss! I'll make sure I carve out your heart" I snarled at him. With a war cry, I launched myself at him, pointing the sword, aiming for his exposed chest but Ivan easily side stepped me and my sword landed on the ground instead.

I turned to look at Ivan who watched me calmly with his hands behind his back. I tried again and this time I swung around blindly. But the only thing I was hitting was the air. Ivan dodged every of my attack and he wasn't even using his werewolf strength. I knew that because every time he made sure he was within reach. I just couldn't get to him, the sword was too heavy and my wrist were starting to hurt.

"You sure you can continue? You look a little tired." Ivan asked looking at me as I panted, pointing the sword with unsteady hands. It was so heavy!

My red hair was matted to my face with sweat as I glared at Ivan. He needed to die! I would be doing the world a favour if he died! Monsters like him shouldn't be allowed to roam the earth. Monsters like him belonged to the underworld, not my Cruzita! She didn't deserve death but Ivan did.

With that thought I launched myself at Ivan again. "DIE!" I yelled as I ran.

Ivan didn't bother to block my attack. Instead, he grabbed the sword with his bare hands. I watched as the edge of the sword sliced through his palms, drawing blood. I let out a gasp and quickly released the sword, watching in horror as blood rushed from Ivan's hands. He grabbed the sword and threw it on the ground, the blood from it staining the white snow.

I collapsed on the ground in shock, then looked up at Ivan. The wound on his palms were already healing. Of course he would heal! I thought to myself in anger. He could heal himself if he wanted to but Cruzita...Oh God! My body racked with sob as reality seeped in. I would never see Cruzita again.

Two guards immediately reached for me to pull me up but Ivan stopped them. Through my hazy vision I saw someone stand in front of me. I looked up only to see Ivan looking at me with those piercing grey eyes of his.

"You promised." I told him, "You promised. You said you'd spare our lives, you..." I choked on a sob and looked down as I cried my heart out.

Ivan bent down till he was on eye level with me. He then cupped my cheeks and brought my face up to his so I was facing him. "I didn't kill Cruzita."

I shook my head at tried to turn away but he held my face firmly. "Look me in my eyes and tell me if I'm lying."

I did as Ivan asked and looked at his eyes. I searched for any sign of deception in his gaze but I couldn't find any. Ivan was telling the truth! I can't explain how I knew that but somehow, I just did. He wasn't lying to me.

"But Cruzita is...she's dead." I sniffed at him.

Ivan gave me a small smile at that. "I know." He said and I closed my eyes as more tears poured out.

"I'm sorry Arianne." Ivan told me and I think that was the most nicest thing he has ever said to me. "I made a promise to you and I intend to keep it. I promise we will find whoever killed Cruzita but right now, we need to give her a proper burial and I need you to be strong to do that, okay?"

"Okay." I sniffed nodding my head in agreement.

Ivan gave me a small smile before he moved towards me and carried me in his arms. I didn't fight this time. Instead, I wrapped my arms around his neck as I nestled against the warmth his chest provided.


Hey guys I'm back with another chapter! let's comment and like okay? And please vote for this story too

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