The system notifications kept ringing, but Tom didn't have the strength to look at it, the pain in his shoulder was killing him and he had to face the teachers coming later. His mind wandered around for a moment, trying to think of something to say, but after a while he couldn't think of anything good, so he decided to lie down.
Soon, Professor McGonagall and Snape, led by Hermione, came to the spot.
"Oh my goodness!" Exclaimed Professor McGonagall, who was the first to rush to the scene, and I couldn't blame her for making a fuss, as the scene was too gory: Tom and the Troll had fought in the corridor by the stairs, and the Troll lay dead at the end of the corridor near the staircase, the spot where the body lay has bloodstains from the ceiling to the floor. There was blood everywhere, even at the end of the hallway, and there was a small wizard in that environment - Tom was sitting near the stairs, covered by the stench of the Troll's blood.
The three who arrived on the scene could hardly believe their eyes. Hermione, of course, knew what had happened; apparently Tom had transformed into a three-headed dog and had bitten the Troll to death as they fought.
Snape quickly regained his composure and approached the Troll's corpse, looking closely at the wound, it was as if po could smell the scent of the Troll's body, there was still a lingering taste left in Tom's mouth, so naturally he threw up his breakfast.
This was naturally terrifying in the professor's eyes. Professor McGonagall immediately hugged him and patted him on the back, while gently comforting him, "It's okay, it's all over, don't worry."
At that moment, Professor McGonagall was very gentle, patient and not as stern as in the past. She noticed the wound on Tom's shoulder and quickly cast a recovery spell to ease Tom's pain.
After vomiting for a while, the taste of stomach acid finally replaced the smell of stench and blood, and he gradually relaxed, sat straight down on the steps and breathed heavily.
"Minerva, there was a wound on the troll's neck, and it was bitten to death by some kind of beast." said Snape coolly as he waited for Tom to sit down and then stood next to Professor McGonagall.
"Beast..." Professor McGonagall was stunned for a moment. It only took her a few seconds to realize what it was. There was indeed a beast in the castle that could kill a Troll in one bite.
"Looks like it wasn't just a Troll wandering around the school today," Snape said expressionlessly, his eyes flicked to Tom, "Yodel, you need to explain to me what just happened here."
"I had a cup of milk tea that Miss Patil gave me at noon today, due to the fact that in the last flying lesson..."
"Get to the point." Snape interrupted Tom impatiently.
"Well, Professor, I had diarrhea and went to the school hospital, and when I came out of the hospital I ran into Hermione, and she told me there was a Troll in the castle, and we were trying to get back to the dormitory when the Troll showed up. I was running fast and I told Hermione to go first, I wanted to stay behind-"
"How could you do that!" Professor McGonagall's face sank, "Don't you know how dangerous Trolls are! Now you didn't become the Troll's dinner because you got lucky!"
After lecturing Tom, she looked back at Hermione, "Miss Granger, I thought you were supposed to be in the Ravenclaw Common Room right now."
"Yes, Professor, in theory I should..." said Hermione.
"Enough, you both need to be punished to clear your heads, and Hagrid should show you how aggressive those magical beasts are!" Professor McGonagall decided on a punishment for the two of them.
"And finally a three-headed dog came out and killed the Troll?" Snape didn't care about the punishment of the two little wizards, he just wanted to know what happened after that.
When Tom answered in the affirmative, Snape frowned and looked at Professor McGonagall,
The two exchanged glances.
"Well, Miss Granger, I think you should go back to the Common Room, Mr. Yodel, I'll take you back to the school hospital."
At that moment Dumbledore also appeared, followed by Hagrid, who was carrying a huge crossbow and a hound. When Dumbledore appeared, he took a look at the scene and said to Hagrid, who was behind him, "Rubeus, could you go to the third floor and see if 'it' is still there?"
"That? Oh, I see." Hagrid froze for a moment and hurried away.
Professor Dumbledore said nothing more, just stood silently, listening to Professor McGonagall describe what had happened to him. Occasionally, his eyes swept over Tom and Hermione, making them feel anxious.
Hagrid returned shortly after.
"Professor Dumbledore, Flu? that thing is still there, and the lock on the door isn't broken," Hagrid said.
Dumbledore nodded, "Yes, I see, thank you, Rubeus." He reflected for a moment, looked at the five present and said, "Miss Granger and Mr. Yodel do need to be punished, but it is not a punishment for committing a bad deed, but to give them a better understanding of the dangers of these magical creatures, so Rubeus, one day when you are free, arrange a punishment for both of them."
"Oh, yes, yes." Hagrid was a little distracted, answering a little distracted.
But Dumbledore wasn't finished, "Miss Granger, your actions were out of line, but I see Gryffindor-style courage in you and friendship between you and Yodel, and I think we can give Ravenclaw twenty points for that."
Hermione was still in mourning for being punished, but the news was so good that she lifted her head immediately.
"Well, that's enough for tonight, Miss Granger can go back to the Common Room, we've moved dinner, I hope we don't stop her from eating. Mr. Yodel, could you come to my office? I'm sorry to put you through all this, so I'll buy you a cup of tea."
Tom's face stiffened, but he couldn't refuse, so he followed Dumbledore like a puppet into his office. His only consolation now was that at least he had learned Occlumency, even if he was only at the peak of level 0. It was like taking on the world's number one hacker, when all you have is a 360 firewall....
But as he followed Dumbledore, Tom decided to take a chance. He clicked on his system screen, and at the same time divided his attention, silently watching Dumbledore to see if he could detect his system.
But with the system on, Dumbledore didn't seem to notice anything unusual.
But a message caught his attention: [System update complete, UP pool open].
Tom was instantly energized.
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