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Chapter 17: Chapter 17

Brittany chewed her nails nervously. She was definitely getting a manicure because she had chewed her nails halfway. It wasn't her fault, an unconscious Horus was lying at the backseat of her car. She was nervous.

"We should take him to the hospital" she said scared but Seth shook his head, "It's okay. It happens all the time" he said and took out a small ziploc bag which contained a white powder and poured it into Horus' mouth. Drugs! Drugs! Drugs! her conscience screamed. "Let's be rational about this" she said in her head to her panicking conscience, "Horus is just...I don't know, six? Eight? He can't possibly be taking drugs... right?"

"Do you have water?" Seth asked, interrupting the conversation going on in Brittany's head. She nodded and handed him her pink water bottle and he made Horus drink it.

"Umm...what was that? It wasn't drugs, was it?" Brittany asked scared and Seth looked at her, "It was drugs" he said and her blue eyes got bigger, "You mean---" "It was morphine" "What's that?" "Drug for..." Seth was saying but Horus' stirred awake.

"Kiddo!" Seth said and Horus opened his eyes, "Did I fall asleep again?" he asked and Seth nodded his head, "Yeah! And you scared the crap out of me" he said and hugged Horus. Brittany just stared at them. Something was definitely wrong with Horus.


"I'll be back soon. I just have to pick up something" Seth said to Horus who nodded. "And if mom tries anything, you just run to the neighbors' house, okay?" Seth said and Horus nodded then Seth ruffled his hair, "See ya kiddo!" he said. Horus looked at Brittany and smiled, "Bye Brittany" he smirked and went inside the house.

Did he just smirk at me? she thought. "C'mon! Let's go!" Seth said "And where exactly are we going?" she asked "Zack's cafe" "Why? So you can get more drugs?" she said and he stiffened.

"Brittany" Seth said in a warning tone "Why are you giving drugs to Horus? He can get addicted you know?" "Of course I fucking know!" Seth glared at her. "So why?" she asked and he ran his fingers through his dark hair, "Horus is sick" he said. Brittany could not decipher whether his tone was sad or not.

"He has a collapsed lung" "OMG! Is he going to be okay?" Brittany asked and Seth looked at her, "He would if he gets the surgery" "Then what are you waiting for? Let him---" "I don't have the fucking money!" Seth yelled and he looked at Horus' window. Horus was staring at them.

Seth grabbed Brittany's hand and dragged her into the car. "Drive!" he ordered "What the hec---" "Just fucking drive!" he slammed his palm on the dashboard. "Alright!" she said and started the engine then she drove off.

As she drove, Brittany kept on looking at Seth. The atmosphere in the car was tense and awkward. "What do you want to say?" Seth asked tiredly and she cleared her throat, "Is umm...Is Horus gonna die if he doesn't get the surgery?" she asked softly but he didn't answer.

"That's not gonna happen. I'm saving money for the surgery and---" "Saving money from the pizzeria? Seth, even if you work double shift, there's no way you can save enough money for the surgery" "So what am I supposed to do? Let him die?" "No!" she said suddenly and held his hand. Seth had been the one doing all the hand-holding, so this was kinda shocking for Seth.

"Let me help, I can tell my dad and---" he flung her hand away from his, "I don't need your pity" he muttered and faced the window. Brittany felt like she had been burnt. She looked at her palm where his hand was, and she closed it.

They got to the cafe and Seth left the car without a word while she just waited for him. Although Seth had told her that he did not need her help...or pity, as he liked to call it, she was still gonna help. She had only met Horus today but she could see how important he was to Seth and she was not going to let him die just because Seth was behaving stubborn.

Seth was taking long. Where is he? she thought and looked at her phone. It was getting late. She got out of the car and went inside the cafe and oh my God did she regret it.

Seth and Zack were tied up on two chairs. Their faces were stained with blood and there were huge men everywhere. Yeah she was a black belt, but there was no way she could take them by herself. Someone puffed out smoke. Must be the leader, she thought and one of the huge guys moved away, allowing her to see the leader.

He was a small Asian boy. What the fudge? she thought. Where was the big scary guy with tattoos and rings? The boy looked about thirteen to fifteen years old. He had long platinum blonde hair which he had packed up to a ponytail. He had red eyes, which Brittany was sure were contacts, he had a lip piercing on his lower lip and he also had a small ring on his nose. He also had rings on his fingers and necklaces around his neck. He was cute and was supposed to be in middle school. So why the fuck was he leading a bunch of men bigger and older than him.

He removed the cigar from between his lips and blew out smoke from his mouth. Brittany thought about what Seth must be going through; his younger brother was dying because of his collapsed lung and yet there was a kid in front of him damaging his lungs.

"I knew something was wrong when I looked at my stock" the boy said. "Yogi, I'm sorry. I didn't want to do it but Seth had said that his brother was dying and well I---" Zack was saying but one of the huge men punched him and he spat out blood. "I never said you could talk" Yogi said and blew more smoke from his mouth.

