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54.66% Beyond The Camera: Book 1 / Chapter 41: Chapter 41-Mature Content Warning

Chapter 41: Chapter 41-Mature Content Warning

Extremely mature content warning for this chapter!

Please do not read if sexual/physical abuse will affect you!

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-Hinata's POV-

The moment the door was opened, music enveloped us so loudly that it shook my ribcage with each bump of the bass. Crowds of dancing men and women filled the room and the smell of alcohol and marijuana filled the air.

I swallowed nervously, but forced my strong facade to remain intact as Sakura's arm tightened around my own. When I looked over at her, she was searching the crowd with an anxious frown. She noticed me looking so I gave her a reassuring squeeze and we began making our way through the densely crowded room. Sakura's so nervous that I can see it clearly on her face, so it didn't strike me as surprising when she led us directly to the kitchen so she could get a drink.

A few strangers greeted us as we passed, knowing who we are because of Prestige, and we politely smiled and said hello and kept on moving. As she found the alcohol and began preparing herself a drink, I turned to survey the crowd in case I somehow got lucky and saw a friendly face.

Almost immediately, I smiled widely as Kisame from Akatsuki met my eye and made his way over with a big grin. He opened his arms for a hug as he got close enough for me to hear him, "What's up, Hina? I didn't expect to see you at a place like this!"

I shyly accepted his friendly embrace and blushed when he pulled back with his hands on either of my shoulders, "Hello Kisame. I'm happy to see you!"

"You aren't usually the partying type. Are you here with someone?"

I turned to gesture at Sakura, who just moments ago was barely a yard away, only to realize that she was no longer in sight. My eyes widened in surprise and my body turned the rest of the way as my mouth opened slightly in disbelief. When I looked over the crowd again, I didn't even see a single glimpse of pink.

Panicking a bit, I grabbed Kisame's muscular arm with trembling hands, which made him drop his friendly smile, "Are you okay?"

"Have you seen Sakura? She was just right here!"

He shook his head with a concerned look, "Sakura's here too? No, I haven't seen her. Is something wrong?"

I met his eyes and felt torn. On one hand, he's a super friendly guy and I know I can trust him, but on the other, I promised Sakura not to tell a single soul about our goal here tonight. So I shook my head, "I just really need to find her because she's had a few drinks and I promised to look after her tonight. Can you help me look?"

He looked around the room with more ease than me, given his spectacular height, "Of course! Meet back here in ten minutes?" I nodded, giving him a grateful smile before we parted ways to begin looking for our pink-haired friend.

-Sakura's POV-

The moment I finished pouring myself a rather strong drink, I felt someone grab my backside and turned in shock, ready to hit whoever it was, only to freeze up in shock when Sasori's grinning face met my eye. His cheeks were already flushed with inebriation, telling me he's already had more than enough alcohol since I've seen him drink for hours straight without visibly showing any signs.

I fought my strong urge to punch his smug face, all my anger and terror from the past week rising up to the surface, and forced a smile, "I didn't think I'd find you so fast." His smile widened and he grabbed my wrist to pull me against him, obviously going for a kiss, but I swiftly dodged it and pretended to misunderstand his approach as a hug.

Instead, I spoke in his ear as he wrapped his arms around me, "Is there somewhere private we can talk?"

I want to get this done and over with so Hinata and I can go home before this party gets too wild and something bad happens. He told me I likely wouldn't know a lot of people here, and he was right, but I still didn't expect there to be quite so many people or as much drug-usage.

He pulled back and nodded, so I turned to tell Hinata where I was going and saw that she was chatting with Kisame with a relaxed smile. I trust him to keep an eye on her, so I let Sasori pull me along with him into the crowd by my wrist. As he led me, I quickly forced down most of my drink, praying it'd hit me fast to chase away the unbelievable fear threatening to make me freeze up. Soon, we entered a small bathroom and he locked the door behind us so no one would interrupt.

I chugged the rest of my drink and tossed the cup in the trash bin before turning to face him. Before I could get a single word out, lips were pressed roughly against mine and hands were greedily feeling my body as my back was pressed against the counter. The small shocked sound that left me was muffled in all the excitement.

