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53.96% Fate/Mercenary: A travel across the omniverse. / Chapter 33: Chapter XXIX: A Deal With The Devil.

Chapter 33: Chapter XXIX: A Deal With The Devil.

July 17th of 1992, England, London. Hoshimura's residence.

Mission: Mayhem In The Wizarding World 2: Electric Boogaloo!!

Main Objectives:

Do a makeover in Azkaban (0/1) Note: You know what I mean so don't try to be a smartass.

Create an event in which more than 3 countries participate not including the ones in the British Islands (0/1) Note: Don't just plagiarize the Tri-Wizard Championship, you may use it as a base if you want to. Rewards regarding this objective can be increased depending on how much you entertain me.

Make 5 countries other than the ones in the British islands acknowledge "Organization XIII". (12/5) Note: You know make it fun.

Find one of the hidden "realms" of this world. (0/1)

Bonus Objective:

Finish all the main objectives in less than 4 months (0/1)

Main rewards:

1 Random Character Card from a low-tiered word

1 Random Skill



Bonus Rewards:


After looking at the status mission I couldn't help but smile these past weeks we have been traveling around the world causing a lot of disturbance in the Wizardry community, but nothing too bad for the law authorities…with the exception of one guy who looked like J.J. Jameson, that guy got under my skin so I pranked him a little bit too hard causing the man to lose a lot of his hair, also it didn't help that I stole 3 Time-Turners from the Magical Congress of The United States…meh what is done is done.

Instead, we focused on terrorist organizations, dangerous magical creatures terrorizing some towns, werewolves, and vampires. Unlike most of the settings in other fantasy worlds, vampires and werewolves are protected by law since most of them are not bloodthirsty creatures (no pun intended) that the media propagates.

But like in any community, bad apples cause this kind of stereotype to surge, like the Tepes Faction who believed that they were the superior species, and the rest of the creatures were just cattle to satiate their thirst and constantly kidnapped humans, especially witches and muggle females to be their source of food and entertainment.

So, gramps and I send them to oblivion before they could say anything. After that, we rescued all the slaves under them, but different from fiction where everything is solved when the reality is harsh after slaying the "villain" and rescuing the people. Most of the people there were traumatized by the atrocities that vampires did to them, especially the females. The ones that were captured for the longest time had empty expressions as if they had given up on life and many of them had a severe case of androphobia (fear of men).

There was little to nothing that I could do for them, while I could cure any physical damage they had, I could not heal their minds and hearts, one can't save everyone after all. The best I could do was to send them to the Romanian Ministry so they could receive the help that they needed. The ministry thanked us for our "services" and wanted to reward us but we declined their offer but instead, we asked them to support ALL the victims since I didn't know how they treated Muggles in that country.

Most of them gave me a look of respect, but honestly, my reasons weren't entirely altruistic. First, this would give me a pretty good reputation in this country as my main objective is not to antagonize them. The people that work here just follow orders, so I don't want to kill them if everything goes south. And the second reason is to distract them for now that I looted everything inside the Tepes Faction, while I wouldn't give them anything even if they asked, I'll rather avoid their complaints.

There was also our travel to China which I have mixed feelings about it, while the government didn't actually like us, they were very respectful while talking about serious matters, and the best way I can express their position was like businessmen considering all the pros and cons about us. But the problem was some of the scions of noble families … By the love of Aqua, they were annoying as fuck! In the previous countries that we visited while there were some arrogant idiots, they didn't quite fit the profile of a young master, so I thought that being a young master had something to do in relation of where the protagonist or "Child of the world" is located, but I was absolutely wrong!

I blame that Peng young master! A freaking Peng young master! Of course like the man of culture that I am, I laughed right in front of his face as soon as he said his name…that I don't actually remember since I was busy trying to not die by self-suffocation by how hard I was laughing. The idiot was complaining that I dirtied his shoes and was asking the halberd that I was carrying as retribution for the damages and that I bowed to him, so he and I quote "Might be benevolent enough to spare my life", the only thing that he didn't ask like the third rate villain he is, is to cripple my cultivation.

The halberd was nothing special, it just looked beautiful with runes inscribed all over it. Honestly, I just used it for "intimidation" purposes since I didn't want to take out any of my Noble Phantasm here. But that guy pissed me off, so I did what I do best.

I slapped the shit out of him while he kept muttering the usual bullshit about his ancestor. And when his ancestor (Grandfather) came, gramps with one punch made the Peng's Clan ancestor pass away bringing shame to his whole clan(not really). As an extra punishment with the help of Nabong Needle Ryu, I made the young master impotent ending the Peng's Clan bloodline. I also "borrowed" some books from the clan's private collection. The person in charge of foreign relationships who seemed uncannily similar to someone I know from the past didn't have a problem, as it seems that is a common occurrence for this kind of event to develop.

