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91.54% the great king with a quest system and chat group [English] / Chapter 64: you fight against the treant and... , discovering that...

Chapter 64: you fight against the treant and... , discovering that...

[Andrius POV]

'I'm bored' - I thought as I looked at the tunnel that had nothing but rocks, small puddles of water and a few normal insects.

It's already been a day since we're going down the tunnels as we search for a way to get to where alba, wutong and silvi are.

We have not found any indication that we are doing well other than that the connection between me and Alba is a little stronger than before... just a little.

In this time apart from eating and resting for a while and then continue, we have not found any monsters at least to kill boredom fighting against one.

Now at this time we are resting after eating what little I have left of reserves in the inventory and you will wonder why I have no food and had not saved when I arrive in this area.

Well... I had a lot of food stored in the inventory but that was before entering the fog area and I couldn't replenish food when I was there because of what Tsubasa had told me, much less after seeing the little Of zombies, I don't want to eat food infected with zombies... the good thing is that after killing the turkey, zombies will not be heard from again for a long time.

Continuing, in what we were in the fog area we ate almost all the stored food and I thought that when we got to the snow area I would be able to find some animals or monster to store and have food... who would have known what would happen this and now we're almost out of food.

In a secluded spot you could see a white cat lying on a rock while she had a depressing aura around her... I feel like a serial narrator.

'Fish...' - Tsubasa was heard muttering depressed for not eating fish.

"It will be OK?" - Kanna was worried about her.

'Yes, don't worry about her, she hasn't eaten her fish and now she's depressed... she'll get over it' - I said since Tsubasa loves fish too much and for not eating a bit of it after almost a day she's depressed even after eating a piece of meat from some monster.

"If you say so..." - kanna accepted what I said as she settled on my back.

'(She sighed) I hope the other team is well' - I thought as she closed her eyes to sleep for a while.

[AWS team point of view]

'TODAY IS A GOOD DAY TO DIE HAHAHAHA...' - yelled buck as he avoided a wooden hand trying to crush him and counterattacked trying to cut his arm but all he got was a shallow cut.

'I don't think it's very good to say it while we're surrounded by enemies' - said silvi as she jumped avoiding a treant's attack, falling on her quick arm creating a spike of earth that pierces the treant's forearm giving her a chance to get away before she breaks free .

'We have to take a distance to be able to attack' - wutong said as he flew high to avoid the treant's attacks.

"Yes…" - Alba agreed as he flew low and passed by a treant while his hand touched the ground freezing it with the roots of the treant immobilizing him for a moment long enough to move away.

"Fufufu no matter what you do, you won't be able to last long against my little ones" - laughed the spirit of nature as he saw the efforts of the AWS team to get away from the treant.

In that the treant is divided into four groups, alba, wutong and buck have to fight against two treant while silvi against three.

"Catch her fufufu..." - he said laughing as he saw silvi in ​​trouble dodging the treant's attacks.

"Tsk" - Alba clicks her tongue as she sees Silvi and even though she wanted to go and help her, she couldn't because the treant are preventing her from leaving.

'Hahahaha you don't catch me hahahaha' - buck was playing with the treant using his speed and flexibility to avoid his attacks but inside he was looking for a way to kill them fast to go help silvi.

'Take this AAAHHHH!' - said wutong while he screamed and created two balls of compressed light and fired them towards the treant but it didn't do much damage since one only pierced him through the eye and the other managed to protect himself using his arm burning him a little.

Meanwhile silvi was running as she dodged the treant attacks while she was trying to create a plan to kill them but it was very difficult since they had a very strong defense to kill them in one attack...

'let's see' - running fast and approaching one of them while the others were a bit far away since the only good thing about all this was that they had to be a bit apart to be able to fight well.

avoiding the big fist that was coming straight at her, she presses her two front legs into the ground as spikes of earth came out of the ground, one of them came out just under the immobilized treant's arm while the others dig into its entire body/trunk causing it to collapse. He lay motionless before his yellow eyes dimmed and he died.