"Listen here man, Zack has nothing to do with this! I was the one who had begged him to help me. Just let him go and---" a huge man punched Seth. "Lowlifes never listens" Yogi said and puffed out smoke from his nose, "I don't really care if your brother was dying and you begged Zack and shit like that" he said and got up then he walked to where Zack and Seth were tied.

Someone handed him a pistol with a silencer then he pointed it on Seth's forehead, "The thing I care about is how are you gonna pay for stealing from me?" he said, his voice dropping low.

Before Brittany could stop it, a gasp left her mouth. Fudge! She thought. Everyone must have heard that. Brittany, Seth thought and Yogi looked at where the gasp had come from, the pistol lifting up from Seth's temple but Seth pressed his temple to the gun, "Just do what you want to do!" he yelled. "What are you, psycho?" Yogi said and kicked Seth's chair then he fell.

Yogi gestured to some guys to bring whoever had made that sound. "Well it was nice working with you" her conscience said and Brittany was stunned. Her conscience was totally different from her. She never gave up so easily but her conscience did. She never used swear words without censoring but her conscience did without hesitation. She was so sure that her conscience was not even blonde.

A huge hand reached out to grab her slim arm and he dragged her up. Maybe her conscience was right to give up.


Yogi's POV(Just had to do it 🤣🤣)

She was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Those stupid hoes in the club couldn't hold a candle to her. Yeah I went up clubs and I was just fourteen. I had my ways.

She had the prettiest legs ever which were clad in blue jeans but her upper body was sexier in that black top. Her boobs caught my attention the most. She was taller than me but hey, who liked short girls?

I liked the way her short blonde hair moved from side to side as she struggled to free herself from Ralph's grip. He was holding her too tight. What if she got hurt? More importantly, I liked the flowers that surrounded her. It was like she was an angel sent from wherever angels came from.

She looked at me and her eyes widened (Cutest shit ever!) with her mouth forming an 'O' shape. My heart started doing this weird thing; it was beating really really fast. I clutched my hand over my fast beating heart. Was this love?


Back To What Every Normal Person Was Seeing

Yogi dropped his gun subconsciously. "Boss!" some of the huge men ran to him, "Are you okay?" one asked as he held Yogi's shoulder. "Get the fuck off me!" Yogi shrugged the guy's hand off his shoulder.

"Why the fuck are you somewhere you aren't supposed to be blondie?" Yogi asked Brittany as he was handed another gun. "Umm... it's a cafe so I came to have coffee" Brittany said and Yogi chuckled, "You're cute, what's the name?" "Brittany" she shuddered as he moved the gun to his other hand.

"Brittany" Seth coughed out blood and Brittany looked at Seth on the floor. "Do you know this prick?" Yogi asked. We should use tactics, her conscience advised her. "Well...I...umm...yes" she regretted it as soon as she said it. Yogi squeezed the gun in his hand, "What the hell? Is he your boyfriend?" No, she thought. "Yes!" was what she said. What the fudge? Is today opposite day? she thought.

"What?" Yogi shrieked and pointed the gun at Brittany. He was actually pointing the gun at Seth but Brittany was in front of Seth. "Boss!" some of the guys called out but Yogi fired the gun.

Everywhere was quiet then they looked behind Seth. Luckily, the bullet had missed him and had hit the wall. "Boss are you okay?" Ralph asked Yogi who was just looking at Brittany. She was shaking and her hands were in front of her as a shield. Shit! She's scared, he thought and looked at Seth on the floor.

"Boss, we should get going before the cops arrive. They must have heard the gunshot" Ralph said and Yogi nodded then he handed the gun to Ralph, "Hurry up and get me my money, Seth!" Yogi said as he turned then he looked over his shoulder, "Blondie, don't get involved in shit like this, your boyfriend should have told you this!" he said and left with the huge men trailing behind him. He had said the 'boyfriend' with spite.

Phew! Brittany thought, we escaped that! Why must every gangster or mafia give the girl a nickname? Not like I'm his girl, she thought and went over to untie Zack and Seth.

"I'll get the first-aid box" Zack said and went to the back room. Seth kept his eyes anywhere other than Brittany's big blue orbs. He kinda felt ashamed. Brittany stared at his face. His lip was busted, he had a purple eye and he had numerous cuts and bruises on his face. His nose also looked broken.

She reached out to touch his face but he flinched back as if her touching him would get him burnt. She dropped her hand slowly and waited for Zack to come back with the first-aid box.

Zack brought out bandages, cotton swabs and all that stuff. Brittany dipped a cotton swab inside iodine solution and was about to rub it on one of the cuts on Seth's face, but he turned away, "I can do it myself" he said coldly and took the cotton swab from her hand and treated himself.

