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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Ren: "no, that would be impossible because if I were really a WereWolf, Their weakness are silver and sunlight" Ren takes a good look at his right arm and realised the chain is actually silver he sigh in relief "okay this is great I'm not a WereWolf, if I was I would definitely be in pain, now I need to get out of here before she comes back" Ren takes a full examining of everything in the room he's in. He look forward and saw a flat screen tv in top of a brown desk . At his left is nothing but a Barricaded door (what is resides outside of that door?) He looked at his right and there is a window that is also barricaded. Then the girl that is holding the shotgun came back through the door, Ren looked at her quickly. She walked and stand by the window facing him

??: "So-"

Ren: "wait before you ask me whatever you want to ask me, I have to know how did I get here?"

??: "You were laying unconscious on the ground when I found you. There were many WereWolves bodies by the bus with one dead human burnt body inside"

Ren looked down in sadness: "that was my... Best friend Nick.."

??: "Hm.. Can you tell me what happened before I found you unconscious?"

Ren: "my classmates and I were going on a field trip to the beach but.. Werewolves attacked the bus, pull me out and threw me against the wall of the mountain.. I was in and out of consciousness when I saw the bus fell down the cliff, i tried to get to them but the WereWolf-" he remembers the WereWolf bite him on his shoulder

??: "The WereWolf what?"

Ren: (if I tell her I got bitten she will shoot me or worse) "confronted me, I turn around fast and grab the WereWolf head so it won't bite me and suddenly it's head was rip off.."

she look at Ren Suspiciously : "it's head was just suddenly rip off?"

Ren nod: "y-yeah strange right. Anyway.. After that I got up and headed to where the bus fell which was over the cliff when I looked down I saw.. My classmates getting eaten alive and some was turning into more werewolves. I saw two of my classmates, Annalise and Josh climbing up towards me so I help them up but Josh push me down and it was then I saw my best friend Nick inside of the bus and it exploded before I can get to him... After that everything become a blur.."

??: "Hm.. I'm sorry to tell you this but I think Annalise of them because I found a guy body rip in half so she might be a WereWolf"

Ren looked down with tears in his eyes: "i-i see.."

She sigh and sit down Next to him. She takes out a key from her left Jeans pocket and reaches to the lock on the chain to unlock it: "I'm not letting you go because of what you said I'm doing this because I was ordered to"

Ren looked at her: "by who?"

She unlocked the chain and looked at him: "her name is Anna, she wants me to not be too strict with you but friendly but I don't have a friendly personally and you can't argue with a pregnant woman so

Ren: " oh that's understandable.. How far long is she? "

She looks at him confused: "how long she is?"

Ren: "I mean her pregnancy"

??: "Oh, she told me she's 6 months pregnant"

Ren: "okay, may I ask what is your name? If you don't mind me asking"

Laura: "It's Laura. Laura Winters. What about you?"

Ren: "Ren Archer"

Laura: "I see" she gets up and grab her shotgun "your welcome to leave or stay if you like-" she goes to the window and saw something "shit!" She turn around and ran out the door.

Ren: "hey! Laura! Where are you going?!" Ren got up and looked at the window and saw lights heading here "are they good or bad-?" He heard him shots that is sound like it come from down stairs he looked at the door and realised Laura goes down stairs "huh-? He ran to the door and head downstairs and looked at the living room. He saw people in white and blue suit with strange tech guns. Two of them were holding Laura hostage and a group of them were going outside.

Laura: " Anna! Let her go you f******!! "

A man who seems to be the leader speaks to Laura: "shut up! Tell me is there anyone else here?!"

Laura: "f*** you!"

He hits her with his gun and Ren gets angry and drop down: "hey!" They looked at Ren and they point their guns at him "you have no right to hit her!"

Leader: "You stay right there and identify yourself!"

Ren: "let Laura go or I'll kill you all!"

???: "Sir!"

the leader looked at the guy that is next to him: "what sergeant?! "

The sergeant looked at his right arm where a small device was: "he's infected-"

Leader: "what? Shoot him and take her with us"

Ren started to feel uneasy: "no.."

Leader looked at Ren: "what?"

Ren: "I said no f*****! If you want to take her you will have to kill me!!"

The Leader shot Ren on the head and Laura yells: "noo!!" She kicked the leader head " you f****** killed him!! "

The Leader moves a bit and looked at her: "Gar! Restrain that girl!"

Sergeant: "Sir he's still standing!" Leader looked at Ren and realised Ren didn't fall but stood there with his eyes open. Ren bend down his head and quickly lift his head up and he exploded. Blood spill everywhere including on the men and on Laura face. They all looked at Ren and saw that his body is now in a different form of a WereWolf it's pure black with red fur on the forehead and back, His eyes are black with red slit. He roar furiously: "aaaaaarrrooooooooooow!!"

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