"THAT... MY LITTLE... YOU, CATCH HER QUICKLY... NO, DON'T WAIT..." - the spirit of nature after seeing that one of the treant died lost her temper and quickly shouted ordering the treant to catch her... but, then she realized her mistake and ordered them to stop... but, it was too late.

The treant who listened to her quickly went to where Silvi was, forgetting about the others, which they took advantage of.

"no... they won't go away" - said alba as she saw the treant who turned their backs on her and raised her arms towards them while two large spikes of ice came out of the ground straight towards the treant, piercing and killing them.

'heh..' - buck laughed as he quickly moved and cut the roots of the treant causing them to fall and in a quick movement cut both arms of each one making them unable to get up.

'...' - wutong wanted to say something but his attacks were useless against them even the strongest ones and just caused burns.

"AAAHHHHH! ... WHY, WHY, WHY" - screaming and kicking the ground the spirit of nature was full of anger for the great stupidity she did, of her ten treant there are now 5 left because of she.

"HA, HAHA, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA WELL, WELL YOU MADE ME DO THIS, HAHAHA YOU WILL SEE WHAT IT MEANS TO MAKE ME ANGRY HAHAHAHA... GUARDIAAAANNNN!!" - The spirit of nature, already out of anger, began to laugh very hard before shouting towards the forest while the remaining treant returned to the place where they came from and returned to their original form.

The AWS group and buck huddled together as they saw the nature spirit breathing hard after the scream but she was still laughing and muttering things as she looked at them with fury in her eyes.


Then sounds of birds flying and sounds of heavy footsteps were heard in the distance that made the ground shake until the sound stopped.


After a moment, behind the spirit of nature, a giant of wood fell about 10 meters high from the sky, creating a tremor and a small crater where it fell.

The giant was made of wood, had hair, eyebrows, beard and mustache made of leaves, his eyes were yellow. (from here I don't know how to describe it well... below is the photo. :v)


"GROOAAAAAARRRR!!" - The giant roared to the sky as he had his elbows on his waist and his forearms raised with clenched fists.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA GO GUARDIAN, GO AND KILL THEM ALL BUT LEAVE THE SQUIRREL ALIVE I NEED HER" - the spirit of nature laughed as he pointed out his objective to the guardian.

"GROOOARRR!!" - The guardian roared one last time before running towards them at a great speed.

'watch out' - said wutong while she and the others tried to get away but the guardian was very fast and had already arrived with his right fist clenched to attack.


"AHHH!" - Alba shouted because while everyone had managed to get away from the place, the guardian had ended up hitting the ground causing a lot of earth and small rocks to fly in different directions, some of those small stones ended up hitting Alba who was the closest.

"GROOAARR!" - Roaring annoyed the guardian tried to hit the one closest to her with her huge fist, Alba who was passing the pain was surprised by the huge fist that was approaching her.

'watch out' - buck quickly jumped but he couldn't get high enough to grab alba but he managed to grab his foot, so he forcefully yanked him off, thus saving alba from the guardian's huge fist.

'phew... that was danger' - said buck as he wiped the non-existent sweat from his head.

"watch out..." - Alba yelled as she grabbed Buck's hand and walked away from the place so that later a fist hit the ground where they were.

"don't get distracted" - she said as she searched for a way to stop or kill him... not even she is sure if she can kill something like that.

'we have to find a way to stop him' - said wutong as he saw what to do because if he barely attacked her before and they did something to the treant, he doesn't even think that one of his attacks would manage to damage the guardian.

'...' - Silvi was also trying to think of a way to stop it but that thing looked much stronger than the treant she killed earlier and to do so she had to use half of her mana pool.


'...' - Silvi listening to her, I can't help but think that this spirit is annoying... but, that's not the important thing because she already managed to know how to defeat it... turning her gaze towards dawn.

Alba sensing the gaze turned and saw that Silvi was subtly nodding at the spirit... she was confused for a moment by what Silvi was trying to say until I understood... nodding her head, she placed her attention on the spirit ... now to find an opportunity to do so.

