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Chapter 9: Ragnarok

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Chapter 9 Ragnarok

POV With the Clone in the city

After defeating Hela I started to bombard the city with explosions, they are like ants at my whims, smash, smash.

My fun was interrupted when a huge explosion occurs. And I didn't cause her!

Out of the fire comes a woman who I thought was dead, along with a storm of swords in my direction, they are faster than before, stronger when one of them sticks in my left arm causing it to start turning black. I quickly use my right hand to summon a shield in time to defend against the barrage of swords coming my way.

"Oops." I say when the shield appears in front of me covering me from most of the swords, however, one of them passes close to my face causing a cut.



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Next time I will disintegrate his body particle by particle! I look at where she was a few moments ago and I can't see her when I feel a presence behind me. Hands hold my head as strange energy begins to flow through my body.

"As long as Asgard lives, I will live forever. Now she returns to the depths." She tells me when my shield falls and hundreds of swords stick into me.

"I'm a human pin wow you leveled up hehe." I say when my body starts to fade into particles of light, it was fun.


POV with the clone who is with Heimdall

"It seems that the other has lost, that happens to be cocky." I say with a giggle as I watch the other one disappear, I can't waste any more time here, so let's finish things quickly.


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"I will not make the same mistake as the other." I say pointing quickly at Heimdall with my hand. "Bang." I watch as Heimdall drops his sword and falls to his knees.

"My King…. My prince… Asgard…. I am sorry." Heimdall says on his knees holding the wound on his chest.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang." I watch as Heimdall falls after receiving many of my hits, I don't want him to revive and get a friendship power or whatever, what happened to Hela. I have to be sure… I wanted to play with him more, but a more interesting rival appeared.

I start to fly into the sky, as high as possible while Hela fires an impressive amount of spears and swords at me from the ground trying her best to get close to me. However that will not work for me, I will not make the mistakes that the other made.

At a great height, I channel a large part of my power and form a very compact fireball behind me, the swords that Hela throws at me hit the giant fireball that is already in the direction of Asgard. I watch in fascination as Hela summons gigantic structures from the foundations of Asgard to stop the great ball of fire.

I hear a loud battle cry as the great fireball crashes into the center of Asgard right above Hela obliterating everything in its path and inevitably bringing about the end of Asgard.



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I observe the destruction around me and there is no sign of Hela, she has died along with Asgard. However, I realize something, or rather, that someone was saved from destruction. That wily.

"Looks like someone escaped." I say between laughs when a portal appears in front of me.

"Whether you like it or not, here I come!" I scream through the portal.


POV Loki

I watch from the highest point of the Asgard castle as a big and gigantic ball of fire approaches me, I even tried to help Heimdall by controlling the destroyer, but it doesn't seem to have much effect on those monsters, Asgard has fallen. Without hesitation, I activate the Tesseract which I stole from the Asgard Vault along with other things.

"Think of a place other than Asgard or Midgard, think, think." I tell myself when the fireball is about to hit I hear Hela's battle cry, when she distracts me from my thoughts, thus activating the Tesseract, and disappearing from Asgard. Not knowing where it would take me.

I appear in a dark place with the Tesseract in my hands when the lights begin to come on and I hear footsteps, heavy footsteps coming towards me.

I walk a little away from the footsteps that follow me until a childish laugh makes me stop. Behind me, I watch as the demon child is going through some kind of portal.

"The last Asgardian... I found you~" He says in a sing-song voice when I try to use the Tesseract again to escape and nothing happens. I'm going to die?

The boy is standing in front of me with a smile on his face, when out of nowhere, the boy's head is severed from his body by a large sword, causing him to start disintegrating. What just happened?

I fall to my knees stunned before the person who saved me.

My savior stares at me as the boy's body disappears and then looks back at the Tesseract along with a gauntlet I brought back from the treasures of Asgard.

"Looks like the plan has changed." Thanos says in a thick voice.



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The war for the survival of the universe is just beginning.

Empe_ror99 Empe_ror99

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