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21.69% Majesty's journey 1: In douluo dalu just for Bibi Dong / Chapter 37: Ch 36: "yes, I do."

Chapter 37: Ch 36: "yes, I do."

author :"hey Ali."

Ali :"hey what's up?"

author :"did you know that pigeons die after getting fucked?"

Ali :"they do? huh, poor birds. guess it's really obvious to guess which one is a virgin. do they seriously die though? that's the first time I'm hearing that."

author :"well, the one I fucked did."

Ali :"..."

author :"..."

Ali :"..."

author :"..."

Ali :"gahba what...? you're sick in the head mate..."


Ali was ranting in his heart at a very fast speed, so fast that Tang San hadn't even started his line yet. but finally he walked a step forward and said:

"money and power can't exchange everything in this world." but before he wanted to say his second line, Ali's started spitting facts in his heart again.

'whoa whoa now that is one of THE most bullshit things I have ever heard! I'm not gonna embarrass him while he is arguing, but gahba what?

I can name a few characters who would, forget about "what they would do for more power.", you can say what they WON'T do for more power!

one of them, is the one and only and our beloved Virgil!'

and after his little rant, his perception of time went back to normal and Tang San continued :"I have no idea what happened between you and Mubai. but if you continue to be this lofty, you might as well leave the school."

Ning Rongrong :"you! aren't you aware of how powerful Qibao Amber tribe is?!"

"Xiao Wu, let's go." finally Tang San had enough and after locking his arm with Xiao Wu's, that walked back to the school. {is that how it is said?}

but it seems that either some god or god like being had cursed this day, cause why the fuck doesn't it end?! or some demon has taken her for fun.

cause she said :"you!" sigh for the millionth time, forget about Ali, even I'm beginning to have enough of her annoyance...

and then she thought of the only two people still present beside her, poor Oscar who found out the girl she has a crush on isn't an elegant girl, but an elephant girl.

and Ali who had just taken a step forward to go back with Tang San and Xiao Wu. unfortunately, she still had some brain cells, so she turned to look at her strongest school mate.

but just when she opened her mouth to say something, Ali quickly held his hand in a "hold on" and said :"whoa whoa, you better NOT start that sentence and waste my time!

cause I'm not going to hear it and even if I do, I'm not going to do what your going to say. cause 1, I don't care about you. 2, I don't have any problems with Dai Mubai.

and 3, I couldn't care less about you Qibao Amber tribe even if I tried to. so you better shut your mouth and instead of bitching around, think about how the world out side of you Qibao Amber tribe works.

and why everyone says that you're the one doing wrong things. now if you'll excuse me, which again, I don't care about you opinion, I'mma go back to my dorm and have sweet dreams."

gotta say, Ali was really tame this time when someone annoyed him. you better know that in the past, while he was in the martial soul city, whoever angered him, he would go batman up their asses!

guess he had mercy on her since he knew that she would change for the better and that is one of the cast, so he decided to give her mercy this time.

and guess what?! Ning Rongrong unlocked a new sentence! instead of saying just "you!", this time she said to Ali who was walking away :"you you...!"

it's not much, but it's honest work. and progress is what matters right?! sigh...

with Ali also walking away, she turned towards the only other person beside her, poor Oscar...

"Oscar, are you willing to help me?" which he gently shook his head at. "why? don't you have feelings for me?"

it was at this moment that Ali who was still walking away heard her words, turned his and looked at her like how Patrick did in the meme!

'the lion the witch, and the audacity of this bitch! did she really just say that?! dude, if I didn't know that they will have a happy ending, I would have found another girl for Oscar!

cause damn this gahba deserves an ass whopping! you know he has feelings for you and you toy with his emotions?! this is why I started hating her from this episode huh?

sigh poor Oscar... well, forget about it, we aren't that close yet for me to care about his affairs. but damn I feel bad for him...'

Oscar had a sad look as he said :"I like the Rongrong when we first met. now, I'm no match for Qibao Amber tribe's little princess.

rather than becoming a servant for someone, I prefer to remain truthful to myself. sigh Tang San is right.

maybe you don't belong here. if you're not changing your attitude, you'll never get friends." and he also left her alone and walked back to school.

"friends?" she said with a shaky voice and then fell on the ground and started crying loudly and said :"I'm not a devil girl! I'm not a devil girl! {that's what was said in the anime translation...?}

everyone had already walked far enough, so they probably didn't hear her. other than Ali, who because of his bad habits from his previous life about wanting to hear gossips, was using his CS powers to eavesdrop on her.

let's be honest, most of the people on earth really like gossips and rumors, so you can't really blame him. he honestly did feel a little bad for her, but all of it went out of the window when he heard her words!

"gahba! what the fuck did devils do to your bitch ass?! gahba!" hehehe, well he is a devil himself, so what she said is rally racist!

it's like a white girl who is on earth saying :"I don't want to be a black girl!", wouldn't my black brothers and sisters take that as an offense?

but oh well, forget about that and this annoying day. cause Ali was doing the same as he transformed into two and Eve and Al cuddle and slept together!

