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83.33% One Piece: Adventure of Leo / Chapter 63: Chapter - 62

Chapter 63: Chapter - 62

" " - Speaking

' ' - Thinking

[ ] - System Talking

!! !! - Crew Card


"That's not the real question here. The real question is whether or not you want to know where he is."


"And why shouldn't I just beat you until you tell me about Sabo? Then I won't have to play your silly bet, right?" Ace said with a cocky look on his face as fire covered both of his fists.

Leo chuckled a bit after hearing his words. "Yes, I will talk about Sabo when you beat me because that's the bet, after all."

"Defeat me in a fight, and I'll tell you about him and get you to the next island, but if you lose, you'll join my crew."

Ace was a bit surprised that Leo would like to recruit him to his crew before replying angrily. "I am the captain of my crew, so why would I join your crew?"

"Don't know, maybe because you want to know about Sabo," Leo innocently replied.

Ace was even more engaged after hearing that. "Fine! I'll just beat you until I get an answer from you." And he gets into his fighting stance, and flames begin to appear around his body in a fierce manner.

Leo just smiled at that as electricity started to dance around his body as he vanished from his position.


Zoro just jumped back to some considerable distance so he wouldn't get in between their fight before eyeing Dan, who still had a log of wood in his hand, before saying in an ominous tone, "Interfere between their fight, and I will cut."

Dan, who was planning to throw the log at Leo to distract him, felt a chill down his spine as he heard Zoro's ominous voice.

He instinctively dropped the log and backed away from a fight.


Leo quickly appears above Ace with blinding speed and attacks him with an elbow drop on his head.

Ace was astonished by his speed but tried moving backward quickly so that he could dodge it.

While the Ace could not dodge it completely, Leo's electricity-covered elbow just passed through as his Logia intangibility came into play, making his attack utterly useless against him as Leo crashed into the ground creating a small explosion of sand.

'His speed and strength are much faster than mine, but what is that uneasy feeling?' He thought. 'It would be better if I attacked him from afar. I don't want to take any risk of losing this fight even if I cannot be touched by him.'

"Give up! You can't win this. I am untouchable," Ace said with the hope of angering him while reforming his body a few meters away from him.

Although he had only gained this power a few days ago, and he had already tried all methods of harming him, only seawater makes him weak and unable to use his new firepower. Otherwise, he is unbeatable.

So, he just has to ensure he cannot be dragged to the sea. Then, Ace will surely win, and afterward, he just has to make sure that Leo tells him all about Sabo.

Leo just laughed a tiny bit at his words before replying, "Even I don't think I'm invincible in this sea, and you, a simple Logia devil fruit user, believe that you are unbeatable, hahaha."

"You know that almost hundreds of people out there have the same type of power as you, but not even one has reached this world's apex."

"But the funny thing is that your father reached the apex of this world without any of these fancy powers," Leo said with a grin as he cubbed his hand toward Ace and shot a quick Ice Beam.

A beam of freezing energy rushes toward Ace at a rapid pace.

Ace also released an intense jet of flames from his hands to stop Leo's attack.

During the collision of the two attacks, a small explosion was created as they canceled each other out while filling the area with light fog.

"How do you even know about that bastard?" Ace asked with a fierce glance before he hurled two cannonball-sized fireballs at him.

In response, Leo swatted away those fireballs like they were nothing but softballs that were thrown at him as he slowly walked toward him with his fist now covered in an ice-like aura.

Seeing this, Ace sent streams of hot flames at him to stop his advances.

"I know a lot of things, Ace. There are some pleasant things, some terrible things, and some things that can easily cause war worldwide. Still, there are also some that can make even the weakest fighters respectable individuals, and most importantly,..." Leo spoke with a slight smile as he simply walked through Ace's flame attack like they were not terrible flames that could easily burn an average person alive.

"... your flames are not hot enough to even keep me warm, Ace."

After hearing his mocking words, Ace became enraged. However, simultaneously, he was horrified to discover that his flames had no effect on him. He was walking through them like someone walking through the rain.

Ace's face grimaced as he thought, 'How can my flames have no effect on him?'

Through everything, Leo was already near him and had already unleashed a powerful haymaker accompanied by a chilling aura.

Ace suddenly felt danger from his fist, so he quickly used the flames to thrust himself backward to dodge his fist.

But it was too late for him to dodge completely as the fist nicked his cheek and sent him flying backward.

"So, I can hit you with this," Leo said with a wide grin on his face before he slammed his leg on the ground and dashed toward the fallen Ace.

'How is he able to hit me? I am literally flame... wait, that icy cold-like feeling from his fist...' Ace thought while standing up.

Immediately after Ace got to his feet, a fist covered in the same icy blue aura slammed on his face. Similar attacks started raining down one after another without any chance to counter.


'...15...21...34...48 49 50 okay, let's end this now,' Leo thought as he ended his 50 punch combo.

This was the first time Leo had made a combo that long as, most of the time, he would be on the receiving end of it from Master Roshi.

So it feels fulfilling for him to use it on someone else.

"Oops!" escaped Leo's mouth as he delivered the 51st punch on him by mistake.

'Anyway, it's already ruined, so I should at least complete a hundred, right?' Leo thought as he got back to punching the defenseless Ace.

'52...58...69,' as Leo was striking the 70th punch, Ace's body immediately dropped back to the ground, and he missed his attack.

"WTH!" escaped from his mouth as he looked at the fallen body of Ace and saw that he was completely unconscious.

"Y-you completely ruined my combo. Why do you have to fall on my 70th punch... wait, that means I made a combo of 69. It is acceptable," Leo said to the body of unconscious Ace before he sensed someone running toward him.

"Looks like I won," Leo said before turning toward Dan, who had a shocked and horrified look on his face while he rushed toward Ace.

"So, he will join my crew, then what about you?" Leo asked as he took out a Leppa berry and consumed it to recover some lost stamina.


(Word Count: 1269)


*** A Big Thanks You To Darkaito 121 for becoming a Patron***


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