"GROOARRR!" - Roaring in annoyance at not being able to hit any of the annoying monsters pointed out by her creator, she increased the speed of her blows.

'Tsk... how can he be so fast being so big' - wutong I can't help but complain seeing how the guardian increased his speed.

'You have to look for an opportunity' - Silvi was dodging the guardian's attacks while she was looking for an opportunity to implement one of his plans and let Alba do what he has to do.

The guardian was throwing blows at anyone who was nearby, causing many small craters in the ground and many destroyed trees... even the spirit of nature was losing patience at the sight of that.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO KILL THEM, NOT DESTROY THE FOREST" - she yelled as she saw the guardian who kept trying to hit the one closest to him without much success.

'now...' - silvi thought as she took advantage and a pillar of earth came out of the ground that hit the feet of the guardian who was trying to take half a step forward, the pillar of earth hit the feet of the guardian causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground.


'Alba now' - silvi mentally yelled at Alba so that she would take advantage of the fact that the guardian had fallen.

Alba quickly nodded and raised her two hands in front of her pointing to the spirit of nature, she had been preparing this spell since the plan began, her palms began to glow blue and she began to create an ice spear at high speed, after he finished creating it, he shot it at high speed towards the nature spirit.


"WHAT..." - the spirit of nature that was seeing the fallen guardian felt danger on her right side, when she turned what she found was an ice spear coming in her direction, she didn't have time to dodge it when it had already pierced his stomach.

"guh" - vomiting a little green blood, she tried to remove the spear but it was difficult for her because it began to freeze her body making it impossible for her to get it out of there... giving up, she turned her gaze towards the monsters that approached her.

"I think we have something to talk about... miss spirit" - Alba said as she saw the spirit of nature.

"Fufufufu how cute... they thought they won" - the spirit of nature began to laugh at them making everyone a little annoyed for that.

'I think we certainly won... at least we're not stopped by a spear in our stomach' - wutong replied annoyed.

"Fufufufu I think you're making a mistake, little monsters..." - she said as she laughed at the funny situation... at least she thought it was funny.

'then tell us... oh great wise spirit, where are we going wrong' - Silvi spoke sarcastically as she looked at the spirit.

'Fu fu fu so many problems to be able to kill me... but, in the end what they killed was nothing more than a clone HAHAHAHA" - the spirit of nature or the clone began to laugh after telling him.

'That... a clone like we didn't see you do it' - wutong spoke while he looked at her since he hadn't seen her do it.

"Of course not silly... I was a clone all along... my original must be where you're headed... the dangerous forest or whatever the weasel tells her... she must already know about you, about that squirrel HAHAHAHA and after knowing that they killed me, he must be waiting for them HAHAHAHAHA and when he finds it they won't have any chance to defend themselves as they did with the useless guardian they created a long time ago" - he said while laughing at their faces.

"..." - Alba and everyone had darkened faces knowing that, they had trouble reaching her and it turns out that she was a clone, a clone that had magical energy as big as a low rank monster... now she comes the important question, how strong is your original self.

"Fufufufu... oh, it seems that my time is up... fufufu I hope they survive until they reach my original self... since the squirrel is very important to be able to summon my ma in this world... ." - the clone began to laugh as his body began to dry and turn dull... but he couldn't finish saying what he was going to say.

what was left on the spear was the body of the dry and gray clone while the group watched him without knowing what to say to what she told them.


first... i didn't know how to write this chapter i had the ideas but i didn't know how to implement them.

it was supposed to just be a fight between them and the treant but as he was writing he didn't know how to write the fights.

While I was writing he gave me to place the guardian ... to try to get a good fight ... I didn't know how to do it either.

with the clone thing it was something that I had already thought about but I didn't know how to let them know and after so much thinking I stayed with that, the clone making fun of them and planting the seed of fear in them knowing that the original is stronger than the clone .

But well... returning to this way of writing I like it better... I hope you liked the chapter and that it was understandable.

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