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60% Nah Just Me and My Puppets / Chapter 3: Chapter Three: First Day Starts and Confrontations

Chapter 3: Chapter Three: First Day Starts and Confrontations

Takumi Fushiguro POV

The next day arrived, and I woke up to the morning sun shining on my face. I quickly realized that I wasn't in my apartment I was still at Naruto's place. Panic sets in when I glanced up at the nearby clock the first day of the academy would be starting in an hour and we weren't even ready.

"Oi Uzumaki wake up the academy starts in an hour! We have to get cleaned up!" I shouted my voice filled with urgency.

Naruto jumped in response, his head twisting left and right clearly startled. "AHH! Kami damn it Fushiguro! Ya don't need to scream so loud!" he grumbled realizing it was just me he quickly goes drops back down on the ground trying to go back to sleep.

However, I grabbed a nearby pillow and threw it at his face "oi don't you go back to sleep on me! We've got to get ready, clean everything up here, and I'll go make us something to eat."

Naruto grumbled some more but stopped when I shot him a glare from the corner of my eye reluctantly, he complied and started tidying up.

I made my way to the kitchen only to find it stocked with nothing but cup ramen and some milk "Naruto why the hell is there only cup ramen in here and nothing else?!" I shouted from the kitchen.

"Because ramen is the best Dattebayo!" he retorted not missing a beat.

I sighed in exasperation "hold up I'll just bring over some eggs from my place and cook us some scrambled ones."

I quickly dashed over to my apartment, grabbed four eggs—two for each of us along with some crushed pepper, salt, and a few pieces of bread.

Returning to Naruto's place I was surprised to see that he had managed to clean up the entire place. It was impressive, considering how messy it had been the night before.

I paid no further mind to this though and instead focused on cooking breakfast while Naruto went to use the restroom.

Breakfast was soon ready, and I placed it on the table. Naruto emerged from the bathroom looking at the sparkling food in awe "woah this looks amazing! I didn't know you could cook Takumi."

I shrugged not considering it a big accomplishment it was only natural that I knew how to cook since I had to learn how to take care of myself.

Yet as I looked at Naruto, I realized that he probably had no idea how to take care of himself. I wonder why surely whoever had been looking after him should have taught him some basics.

I didn't ponder on the thought for long "alright we gotta go now we've only got nineteen minutes left before the class sorting starts so come on!" I said putting on my sandals.

Naruto quickly slurped up the rest of his breakfast and puts on his sandals as well. Together we hurried through the streets of Konoha trying to make it to the academy on time. I was too focused on running to not even notice most of the glares that the villagers were giving although if I had I would have noticed they were specifically looking more at Naruto. 

"Huff… huff… looks like we made it in time," I said taking an empty seat next to a pineapple-haired boy Naruto followed after sitting right next to me.

"Neh Takumi, why are you so out of breath? I don't even feel tired or anything," Naruto asked, looking at me curiously.

I looked back at him and noticed that he was right Naruto didn't even look slightly winded or sweaty at all, meanwhile I was only just lightly sweating. Before I could give a reply though, the Third Hokage appeared on the podium ready to give his speech.

"Welcome all new incoming students it is a great and warming sight to see so many of you willing to join our village forces. I won't take up much of your time as I only have one thing to ask from you all do you know what our village's Will of Fire means?" he asked, waiting for one of the students to respond but none knew the answer. 

The smoke emitting from the Hokages pipe danced in the air while his robes fluttered behind him his mouth quirked into a slight smile as he patted his kage hat "the Will of Fire…means that every shinobi cares for and protects each other as one would like family. It is the fire that burns within us driving us to protect our home and loved ones. Carry this will with you all and let it guide you in your journey to become great shinobi."

With the Hokage's speech now over followed by a round of cheers from some of the students a man by the name of Iruka Umino soon went up and started calling each student by name assigning them to their classrooms. Naruto and I somehow ended up in Classroom A with most of the other clan kids and some minor civilians.

Once everyone was gathered Iruka-sensei began explaining that the first two years of the academy would cover basic skills like math, kanji, chakra theory, survival, and weapons training. Advanced subjects like genjutsu, ninjutsu, fuinjutsu, and taijutsu would be taught in the third and fourth years.