That increasingly familiar burning, itching, at the small of my back began to rise and it made my skin crawl so I fought to break the kiss, attempting to grab his hands as well. When he finally noticed and pulled back some, he grabbed my hips firmly to press against me as his hazy gaze danced over my appearance, "I thought you wanted to hook up. What's wrong, babe?"

His complete ignorance surprised me so much that my control slipped and an angry glare met my eyes. After all that happened in Yuki no Kuni, after seeing me suffer so much, he honestly thought I would pull him into a room to hook up?

I put my hands flat against his chest to try and push him away, but he didn't budge so I hardened my already flaming glare onto him and spoke as bluntly as possible so there wouldn't be any room for misunderstandings, "I want to break up, Sasori."

That hot and heavy expression on his face disappeared instantly and was replaced with confusion and anger, "What? Why? Things are starting to get better between us, though."

I pushed against him again, but he still refused to give me space, "That's why I want to break up! You keep saying stuff like that, but I don't agree and you keep manipulating me into doing stuff that I don't want. I'm breaking up with you and you're not going to change my mind."

Light brown eyes searched mine for a silent moment and I honestly thought I might've gotten through to him, but then his lips turned up into a smirk, "You know, they say make up sex is amazing. What do you say?"

He moved to press his lips to mine again and I panicked, pushing his face away with both hands. That made him very upset. To my utter disbelief, he shoved my arms down and slapped me hard across the face. Tears rose to my eyes at the bitter sting it left and I lifted a hand to touch the tingling skin with heat rising in my body.

Then Sasori was yelling with a terrifying expression on his usually calm features, "What the fuck is your problem, Sakura!" My teeth grit together as a sob threatened to tear through my chest and I bit it back. If I show him weakness now, it'll all be over.

"I waited months, plural, for you to give in and then you pull the rape card! Now, you won't let me do anything and want to break up? I didn't do a damn thing wrong!"

His hands were squeezing my upper arms tightly and I winced, "Y-You're hurting me!"

His eyes widened and then his attitude changed so quickly that it gave me mental whiplash, "Listen, baby, I'm sorry if I upset you, but we can work this out. Let's try one more time and if you still don't like it, I'll leave you alone and we can break up. Deal?"

With all my might, I tried to keep him at bay, "No, stop it! I want to break up and I want to go home!" As what was quickly becoming the usual, Sasori completely ignored my struggling and wrestled my arms away so he could try and unbutton my high-collared shirt.

That's when I lost control of my fear and began crying as I tugged against his hold on my wrists, but he overpowered them both with just one of his hands. Apparently he found it annoying to undress me with just one hand because he made some kind of irritated sound before roughly pulling at the front of my dress. It ripped, the sound of the buttons falling to the floor seeming as loud as bombs to my ears.

"Oh, my marks are still there. Why hide them? Don't you want everyone to know you're mine?" It's true. The hickies and bruises to my neck hadn't completely faded yet, even though it's been a week. Instead of being a deep purple, they're almost a brownish-yellow that just barely stands out against my tan skin. He didn't mention the thick line from breaking the necklace that circled my entire neck and that surprised me.

I shook my head and tried to argue through my sobs, "I-I'm not yours, you prick! Get your hands off me!" His free hand shot up to wrap around my neck and every single ounce of my struggling ceased.

Sasori's eyes got that same look in them as in Yuki No Kuni, the one that threatened me to do what he wants or else, and a sense of dread washed over me. "I'm getting really tired of having to argue with you, Sakura." His tone matched his facial expression perfectly.

Cautiously, he let go of my wrists. I couldn't move a muscle as I stared with wide eyes and tried to catch my breath. Every part of my body was shaking like a leaf and a hot icy feeling was emanating through me from where his fingers were wrapped around my neck. Then, his tongue was in my mouth as he roughly began kissing me again, seeming very pleased with my lack of courage.

The hand around my neck didn't leave, but his other one danced down my body. I don't know what to do. Every part of my subconscious is screaming to kick, fight, yell, or do whatever I can to escape this dreadful situation, but everything else overrode it. Most of my being, inside and out, was too scared to form a coherent thought.

