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War of peace

wall released in the year 2017.

the movie opens up around the year 2007

in iraq after president bush declared

the end of the ongoing war between iraq

and the usa

despite the end of the war u.s army

staff sergeant matthews and his spotter

sergeant alan isaac are sent to a

pipeline construction in a deserted

place in iraq

they are there to keep an eye on a

notorious enemy who is killing all

americans working at the site

we are then shown the duo who are hiding

behind the stones trying to spot the

enemy's location

in the scorching sun of the desert the

duo have already spent more than 20

hours trying to find the suspected


after patiently waiting for several

hours matthew starts growing impatient

claiming that there are no iraqi

soldiers on the site

following this he looks at the scattered

dead bodies of the workers and concludes

that the site must have been attacked by

a group of iraqi soldiers who retreated

after completing their mission

hearing this isaac tries to calm

matthews down he then comes up with a

theory that since all the workers were

killed by headshots a professional

sniper is behind this he also mentions

that they may be against a professional

iraqi sniper named juba but matthews

turns down his opinion saying that no a

rocky sniper can be that good to kill

all workers in less than 30 seconds

in the next scene after waiting for a

few more hours matthew's patience

finally breaks and he decides to inspect

the location by himself

he uncovers himself from the hideout and

carries his belongings

after this he orders isaac to cover him

from behind and starts walking towards

the construction site soon matthews

approaches the site and finds the dead

bodies of soldiers and workers

he picks a radio from one of the dead

soldiers and keeps moving forward

isaac on the other hand faces

difficulties to keep an eye on him as

his scope becomes unclear

he immediately informs it to matthews

but the latter blames him for not

changing it on time despite it being


in reply isaac reminds him that the

scope belongs to one of their deceased

and beloved friends dean and has various

sentimental values connected to it

later matthews inspects the dead bodies

and gets surprised to see all of them

dead with perfect head shots

he starts worrying about a possibility

of a sniper nearby and informs isaac

about it hearing this isaac suggests he

get out of the place as soon as possible

despite isaac saying so matthew stands

in the middle of the site and tries to

figure out the possible direction of the


isaac yells from the radio suggesting

matthews to retreat but now it's too

late the sniper spots matthews and

shoots him in the abdomen upon seeing

this isaac rushes to save his fellow

officer running in a zigzag path

avoiding the bullets

but before he can take matthews out to a

safe place he himself gets shot in his


because of this he leaves matthews on

the ground and somehow manages to jump

behind a wall

meanwhile matthew suggests isaac contact

the base and call for the backup and

rescue team isaac on the other hand

notices the bullet wound on his right

leg and tries to tie a belt around it to

stop the blood from flowing out

shortly after he picks his radio bag and

tries to contact the base but the radio

does not pick up any frequency on

further inspection he finds that the

radio has been hit by a bullet and its

antenna is all damaged restricting them

from calling any help there

at the same time matthews asks isaac to

spot the sniper so that he can take an

aim at him

isaac tries to stop him warning that if

he moves the sniper will shoot him again

despite this matthews makes a failed

attempt to reach out to his sniper rifle

and passes out midway because of pain

and blood loss

isaac realizes that there is nothing

they can do at the moment so he decides

to use the time to take out the bullet

from his leg and to bandage the wound

after this isaac passes out too

in the following scene isaac regains

consciousness and finds some noise

coming out of his radio earphone

it seems like an officer from the base

is trying to connect to him this makes

isaac happy and he immediately requests

for backup and medical supplies

as he continues talking he gets

suspicious when the officer asks him to

reveal his position to deliver the

medical supplies

the officer from the other side also

suggests isaac to stand up and fire in

the air so that they can get his real


hearing this isaac replies that the

action is against the protocol

after this he focuses on the man's

accent and realizes that he's not an

american officer but the sniper from the

other side who has access to the

american base radio frequencies

despite the sniper's cover being blown

he still asks isaac to keep talking as

he wants to know about him

at first isaac refuses his request but

when the sniper threatens to shoot

matthews again isaac agrees

he requests the sniper to go first and

taking this as an opportunity he starts

drawing the site's map on the ground

trying to calculate the possible

position of the sniper

after taking a pause the sniper tells

isaac that he's just a regular iraqi

citizen trying to save his country

the sniper then asks isaac about his

family but isaac refuses to answer him

claiming the question to be too personal

isaac also ridicules the sniper by

telling him that he's killing the people

who are actually trying to develop his

country hearing this the sniper simply

laughs and replies that he knows that

the money is not for his country but for

the usa

later when isaac doesn't reveal anything

about himself the sniper again threatens

to shoot matthews however this time

isaac brushes off the threat in reply