In other countries, we basically did the same, raiding "evil" organizations and looting then and after our travel finished my considerable fortune increased a lot, but more important my collection of books increased! I already had a lot of books about magic by the Lucis-Caelum inheritance from different schools of magic but most of them are from the European factions. But now I have access to the magic of different countries like exorcisms from Japan and China, Shamanism from Uganda and Korea, and many more! And while I don't know all the languages of those countries, that was just a minor inconvenience. Nothing that patience and a dictionary couldn't solve.

"Little Yozora please stop smiling like that, you look like a creep," Gramps said giving me a deadpan expression.

"Why are you calling a creep!" I said with an annoyed tone.

"To the only creep in the room," Gramps said still giving me a deadpan expression.

"Huh?" I said with a harsh tone as I feel how the vein in my forehead popping out. "Are you asking for a fight old man?"

"You are acting quite arrogant lately brat," Gramps said while cracking his fist. "You want to fight or what?" He said while acting like a thug.





"*Pfff* Hahahaha." Gramps and I cracked a laugh at the same time.

"Your acting as a thug is lousy," I said in between laughs.

"As If your acting as a school delinquent was any better."


"But seriously, why are you learning all these things? Surely, they may be some of them that will be useful, but it is really necessary to learn all of them? You are wasting so much time trying to learn one thing after the other, and even if you are a genius even if you try to say the opposite. You could be perfecting one but instead, you try to learn everything. Martial Arts, Weapon Arts, Magecraft, Wizardry, and recently you started to learn a type of Life Energy Manipulation." Gramps said while giving me a stare.

"I perfectly remember that the day you summoned me, I told you to be careful to not become a Jack of All Trades Master of None, so why are you doing the opposite?"

"You know who was one of the most influential people in my past life?" I ask even though is not appropriate to answer a question with another question.

"Nasu Kinoko?" Gramps said while raising his eyebrow.

"Well…yeah, after all, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have met you." I chuckled. "But I was talking about a person that influenced human history, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. He was a polymath active as a diplomat, mathematician, philosopher, and scientist and contributed to many diverse fields like metaphysics, physics, geology, and many more. Technically he created differential and integral calculus at the same time that Isaac Newton and also invented the binary system."

I paused for a moment before continuing. "He was what Epictetus would call the example of the pursuit of human excellence. As well as the last universal genius, someone that I admire."

"In the modern era, everyone is instructed to just follow one path, and everything else you do is taken as a hobby at best. Something that I abhor."

"Why would I need to be encased to just one thing? That's not what I want, I want to study everything that I find fascinating, a learn all that I find useful."

"As you know, after coming here I lost many things." I give a sad smile. "My father that even if he was a strict person, he showed his care for me in his own way. My mother is the most supportive and kindest person that I've known. Hiroshi that even if he acted like a rascal most of the time…he is my little brother. And…lost the chance to see Aoi one last time."

Gramps just gave me a sad smile, so I decided to move on with the conversation. "But I also got many other, like the possibility of achieving what I want. Realistically speaking even if I accept the fact that I am a genius*ugh* I wouldn't be able to do half of the things that I wanted in my previous life. But now I practically have access to unlimited knowledge and a myriad of things that will aid me in my goal."

"How are so sure that you are not just following an empty dream?"

I grinned at gramps words. "If someone can do it, there is no reason why I cannot do it and if no one can, I will because I am awesome."

"Bruce Lee once said "I fear not the man who has practiced ten thousand kicks, but I fear the man that has practiced one kick ten thousand times" but what if I practice ten thousand kicks ten thousand times?" I said high a sight of humor.

"I know that he didn't mean it literally, but I just found it amusing. But that doesn't mean that I am fool enough that think I can take everything without a plan. That's why after considering it for a long time I chose Nen as my next goal as it is in a way similar to something I am already doing."

Od short for Odic Force which is the vital energy or in other words life energy, something that is found within a living organism. The amount of it is vastly different from person to person, some people have greater amounts than normal people, but having a healthy body and diet also helps to increase it.

In the Nasuverse normal humans don't have a way to access this energy, this is when Magic Circuits enter the game. That one of its basic functions is the conversion of life energy to Magic Energy, the same as Mana(Raw Magic Energy of the ambient).

