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100% Game Of Throne: Lord of Nature / Chapter 67: Judgment and the Girl of Foolish Dreams

Chapter 67: Judgment and the Girl of Foolish Dreams

Varys replied: His trial will be in 1 month. Your daughter will speak to the queen and I will also for her forgiveness

Adrián transformed into an Owl and went up to the tower where Sansa Stark is, she was crying and praying for the 7, for her sister and her father wanted everything to be a dream.

Adrian with a gloomy and mocking voice: Do you think that the 7 listen to you, silly girl?

Sansa, in horror, tried to find where the voice came from, she saw a black owl in the window that was staring at her.

Adrian transformed back into his human form, covered in the black cloak showing only the sparkle of his green eyes.

Amused Adrian said: Stupid girl, you thought that everything was beautiful in this cursed city, didn't your dear sept tell you how much blood flowed through this city, not only do you fill your pretty brain with stupid ideas.

Sansa kneeled with fear: Let it be a bad dream, if everything will be a bad dream when I wake up tomorrow everything will be the same as always.

Adrian laughed loudly a lugubrious and evil laugh: Dream not girl, you're still wide awake you killed your own family because of a false Lion a child who is the result of incest between the Queen and her brother.

An Aerys Targaryen, but this time Lannister, you who created more suffering than anyone in all the realms, you stupid girl are wide awake.

Sansa screamed: Lies Joffrey is not a monster born of incest, the Queen would never do that they are children of the Late King Robert Baratheon and he is not the mad king.

Amused Adrian: But it is, I'll show you, Adrian raised his hand and a small green light appeared on his finger that he quickly pressed between Sansa's two eyes.

Sansa plunged into memories of Joffrey punishing the maids, murdering his brother's cat, being sadistic and crazy, and how he took pleasure in tormenting people.

I took Sansa out of the memory and laughed: Now those were raised, you want me to show you all the pain and suffering you caused just because of your stupidity.

Sansa backed away in fear, yelling, Warlock, a liar that's not my sweet Joffrey.

Adrian laughed: So be it, Sansa Stark, I'll leave you a gift, in life you won't be able to escape your destiny, By the Old Gods in my name I give you my blessing, You will never be able to end your life by your hand or someone else's, you won't be able to Suicide yourself, your wounds will heal faster, but every night you will relive the betrayal of your blood.

The whole room began to rumble with force, green particles sank into her body.

Amused Adrian said: You will know that death is a gift and I deny you that gift Sansa Stark, I do it in the Gods that you should have followed, In the name of the Old Gods.

Adrián turned into an Owl and left, Sansa was stunned and fell to the ground, after several minutes she tried to take a knife and stick it in her chest.

An unnatural force stopped her, she could not move the knife, desperately she approached the window and tried to jump, but the same force threw her to the ground, and she began to cry loudly.

What they did not expect is that Robb Stark mobilized the forces of the north, now marching to the land of the Rivers and joining the Tully house to repel the Lannister invasion of their lands, To enter the South Walder Frey demands a marriage contract, ensuring that Robb will marry a daughter of his house at the end of the war. Catelyn agrees to the Freys' terms, adding 4,000 men to their cause.

Robb leads his army into Sweetwater, aided by the advice of his great-uncle Brynden Tully, and manages to surprise Jaime Lannister's army in the Whispering Wood, wiping out Jaime's forces and taking Jaime prisoner.

At the same time Tyrion was taken to Nido, Catelin thought about negotiating his release for Ned's, but upon arrival, Lisa took him prisoner and tried him for the alleged murder of Jon Arryn, The Mad Trout had named Vardis Egen as their champion, Tyrion was about to name Bronn, but Ashen entered the room with 50 well-armed Men.

No one had been able to stop their advance by breaching the moon gates, knocking out everyone without killing anyone.

Everyone in the room was stunned, at what the men of the Trant house were doing in the valley.

Lisa Arryn began to yell, Guards kill these invaders, protect their master, she said, hugging the sickly little thing.

Ashen laughed: No one will come, everyone was knocked out from the gates of the moon to here and I come on behalf of Lord Adrian to save Tyrion, as I see trial by combat.

Tyrion clapped his hands: Good thing someone isn't an Idiot, in all the fucking realms, I name Ashen my champion.

The whole place fell silent. The Man's reputation was known, stronger even than Arthur the Sword of the Morning.

Ashen stepped forward and put his hand on the hilt, Egen swallowed and waited for the signal, Robin's little bastard.