The only thing that I could properly do is remember the details of how he'd hurt me during our trip and all that did is make it harder for me to pull it together. That is, until Sasori lifted my skirt and began trying to wrestle my tights down.

Something snapped in me then. I tried to bite his tongue, but he noticed the switch in my demeanor and pulled away just quickly enough that I couldn't draw blood.

The look in his eye was borderline insane as I hit him with everything in my power and yelled, "Please st-!" The grip around my throat suddenly tightened so much that I couldn't take in a breath, cutting off my plea. Both of my hands shot up to claw at his hand, but he just pressed further against me and let his gaze bore into mine with an air of satisfaction.

After a couple seconds, I felt his other hand come down to my hip and then my tights were pulled down as far as he could reach without releasing me. My vision began turning red as my lungs burnt for air.

The sound of Sasori unbuckling his belt met my ears, when suddenly a loud bang came at the door, "Open up or I'll bust down the door!" The hand around my throat disappeared and I doubled over to cough and fix my clothing when the violent man in front of me moved away.

The front of my dress was ripped with buttons missing so I couldn't do anything but hold it together with one shaky hand as I wrapped my other arm around myself and cried and shook and cowered when Sasori turned to give me a harsh look of warning that I'd better not throw him under the bus or else. Then he unlocked the bathroom door and cracked it, likely with the intention of not letting whoever it was know that I was also inside, but to both of our surprise, Gaara's older brother shoved the door out of the redhead's grasp.

The room was silent and still as his brown eyes looked over my battered appearance and then he was taking off his jacket and putting it over my shoulders so I could hide my damaged clothing and bruised skin from anyone who might look before grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the door.

When Sasori tried to stop him, he turned and hissed in a menacing voice, "You're fucking disgusting, dude. I suggest you back off now before I beat your ass into next week." The redhead's glare matched his and he tried to make a grab at my arm, only pissing Kankuro off more, "Fucking try me, asshole."

Sasori's eyes danced between the much larger man and me before he spat in my direction with a look of disgust in his eyes as they locked onto mine, "She's not even worth the trouble, man." My mouth clamped shut and I looked away from his hateful gaze, but heard him walk past us to leave the room.

A few people had paused in the hallway outside when they heard Kankuro yelling at him, hoping to see a fight, but they made some disappointed sounds before moving along to find some other source of entertainment.

Kankuro shut the door and turned to get a better look at me, "Are you alright? Let me see." He offered me one of his hands and I hesitantly grabbed onto it with both of mine, leaving my torn shirt and discolored skin visible for him to take in. Tears flowed slowly down my cheeks as I dropped my gaze in shame when I noticed the strong look of pity on his face.

"He didn't…?" I shook my head quickly.

At least today he didn't. There's no way I can tell Kankuro of all people about what happened a week ago, either.

It was silent for a moment before I tightened my hold on his hand, "Thank you for stopping him."

His other hand patted me softly on the top of my head and I looked up at him in surprise. He smiled softly, reminding me of Gaara, "Did you drive here? I'll take you home." I nodded and turned to point at my small abandoned purse that'd fallen to the floor amidst the struggle, wordlessly signifying that my keys were inside it. "Let's go then. I'll call Gaara and let him know we're on our way."

"N-No, don't! Please don't tell him!"

Kankuro's face was white with surprise, but slowly fell into an understanding look as he lowered his voice, "Look, I get it, but this kind of thing…You can't just keep it to yourself, Sakura."

I shook my head, "I'll tell Hinata, I promise! She's here, too. Just please don't tell Gaara. I'm begging you."

He searched my face for a few moments before slowly nodding, "I'll go find Hinata and then we'll go, okay?" I nodded, wiping at my tears after he pulled his hand out of my grasp.

Kankuro leaned down slightly to meet my eye level and gave me a serious look, "Do not, under any circumstances, open this door for someone other than me, okay? I'll come back and get you."

I very badly don't want to be alone in a place like this, especially right after being attacked like I just was, but my appearance is a complete mess right now. If anyone happens to get a photo or video, it'll be all over the place by morning.

So, I nodded and watched him leave before locking the door behind him and sliding down with my back against it. I pulled my knees up to my chest and buried my face in my arms on top of them and focused on not bursting into tears while I wait for him to return.