In magecraft Od is usually just used for small-scale spells such as Reinforcement and to "start" large-scale spells, as most of the Magic Energy used comes from the Mana, that's why they are respectively called "Minor Source" and "Major Source". So, if a Magus used all of their Od one would think that they would die but this is one other function of the Magic Circuits comes in hand, which is that they are in "charge" of replenishing it and the time it takes depends on the number circuits and the quality one has.

My regeneration rate it's quite fast since I naturally have High-Quality circuits and a great amount of them on top of that. Yet that would be if I just take into consideration my "natural" circuits since I have the [Magic Circuit Manipulation] skill. There are many complicated steps to increasing the quality and number of circuits but it's fundamentally a combination of meditation and the movement of Magical Energy in the Magic Circuits…something that I found disturbingly familiar.

Magic Circuits even if they are a natural thing for the soul, they are still a foreign "organ" to the human body so that is why there is pain and an increase of heat on the body when they are used but [Magic Circuit Manipulation] skill also solved that problem, yet it didn't describe how it was possible.

But with time my original Magic Circuits started to adapt…they changed. It seems that my outstanding affinity with the Soul element. They became something more "physical" in some sort of way. And as a side effect, besides the actual functions of the regular Magic Circuits, they also acted generators inside my body, something like a budget version of the True Magic "Heaven's Feel".


Magic Circuits:

30 (EX-Quality):

-Magic Circuits with outstanding conductivity, energy generation, structural durability, quality output, energy regeneration, and efficiency.

Each Magic Circuit can handle up to 120 magic energy units.


-These Magic Circuits have excellent conductivity, energy generation, output, and efficiency.

Each Mana Circuit can handle up to 36 units of magic energy.


-These Magic Circuits have good conductivity, energy generation, output, and efficiency.

Each Mana Circuit can handle up to 24 units of magic energy.


-Walking Mystery.

-Hero in training.


-Clairvoyance (Beast) (D++~Rank)

-Rune Magecraft (B++~Rank)

-Mind Eye (Fake) (A~Rank)

-Magic Circuit Manipulation (EX~Rank)

-Magic Resistance(C~Rank)

-Multi Cast(E++~Rank)

Noble Phantasm:

Armirger (E~A+++ Rank):






So far the "Status Window" hasn't shown any abilities that I have acquired through training, something that I am not sure if it's because the system it's incomplete or from the start couldn't do it.

"So, gramps, since you know about the basics of both Nen and Magecraft, they technically start from the same source but diverge when actually using them. So, in theory, it shouldn't be that hard to start using Nen and with my "evolved" Magic Circuits the amount of Life-Force that I have should be helpful." I say with a smile to gramps.

Gramps nodded accepting my words. "Very well little Yozora, I should've known that like you, your dreams are quite eccentric if not impossible in the eyes of the many. But I believe that you will accomplish it." Gramps says with a smile on his face.

My smile became even wider than it was before. "Thanks, gramps, but now we should get going. After all, we need to prepare Harry's birthday present."


July 17th of 1992. North Sea. Great Britain. Azkaban

After going to The Burrow to invite(kidnap) a certain Animagus when everyone was sleeping, we moved to our main objective, Azkaban. Currently, we are about a kilometer away from the objective which is an Island in the middle of the North Sea. The location of this prison is one of the most tight-lipped secrets of the Ministry, which only a handful of people know about. Not even Dumbledore knows about it since he is not part of the Ministry and when an outsider goes, he is obliviated about the location shortly after, and even if he didn't like that he still did it for appearance's sake.

'Idiot' I snort internally.

So after preparing a wide-area anti-teletransportation Boundary Field to avoid anyone but us from leaving or entering. From the information that I extracted from William Wallace, I know that there are not many guards each round, at most 6 since Dementors do most of the job for them. Regardless of that, I don't want anyone to interfere with the mission as it will be bothersome. As for the inmates they don't have their wands and even if they had the, they wouldn't have the strength to apparate as the long-term exposure to the Dementors seriously weaken them.

I opened a portal exactly at the entrance of Azkaban, which I must say it's a cold and dreadful place, Dementors are definitely the reason for this…Oh talking about the devil.

As soon they "felt" our presence a swarm of Dementors started to come towards our direction.

'Hmm probably around a hundred…meh'

Raising my hand toward their direction I started to use my Magic Circuits to simulate the movement of Magic Energy that a wand does when casting a spell. "Expecto Patronum," I say while using [Multi Cast] at the same time and from my had three ethereal creatures make their appearance.

I actually don't know what my Patronus actually is, since every time I use it, it forms changes. The first time was a Thunderbird, and the second time was a big tiger, something that made me confused as usually the Patronus represents the form that one will have as an Animagus, making me wonder if I would be able to become. And like the past occasions this time my Patronus changed once again.

