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89.45% Battle Across The Omniverse / Chapter 277: Old Digimon and Berserk Bike

Chapter 277: Old Digimon and Berserk Bike

Jayr POV - Digital World, Desert Wind Area - 2001

As soon as our bodies are enveloped by the pillar of light, the Data Stream, we are absorbed by it and the next instant, we find ourselves in another location, furthermore, we are actually falling from a great height causing Ruki, Hirokazu, and Kenta to scream in fright. 

The only one still calm in that group is Renamon who starts to maneuver her body so that she can look down and see if there is any danger below.

At the same time, I hear Patamon's voice as he comments, "Why are they screaming so much? It isn't like we are in danger or anything like that..."

V-mon also agrees as he says, "Indeed, this is practically the same thing that happened just yesterday when we arrived in the Digital World. We aren't actually falling, we are just being transferred to a new area."

But Wormmon quickly comes to their defense as he explains, "Come on. Don't be so harsh on them. They are just kids, it is natural for them to be afraid. Even more so when the method used by the Digital World feels so similar to the sensation of falling from great heights that is basically indistinguishable from the real thing."

While my Digimon Partners are calmly talking among themselves, Ruki, Hirokazu, and Kenta's scream stops as the kids pass out and a few moments later, we finally "land" at our destination.

I calmly look around to check if our immediate surroundings are safe and see that we are placed in a windy, desert climate fissure, there are many tall worn rocks full of holes and scratches, strangely shaped bare trees as their branches are all bent in the same direction, very likely the result of strong almost constant winds of this area that blow always from the same direction, and a village of tree-like cottages with roofs adorned in yellow tarps. 

I also take a moment to check on Hirokazu, Ruki, Kenta, and Renamon and see that they are all lying on the ground.

But just as I'm about to move and wake them up, Renamon opens her eyes and moves toward Ruki gently touching her head and calling her out, "Ruki..."

In response, Ruki slowly opens her eyes, gets up, and still a little dizzy says, "Renamon... Where are we? Where's Takato and the others?" but then she remembers what happened and looking up she mutters, "Right, we were hit by a pillar of light... Ah!"

Ruki immediately notices that something is different as she comments, "The Real World sphere... It looks so small from here..."

At this point, I calmly step next to her and explain, "The reason for that is that we actually are in another layer of the Digital World, one much further away from the one we were before..." making the girl look at me and my Digimon Partners and say, "Pucci-sensei... V-mon, Wormmon, and Patamon... have you guys already been here before?"

We all shake our heads as Wormmon replies, "No, this is also our first time in such a place... and I don't expect that we will see many familiar places. After all, the Digital World is much, much larger than the Real World..."

At the same time, Renamon is also looking at our surroundings and comments, "This world is strange. The rocks are strange, they have holes and scratches. I wonder why."

This catches Ruki's attention and she also starts to look around and notices the nearby village, "Are those houses? But they don't have any windows or doors... And that big cloth on the roof... What is it for?"

Renamon then takes note of another detail as she adds, "Also... the trees have no leaves, and all the branches are facing the same direction."

In the end, Ruki comments, "This gives me the creeps. We have to go back with the others quickly." before she again looks up and asks, "But how do we get up there?"

But before they can come up with a suggestion, both Ruki and Renamon are distracted by the loud snoring sound of Hirokazu and Kenta.

Annoyed at seeing Hirokazu and Kenta sleeping comfortably, Ruki walks toward them while yelling, "Sleeping comfortably at a time like this... How about you take this a bit more seriously? This is why I was against these guys coming to the Digital World!"

Renamon tries to calm down Ruki by calling her out, but the ginger-haired girl quickly shoots back, "Let me complain a bit more." before she asks while kicking Hirokazu, "How much longer will you sleep!?"

Ruki's kick causes Hirokazu to slam into Kenta and give him an accidental kiss making Patamon comment, "Luckily it was on the cheek instead of what happened to a much more famous pair of rival\friend\lovers... Believe it!" 

Due to their immaturity, Hirokazu and Kenta's reaction to such an innocent accident is as expected, they start to roll away from each other in disgust.