Since today was mostly an introduction Iruka asked everyone to introduce themselves and share something about their goals, likes, or dislikes. One by one each of the students stood up and spoke.

When it was my turn I kept it brief "my name is Takumi Fushiguro, and I am nine years old. Hope we can all get along," I sat back down right after, ignoring Iruka's sweat drop and Naruto's deadpan look.

"You call that an intro? Please! Here's what a real intro looks like! My name is Naruto Uzumaki, and my dream is to be the greatest Hokage there is, Dattebayo!" Naruto screamed out.

I inwardly facepalmed at his antics as the classroom erupted into laughter "greatest Hokage, my foot, Uzumaki!" came a sudden voice that sounded a lot like a dog.

Naruto frowned "yeah? Well screw all of you guys! I'll become Hokage one day, and when that day comes, you better watch out because Naruto Uzumaki doesn't forget!" he proclaimed.

Iruka quickly intervened, his eyes suddenly flashing with deep hidden disdain and hatred. I picked up on it immediately why wouldn't I? It's practically the same look that I always see when I look in the mirror and think about how I would kill the members of The Seven Swordsmen.

"Be quiet and don't cause a commotion, otherwise you'll have your first detention of the year Naruto Uzumaki," Iruka warned.

Naruto looked ready to argue but I clamped a hand over his mouth "just let it go Uzumaki. You'll only get yourself into deeper trouble," I whispered.

Reluctantly Naruto nodded and I retracted my hand. The next few hours were spent with Iruka going over each subject and introducing the other sensei's who would teach them.

Finally, class was dismissed I was about to find a quiet spot to sit alone but Naruto caught up with me "hey! Fushiguro, where are you going? Come play shinobi tag with us."

I tried to decline but Naruto was too quick he tagged me and shouted "you're it Dattebayo! Come on guys, run!"

Sighing I stretched my neck which let out a satisfying crack and began chasing after my classmate tagging one of them, we played until it was time to leave. 

As I watched each child returning to their parents, I noticed how they discouraged their kids from interacting with Naruto. The children looked back at him with a mix of confusion and sadness while the adults shot Naruto combined glares and scornful looks.

I didn't even realize it, but my face was starting to twist in rage "hey, you fucking assholes! Just who do you people think you are? My friend hasn't even done anything for you pieces of shit to start cursing and glaring at him. Do none of you have any shame or basic human decency?!" I shouted, unable to keep myself in check.

The villagers froze in shock, some hurried away, while others turned their glares on me. Some part of me questioned that thought though is there really such a thing as human decency in this world of ours where people are killed on a daily basis.

"You all can glare at me as much as you'd like. It doesn't change the fact that you're all cowardly disgusting people venting unjustified hate at someone for no reason!" I continued.

Naruto tugged at my arm "stop, Fushiguro. It's alright," he said, his voice soft.

"But look at what they're saying to you! The glares and all of that!" I exclaimed not understanding why he was just letting the matter drop so easily.

"It's fine… just let it go Takumi. I'm used to it. Screaming and crying about it isn't going to do anything. It is what it is. I don't know why the villagers hate me so much but it's okay because someday I'll make them stop hating me and instead acknowledge me," Naruto explained with an idiotic smile.

I was amazed and shocked by his resilience. Despite the treatment he was receiving, not once did he feel angry or bitter. He had most likely been dealing with this sort of unknown hate towards him his whole life I suddenly realized my respect for the other boy going up just by a little.

As the other children left with their parents, who now discouraged them from interacting with Naruto or me, I remained silent until finally Naruto said "come on, Fushiguro. We should probably get back to our apartments before the sun fully goes down."

I glanced at the retreating figures of the villagers and their children before looking back at Naruto I nodded. 

-end of chapter three-

what you all think so far? 

Also, Iruka isn't out of character because at the start he didn't like Naruto at all and hated him but then he slowly realized that he was just his student Naruto and not Kurama. 

Let me know if I made any grammar errors or if I forgot to fill in any specific word to complete a sentence.

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