Three Nine-Tailed Kitsunes were going towards the swarm of Dementors and started to devour them…. 'What the fuck! That's not how it's supposed to work! Ugh Whatever I will investigate this in the future.'

{Let go, gramps, I trust your judgment so I know that you will not kill anyone that did not earn it, if you have doubts just knock them as we will do with the Aurors, and later I will use my [Clairvoyance(Beast)] to look into them. Also, like the other times make the highest amount of damage in the area if possible.} I say to gramps as there is the possibility that there are more people other than Sirius Black, that was jailed for being innocent.

{Understood} Gramps said as we started to run into the inside of Azkaban.

One of the Kitsune Patronus stayed behind while the other two followed us. Gramps went ahead of me and with a single punch blew up into pieces of the main door.

"What the-"One of the guards tried to say before gramps knocked him cold. 'I wouldn't want to be him.'

"Stop right there!" Another guard said but I knocked him out using a Stupefy Duo.

I cast a Patronus once again to protect the guards, as I don't believe that Dementors would waste the chance of having a "free meal". And once I took care of them gramps and I took separate ways with one of the Patronus Kitsunes following us each.

Soon after from afar, I could clearly hear screams coming out from Gramp's direction. After running for short while I felt the presence of several wizards and witches, so I activated [Clairvoyance(Beast)] and once I was in front of them, I could see a plethora of "desires" some of them disgusting as fuck, some of them just wanting freedom even if they did atrocious things and the minority of them wanted justice from the wrongdoings that the Ministry had done to them by imprisoning them when they were innocent.

So, after recognizing who was not on the shit list, I knocked them out. And for the rest well, usually, Wizards were not even a treat, but now weakened and without their wands. It wasn't even a fight, it was a one-sided slaughter.

My first victim was Rabastian Lestrange, Bellatrix's Brother-In-Law. I reinforced my fist and activated the runes engraved on my glove and gave a simple punch that once it reached his solar plexus, he simply exploded creating a very gore scene in which bits of flesh, bones, and organs splattered around the place.

'Note to me, even if Wizard's bodies are stronger than average doing both things at the same time is an overkill.' I thought as I shake some of the blood from my glove. 'Well lest use less strength now.'

Now just using reinforcement in my left fist I punched another inmate but this time instead of exploding like the last person, he ended up flying toward the nearest wall and breaking into a collision.

'I wanted to use the "nastiest" people around for experimenting, what a pity that Rabastian was so close to me, well it can't be helped besides is not like there is a lack of dirt around.' I said as a plethora of Phantasmal Weapons were created right behind me. 'Now let's practice my aim a little bit.'


Some minutes after the slaughtering and gathering some for-investigation purposes, I kept moving toward my main objective. Sure, while the "renovations" on Azkaban are important since it's part of the mission, that is not actually "my" objective. While I do enjoy doing this kind of mission for Fuga since I don't like these idiots, most likely there would be objectives that I would not like that much, so I divide the thing that I MUST do and things I WANT to do, so for now while both things are linked, I should enjoy it.

The Patronus keep "devouring" any Dementor that keeps appearing from time to time, something that I am curious about since they are "amortal" and while I don't doubt that I could kill them with some weapons or Rite of Baptism am quite curios how a charm that is used for protection is actin as an offensive one, good thing that I captured some of them for my researching in souls.

Finally, as it was a princess at end of the tallest tower of the castle, I found something similar to a big shaggy-haired black dog that looked at me cautiously.

"Hello, Sirius Black or should I call you Padfoot since you are currently a dog?" I say with a hint of playfulness in my voice.

Sirius in another hand for a moment made a surprised expression that I must say I found quite funny since he is in his dog form but soon after regained his composure and tried to play it as if he really was a dog and taking a defensive posture lightly groaning.

"Come on man give me a break, it's almost insulting that you are doing it as if you were insulting my intelligence, it is useless trying to play the fool since I already know. And while I understand playing the safe since you don't know me and can't see my face, I am not here to harm you if that's what I wanted I would not even have bothered talking to you." I say remaining in my previous tone yet backing my words with facts.

I give him some time to consider my words and after thinking for a while he seems interested enough of at the very least dialogue as it was rather weird for someone to come to this godforsaken place "just" to talk. And soon after he undid his transformation into his real form.

