A/N: This chapter is for yesterday's update. There's an emergency so i failed to publish it. Thanks for patience and understanding.
Elle found herself holding her breath upon hearing her own words echoing boldly in her ears. Hearing her own declaration jolted her intense focus and her mind began to clear a little from the thick fog of determination that had clouded her judgment earlier.
Her heartbeat began to race like crazy and she could feel the strong thumps pounding on the inside of her ribcage. The drumming sound of it filled her ears as nervousness quickly caught up to her.
She thought she had only uttered those words in her mind. Why had she ended up saying them out loud, for goodness sakes!? She should have at least held back a little and tested the waters first! She should have played it a little safe and refrained from saying all of that at the get go. Lord… what would she have to do if he… if he reacts negatively right now?
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