At the same time, witnessing this scene with her arms crossed, an annoyed Ruki says, "Good morning." making the pair complain in synch, ""What are you doing!?""

Ruki ignores their question and shouts back, "Go back! Go back to Shinjuku right now!" but Hirokazu and Kenta aren't intimidated and yell. 

"There's no way we're going back!"


"Don't act like you're some teacher!"


At this point, Hirokazu stands up and continues, "I mean, Ruki, you are cute..." but Kenta quickly gets up and says, "Hirokazu, that has nothing to do with this! You should be tougher!" making Hirokazu comment, "Kenta, are you sure you can say that?"

Confused, Kenta looks back at his friend and asks, "What?" 

In response, Hirokazu continues with this silly subject, "I could reveal that you got the highest cholesterol level among the Shinjuku grade schoolers, in the last check-up." 

Hearing that, Kenta lowers his head and yells, "Please don't tell anyone!" 

Seeing this scene makes an annoyed Ruki comment, "A Tamer like me dealing with these guys..." but while Hirokazu and Kenta "complain" about the use of the word "these guys", Renamon quickly tries to calm Ruki by saying, "Ruki, these guys... They're still our friends." making Ruki relent, "I know that, but..."

At this point, it is clear that Hirokazu and Kenta are mostly fooling around, so, I step forward and say, "Ruki may not be your teacher... but I am. And while there is nothing wrong with a light-hearted attitude, in fact, it is something that I even personally support. There is a right time and place for everything. At the moment, we are in an unknown location separated from our friends. Ruki is clearly annoyed that you are so careless. Especially considering that we can be attacked by a Deva or another wild Digimon at any moment. Her harsh attitude is out of worry that you guys could end up hurt if you continue like this not out of malice."

Hearing that, both Hirokazu and Kenta calm down and lower their head as they look at both Renamon and Ruki and say.

"Sorry, about that."

"Pucci-sensei is right. We were a little too careless."

But before Ruki could say anything back, the wind picks up, and I lead the group to take shelter behind a rock as Renamon realizes something and comments, "This wind must have torn the leaves off." followed by Ruki who adds, "With this kind of wind, it's no surprise that all the branches are facing the same way!"

Soon we see some pieces of furniture being carried by the strong winds and crashing into trees and rocks damaging them as the objects disperse into motes of Data.

Seeing that scene, Renamon, who together with Ruki peeked out of the rock to check the situation, realizes, "That's the cause of those scratches!" before she and Ruki again hide behind the rock to avoid getting hit as Ruki comes to another conclusion, "So that's why those houses don't have any doors or windows? And that cloth is used to block the wind?"

But Wormmon quickly corrects her and says, "No, it is more likely that those are used to measure the strength of the wind..."

At this point, Hirokazu can't help but complain, "I don't think this is the time to chat about that!"

Quickly after he yelled that I tell the kids to run as a piano is now flying toward the rock we are using to protect ourselves and it is very likely that the rock will be destroyed by it.

Following my command, they all start running, but soon, the wind becomes so strong that Hirokazu and Kenta are blown away, even Ruki and Renamon aren't spared by it, but Renamon reacts in time as she holds Ruki closer to her and is somewhat able to direction herself in the same direction as Kenta and Hirokazu.

At the same time, to hide my inhuman capabilities, I simply grab my Digimon and also start to simply fly after them as they are all heading toward the entrance of one of the houses with pinpoint accuracy.


Soon we all end up "flying" right into the house inhabited and soon after that, an old woman's voice asks, "Who are you?" followed by the voice of an old man who says, "How dare you break into our home?"

I quickly take a look at the two that inhabit this house, who I easily recognize as the Digimon Babamon and Jijimon. 

Babamon looks like a short, old woman with grey hair styled in a Japanese bun and blue skin, she has seams on her mouth, pointed ears, and long purple nails and wears an old robe with a Tifaret around its neck and carries around a broom.

