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Chapter 3

Laura Pov (Third Person)

The Werewolf that Ren transformed into howl loudly causing the house to slightly shake. The agents that were holding Laura arms push her behind them and aim their gun at Ren's WereWolf.

Leader: "fire!!"

They shoot at the WereWolf because of the loud noises Laura cover her ears. Their bullets wasn't going through Ren instead they were bouncing off him, he leap to them and attacked them. One by one Ren slice their necks, but he doesn't bite them, it was quick but not painless, as he finish taking out the small fry, he looks at the leader, the leader seeing his comrades killed by it, he pulled out his pistol and shot it again in its forehead, but before it can touch it's forehead it quickly Dodged, went straight at the leader and snapped his head.

Leaving one agent standing, it was the sergeant. The sergeant breathing out sounds of fear and he back himself at the wall where Laura was. She grab the shotgun that was on the floor and hits the sergeant on the head, he fall on the ground out cold. She then point her gun at Ren's WereWolf

Laura: "don't you come near me! You f****** lied to me! You said you didn't get bit!" He didn't say anything and stare at her. His eyes locked to hers which made her drop her gun, she saw a dark place with a huge red viscous eyes staring at her then it roared at her. She screams clearly terrified, she looks around realising she is not in that dark place but she then realize she isn't holding her gun she looked down to grab it but Ren's WereWolf grab both of her hands and pin her to the wall "gah!" She tried to break free from Ren's WereWolf hands but the strength of a WereWolf is more stronger than a female human.

"let go of me now!!" She tried her best to free her hands from Ren's WereWolf hands in fear he might kill her or worse, seeing she can't be freed She stops, looked away and close her eyes with tears streaming down her face "isn't this what you want Ren..? Go ahead.. Do it.." Ren's WereWolf seeing her beating neck drew closer to her he puts his teeth on her neck getting ready to bite. She thinks while she is still tearing up (is this it for me..?)

At Ren Pov

Ren in his werewolf state notices a black line on her left shoulder, he put his claw on her vest and pull it down slowly he stops as he see a black spiral on her shoulder. Suddenly he exploded again blood was spilt everywhere and on Laura who was stunned. Ren's human body came back, His body was covered in blood only wearing is a black boxers and he looks around seeing the men on the floor covered in blood spilt everywhere he was confused and scared

Ren: "w-what the hell just happen to everyone..?! Why is there so much blood?!" He looked at Laura and saw that she just drop down on the ground unconscious. He goes to her and check her plus "good.. She's alive just unconscious.." He looked at the agent with a weird looking arm computer on his right arm "hmm.."

One Hour Later

At the same place where there were bodies on the ground, Ren found a change of clothes, he puts them on a black jacket and a blue jeans with a computer is strap on his left arm, he is going through the agent computer to find answers while doing so he found a file about an ancient WereWolf Curse

Ren: "Ancient past says it that people who bear the symbol of a black spiral can transformed willingly and without. With death while changing can have an explosive transformation. Without death while transforming can have the worse painful experience of becoming a WereWolf. To end the ancient WereWolf Curse you must kill the one who started it all before on the full blood moon, the wolf will take full form" The texted stop there, Ren eyes widen in fear and shock of what he had read "this is totally barbarat! W-when will that blood moon will come?!" He looked at the sergeant that is tied up by the arms and legs he got close to him and slap him hard which successfully woke him up

Sergeant looks around clearly delirious: "gah! W-what happened?" He lifts his head up to look around and saw Ren in front of him, he yells and tried to move away but realizes he's tied up "let me go!" He shouts at ren

Ren: "answer me first! When will there be a blood moon!?"

Sergeant: "wait why are you in your human for-.. Oh no.. -"

Ren: "yeah! Thanx to your computer device, I read and discovered the ancient WereWolf Curse that been cast down over centuries! Where will there be the blood moon and who is the one that started this WereWolf Curse!?"

Laura: "you better answer his question"

Ren looked behind him and saw Laura just leaning on the wall holding her shotgun, Ren sigh: "listen Laura i-"

Laura: "it's fine, I heard you read that ancient thing so it wasn't your fault. I also had the mark" she pull down her vest a little and show Ren the spiral Mark. Ren widen his eyes and looked at her

Ren: "then that mean-"

Sergeant shouted: "you two are WereWolf Shifters?!"