{so I want to change Ivan's height, since femboys aren't tall in anime. and I made him have astolfo's height, which is 164 centimeters.}

{the next day}

today, even though Al hated it, they had to get up early and attend classes... if you could call standing in the middle of the field a class...

but when everyone reached the square, Ning Rongrong was already standing there alone. Xiao Wu stood to her left with Tang San beside her and Zhu Zhuqing stood to her right while Eve and Al were to her right.

when Xiao Wu looked at her, she had small dark circles under her eyes. it seems that she cried a lot yesterday, since soul masters can go nights without sleeping depending on their levels.

after a few seconds, the shadow of a large bird was seen on the ground and then there were footsteps behind the group of children.

turning around, they saw Flender walking a few steps and finally stopping 2 or 3 meters in front of them and said:

"where's Oscar? he overslept again?"

Tang San :"he was still training when I came out. maybe he's still in meditation."

Flender :"Tang San, bring him here. he must be here for this lesson."

Tang San :"yes, dean."

but suddenly Ma Hongjun said :"ah, he's there.". he was running with he's hands up with a happy and excited expression.

but he was way too happy and without checking out the ground, he slipped and fell down. everybody sighed at his action while Xiao Wu just laughed at him like always.

he got up and after coming to us, he stood beside Flender while looking at him with a very big smile! but it seems to have annoyed the greedy dean, cause he said:

"Oscar, do you wish to get punished again?". but it didn't do any damage to Oscar's excitement as he waved his hand and said with a laughter and smile :"no, dean. please listen to me. I've reached level 30!"

Flender :"what? good. good. Oscar. you're the third one who reached level 30 among all of your schoolmates, considering that Ali, Ivan and Altair are the same person.I was right about you."

Dai Mubai :"Xiao Ao, congratulations. as a food branch soul master, you're the most extraordinary genius I've ever met."

Altair and Ivan: smiling while still hiding their celestial nuts. {that's what I've named them!}

everyone :"congratulations!"

Flender then walked forward and said :"if that is so, then tomorrow morning, Mr Zhao Wuji will lead you to star dou forest to help Oscar to get his third soul ring.remember it will be a raining for all of you."

everyone :"yes dean."

Flender :"alright. we'll start over listen today. Oscar."

Oscar straightened his back and said like a military soldier :"yes!"

Flender looked at him and said :"be prepared to activate your soul skill. your test today is to eat the special made sausage by Oscar, at least one piece."

he said and in everyone's shocked filled face, Oscar turned to them with a "ohhh you're gonna get it now!" while he hehehed.

"what? dean, what lesson is this?" Xiao Wu said as the three girls were really embarrassed to do it. after all, with that soul curse...

Flender started walking from left to right as he said :"adaptability training. if you can't eat such delicious sausages, whenever you're in trouble, rats, cockroaches, earthworms, will you dare to eat them?"

his words made the girls and even Ivan and Altair have disgusted faces as they gagged a little. "augh, dean, you're disgusting." Altair stated.

"hehe who is the first one?" he asked as Oscar had already made a few sausages. and to everyone's surprise and shock, Ning Rongrong actually walked forward and said :"me!"

and when she reached Oscar and grabbed the sausages, she grabbed two of them and while glaring at them, she took aggressive bites off of them which made Oscar shiver and do some goofy poses while looking scared.

after she finished, she looked at Flender with a firm look of determination and said :"I want to stay."

Flender didn't respond and said after a hmph :"next." and so everyone did, but other than Altair, Ivan, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, everyone had a disgusted expression on their faces.

and well, that was the entire class of today. after all, there isn't anything other than soul master knowledge to teach in this world.

simple mathematics is all they need to go through everyday life. no science or chemistry. everybody know about geography since the entire continent is just two empires and one very powerful city.and no second languages and etc...

Flender :"alright, that's it for today. I will inform Mr Zhao Wuji about tomorrow, so you are dismissed." he said and just when he was about to turn around and walk away...

Ivan said :"excuse me dean, I have something to say."

Flender :"oh? what is it? ask ahead."

Ivan said while rubbing and scratching his neck :"well you see, whenever we are near Zhuqing, doesn't matter if it's me, Altair or Ali, it seems that our martial souls are responding to her martial soul."

Flender's eyes widened and said :"what?! Zhu Zhuqing, is that the same for you?!". the others were confused since they didn't know what was going on.

but of course Flender knew what Eve was talking about, since he also had it. but there was someone else who also knew what Eve was talking about...

Dai Mubai. after all, the reason why his family was the royal family, was because of this! Zhu Zhuqing looked at Flender, then nodded and said :"yes, I do."


guys, my power stones have gone above 100 two or three times, but then they just disappear! does someone know what is happening? and can you tell me what power stones are used for?

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