In a second Ashen had disappeared and reappeared behind Egen, Ashen's sword was drawn and stained with blood, blood began to drip from Egen and his head fell quickly, the place became a mess, and a rain of blood came from his neck

The whole room was silent, what had happened in the blink of an eye Egen had died, what speed had Ashen taken to do that, and what strength, Egen was armored from head to toe

Ashen cleaned his sword and sheathed it, then spoke: Well since this farce is over, the old laws were fulfilled Tyrion won or perhaps Lady Catelyn and Lady Lisa think to break another oath like "bread and salt".

Or what his daughter did, who murdered her sister while running with the Lannisters, while Dulan helped them escape from the king's landing.

Those words were a nail for Catleyn, she clenched her fists, while the Trant Men broke the chains with their hands.

Tyrion asked: What did my crazy sister do?

Ashen sighed: He killed Dulan and hung him on the walls of the red fortress, the girl Arya was decapitated and her son put her head on a pike, Trant murdered the men just like the Starks and rumors say that their nephew Joffrey beheaded Ned Stark.

Everyone in the room was silent, for this information, Ashen looked at everyone and continued: Didn't they know it was the beloved Daughter of Lady Catelyn, Sansa Stark who sold and killed so many innocent men, by the way, one more thing Tyrion never joined Jon Arryn, he was in Lanisportt when he died, but Lady Lisa let's just say she ran without saying goodbye to her Lord's body.

Saying this, Ashen and the soldiers left with Tyrion and Bronn, Ashen gave them horses and said goodbye to them.

They were going to return to the island and fortify it and they gave a message to their father and Sister, we remember everything and everything is paid Tyrion.


Thus the month passed, and the beginning of the public trial arrived, Joffrey had placed Arya's already putrid head and Dulan's desecrated and putrid body in front of everyone.

People were horrified, many people knew Dulan, and a large part of them was helped by him and by the men of the Trant house, what they had done to the man was horrible, on his body, you could see crossbow bolts, spear wounds, and sword.

Rumors had been going around that he faced off against the Lannister red cloaks, fought 3 dozen of them, took most of them, but died in the process protecting Lord Stark's daughter, Various rumors spread that Ned Stark was appointed regent. until Joffrey's coming of age, but his angry mother had broken royal orders.

Many people believed it, they had lived through the looting by the Lannisters, but they were scared.

Eddard Stark was led to the square in front of Baelor's sept, everyone was present, From Sansa Stark, the queen, and the privy council. People weren't booing, they were quiet, some booed Stark.

Sansa was standing next to Cersei, half smiling, but the biggest smiles were from Petyr, Joffrey, and Cersei.

Ned was brought before everyone and said: I am Eddard Stark, lord of Winterfell and hand of the king, Ned stopped for a moment and looked at Sansa who nodded.

Ned licked his lips and said, I pity here to confess my treachery, of gods and men, I betrayed my king's faith, my friend Robert's trust, I swore to defend and protect his children, but before I to cool his corpse, I plotted to kill his son and seize his throne.

A flying stone hit Ned Stark, the hound catching him so he wouldn't fall.

Ned finished: High Septon and Baelor the Holy, bear witness to what I say, Joffrey Baratheon is heir to the iron throne, by the grace of all Gods, lord of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm.

Joffrey grinned and looked at his mother who was also smiling.

Pycelle proceeded to speak: When we sin we also suffer, this man has confessed his crimes, before gods and men, the gods are just, but if Holy Baelor taught us that they can also be merciful, I look at Joffrey, he said that we must do with this traitor highness.

Joffrey smiled and raised his hand: My mother wishes Lord Eddard to enter the night's watch, stripped of titles and powers, he will serve the kingdom in permanent exile and my lady Sansa has begged for mercy for her father.

Sansa smiled a little, but she saw this Joffrey had found a way to break it so he laughed mischievously and said: But they have the soft hearts of women, as long as I am your king betrayal will never go unpunished.

Ser Ilyn Payne, bring me his head, Sansa yelled please stop this, Cersei rushed to hold her son and tell him: Don't do it Joffrey

The royal guard brings Ned to his knees, Ilyn dons his executioner's hood, and draws Ice, the ancestral sword of house stark.

Sansa screams for Joffrey to stop, but the sadist just smiled, Ilyn lowers his sword ned's head rolls on the ground, and blood begins to flow from him.

The entire square is silent, only the screams of Sansa Stark crying and saying why, Joffrey's laughter had frozen everyone in the place. The older ones saw a shadow of Aerys the mad king and his fire.

Loud applause then rang out in an ice-cold voice.

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