(Image Here - Babamon)

Meanwhile, Jijimon looks like a short, old man with a long, white beard and hair which makes so that his face isn't visible, he is dressed in a brownish tunic with brown gloves, has hairy bare feet like a hobbit and carries around a staff with a lion's paw at the end.

(Image Here - Jijimon)

At the same time, Ruki immediately brings up her D-Ark and uses the Digimon Analyzer to identify our hosts starting with Jijimon, "Jijimon. Ultimate Level...? An elder Digimon that is said to have existed since the era in which the Digital World was created and knows everything about it. It apparently guides chosen humans whenever the world faces a crisis. Although it hides incomparable power, it rarely ever exhibits its true strength. Its Special Move is sending those with evil hearts to the land of the dead with its cherished staff (Hang on Death)."

After that, Ruki quickly moves on to Babamon, "Babamon. Ultimate Level. An Ancient Digimon that has the appearance of an old woman. It is rumored that a Rosemon was cursed and turned into this form. It has the Special Move "Empress Haze", which completely erases evil viruses with a single swing of the magic broom it holds in its right hand. Also, Jijimon and Babamon are married."

Looking at the two Digimon in front of me, I can't help but be surprised while thinking, 'Knowing is one thing, but feeling it in person is a whole other matter. As expected from a couple of Ultimate Level Digimon. Despite their unassuming appearance, both Babamon and Jijimon are incredibly powerful, in fact, they are, surprisingly, only slightly weaker than Hades...'

While I'm thinking that, Jijimon slams his staff on the floor and says, "That doesn't matter now! The first thing is locking the door." followed by Babamon who points at the log on the ground behind us with her broom and says, "Look, use that thick log behind you. Get to it! Lock the door firmly!"

Hearing that, I don't hesitate and quickly move to pick up the thick log on the floor and use it to lock the door, and then, quickly after that they promptly start a "duel" with each other ignoring our presence, but more than a fight, the two of them are actually playing around. 

This is something very clear to me as they are just swinging their staff and broom around barely using any force behind each and every blow, and even the speed is basically at the level of a kid, and I can clearly tell that both are able to do much more than that if serious. 

We follow after them and Ruki asks them if they're having a couple's quarrel, but they respond that they're just doing it out of boredom to pass the time while the wind outside is strong.

Since the group can provide entertainment for them as guests, Babamon and Jijimon decide to cook a feast for us and I offer them my help, but they refuse it saying that it has been a long time since they entertained some guests and want to fully enjoy the experience. 

In response to that Hirokazu and Kenta are thrilled, and Renamon deems Babamon and Jijimon to be trustworthy while Patamon comments that they are "cool gramps" to which V-mon and Wormmon agree. 

As the group helps themselves to the food, Babamon and Jijimon tell us that we're also free to use the baths, and offer that Hirokazu and Kenta instantly accept.

On the other hand, I and my Digimon Partners simply sit in a corner playing some card games, while Ruki decides to enjoy herself a little drinking some tea in front of the fireplace, and Babamon informs us that we can rest in their beds to wait off the wind if they like. 

At the same time, I hear that Hirokazu and Kenta have a happy singing session in the bath, much to Jijimon's amusement and agony for my ears as I painfully learned that Hirokazu is just as bad as Kenta in singing.

Later in the day, we all lie in the beds offered by the old Digimon couple, of course, Renamon and Ruki have their own room while I and my Digimon Partners are staying with the singers from hell.

In the bed, Hirokazu asks Kenta what he thinks about if Babamon and Jijimon were their partners but Kenta is too tired and goes to sleep not answering his friend, who also falls asleep a few moments later. 

But some time later they're woken up by a clatter upstairs and start to fear that Babamon and Jijimon are actually evil Digimon with malicious intentions and sneak up to the living room to see what's going on only to find that Jijimon is feeding the fireplace noisily and that he's having a discussion with Babamon about how entertaining their guests are. 

Hirokazu and Kenta realize that they were wrong and feel bad for having doubted them before they thank the old couple in their hearts and return back to sleep.

The wind stopped the next morning, and I and Ruki thanked Babamon and Jijimon for their hospitality. 

