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60% Horrid book system / Chapter 3: I am the villain!

Chapter 3: I am the villain!

"So your name is horrid book system?", Xiao Zixin asked the system.

"yes Master",

"What kind of name is that?",

"You named me yourself master, you said the book was an horrid book",

"oh yes, I remember that. So what character am I playing? The hero perhaps?",

"No master, you are the villain, Xiao Zixin",

"What! I am the villain of the story?",

"yes Master".

Oh no! Xiao Zixin remembered that Dang Gui had called him Xiao Zixin which was the villain's name earlier but he had been too preoccupied to take notice.

Oh no! How could he be the villain.

"So I am the villain of the story?", he asked the system once again to be sure.

"yes Master",

"My fate is to die?",

"yes Master",

"I can't change it?",

"You can, but the ending has to be the same?",

"What do you mean?",

"I mean, the hero has to fulfill the prophecy and gain his powers".

Xiao Zixin remembered that at the final battle in the book where the villain had fallen off the cliff, the hero had suddenly got his final powers and this had made him able to defeat the villain.

"But I don't want to die", Xiao Zixin wailed.

"then you have to find a way to get him to the cliff so he can get his powers",

"What happens after he fulfills the prophecy and get his powers?",

"then you would be free to go back to your home".

Xiao Zixin was shocked, "are you serious?",

"yes Master",

"but I am already dead and you showed me my burial ceremony",

"you will be taken back to the moment before you death, it will all be like a dream when you wake up".

The door opened, "Xiao Zixin, are you okay now?", Dang Gui said as he came in with a woman who Xiao Zixin presumed must be one of the physicians Dang Gui had talked about before.

"I am better now", he replied Dang Gui. The woman came closer and touched his forehead, she closed her eyes for some minutes. Xiao Zixin remembered that in the book, physicians were born with the powers to detect if a person was sick or not. She opened her eyes, "he is okay", she declared.

"see, I am fine", Xiao Zixin told Dang Gui.

"what's your name", Dang Gui asked unconvinced.

"Xiao Zixin",

"how old are you?",


"What school do you go to?",

"Everglades Academy",

"your favorite food?", Xiao Zixin stalled on this question, he didn't remember the villain's favorite food. He quickly asked the system. The system told him the answer.

"Lotus soup", he answered Dang Gui.

"your best friend?",

"you of course".

Dang Gui smiled, he was convinced that his friend was okay. "come on then, let's go to the new intake ceremony. We are already late", Dang Gui pulled Xiao Zixin out of the bed and they left the room. Xiao Zixin wondered what the new intake ceremony was all about, he couldn't ask Dang Gui, as doing so would arouse his suspicions. He decided to ask the system.

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