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31.25% Naruto: Story of a Kumo ninja / Chapter 8: Talk with uncle A

Chapter 8: Talk with uncle A




Training Ground 2

The training areas in Kumo are all on mountains but they were specially modified for training purposes

Training Ground 2 was like a big forest which was rare for a village located in the mountains


In front of a very tall tree stood kazuto

His eyes closed, and his breathing was steady

Everything was quiet and peaceful

Opening his eyes kazuto made a series of hand seals

[Lighning Palm Jutsu]

Kazuto hold out his palm which was now covered in lightning and hit the tree in front of him with a palm strike

The lightning covering his hands slowly faded and kazuto looked at the position he hit

The damage wasn't, a lot the tree was very big and sturdy the only thing that he saw was a print of his hand and some burn marks

"Well that seems good for today"

Looking at the damage caused by the Jutsu kazuto was satisfied with the results

A month has passed since he gained the ability to use his chakra

After that a couple of days later his father brought him a chakra paper to check his chakra nature

He was a little surprised by the results, he got 3 chakra nature types

Lightning, water, and wind

He fully expected lightning but the other two was a nice surprise to him

After that, his father gave him his first Jutsu

[Lightning Palm jutsu]

It's a C-rank lightning Jutsu that requires the user to generate lightning chakra to the palm

It's a very simple Jutsu and it didn't take kazuto long to learn it, usually comes here and practices it in his free time

After seeing the damage dealt Kazuto wondered how long it would take him to reach his dad's level

Z demonstrated this Jutsu to kazuto and the results were very different the tree got bodied

There was a huge hole in the middle of the tree, Kazuto determined that even though it was a C-rank Jutsu it was the capability of being a B-rank Jutsu

He sat on the ground exhausted doing a C-rank took a lot out of him

While was resting he saw a figure walking toward him

"Uncle A"

Kazuto got up and look at the figure which was his uncle

"Ah kazuto seems your already warmed up"

A walked to where kazuto was standing a looked at the Tree which had a palm print on it

Kazuto asked him to give him some pointers

Kazuto and A discussed a little about the Jutsu until kazuto change the subject

"It seems everyone in the village is preparing for war"

A's body froze as he looked at kazuto with a surprised look

'Seems like the situation in the village is getting worse if a 3-year-old can notice'

A shook his head and looked at kazuto who was also looking at him

He wasn't completely surprised this nephew of his was mature and smart for his age

"Yes war is coming it's normal for the people to be on edge"

He didn't feel uncomfortable talking to a 3-year=old about this since he knows kazuto was smarter than he seems

"I heard dad saying that you're in charge of preparing for the war at the moment do you have any idea on what to do"

Kazuto wasn't lying he actually heard his mother and father talking when he returned from the meeting

When he heard this it gave him an idea

A didn't seem surprised this wasn't a secret after all plus knowing how curious his nephew was he was going to find out sooner or later

"Yes I'm in charge for the time being as for what I'm going to do I have a few ideas"

Kazuto nodded he can see his uncle wasn't really into talking about what he planned to do, this was expected as it was classified information

"That's great, I was also thinking of something"

Said Kazuto who looked at his uncle hoping to gain his interest

And he was right, A ears perked up when he heard kazuto say this

If it was a normal three-year-old he won't be interested but his nephew with a brilliant mind, he was a bit interested

His ideas were something else he still remembered the day when kazuto demonstrated the modified version of the Narukami fighting style to him

"Go on"

Kazuto smiled when he heard this the fish took the bait

"In a book, I read about the history of Kumo when the first raikage was building the village there were several clans that followed him"

"Most of those clans are still in Kumo but there was one powerful clan that seems to be missing"

Kazuto stopped and looked at his uncle who was now very curious about what he had to say, not trying to ruin the momentum he continued

"This clan had a dojutsu that allowed them to perform powerful genjutsu, of comparable strength to the Uchiha clan's Sharingan"

"They also had the unique ability to manipulate liquids that have high iron contents, such as blood"

The more A heard Kazuto talk the more a deep memory in his got unclocled

He remembered this clan decades ago, a woman married to the daimyo at the time and got the daimyo's first wife jealous

After the daimyo's death, the woman and her clan were accused by the first wife and were exiled by the Uchiha clan

After that day the clan disappeared and was forgotten

He was 100% sure that no one remembered this clan and if it wasn't for kazuto neither would he

'What was the clan name again'

Seeing that his uncle A was in deep thoughts kazuto continued with what he had to say

"This clan was the Chinoike Clan, the clan that was forgotten"

'Yes the Chinoike Clan, how could we forget'

Kazuto looked at his uncle that eyes were wide open in the realization

His plan was working

After hearing that his uncle was in charge of the military before the war he had a plan

The plan involved the Chinoike Clan

Honestly, he wondered why such a powerful clan was forgotten and degraded like that

He wanted to Chinoike Clan to rejoin Kumo, if nothing changed the clan should not be almost extinct

He was unable to stop anything from happening to his father and uncle on the battlefield but he could ensure that they had more protection and a higher chance of survival

His father is the Narukami clan patriarch so most of the time he would be more back in the war commanding, same does for his uncle

Not only that they were both very stong

His father and uncle were both quasi-kages

Honestly the more he thought about the more he got confused

Both his uncle and father were powerful shinobis not only that they won't be on the frontlines a lot

'But if that's the case how did my dad die'

He couldn't quite figure it out but it's better to be safe than sorry

A broke out of his thoughts and motioned kazuto to continue he was very interested in what his young nephew had to say

"Well I was thinking if uncle could reunite the Chinoike Clan with the village not only would we be stronger but it would be good for the village's future"

"And after the Chinoike Clan returns you can create a powerful unit with you, dad, some Chinoike Clan members, and some trusted ninjas"

"This unit will be named 141"

"Why 141"

A already noted down what his nephew said even though the special unit was a good idea

Quality over quantity

But he was still confused about one thing

"Because only heroes are allowed to join 141"

Said kazuto who left a vague understanding and nostalgic smile on his face

A was confused but he didn't think much about it the information he got from kazuto was already priceless

A and kazuto talked for another couple of minutes until they decide to start training

Kazuto's goal today was accomplished

This was the most he could do at the moment

the special unit team was the main objective

His father and uncle were already strong, but if they had strong people around them

The people that could challenge them could be counted on one hand

The Chinoike Clan was a very important part their dojutsu was very powerful he had more faith in them than some ordinary Kumo ninjas

'Well getting the Chinoike Clan to rejoin Kumo is going to be very hard, but I have faith in uncle'

'But something doesn't feel right'


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Honestly, I felt weird making this one didn't have any motivation what so ever but I tried


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