-Hinata's POV-

Sakura was still nowhere to be found when the ten minutes Kisame and I agreed upon passed, but then I found a staircase that led to a second floor. It was dark up there because the lights were off and I got the sense that everyone knew they weren't supposed to go up there. Mentally apologizing to whoever's hosting the party, I glanced behind me to make sure no one was looking before hurrying up the steps. I'll have to make it quick so I don't leave Kisame waiting.

There were five doors on the second floor, two on each side and one at the end of the hall. The first four rooms had open doors and when I peeked my head into each just to verify Sakura wasn't in them, I silently confirmed my suspicion that I wasn't supposed to be up here because no one else was either.

The hope of finding her was slipping as I approached the fifth and final door, at the end of the hall. It's the only one with the door closed and when my hand grasped the handle, the sound of a woman crying loudly inside met my ears and made me freeze. Heat gradually met my face as I listened carefully and tried to determine if it was my friend in there or not, but couldn't tell.

Feeling awkward, I knocked while praying I wasn't about to make a fool of myself to a stranger. To my surprise, the woman's crying quieted a bit before a familiar, male, voice came, "Occupied. Find another room!"

Who is that? That voice…it's so undeniably familiar, but I just can't put my tongue on who it belongs to. Regardless, I'm positive it's not Sasori's voice, so more than likely, it's not Sakura crying and whatever's going on is none of my business.

I turned to go back downstairs in defeat, only to freeze once more when the sound of a muffled struggle came from behind the door, followed by the woman's cries picking up once more. Slowly, as though trying to convince myself this isn't actually happening, I turned back around to face the closed door. There's no mistaking those sounds. Whoever this woman is, she's in danger in there.

My body began moving before my mind could comprehend what I was doing and I fished out my metal nail file, about three inches long with a pointed end, as I turned the door handle and bursted inside the room.

The moment my eyes locked onto none other than Hidan's, my actions caught up to me and my confidence left. His name left my mouth in disbelief and my eyes shakily danced down his body to finally see the source of the crying.

A brunette woman with short hair that I've never seen before was bent over a thick desk with her hands held behind her back by the Akatsuki member. Her skirt was up around her waist and her underwear was down around her knees as he…

Bile rose in my throat and I asked stupidly, the familiar cloudiness of a panic attack very swiftly beginning to fill my head, "W-W-What are you doing t-to her?" By the flushed appearance of her skin, she's either very drunk or has been drugged and barely seems conscious.

The surprise finally left Hidan's face and he grinned as though I told him a joke, "What do you think I'm doing to her, Hinata?"

His lack of shame made me angry and I surprised myself by taking a few steps toward him with the file held in front of me in both hands, "Get away from her right now!"

He obliged, taking a step away from the woman and releasing his hold on her wrists. She immediately crumpled down into a heap on the floor. When I looked back up at him, my breath got caught in my throat as Hidan made no move to cover himself.

"If you wanted to get a closer look, all you had to do was ask." In a blink, he was in front of me with a hand on both of my wrists and a look on his face that said he knows exactly how terrified I am of him, "You know, I've always thought you were hot, but I usually don't have the patience to deal with virgins. I'll make an exception this time, though, since it's you."

My vision began to darken a bit and I wobbled, only for him to firmly grab my hip to steady me. "G-G-Get out of here before I scream." Not only is he way too close, but a very private part of his body that I do not want to see is still out in the open and erect.

Rather than heed my warning, he brought his other hand down to try and pry my makeshift weapon from my fingers. I fought, but quickly lost and then my back was against the wall and his hands were gripping my wrists tightly so I couldn't hit him, "I'll tell you what. If you suck me off, I'll leave." I felt him press against my stomach, but refused to look down at it.

My chest heaved as I struggled to control my breathing. It became too hard to speak, so I shook my head and continued trying to tug against his firm hold on my wrists. "You don't look so good, Hinata. It'd be a shame if you were to faint-!"

