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80.76% One Piece: Adventure of Leo / Chapter 61: Chapter - 60

Chapter 61: Chapter - 60

" " - Speaking

' ' - Thinking

[ ] - System Talking

!! !! - Crew Card


Following that, Leo continued to explain his plans for him before moving on to the next topic.

"So, now to the next part, the rewards, right?" Rindou asked in an excited voice.

"Yeah, as you all know, most of them are skill points, with a total of 10 Skill points and two Mystery boxes," Leo listed off the rewards he got from this mission.

"So, what are you waiting for? Just open those up and tell us already," Carina said with excitement clearly visible on her face.

Her excitement is understandable given that from what she heard, anything could come from them, including godlike weapons, an all-powerful skill, or almost anything.

'System opens both mystery boxes,' Leo said as a new screen appeared in front of his face.


[Opening the Mystery Box]


[Congrats on gaining True Observe (One time use)]


[{Unique Skill}

True Observe (One time use): It will tell all the information about anyone in this life, irrespective of user level.]


[Opening the Mystery Box]


[Congrats on gaining]


[Congrats on gaining a rare item: A water bottle (Infinite)]


[{Rare Item} Water bottle (Infinite): A seemingly simple water bottle that will always remain filled with the highest quality drinkable water and will never be empty.]


'I don't know what to say about this. I mean, these are pretty cool, but I was expecting something extraordinary, like a Unique skill. Still, I got a water bottle that will never be empty and a Skill that looks like an evolved form of my Observe, and it is only one-time use.' Leo thought as an unremarkable bottle appeared in his head.

The bottle really looked like an ordinary water bottle, but he could feel a connection with it, just like he had with his other soul-bound things.

'So, it is soul-bound with me,' he thought before he started to tell them about his rewards.


"Hmm, it's not a bad reward, right? I mean, now we don't have to think about drinkable water, right?" Rindou said in an optimistic tone.

"But, True Observe is a handy skill to have even if it is a one-time use," Zoro also added his two cents to the conversation.

And just like that, they continued to talk about these things before Leo ended the discussion.

"Alright, now let's wrap this up as we have to begin our journey towards Sixis island early in the morning," Leo said before walking toward the door while dragging Zoro and Levi with him.

"You girls can sleep here, and we three will sleep on the ship, so see you all in the morning," Leo said before walking out of Nami's house with Zoro and Levi.


"So, what is it? Split it out already," Zoro asked as they all strolled towards the ship.

"Was it that obvious?" Leo asked with a chuckle.

"For me, yes, it was," Zoro replied with a slight smile.

With a sign, Leo said, "I don't know if it was the right decision."

Zoro stopped walking and put his hand on his shoulder before saying, "You shouldn't be second-guessing this, Leo. You might be our friend, but you are also the captain of this crew, and the person that knows most about the sea in the crew, and what you said in there was right, so stop second-guessing about this man."

"Have some trust in yourself... because we all have faith in you."

After saying that, Zoro started walking.


'He is right. I should also have some faith in myself.'

After thinking about this, Leo began to walk toward the ship, but as his gaze moved toward Zoro, he sighed.

'God! He headed toward the forest.'


"I really behave like a bitch over there, don't I?" Nami asked with a tired expression as she and Nojiko were in their shared room.

Nojiko, who was packing their bags, looked at Nami and said, "don't beat you for it, Nami. You were just angry at Nezumi."

"But, I was also mad at Captain Leo for recruiting him. I was angry at the person that ended my nightmares," Nami said softly with a miserable look on her face.

Nojiko stops packing her bags before slowly moving toward Nami and giving her a gentle hug, saying, "No need to be so upset, Nami. Leo seems very kind, and I am sure he will forgive you if you sincerely apologize to him."


The next morning,


"So when will they be here?" Zoro asked as he and Leo stood on the deck waiting for the girls to come.

"Soon, Rindou just called me to say they had already left the house," Leo replied before taking a sip of his coffee.

The silence drew on the deck for a few minutes as Leo continued to enjoy his morning coffee before Zoro opened his mouth again.

"So, are you sure there is a logia devil fruit on that island?"

Leo looks at him, a slight smile appearing on his face. "Apparently so, but maybe we will miss the fruit."

After all, they wasted lots of time. Maybe Ace has already eaten the Flame fruit, and both he and Masked Deuce may have already escaped the Sixis island.

"Then why are we even heading there?" Zoro asked in confusion.

If they cannot find that devil fruit on Sixis island, then they shouldn't venture there.

"Just to confirm, Zoro, just to confirm," Leo said before focusing on his coffee.

Only Leo said that to Zoro because even he doesn't know when Ace will reach Sixis island or when they will escape from it.

For all he knows, Ace might not even be on Sixis Island yet, or maybe he has already escaped it.

So, Leo just wanted to ensure that he did not lose a strong logia like a flame fruit just because he didn't bother searching for it.

And if he could make Ace part of his crew, then it is just a bonus.

{AN: I know that Ace was almost as strong as an average Admiral of Marines when he died in the war.}

"They are here," Zoro said as he saw all four of them were about to reach the ship.


"So, you decide to sail with us?" Zoro asked Nojiko, to which she replied, "Yes, since my only family is heading to the sea, I thought, why don't I tag along with her, since you guys are ready to take me, so sure, why not?"

As this was going on. Nami came to Leo to apologize for her behavior last night.

"Captain, I am sorry that I behaved like that. It was irrational, and I am sorry I took it out on you." Nami said in an apologetic tone.

Leo just looked at her for a second before a gentle smile appeared on his face as he said, "Don't worry about it, Nami. Everyone makes a mistake sometime in their life. No problem, I accept your apology..."

"Oh! Thank God you forgive..."

"... but you just have to wash the black pearl deck daily for a month as your punishment."

Nami asked with a dreadful look on her face, "What, didn't I already say sorry? You also said that you forgive me, right?" she asked.

"Yes, I forgive you, Nami, but rules are rules, and you broke one, so I have to punish you. I can't have my authority being challenged by anyone in this crew," Leo says with a frigid look on her face.

"So, now go and set the course for Sixis Island."


(Word count: 1290)


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