Ren and Laura looked at the sergeant

Laura: "huh?"

Ren: "what is that?"

Sergeant: "it's someone who can turn to a WereWolf anytime they want to they are not bounded by the full moon or by the criminal skin."

Laura: "that's impossible, Ren is the only one that can change into a WereWolf and come back as human, the other werewolves I saw couldn't do that. .. How?"

Ren: "yeah.. I don't remember what actually happened.. I only remembered I was upset because that man hits Laura with his gun, my eyes.. It started to lose its vision but it came back then I saw he shot something at me that's when everything turn black"

Sergeant: "you were about to transformed but didn't then the commander shot you on the head but as I remember you didn't, you were standing there lifeless"

Ren looked at the sergeant confused: "what do you mean? when someone gets shot in the head they normally fall to the ground-"

Laura: "he's right Ren, I also saw it and you just exploded and your WereWolf form was there were you stood then you began attacking everyone in sight.. Even me.."

Ren looked at her concerned: "I didn't hurt you did I-?"

Laura looked away: "no you didn't, do you don't have to worry about it"

Ren relieved: "okay.." He looked down "I was over thinking that maybe I did do something to hurt you"

Laura: "i-"

Sergeant interrupted them: " are you guys boyfriend and girlfriend Or something?"

Ren and Laura looked at the sergeant surprised and shocked with a hint of blush on their faces

Ren and Laura: "no! We are not together!" They looked at each other which made their faces even more red than before. The sergeant look at them with disbelief "Ookay"

Then Ren looked back at the sergeant "I'll let you go if you can take us to where your commander and others are based"

Laura:" and we need to get back Anna, she's pregnant and your guys took her somewhere "

Sergeant: "okay, I'll take you guys to E-Tech that's where Anna is."

Ren: "E-Tech?"

Laura: "I've never heard that before"

Ren releases the sergeant from the ropes, he stand up and so did Ren

Sergeant rubs his soar wrists: "E-Tech is an organization Facility that tests medical treatment, Robotic systems Engineering and other Knowledge of scientist"

Ren: "Robotictics huh?"

Laura looked at Ren: "I remember you told me you also made robot or something?"

Ren: "yeah but I didn't make any progress"

Sergeant: "I know someone who can make advance robots"

They looked at sergeant and Laura speaks: "who?"

Suddenly an earthquake has shake the cabins, the Sergeant shouted in fear: "Lets get out of here!" Ren and Laura agreed and they ran out the door. As sergeant, Ren and Laura got outside they looked at the sky and saw a red beam that lit the sky red.

Ren: "what the bloody hell is going on!?"

Sergeant: "somebody is using the time jump to cross to different reality! This world will break and destroyed!"

Ren and Laura looked at each other then they looked at sergeant and Laura speak: "how to stop it!?"

Sergeant points at the computer device that is on Ren's right arm: "he's the only one who must do the same-"

Laura: "what!?"

Ren: "wait what! Why me!?"

Sergeant: " That Computer that is on your arm can cross to any timeline you must use it to leave this dimension and go to another! We can't go with you because it's only a one way trip! Now go! "

Ren takes a look at Laura one last time and Laura gets close to him without saying anything

Ren: "listen i-"

She pull his jacket to get even close to her and she kiss him on the lips: "find me.. Okay?"

Ren to stun to say anything only stutter out: "o-okay" she back away from Ren and she looked away while she crosses her arms

Sergeant: "okay go on 'teleportation to dimension' and press earth one"

Ren does what sergeant said and a voice speaks through the computer device: "time jump in 5 seconds, 4-"

Ren heard a loud gun shot that is super close he looks forward and saw the sergeant with a pistol pointing at Laura but she's on the ground. He also saw blood  coming from her head and Ren eyes turn to red slit and he yelled out: "No!! Laurrrrraaaaa!!!!" As the count down reaches the end a rift breaks behind him and suck him in.

Then suddenly Ren rises his head which was on a desk, he looks around and sees that he's in a classroom with other classmates sitting in desk and chaires, there is also a female teacher that has long blonde hair, wears Glasses, a white Blouse, black jacket and a black shirt standing there looking at the class, probably sensing Ren's Distraught she asks

Teacher: "Ren, are you okay?"

To Be Continue

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