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28.57% Sky Harris / Chapter 2: Vampire!

Chapter 2: Vampire!

Eugene Mends was special. He had always been special. Being a direct descendant of a literal god, not only did he have divine blood but he also had a strong magical capability. With his magical abilities, he could absorb and freely manipulate any kind of energy. But his magic was too strong for him to control at his age and would occasionally flare up, harming himself and the others around him. Because of this, Eugene would stay in his room from time to time so that he could be alone.

Seeing this, his family knew that they had to suppress his magic because it was only going to grow and become much more powerful, and that wouldn't be good for anybody. They made a bracelet for him that would limit his magic so that he could gradually learn to control it.

By the age of sixteen, Eugene had almost perfect control over his magic and no longer really needed the bracelet but he still kept it on to be on the safer side. He had grown to be a strong young man with a passion for adventure. He endeavored to various magical realms and pocket dimensions where he experienced multiple magical beings and cultures.

On one such escapade, he accidentally stumbled into some kind of hell dimension where he was affected by chaos energy; that is extremely dark and demonic energy. Luckily he didn't become a demon but he was never the same after that encounter.

A few days after that incident, an incident which lead to his bracelet's destruction occurred. It turned out that his bracelet was suppressing the chaos energy that had affected him and now that the bracelet was destroyed, there was nothing there to suppress the chaos energy in him. The chaos energy took over his thoughts and he became evil.

Luckily, his family was able to fix the suppression bracelet but since Eugene was now evil, there was no way he would willingly put it on so they knew that they had subdue him first. His parents, Charles and Linda took it upon themselves to subdue him and put the suppression bracelet on him. They were successful but they both died in the process.

Two years later, Eugene was now eighteen and was already in university. The Nynefae University. A weirdass name for a university but there was a reason for that. The university was actually built on a rift to a pocket dimension. Inside the pocket dimension was the real Nynefae University, built by some guy called Nynefae, for all kinds of supernatural beings and the Nynefae University on Earth was just a cover.

Eugene quickly made a lot of supernatural friends but it seemed like some being of higher power was against him as after barely a month later, a mysterious crack appeared on his suppression bracelet. That crack led to a whole lot of things and the chaos energy took over Eugene's mind, making him evil once again.

This time, it was his new supernatural friends that subdued him. The whole event eventually led to Eugene's death. His friends also suffered a lot. Thankfully, none of them died but some of them were left magically disabled.

Eugene's family came for his body and took it back home where they discovered that as long as Eugene had the chaos energy in him, he could never stay dead. After fixing the suppression bracelet, his family came up with a way to finally get rid of the chaos energy in Eugene.

They performed a ritual that resulted in there being two different "Eugenes"; the original and the clone. The original was now free of the chaos energy since the energy had been transfered to the clone during its creation. The clone was quickly subdued before it gained consciousness and the suppression bracelet was placed on it. As if the suppression bracelet wasn't enough, they also imprisoned him in a pocket dimension since it couldn't stay dead because of the chaos energy.

From then, the original Eugene lived as normally as a person with magical abilities could. Years later, he got married and even had children.

Meanwhile, the clone who had now named himself Skylar or just Sky, had finally been able to escape the pocket dimension after fifty years of imprisonment. He immediately went to the supernatural friends he made in Nynefae University for help. They were surprised to see their friend alive after all these years. It turned out that Eugene never contacted them to tell them that he was alive.

Years later, an accident that led to him and some people time traveling occurred. Skylar who now looked like a twenty-one year old even though he was a lot older and the teenage kids of his friends were sent to the past and scattered across the timeline from the year 1930 to the year 2025. Skylar ended up in 2025 and then another incident happened. His suppression bracelet had been stolen.

Naturally, without the suppression bracelet, the chaos energy in Skylar took over his mind and made him evil. This time, Skylar was easily defeated since he didn't have Eugene's ability to absorb and manipulate energy and a new suppression bracelet was placed on him to suppress the chaos energy.

A little while after coming back to his senses, Skylar was sitting on a bench, contemplating about his life when suddenly a bright white light surrounded him. He then felt like he was falling even though he was sitting on a bench just a second ago. He hit the ground and almost all of the bones in his body broke apart which led to his death. But since he had the chaos energy in him, he was able to resurrect.

He met a powerful being that looked exactly like himself. The being, who was the man in the white robe told Skylar that he had taken him to an alternate universe where he could live a new life. Skylar was of course a little skeptic but he started to believe the man in the white robe...