the sniper reveals that he knows about

dean's demise

this shocks isaac and he wonders how the

sniper got this information after a

while he tries to drink water from his

bottle but finds a hole in it caused by

the sniper's shot the sniper is also

aware of isaac's situation as he reveals

that he intentionally shot isaac's water

bottle the radio's antenna and his knee

he mentions that he did all this to make

isaac incapable of escaping the place

the sniper further tells isaac that he

will be dead before morning because of

the heavy blood loss from his knee

in the following scene isaac tries to

figure out the exact weapon the sniper

is using at the moment he also calls the

sniper a terrorist but the latter simply

laughs and reminds isaac that it's he

who's in a foreign country with a gun

killing people

after looking through his scope for a

while isaac finally finds that the

sniper is hiding in a pile of trash

analyzing the harsh conditions over

there isaac concludes that the sniper is

a professional and also proclaims that

he is juba

however the sniper denies being juba and

claims to be a normal iraqi man

hearing this isaac tells the sniper that

he must be a u.s army officer who later

betrayed them the sniper again dismisses

the claim and informs him that he just

kills the people who attack him first

soon isaac falls on the ground because

of dehydration and exhaustion

later the sniper tells isaac that after

he dies he will cut his skin from the

face and staple his tongue to his chest

sometime later isaac plans to trick the

sniper by putting his helmet and jacket

on a wooden stick unfortunately the

sniper does not fall for it and isaac

loses his helmet during the process

left with no other options isaac takes a

suicidal run towards a deceased soldier

nearby to find if he has something

useful in his bag

but after he returns back he finds that

his scope is damaged and can no longer

be used to spot the sniper

meanwhile isaac feels some disturbance

in his radio signals and realizes that

matthews is actually alive

he yells at matthews and provides him

with the location of the sniper mathews

takes out a shiny emblem from his pocket

and takes a look at the heap of trash

with isaac trying to distract the sniper

matthew slowly lunges towards his rifle

at the same time the sniper reveals that

he used to be a teacher in baghdad but

after his students got killed during an

american attack he decided to take

revenge for their deaths meanwhile the

sniper asks isaac about why he keeps on

carrying the faulty scope when isaac

does not reply for some time the sniper

threatens to shoot matthews oblivious to

the fact that he's alive

isaac then reveals that he carries the

scope in memory of his friend dean he

also reveals that his mistake led to

dean being killed

in the meantime matthews places his

rifle and blindly aims at the pile of


he shoots multiple times but when he's

about to reload his gun the sniper

shoots him back which hits him right on

his shoulder

because of this isaac suggests matthews

to crawl towards him unfortunately

before matthews can reach isaac he is

shot right behind his head and killed


seeing this isaac breaks down and

mentions that he wants to return back

home the sniper also tells isaac that if

it's what he really wants he will not

shoot him after a while the sniper asks

isaac about why he's still there despite

the war being already over

isaac takes a pause and replies that

he's there because it's he who actually

killed dean

isaac then confesses that he

accidentally shot dean while he was

trying to shoot a sniper he also

mentions that he's been lying to

everyone about dean getting killed by

the enemy sniper

while he's talking with the sniper he

hears some noise coming out of the radio

transmitter he immediately crawls to the

radio and tries to contact the base but

to his bad luck the radio is so badly

damaged that he can only hear the

conversation going on and cannot ask for


suddenly he hears the sniper using his

name to ask for help from the base

it finally dawns on isaac that the

sniper has been contacting the us base

and asking for additional help all this


he tries to interrupt the conversation

but fails every single time

in the next scene isaac wakes up with a

crow picking his leg wound he somehow

manages to drag matthew's sniper rifle

and aims at the sniper hiding in the

heap of trash

just then he notices helicopters

approaching and to reveal his location

he pushes down the wall in front of him

the sniper also tries to spot isaac but

due to the dust from the falling wall

he's unable to locate him

after getting the sniper's location

isaac also takes a shot but cannot

confirm if his shot hit the target or

not to find out he stands up from his

position but surprisingly he is not shot

back by the sniper

as a result he thinks that his shot was

accurate and that the sniper is either

hurt or dead

soon the helicopters land behind him and

the soldiers carry him in a stretcher

isaac tries to inform them about the

hiding sniper but is unable to

communicate with the officers properly

after the helicopters take off the

sniper suddenly starts shooting the

soldiers one by one

before isaac can warn soldiers about the

sniper the pilot gets shot and the

helicopter goes down crashing on the

ground and killing everyone on board

in the last scene the sniper calls the

american soldiers base and asks for

another rescue team disguising himself

as an american soldier

that was all from the video i hope you

liked it subscribe for more content like

this and hit the like button to help us

out also leave a comment if you want us

to recap your favorite movie

until next time take care

Teddy_Tech Teddy_Tech

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