In his now human form, he was currently wearing the classic inmate clothes that were more than dirty and a lot worn out, his black hair reached his shoulder and was very dirty something that is expected as there are not many ways to clean himself in this kind of place. Another remarkable thing is that he is skinny way too skinny, the man was almost in his bones. But on top of that he looked tired…something understandable as being exposed to the Dementors for almost eleven years, yet different from some other inmates his eyes still have "shine", not the madness kind like the crazy Voldemort followers, but one that he is in peace with himself.

"So, what do you want pal?" Sirius straightforwardly asks.

"Good, good, straight to the point. So long story short, I came here to take you out of this place."

Sirius looks at me with an incredulous expression as if I was mad. "Look pal, I don't mean to offend you, but you don't look like a good guy, with the coat and all the blood around I mean." He says awkwardly.

"Hahaha, none was taken." I say "And while you are not wrong, you are not right either. As most of my actions are not what you would call "legal" and certainly "immoral" in the eyes of the public. I solemnly swear, that my intentions are good."

Sirius frowns at my words. "How do you know, that much about me? No, no matter what, I am not going with you. You surely want me because I am a "murdered". Says with some despite and self-loathing in his voice.

But I shake my head in negation. "On the contrary, I came here since I know that you are innocent. And your godson needs you."

And with my words, throwing aside all the previous hesitation he somehow moves quickly in front of me and grabbed me by my collar. "What do you mean by that? Is Harry, okay? What is your relationship with him? What did you do to him?" Sirius says with clear anger and panic in his voice.

If it was any other person, I would have punched him into the kingdom comes for grabbing me like that. But as I understand that he is worried for Harry, I overlook this and simply free myself. "Easy buddy, he is fine now, but the kid had a rough life, as you can imagine if he was raised by aunt and uncle. And about I can not tell you my relationship with him until you accept my deal, after all my identity is a delicate matter." I say to him, and his eyes widen to an extreme degree after hearing me.

"Dumbledore sent him with the Dursley!? What the hell was he thinking about?! In James and Lily's last will they clearly stated that they didn't want Harry to be even close with those awful people." He says quite enraged and after his fit, he looks at me. "What do you want from me? The Black's money? My servitude? My life? Take whatever you want but take me where Harry is!"

In all honestly, his reaction made me happy and with my clairvoyance, I could see that there was not even a single hint of falsehood in his words. "I do want none of those things. While I am not exactly a good guy, I would feel bad for taking advantage of a man like you. But want I want is for you to sign this." I say as I take a Geass from my dimensional pocket.

"If you sign this you will accept that by any given circumstance you will disclose my identity. And don't be worried about mental intrusion as once you sign this the memories of me and anything regarding blocked, to put it away."

"Just that?" He says incredulously. "If I sign this, you will take me with Harry?"

"I will, but not immediately thought," I say in a serious tone.

"Why?" Sirius said in a serious tone (no pun intended.)

"Because even if I take you out of here, you will still be a fugitive from the law and if you want to take care of Harry, what kind of life do you expect to give to him?"

While Sirius seems to understand, he is still confused. "So, what's the bloody point of taking me out of here?"

At this, I smile even though he can't see. "I'm glad you asked." And after saying that I take out from my dimensional pocket a petrified rat. "Say hi, to your old friend."


Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

First, I want to thank everyone since this FF has reached the 963.57K read at the moment I am writing this and 4K in ad to the library so we are so close to the 1 million! Thank you everyone for your support until now, let's reach the goal!!!

So I basically summarized the travels of the MC since I wanted to speed the plot and going through every country would have taken me a lot of time, and I am sure that you like me, are anxious to start the DXD Arc. But if you want, I can write a little special chapter about his travel, especially from that country full of young masters.

Also, Yozora wants to learn about everything, not a surprise though as it's really shown across the FF that he wants to do that. And about the name of his little brother, I will be clear, that's just a name that I thought of at the moment since I had a classmate in middle school with that name, there is not deeper meaning. Hahaha sorry for bursting the bubble.

Anyways now that our MC clearly made the makeover in Azkaban and made contact with Sirius, the next step will be clearing his name and also the start of the event!!! I will not go in many details about it but, while the theme of multiple school will be the same as the Triwizard Championship, the event and roles will not be. So stay tuned for that.

Another hint, in one of Yozora's reward for this mission, the one of the card I will not say who will be the character but I will just say that it is a character from some of the universe that I have mention and reference in the ff. Any guess of who could be? Leave a comment.

So with anything else to say, thank you for reading this chapter, if you like this ff so far please leave a review, it will help me a lot so more people start reading it.

Also, leave a comment with your thoughts of this chapter and the ff in general, and maybe drop a stone or two hahaha (I need the POWAAAA stone.)

See you again in the next chapter.

*The author leaves the chat to sleep a little bit before going to work. *

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