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15% I Reincarnated and became a VTuber? / Chapter 3: The new beginning ?

Chapter 3: The new beginning ?

Opening my eyes, I could see a void that extended as long as I can see. To be honest, I was half expecting to find myself in the new body. Deep in my mind, I even held a silver lining about my waking up in my bed thinking everything that happened, not long ago was just me having really bad hallucinations.

But waking up literally in the cosmos passing planets and other celestial bodies with such speed wasn't my first guess. If I could, I would have long ago thrown up but it seems, in my current form it's impossible.

However, moving with such speed was making me totally dizzy. I feel like, I am on some kinda insane fast rollercoaster that didn't pass any security checks.

But luckily for me, it didn't last long. I stopped near one of the planets. That this time seems to have life in it. The other planets I passed by didn't seem to be hospitable: gas giants, rocky planets, and the likes from my little knowledge aren't places where life could possibly exist.

But this one is different, a planet in itself is mostly green with large oceans and landmasses, and I can't be sure but it seems bigger than my home planet Earth.

I got a second to admire a new planet that from now on will be my new home. I think so because I was clearly steering toward her. Which gave me mixed feelings. Suddenly dying and getting a chance to reincarnate, seems amazing.

But in reality, it isn't. That's of course the case for me. I'm sure there exist some crazy fellows that would like this scenario very much.

For me, well you know it sucks to die. Too many things left untold, too many things never done, too many regrets left behind, and what frustrates me the most is the manner I die. I am sure that reporter thought, I was just another hobo that died in the cold.

Just thinking about everything that happened causes me a headache. I am feeling a myriad of emotions as of right now from anger to fear.

But the one thing that I learned from the military is to keep my cool and not panic in a situation where I am totally confused and lost.

So for now, I will try to calmly analyze the situation as best as I could and see what awaits me in this new world.

As I was deep in thought. I started to move yet again this time slower to my happiness. I passed the exosphere after that was the thermosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere, and finally troposphere. Who would have thought that learning something like this in school would be useful one day?

I finally could see clouds and the land was now pretty close. There was even a plane flying below me.


Wouldn't I collide with it?

Fuck!! Today is truly my unlucky day. I tried to hurriedly change my course but it seems, I don't have any control over my body.

I tried several things but it seems nothing was working.

Men, I was just to start my new life but I will die because a fucking plane was passing by.

I sure have a talent for dying in some stupid ways.

As I was just a couple of meters from the plane I close my eyes. Do I even have eyes? This question flew by my mind but I didn't pay it any attention because I was preparing for the pain that was sure to follow.

But after 10 seconds I didn't feel anything. So I tentatively opened my eyes. All I could see was a sky and ground that were becoming bigger and bigger.

No plane in a sight.

I tried to take a peek behind me and what I saw was exactly the same plane that a second ago should take my chance for a second life.

The question that popped into my mind was 'How'?'

Is it possible that at the last second I changed directions?


I feel kinda stupid to think about that just now but can a soul be damaged by something physical?

The answer is obvious. But technically I don't really know if I passed through it or not because I closed my eyes.

Well what really transpired gonna be forever a mystery, I suppose.

I think, I gonna have today nightmares about that. Crashing head-on onto the plane is sure a scary experienced. That I wished not to heave.

Looking below me I could finally see buildings and roads.

"Phew" I wiped nonexisting sweat from my forehead because it seemed, I was not reincarnation in some medieval world. But quite opposite because things down there look quite modern but at the same time they are in no way close to cyberpunk or something like that.

For a couple of minutes, I leisurely observed my surroundings. I was able to do that because my speed decreased once again and I wasn't flying that high anymore.

I was following what seems like a highway. Sparsely cars passed by in one way or another from time to time. From a distance, I could say woods and farmlands that seem to be ready for reaping.

After what seemed like 5 minutes, I got to see my first city. I can't say it was big just a small countryside town if I was to describe it. But it looked quite pleasant to look at.

After I pass it, I encountered more of them, and the farther I went the bigger they became. Until I got to the point where the highway ends.

I looked ahead and saw rows of skyscrapers. The city looked like a big metropolis with a river that cut it in two halves.

I suddenly become nervous. I don't know but I feel that this is my final destination.

I flew above a river and moved to the right side of the city. After what seemed to be the longest seconds of my life, I stopped near what seemed to be a hospital.

"Of course, it's going to be a hospital. I hate hospitals."

I tried to cheer up myself but my growing anxiety was killing me.

It was my first time being so nervous.

I was pulled closer to the ground until the point where I was just levitating a meter above its surface.

After that, I was pulled to the entrance of the hospital. I didn't pay a lot of attention to the interior because when I just entered. I suddenly speed up and started moving in this massive maze this is called "hospital".

5 minutes later...

"What the hell is going on?!"

For the last 5 minutes, I think that I went through most of the rooms in the hospital. Am I searching for any available body? or what? because I am confused.

If I was to symbolize it simply. That would be me running like a dog that sniffed someone's scent and followed it. But because there is too much of it the dog becomes confused and can't pinpoint the exact location.

As I was just to start swearing from my pent-up frustration. I suddenly stopped moving and accelerated in one straight path.

This time it was so fast that I didn't even have time to register that I passed through several walls.

My last thought before emptiness took my vision completely was that maybe my running like an idiot for 5 minutes was done purposely. So that I could relax a little before...

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