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91.66% Living My New Life In Anime World / Chapter 7: Volume I: First Year Chapter 7: Changes

Chapter 7: Volume I: First Year Chapter 7: Changes

Today is saturday and I'm on my way to school for practice. On my way I met Asahi, Daichi and Suga, so we went to the gym. I wanted to talk to them about the two on two practice after the training is done and I had told Asahi about it too, so he was not surprised that I didn't tell them about it.

As we started our stretches, we heard our captain speaking to the faculty in charge "We need to lend the gym? What do you mean by that."

"You see, right now the Girls' Basketball team is Karasunos biggest chance at Nationals. Today is the only day the practices overlap. Sorry, they'll be done by noon." Nori Sensei said.

So we took down our net and went out, since the gym will only be available from noon, the seniors went do their class works. We four went to the store nearby the school to buy snacks.

As we were walking, Daichi said "It's frustrating."

"What is?" Suga asked him.

"That they're not letting us practice. I know we're first years, but still they could involve us in their practice." Daichi said.

"True, but we can't do anything about it. Even though we're in the starting twelve, I don't think that they will give us a spot in Interhigh prelims." I said to Daichi, who is walking in front of us.

Hearing this he stopped on his tracks and looked at me and said "That I know."

"Then you should also know why they're not including us in their practice. But, they do give us a chance by splitting the team in two and playing. But it's not enough, that's what frustrating you right?"

"Yes. But this is the last week of April and within a month, the Interhigh prelims will start. I don't know what they're trying to do." Daichi said.

"If my guess comes true then, Asahi or Daichi will be in the team when libero is out. Suga ans I will most likely be substitute." I told him.

"True, they alread have two setter, and Hōtarō is a newbie in volleyball so can't deny that fact." Suga said.

"It's alright, we can still practice though." Asahi said.

"How?" Daichi asked him.

Looking at Daichi I said "We will have to play two on two. It won't be effective as six on six, but we will get our recieves and blocks trained to the best. And I have already told Asahi and he's in for it what about you two?"

Looking at me both of them said "We're in."



May fifth 2010, as we were cleaning the gym after practice, Daichi looking at the captain requested "Excuse me! May I stay after to practice? I'll lock the door on my way out!"

"May I stay after as well?" Asahi also requested

"Please tell the teachers for us." Suga too.

Looking at us, Hiroki-san said "No. It's.... "

But he was cut off by the captain "Yes you can. I will inform the teachers. But you can only train for two more hours."


Hiroki-san seeing this just shook his head and went out of the gym. Our captain seeing this said "Don't mind him. As I have said, don't trian for more that two hours. Here's the keys to the gym." Saying that he gave the keys, to Daichi.

Taking the keys Daichi said "Thank you."

After that as the seniors were leaving we started to do our pre game stretches, couple of minutes later we finished our stretches and was ready to play two on two.

Looking at the three of them I said "Since me and Asahi is six feet tall, we'll be in the opposite team."

"That's good, and I'll be in Asahi's team, Team A." Saying that Suga went towards Asahi.

Daichi sighed and looking at me said "Gues we're a team then, Team B."

"We are. But, each day the team will be mixed up so that we could coordinate with each other when we play for real." I said.

"Yeah, that would be helpful." Asahi said.

"And don't forget, we don't have anyone to count the points, so there will be only one set." I told the three of them.

"I'm okay with that." They replied to me.

Then we did a toss to decide who gets to serve, and Team B won the toss, and we chose receiving.

"Let's have a good match." Wishing each other we started our play.

The match started with Asahi serving, and the ball fell outside, earning ourselves a point.

Then it was our seve, so I took it in myself to do it. In the manga, they had solid basics of receiving, but they couldn't dig the serves send by Ushiwaka, Oikawa and the Miya Twins. So my job here is to make sure that they will able to dig any kind of serve that is send towards them.

Deciding I decided to do the jump serve, so I tossed the ball in to the air and ran up to the line and jumped up into the air and smashed the ball with controlled power so that the ball won't explode. As I smashed the ball, I got the burning sensation on my palm and the ball went went over the net and landed in between both Suga and Asahi, in an instant, and I scored one point to out team.

As the ball bounced away from the court, Daichi, Asahi and Suga looked at me with a surprised face. Looking at them I said "Don't let the ball touch the floor, keep it up in the air to continue the play."

''Like we could dig that shit.'' All three of them said to me at the same time with a mock anger, but their eyes were smiling, and that's enough for me.

Like that we continued our practice for two hours, the match ended with the win of Team B it lasted for one whole hour. So after the match we rested for thirty minutes and went through the problems each of us face when we played.

Like this half a month passed and it was mid May, I was sitting in my seat and speaking with Asahi in the lunch time, when Kiyoko came towards us, seeing her I asked "What is it Kiyoko?"

"Is the manager position still vacant, Hōtarō?" She asked me.


"Then I would like to join the boys volleyball team as the manager." She said with a smile.

Hearing that I also smiled and took out the application form for the manager position and gave it to her and said "Her, fill out this form and come with us to the gym in the evening."

"Okay." That's all she said and went to her seat, which is right in front of me.

Seeing all of this happen, Asahi tapped my shoulder and asked "When did you ask her to be the manager?"

"A month ago."

On that sixteenth May 2010, the Karasuno Boys Volleyball team got their first manager after three years.




<Chapter 7 End>

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