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WereWolf Curse WereWolf Curse original

WereWolf Curse

Author: Darkness_Ren

© WebNovel

Chapter 1

??: "Hey! Hey bro!"

Ren opens his eyes and found himself in a school bus packed with students sitting in peers, beside him is a green haired teenage boy wearing the school's make uniform a white shirt, a green tie and a dark blue pants he was calling out to him

Ren blinked a couple of times then said: "oh.. Hey Nick.. W-what happened?"

Nick: "well let's see, you fell asleep as soon as the bus driver just started the bus"

Ren: "really? I must of been pretty tired.."

Nick: "why are you so tired?"

Ren: "i.." Ren looked out the window " I don't know.. "

Nick: "anyway, are you going to do it?"

Ren looked at Nick confused: "do what?"

Nick: "you know, ask Annalise out?"

Ren: "oh no no I'm good"

Nick: "what do you mean, you're good? You like boys now!"

Ren: "shhh!" Ren whisper to Nick "Keep your voice down.. I don't like boys, I mean I do like her but I'm just not ready"

Nick: "but if you don't confess soon, that guy whose behind her might ask her out first" Nick goes on his iPhone and Ren looked at the 5 row to the left and saw a blonde teenage male leaning to the out his seat to stare at a girl who have blondeish hair, blueish green eyes, wearing the school's girl uniform a white shirt, green tie and a knee length dark blue skirt. probably sensing his gaze on her she turn around notices Ren is staring at her, Ren quickly looked away to look out the window

Annalise pov

As she saw that Ren turn away to avoided eye contact, she turns back to look in front and smiled: (I wonder why he's avoiding eye contact.. Is it because he's shy? Or..-)

She feels someone grab her bus seat from behind, it's is the same blonde male who was trying to look at her: "hey Annalise"

She didn't look behind but she sigh in frustration: "what is it Josh?"

Josh: "have you made up your mind yet?"

Annalise: "about what?"

Josh: "about you, coming to my house and you know have a drink together with me just us too"

Annalise: "I told you, I don't want to sleep with you. I'm not like those another wild girls you slept with"

Josh: "that's what they all say before...?" He drags on while smirking and wiggling his eyebrow

Annalise sighs again and turn to looked at him

Annalise Pov End

Back at Ren Pov

Nick: "what the f***"

Ren looked at Nick: "what?" Ren looked at Nick's phone and saw a video of huge white furry creatures eating a human being alive

Nick: "this is coming the news..! They said. seems like Werewolves has invaded the USA and half of the other countries. Please be-"

Suddenly the bus swings hard to the left and right, the students began to panicked then a WereWolf slams it self by the side of the bus where Ren is and bust it's hand through the window, and before he know it, it grabs Ren shirt and pull him outside while the bus drives on.

The Werewolf threw Ren with much strength to the wall of the hill as he hit it blood spill out of his mouth, his eyes were closing and opening He heard Screeching coming from the bus He open his eyes to look at where the sound is coming from but his eyes were unfocus yet he still manages to see two white werewolves slamming their bodies on the bus causing the bus to go off the nearby cliff and the werewolves follows it.

Ren manages to get up with his weaken body, he walk slowly towards where the bus has fallen to go to the others but unfortunately a WereWolf grab Ren from behind his shoulder and bites him on his right shoulder, he screams loudly from the intense pain : "Ahhhh!!" Ren grabs its head and suddenly it's head was rip out of its body, blood spill all over Ren's body. Ren looked behind and saw it's body on the ground blue blood spilling from it: "h-how did it's head come off? are these things real? Ah..!" He put his left hand on his right shoulder and feels the bite Mark which the beast left on him "shit shit shit! I might be infected!.. Wait! Oh shit the others!!" Ren run towards the cliff, looked down and saw students being taken out from the bus, getting eaten by werewolves and some of them are turning into more werewolves. Ren eyes widen in fear as he saw this: "n-no.. This can't be, not by daylight.. N-not -!"

Annalise: "Ren!"

He look down towards the voice, he saw Annalise and Josh climbing the cliff trying to get away

Ren lowered his hand to them: "come! take my hand! Now!"

Annalise quickly grab Ren hand and he pull her up, and settle her to his side after making sure she is okay, he grab Josh hand and pull him up as well. Ren looked down looking Nick, but doesn't see him so looked at Annalise and Josh to question them about him: "W-Where is Nick?!"

Josh looked at Ren sizing him up: "he's down there, maybe you should go after him"

Josh walked up to Ren and Ren saw Josh eyes are golden slit, Josh push Ren down the cliff: "Ahhh!!"

Ren heard Annalise shout his name as he fall to the ground. He got up from the ground and stood up quickly, he saw Nick inside the bus with a swarm of werewolves trying to get in. Ren was about to shout of Nick name that's when he saw fire started to lit up from underneath the bus. He looked back at Nick from the window and shout out his name in fear: "Nick-!!"

The bus exploded catching Ren, the werewolves and whoever was still in the bus

Somewhere on one of the tall trees there is a black crow looking down on the bus, its eyes are red and black with symbol within it, watching everything that's happening underneath it.

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