We both got silent as the undeniable sound of two or more people coming through the hallway to enter one of the nearby rooms met our ears and then Hidan's smug grin sank down into a scowl, "We'll have to continue this some other time. You'd better keep your mouth shut about this if you know what's good for you." Before I could react, lips were pressed firmly against mine, and then Hidan released me, fixed his clothing, and left the room without a second glance at the poor woman still shivering on the floor nearby.

Tears rolled down my face as I stumbled to shut the door and prop a chair against it since it doesn't have a lock, just in case he changes his mind and decides to come back for more. I turned and made my way over to the brunette woman, nearly falling onto the floor beside her as I fought with everything I had to not pass out, "A-Are you alright?"

Right now, all I want to do is gargle bleach to get the taste of him off my lips, but she's in more dire need of help.

The woman's pretty brown eyes were glazed over as she continued to cry, but she'd somehow managed to fix her clothing. My panic flared up even higher when she didn't respond and I felt myself falling to the side. The next thing I know, someone's waking me up by knocking loudly at the door.

My face felt stiff with dried tears and my head was pounding with a massive headache, but I managed to get to my feet to cross the room. The woman wasn't crying anymore, but hadn't moved an inch. Either she fainted like me or was so messed up on whatever's in her system that she's in some sort of daze.

"W-Who is it?" My voice sounded off even to me and I cringed. If it's Hidan again, he's probably happy to hear me so affected by what he did.

"It's Kankuro. Is that you Hinata?"

A giant wave of relief came over me and I wrenched the chair out from under the door handle and let him come in, fresh tears welling up in my eyes. I don't know what came over me, but I threw my arms around his middle and thanked him for showing up.

I was so terrified up until the moment he appeared that I wasn't sure if I'd be able to make it out of this room without fainting again. I mean, what if Hidan came back and tried to do to me what he already did to this poor woman? There's nothing I could do to fight him off.

He understandably tensed up for a moment before gently laying a hand on my back, "Are you hurt?"

I pulled away, wiping at my cheeks and shaking my head as I turned, "I'm not, but s-she is."

In my hazy state of mind, I still realized what a serious situation this was and I shouldn't just go blabbing about what happened to everyone I come into contact with, so I decided on my own to keep everything to myself until I can tell Tenten and follow whatever advice she has for me.

His eyes widened as though he was just noticing I wasn't alone in here. By the flexing of his jaw, he knows exactly what I meant when I said she was hurt. Kankuro hesitantly approached her and knelt down to offer his hand, "Do you want us to get you out of here?"

To my surprise, she actually reacted to him and gingerly accepted his hand and allowed him to help her to her feet as she nodded. He motioned for me to come over to her other side so we could offer the woman some help walking in case she was in pain and I listened, jumping slightly in shock when she brought an arm around me.

"Do you want to go to the hospital?"

The woman shook her head and spoke for the very first time, "Please take me home." I was right. She's definitely not sober.

Kankuro nodded, letting her continue to hold his hand as he guided us toward the door, "I'll take you, then. Come on."

I was surprised when he took us out to Sakura's car, "How…?"

The eldest Subaku sibling shook his head as though insinuating he either didn't want to or couldn't tell me, "I'll go get her, stay put."

I helped the woman into the back seat and slid in next to her when she refused to let go. She pulled my hand into hers and cried silently as we waited for Kankuro and Sakura to appear.

Tears rose in my eyes, too, and I felt ashamed that I couldn't choke them back because what happened to me in there was nothing compared to what Hidan did to her. If anyone deserves to cry, it's her. No matter how worried I was about this stranger, I couldn't bring myself to say anything and we simply sat in an understanding silence until the others finally arrived.

Sakura's eyes were red when I caught a glimpse of her face before she sat in the passenger side up front and she had what I assume is Kankuro's jacket zipped up over her dress. The Subaku man climbed in and then we were on the road.

After a few moments, I gathered the courage to touch my pink-haired friend's shoulder. She visibly jumped in fear, making me worry even further that something bad occurred while we were separated. "What happened?"

Tears rose in her eyes, but they didn't fall. "We broke up," She said simply before turning to face the front, obviously not willing to talk more about it for now. I frowned but didn't pry.

Between her odd appearance and what happened to this woman using my shoulder as a pillow, I can't help but wonder if all parties have this much drama or if it's just my bad luck running it's coarse.

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