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Chapter 13 The Slytherin common room

[AN: Not much will happen in this chapter and rather a lot will be described and explained.]

*Cederic Pov*

We all stand in a line of two people and follow the girl I heard her name is Olivia and that she is in her sixth year.

With Aurelius next to me we walk through the corridors of hogwarts although i have seen it and mum and dad talked about it so much this school was just mur to admire.

The architecture is just magical and the person who built the castle must have been a genius.

We go down the stairs and it's getting darker and darker, the light doesn't seem as bright as the candles in the big hall, but dimmed.

"Cedric, have you thought about what your parents will think?" Aurelius asks me about a subject I'm not sure about myself.

"My father was sure that I would become a Hufflepuff, he told me the best places in the common room and where I could always get something to eat.

My mom wished i was a ravenclaw and we used to give me riddles, she said to get into the common room you had to solve one. She also informed me about the best places to have my peace for my study session.

It will be a shock to my parents." Thoughtfully answer decisively. "But the hat apparently saw something in me that they didn't."

We had just arrived in the dungeons with the light being saved and it wasn't as warm as my father described the Hufflepuff room.

"Rest assured, we will have no problems in Slytherin." Aurel cheers me up.

"We have arrived." Olivia suddenly stops and lets us know.

*No Pov*

The Dungeons of Hogwarts are located deep beneath the school and are accessed through a series of twisting stone staircases and dimly lit corridors. These underground chambers are dark, damp and chilly, with low ceilings and rough-hewn walls.

The air is thick with the musty scent of old stone and damp earth, and the only light comes from flickering torches mounted on the walls. The floors are made of uneven stone tiles, and there are no windows, making it a particularly gloomy and foreboding place.

Despite their ominous appearance, the Dungeons serve as an important part of Hogwarts, housing several classrooms, including the Potions classroom.

To other schools, it would appear as if the first years and two prefects were standing in front of a featureless stone wall.

However, if one knows the correct password, a hidden door will appear in the wall, leading to the entrance of the Slytherin common room.

The entrance itself is quite grand, with a heavy wooden door adorned with intricate carvings of snakes and other reptilian creatures. The door is enchanted to only open for those who know the password, ensuring the security of the Slytherin common room.

Once inside, the Slytherin common room is a spacious and luxurious chamber, with plush green and silver furnishings, a roaring fireplace, and large windows overlooking the Hogwarts grounds. The room is adorned with numerous tapestries, depicting the history and achievements of the Slytherin house.

Overall, the entrance to the Slytherin common room is a well-guarded and impressive feature of the Hogwarts castle, reflecting the importance and pride of the Slytherin house.

"Welcome to Slytherin, first-year students! As a prefect, I'm here to explain how the entrance to the Slytherin common room works.

The entrance to the common room is hidden, and you need a special password to get in. It's like a secret code that only Slytherin students know. Once you learn the password, you can say it in front of the door, and it will open for you.

It's important to keep the password a secret so that only Slytherin students can enter the common room. Don't share it with anyone outside of our house, and be careful not to say it too loudly in case someone overhears.

So, if you ever want to visit the Slytherin common room, just remember to say the password in front of the door, and it will open for you. And if you ever forget the password or have any questions, feel free to ask me or one of the other prefects

We're here to help you settle into Slytherin. Tomorrow is your first real day at Hogwarts. The day after the ceremony is always a free day for all students so ask us seniors if you have any questions and you can explore the castle.

There is a bulletin board in the common room for information, check it every day.

You will also find your timetable there, the first lesson starts at nine o'clock in the morning, be here ten minutes earlier and we prefects will show you to your classrooms."

Both prefects explain to the newcomers and show themselves to be helpful.

*Cederic Pov*

I felt a sense of pride wash over me as we stepped inside, realizing that I was now a part of this prestigious house.

The other Slytherin students welcomed us warmly, and I knew that I had made the right choice in joining their ranks.

The room was a grand and impressive space, adorned in the colors of green and silver that represented the house. It was spacious and over all giving an open and welcoming feel.

Since the room is built under the sea, you can look into the water, which is a feast for the eyes. The view was particularly beautiful at night, when the moon was full and the stars twinkled in the sky.

The walls were covered in intricate tapestries depicting famous Slytherin wizards and witches, and the floor was made of dark, polished wood that shone in the candlelight.

The room was also dimly lit, giving it an air of mystery and intrigue that was fitting for the house.

The furniture was plush and comfortable, with large armchairs and sofas upholstered in deep green and silver fabrics.

There were several bookcases filled with ancient tomes and scrolls, and a large fireplace that crackled and popped, providing warmth and light.

It was a fitting representation of the house, and it made me proud to be a part of house Slytherin.

A quick look at Aurel also showed his fascination, as we've settled down armchairs and I looked around the room. I felt a sense of belonging that I had never felt before.

This is my home for the next few years and I love it.


That's the end of the chapter. Thanks for reading. Feedback and powerstones are more than welcome.

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