...Which now brings us to Skylar walking along a highway with absolutely zero cars in the scorching mid-day sun. Skylar obviously wasn't bothered by the hot sun since he had a physique that could be considered extraordinary because of the chaos energy suppressed in him.

After the man in the white robe left him in the forest, Skylar washed his bloodstained clothes and then took a bath in the river. After the bath, he hunted for some food while butt-naked. He managed to catch a bunny that he immediately roasted on a fire he made.

Skylar didn't sleep the whole night. His clothes were wet from being washed in the river so he refused to sleep while in the forest with his ass and his pee-pee out in the open. What if someone or something happened to stumble upon him while he was asleep?

In the morning, he caught another bunny and roasted it on the fire for breakfast. After eating, he put on his clothes that were now dry and went to search for the nearest town. After nearly six hours of searching, he finally came across the highway he was now walking along. Within an hour, about fifteen cars had passed by him and they all ignored him.

Skylar heard the sound of another car coming but this time he didn't even bother to stop it because he thought this one too would ignore him like the others. The car passed him and to his surprise, the driver slowed down the vehicle and came to a halt.

Oh, so that how you're playing it. I try to stop you but you ignore me. Now that I didn't even try that, you stop? Skylar thought. He walked up to the dark blue pickup truck and saw two people in the car. A buff man not older than 25 years in the driver's seat and an older woman in the back seat.

The man had shaggy black hair, light grey colored eyes and a short, scruffy beard. He wore a white t-shirt underneath a cyan blue button up shirt that looked tight around his muscular arms. The black jeans he wore weren't meant to be skinny but they were really tight around his large, muscular thighs and he was wearing black boots. Skylar couldn't help but looked at the man for two second too long. The man was sitting in the car, looking like a buffer version of Jake Gyllenhaal.

The woman in the back seat was no different. She had long and wavy, sunshine blonde hair and electric blue eyes that seemed very observing. She wore a grey tank top underneath an oversized flannel shirt. She also wore a very short jeans that didn't even cover her thighs. She was also wearing similar black boots as the man. The woman was a total bombshell. Skylar couldn't help but think that these two people were the most attractive people he had ever seen.

"Where're you going, sweetheart?", the woman in the back seat asked with her seductive voice.

"The nearest diner, I hope", Skylar answered with the best New York accent he could muster.

"Well you're in luck. Hop in", she said while patting the seat beside her for Skylar to sit.

Skylar didn't need to be told twice. He immediately opened the door and sat beside the woman in the back as she smiled at him. Skylar closed the door and the man continued to drive.

"What's your name, cupcake?", the woman asked.

"It's Skylar", he introduced himself. "But you can just call me Sky", he added.

"Okay, Sky. I'm Sarah", she introduced herself and then gestured to the man driving the car, "and this hunk of a man in front is Odysseus".

The man, now named Odysseus who was driving the car nodded at Skylar through the mirror as he was being introduced.

The woman, now named Sarah suddenly put both of her legs on Skylar's lap as if they knew each other. Skylar was surprised by her action but when his hand touched her skin, his spidey senses immediately started tingling. He immediately knew that this woman called Sarah was not human but in fact a vampire. His eyes automatically scanned her fingers where he found a ring with a small blue rock in it on her left middle finger. He mentally nodded to himself. The ring was actually a daylight ring which explained how she wasn't affected by the sun. Everybody knows that vampires burn in the sun.

Sarah let out a giggle as she found Skylar's surprise face to be sexy. She didn't know that her secret had been found out by him.

Skylar wasn't scared. The fact that Sarah was a vampire didn't mean that she was a bad person. Even if she was a bad person, Skylar had taken care of a handful of vampires in the past so he was confident that he could handle her.

If Sarah's a vampire, is Odysseus also a vampire? Skylar wondered. No, that shouldn't be it.

Skylar looked at Odysseus and noticed the gauze on his neck. That's it, Skylar thought. Odysseus was either willingly being used as food for Sarah or he had been compelled by her. Compulsion is an ability that all vampires have. With it, they could force anyone to do their bidding and even erase their memory.

Skylar found Odysseus to be a nice guy even though they hadn't talk, so even though it wasn't really his problem, he wanted to find out if Odysseus was being compelled or not. If Odysseus really was being compelled and used as food, then he'd have to either force Sarah to let him go or kill her to undo the compulsion.

Since their little road trip was taking a while, Sarah and Skylar engaged in small talks and got to know each other. Through their conversations, Skylar got to find out that he was now in Alberta, Canada. Skylar sighed when he found out about that information. He was in Massachusetts, USA when the bright, white, light took him and now he was in Alberta, Canada.

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