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50% Poseidon and his Amphitrite / Chapter 1: The Meeting
Poseidon and his Amphitrite Poseidon and his Amphitrite original

Poseidon and his Amphitrite

Author: Heather_Cressell_6847

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Meeting

Poseidon had grown tired of the beauties of Greece, he'd bedded them all it seemed. Being a god had its benefits, he was 6ft and was muscled to perfection, with broad shoulders and a strong chest that led to well defined abs. His face looked as though it had been carved by the most skilled artist in all of Greece, he had a strong jaw and straight nose with shining blue eyes and mouth that pouted sinfully.His skin was a glowing bronze that showcased his features with radiance. Every bit the perfection the gods were known for. So when maidens gave chase he relished in it, loving a challenge, he'd even gone so far as turning into a great stallion to get his prize.  In the end, every last one had given in to his demands and fell into his arms, but instead of warmth and happiness, they left him empty inside. The thrill of the chase, had lost its appeal, the satisfaction of victory lasting but moments once his conquest was complete. He longed to fill the void that grew inside him, the quiet discontent of his soul was turning into a great gaping maw. He had never known love, lust maybe, but never love. Beautiful women, too many to count, had come to his bed yet none could stir his heart. Their faces began to blur together,  it was then that Poseidon decided he would only settle for nothing less than the other half of his soul. Knowing she was out there, he only needed to find her. He had searched the land and seas for the one he knew to be his, but as his quest stretched on, his patience was wearing thin. His moods sent the seas into turmoil, setting hurricanes and great tsunamis upon the ships and it's shores.

His friends grew tired of his sulleness, and invited him one evening to the island of Naxos, home of Dionysus, god of wine,who was hosting a celebration. Poseidon agreed on the condition that once he attended the party his well wishing friends would leave him in peace to his search. Poseidon was trying and failing to get drunk, to take his mind away from his melancholy thoughts for only a while, but being a god did have its drawbacks. For instance, along with his handsome chiseled features, he also had an insanely high metabolism, and the comforting numbness eluded him. He'd already drunk 10 pitchers of wine and had yet to feel anything. He was sitting on a bench away from the party-goers his 6 ft frame slouched lazily, trying to drown out the sounds of laughter and joy. His friend Delphinus, lord of dolphins, found him there and promptly dragged him to his feet and back into the swirling music and laughter. Poseidon was near the end of his patience though and was planning his escape, the good natured fun of the party-goers further souring his mood.

He surveyed the crowd while Delphinus yammered on about patience and letting the fates handle his love affairs, when he spotted her. An azure haired beauty dancing amongst the sea nymphs. Her glorious cerulean mane was every shade of the ocean at once, from pure snow white to midnight blue and flowed freely down her back swaying to and fro with her seductively gyrating hips, giving the appearance of a cresting wave. She wore a lavender dress that hung from her bronze shoulders and clinging to her body like a second skin. He could see the mound of her ample breasts and down to the rounded curve of her hips, the dress ending just below her knees. Her feet were bare except for a bracelet of shells she had wrapped around her ankle, jumping in time to the beat her feet were stamping out. He came at last to her beautiful round face, glowing with laughter. He took in the small button nose which turned up just at the end, and the smatter of freckles that spread from her nose across her cheeks that had flushed pink from her exertion. Her lips were full and smiling over dazzling white teeth, but it was her eyes that sealed his fate. They were bi- colored with a ring of amethyst around the outer edge which faded into the turquoise of the Aegean, and seemed to glowed with her joy. His heart sped up and a fire grew in his loins as he watched her swirl round and round, she was magnificent, and in that moment, he knew that she was his.

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