"Are you okay?" Brittany asked Zack as he fixed a band-aid over one of his cuts. Compared to Seth, Zack didn't really get beat up. Seth took most of the beating cos it was his fault. "Yeah! It's Seth I'm worried about" Zack said and Seth looked at him, "Me? Why?" he asked as he struggled to put a band-aid on his injury. "You obviously don't know how to treat yourself" Zack said as he took the band-aid from Seth and helped him fix it.


They were in the car again and it was awkward. Well it was only awkward to Brittany. Seth looked like he did not want to talk.

"I...umm... I'm sorry" Brittany said and Seth without looking at her, said, "What are you sorry for? For interfering in shit that doesn't concern you or for pitying me?" "Seth..." "Just shut up and fucking drive Britz!" he said and she concentrated on driving.


Seth looked at himself in the mirror. Was his brother going to notice the cuts and ask questions? He touched one of the band-aids and remembered when Brittany wanted to help him. He felt bad that he yelled at her but he didn't need her pity.

He closed the medicine cabinet and heard the front door open then he heard something falling and breaking. He sighed, "She's back!" then he went down and saw Horus coming out of his room, "Horus go back to your room!" he ordered and Horus clutched the door handle, "You're gonna fight with her, aren't you?" he asked and Seth shrugged, "It depends on her mood and my mood...and I'm not really in a good mood" he said and went to the living room.

His mom, Natasha was sprawled on the sofa with a bottle of rum in her hands. Seth looked at the broken vase by the door and shook his head. "Wh...Why are you shaking your head? Are you disappointed in me?" she slurred.

"I'm sure you don't want my honest opinion" he said as picked up the pieces and she sat up, "You punk. Didn't I teach you that honesty is the best policy? Or did you forget just the way your dad forgot us?" she laughed and Seth stopped picking the pieces.

"Your dad was...the most wonderful man in the world. He was quite a charmer when we were in the same company. Got me coffee, walked me home, told silly but cute pick-up lines" she chuckled and put her arm over her eyes. "When he asked me to marry him, I said yes, without hesitation. I was so happy that I had made the best decision ever. We were in love and when you and your brother came, our love deepened...or so I thought. I...I just wanna know where it all went wrong" she sobbed.

This was weird. Whenever Natasha was drunk, which was everytime, she always hit him or yelled at him...but now, she was having a heartfelt talk with him. It was like...she was sober.

Seth finished picking up the pieces then he looked at her, "You didn't do anything wrong mom. Dad was the asshole for leaving. You just... didn't know how to deal with it" she laughed and took a swig from the bottle, "You punk! I did raise you well" then she slept off.

Seth took a blanket on the rocking chair and covered her with it then he went back upstairs. Horus was at the door of his room, "I didn't hear shouting. Is everything alright?" he asked and Seth ruffled his hair, "Yeah! Just go to bed kiddo!" then he went to his room and came back with his keys. "Are you going somewhere?" Horus asked and Seth smiled, "I was being an asshole to someone earlier. I'll be back soon" "Is it Brittany?" Horus asked and Seth looked at him, "You are really too smart for your age".


Brittany tried to skip a stone on the water but it only sank. She sighed and threw another one. She didn't mean to pity Seth. She only wanted to help because she did not want to see him sad or worried about Horus. But he had taken it as pity and now he was angry at her.

She heard a branch break and she looked up and saw the silhouette of the person she was thinking about. "Seth" she gasped and he smirked, "Oh man! I really wanted to scare you!" then he sat beside her. She moved away, creating a reasonable distance between them.

"I won't bite unless you want me to" he smirked and she looked back at the lake and continued trying to skip stones. "That's not how you do it!" Seth said as he held her hand containing a stone in it.

She looked at him then looked away. He took the stone in her hand and threw it away, "You use a flat, small stone" he said and started feeling the stones on the ground, "Like this!" he finally said as he held a flat, small stone in his hand then he gave it to her but she didn't take it so he put it between her fingers. "You hold it with your thumb on top and your middle finger at the bottom, then you wrap your index finger along the edge" he instructed as he placed her fingers according to his instructions.

She looked at him then he looked at her, "And then you...skip!" he said as he used her hand to throw the stone flatly on the water, and it skipped. Brittany was not concentrating on the fact that she just made a stone skip, she was just concentrating on Seth's face. She was trying to decipher his mood.

"I thought you were angry at me" she said softly and he let go of her hand, "That was stupid. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you for trying to help me. I'm not just used to people helping me. I've always been the one helping myself" he said and looked at her.

The way he looked at her-----as cliché as it sounds-----warmed her heart. All anger erased from her heart and the only thing on her mind was to make sure he never felt alone and that he had someone to rely on. With that thought imprinted in her mind and heart, she knew she was in trouble. There was no doubt about it, she liked-----no, she was past the liking stage-----loved Seth Michael freaking Williams.

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