Babamon and Jijimon are sad to see their guests leave, but I reassure them that we will meet again to have fun together while at the same time sending them a telepathic message telling them about the Village of Beginnings in my Soulbound Territory and offering to send them there as soon as we leave the house.

The reason for my offer is that both Jijimon and Babamon are truly genuinely good Digimon and that they could easily become the grandparents of all the baby Digimon in the Village of Beginnings, furthermore, they are basically the only ones living in this area and must feel very lonely.

The Digimon couple immediately agreed to my offer and started to send us off with a smile on their faces.

Hirokazu and Kenta wanted to stay behind to ask them to become their Digimon Partners, but I stopped them from doing so convincing them that Babamon and Jijimon shouldn't be involved in our troubles with the Devas as they could get hurt. 

In the end, we take our leave to search for Culumon and a way out of this place, but as soon as we've left the house, I also open a portal to my Soulbound Territory in front of the two Digimon who jump inside without any hesitation. 

Of course, I also warned Meliae and Lilimon, the Perfect Level form of Palmon who chose to stay in that form permanently as she feels closer to her Tamer, much to the joy of Patamon who can't wait for her to further evolve into Rosemon to using his words, charm her with his Holy Rod.

Our search for Culumon is fruitless but Ruki and Renamon find a cliff from where we might be able to see where Takato, Jianliang, and Juri are, but they realize that they can't climb that cliff making Ruki mutter, "How can we reach it?"

At this point, I walk beside them and answer, "It is quite simple, we fly."

Then before they can ask any questions, I bring out my D-Ark and two cards from my card case and call out, "Patamon! Wormmon!"

In response, Patamon jumps down from the top of my head while Wormmon jumps down from my shoulder at the exact same time while saying.

"It's my time to shine!"

"I'm ready, Jayr!"

I smirk and start to swipe the two cards in the slot on the right-hand side of the D-Ark shouting, "Card Slash!" 

Once I completed this action, I called out the names of the cards I just swiped, "Digimental of Hope! Digimental of Light! Digimental Up!"

Instantly, Patamon's whole body is enveloped in a bright yellow light as he yells, "Patamon, Armor Evolve...!" followed by Wormmon whose body is enveloped in a bright pinkish light as he also yells, "Wormmon, Armor Evolve...!"

Then their bodies start to grow and change shape, and soon after, the lights fade away showing their new forms as they call out their names. 



I take a moment to look at Coatlmon as this is the first time, Wormmon Armor Evolves in this form.

The reason for that is that I just got the card of the Digimental of Light very recently and never had the opportunity to use it until now.

Coatlmon is a big white flying snake with red striae and golden decorations, a mane of green feathers, and two silver wings on either side of the head.

(Image Here - Coatlmon) 

Seeing Coatlmon and Pegasmon, Hirokazu and Kenta starts fanboying over them even more so as they both have evolved thanks to the Digimental Cards, meanwhile, Ruki uses her D-Ark's Digimon Analyzer to learn more about them, I ignore what she says about Pegasmon as I have already learned that information the first time Patamon evolved, but I carefully listen as she moves on to Coaltmon, "Coatlmon. Armor Level. An Armor-level Mythical Beast Digimon that evolved through the power of the "Digimental of Light". It is an incarnation of the sun and wind that has the appearance of a white winged snake. Although it is a very sacred being, it is said that if you attack it carelessly and incur its wrath, it will cast a deadly curse on you. However, it will never personally challenge anyone to a battle due to its calm disposition. Its Special Move is constricting the opponent with beams of light, generated by coiling its body into a spiral, until they stop breathing (Freeze Wave)." 

After that, I urge Ruki and Renamon to ride on Pegasmon, while I, V-mon, Hirokazu, and Kenta get on Coatlmon before they take flight, bringing us away from this place.

Jayr(Aegiomon) POV - Digital World, Lowest Layer - 2001


Soon after my Main Body was transferred together with the kids to the Desert Wind Area, I watched from the distance as Takato, Jianliang, and Juri started to search for us, but soon Leomon commented, "I fear that pillar of light may have sent them to a different world."

Hearing that, Takato stops and asks, "A different world? Then, if we touch that light too, we'll get to where they are?" but Leomon quickly denies it, "No. You can't count on being taken to the same place each time. It's not worth trying."

What Leomon just said is true, the Data Stream sent the group with my Main Body to "another world" from the one we are currently, another layer of the Digital World, a small universe of the multiverse called the Digital World, furthermore, the destination of the Data Streams do change almost constantly.

After Leomon told them that, he noticed that Juri crouching down and worried he asked what was wrong, but said that she was simply tired, and Terriermon caught sight of a strange-looking village with bizarre domed huts, and together they decided to head there to find a place to rest. 

Upon entering the village, Jianliang finds tire marks on the ground, and a large motorcycle without an apparent driver suddenly starts wheeling towards them. 

This motorcycle is Behemoth, a black cursed motorcycle with a red windshield that has its own will and takes over the consciousness of its rider.

(Image Here - Behemoth)

Watching the large black motorcycle, I start to contemplate my next move, 'Originally this motorcycle should have ended up in Impmon's possession only to end up destroyed by Dukemon... but this isn't going to happen now since Impmon is still in the Real World with his Tamers, and more importantly, he isn't going to "sell his soul" to Zhuqiaomon. So why not take it for myself? My main body already has the former Magic Powered Bike I built back in the Arifureta Universe. Which means that I can take Behemoth and use it with this body.'

While I came to that conclusion, the group splits up trying to get away, but the motorcycle starts chasing Takato and Guilmon to the point where it's about to run over a baby humanoid bear made of mud with round buttons on its chest, black eyes and nose that resemble coal, a Tuchidarumon.

(Image Here - Tuchidarumon)

Luckily, Leomon tackles the baby Tuchidarumon out of the way, but Behemoth is now about to smash through a house and likely kill what is likely the father of that baby Tuchidarumon.

Seeing that, I don't hesitate to grab the pan flute attached to my belt, Syrinx, and play it as I call out the name of the Special Move I'm about to use, "Attract Echo!"

I manipulate the Data of the soundwaves generated by my Syrinx to make the listeners lose their sense of self and see only me, in this case, I fully focus only on Behemoth as my target.

The effect is immediate as Behemoth, who was about to smash into that house, instantly turns and starts speeding toward me.

Once Behemoth is close enough, I put away Syrinx, and prepare to take control of that nasty motorcycle, the first thing I do, I take a side step to dodge the speeding Behemoth, and then I quickly move to grab the small Choromon on its seat as the cursed motorcycle passes by, to free it from Behemoth's control.


Shortly after I grab the small Digimon with my hand, I take a quick look at it and confirm that it is safe and at the same time, I reassure it while gently setting it on my shoulder, "Stay calm. You are safe now." 

Choromon resembles a mouse, its tail looks like an electric wire spewing electricity, and it has two small lightning-shaped ears and red eyes.

(Image Here - Choromon)

Even without its controlled driver, Behemoth continues to run without any problem, furthermore, it doesn't give up but turns back and again starts to charge toward me at full speed. 

Seeing that, I simply smirk, and once Behemoth is close enough I jump to board the cursed motorcycle, and as soon as I sit on its seat and my hands touch the handle, I feel the motorcycle trying to invade my Digicore and take control of my mind.

Sensing that, I simply smirk and let Behemoth's will inside, but as soon as Behemoth's will touches my Digicore it instantly reels back in horror as the motorcycle under me starts to literally shake in fright.

At this point, my smile grows bigger as I say, "I'm pretty strong, isn't it? And trust me what you just felt is still nothing. With me, as your driver, I'm sure that you will reach heights that you never thought possible, to the point that you can become feared and revered throughout the whole Digital World and even beyond. But for that to happen you have to follow my orders and stop rampaging. What do you say?"

In response to my offer, Behemoth stops shaking and its engine revs up a couple of times, at the same time, I sense Behemoth fully submiting to my will as a connection forms between its Digicore and mine allowing me to commanding it and summon it to my side whenever I want.

Odyin Odyin

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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