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48.52% Battle Across The Omniverse / Chapter 145: Antispiral

Chapter 145: Antispiral

Jayr POV - Anti-Spiral Universe - 1007 AFA-SW

As Cathedral Terra moves through the space-time tunnel made of Spiral Power, I'm feeling both excited and nervous thinking about the fight that is about to start and especially the enemy we are about to face, 'Antispiral... my strongest opponent yet. Not even the God of the Underworld, Hades and his Specters made me feel such apprehension.'

Thinking that, a wry smile forms on my face as I look at the Core Drill around my neck, 'Well, of course. Hades was a God, quite a strong one at that, but in the end, I had Saori, the Goddess Athena who is nearly his equal, Seiya, and the other Saints with me, and while the fight was tough, I always believed in our victory. But Antispiral is a whole other monster. Despise his clear lack of divinity his powers far exceed those of most Gods of my home universe and other beings their equals. He is a true cosmic horror closer in nature to the weakest Ultimate Gods that come out of the disturbed mind of Howard Phillips Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos.'

And only thinking about the likes of Shub-Niggurath, Nyarlathotep, Yog-Sothoth, and Azathoth already makes my skin crawl in fear, but I take a deep breath to calm down as my mind continues to wander, 'He can basically be considered the entry point to the true level of power that is feared all over the Omniverse. I'm talking of the likes of Alien X from Ben 10, Death from Doctor Who, Gilgamesh from Fate, the Phoenix Force from Marvel, the Darkest Knight from DC, Sun Wukong from Journey To The West, and many other powerhouses like them.'

Then I grin while thinking, 'Defeating him means that I finally reached that same level of power and that the things I have to worry about will diminish by a considerable number. Of course, no matter the level of power I reach, I will always try to steer clear from the likes of Yog-Sothoth and Azathoth after all they are truly omnipotent beings.'

My thoughts are interrupted by one of the Beastmen operators as he yells, "We are about to come out of warp." followed by Kamina's voice as he yells, "Finally! We're getting out of this place!!"

Soon Cathedral Terra comes out of the space-time tunnel, and I instantly warn everyone, "Get ready! This is Antispiral's universe, in this place it is an omniscient god, so it already knows of our presence!" while at the same time, I make sure to make my presence as small as possible and hold my Spiral Cosmo tightly within my body and change it into Spiral Power to not catch its attention for the moment.

Indeed, as soon as I said that, a bright, blinding heavenly beam of light appears in front of us, and soon after Antispiral's voice is heard as it says, "Hear me, foolish heir to the Spiral races. You who would dare to unbalance the equilibrium of this universe."

At the same time, one of the Beastmen operators reports, "Signal detected on the radar! Massive enemy fleet approaching from behind the light!" making Dayakka yell out, "I can't see a thing!" followed by Guame, who says, "Stay calm! This is something we already expected! Just act as we practiced! If the enemy shows themselves, it just means that it'll be easier to shoot down. But remember continue to stay inside Cathedral Terra's hangar for now! I repeat, do not deploy yet!"

Meanwhile, Antispiral continues with its speech, "It is the karma of Spiral races to cling to life as you struggle and suffer. When Spiral lifeforms give themselves over to the pleasure of evolution, it causes destruction in this universe. Experience firsthand the gravity of that sin."

Soon after that, an enormous tidal wave made of apparently black water comes toward us, and riding on top of that tidal wave are two enormous Ashtanga Class, space-faring dreadnaughts that act as the flagships for the Anti-Spiral forces, the bizarre mecha resembling nothing so much as large, fat worms made of multiple stone faces and black arms.

Then one of the Beastmen yells out, "What the hell is that!?" followed by Yoko who exclaims, "I don't believe it! Is that... a tsunami?" and before we could do anything Cathedral Terra is engulfed by the wave, which is made up of ultra-dense space, condensed to the point that it looks like a liquid.

As Dayakka exclaims, "How can there be a tsunami in space!?" Cathedral Terra starts to sink into the ultra-dense space and as he listens to the operator's hurried report, Dayakka once again yells, "That's what I'm saying! How can we be sinking in space!?"

At the same time, Leeron calmly explains, "It isn't water. They're waves of ultra-compressed space!" and Atterbourg, the cannon operator of the Dai-Gurren Brigade yells in panic, "Gabal, take us up!" but the helmsman of the Dai-Gurren Brigade, replies, "I can't! Engine output isn't increasing!"

Worried, Simon asks to Lordgenome who is powering Cathedral Terra using Dekabutsu as Spiral Engine, "What's is wrong, Lordgenome!? Do you need help!?"

But Lordgenome's voice is heard through the communication channel as he calmly explains to everyone, "Don't worry. I just stopped carelessly using my Spiral Power as right now we are inside the Death Spiral Field."

Curious Leeron asks, "Death Spiral Field?" and Lordgenome continues to explain, "Spiral Power is absorbed and converted into mass. The more Spiral Power we use, the denser this region becomes. But this is something we already expected."

At this point, Leeron realizes something and exclaims, "This is why we came here in the battleship form which cuts our combat capability to half instead of the Gunmen one, this way we are already minimizing the energy loss."

All of a sudden, one of the operators sees a sliver of what looks like stars, and exclaims, "What is that!?" but upon close-up from their cameras, see that they are actually countless mini-type Gunmen like Lagann, Lazengann, and Cratergann and Kittan exclaims, "Why, those are Laganns! What the hell is all that, Leeron?"

But instead of Leeron, it is Lordgenome who replies, "Those are Spiral warriors who once faced the Anti-Spiral in battle." which makes Simon asks, "This means that there were others besides us who made it this far?"

At this moment, the heavenly beam of light appears once more as Antispiral replies to that question, "Indeed it does, foolish people of the Spiral. Do not believe yourselves to be special. In the battle between the Spiral race and Anti-Spiral that has crossed the eons, you are nothing more than paltry, insignificant beings. Now, behold the history of the Spiral races' defeat."

Then various images of the previous wars appear within the heavenly beam of light as Antispiral continues, "You are in the galactic Spiral Abyss. The Spiral Graveyard."

Meanwhile, a Beastmen operator reports in a hurry, "High-order energy reading detected from the deepest area! We're being slowly pulled in!"

Hearing that, Lordgenome's still calm voice explains through the communication channel, "The Death Spiral Machine. This is what is generating this field." making Leeron exclaims, "It's killed that many Laganns? We'll be crushed flat by the water pressure. No, the space pressure. It's a veritable space graveyard, all right."

Then Kittan's voice is heard as he asks, "Isn't there something we can do?" and Simon's voice then is heard as he replies, "We'll smash that Death Spiral Thingy!" followed by Kamina's voice as he yells, "That's right! That's how the Tengen Toppa Dai-Gurren Brigade rolls!"

Hearing that, Leeron comments, "Assuming the ship's energy lasts long enough to get us there." making Simon yells, "There's no other way!"

But at this moment, Lordgenome's calm voice is once again heard as he says, "That's where you guys are wrong. We already knew that the Death Spiral Machine would've been used against us. So it's natural that we are already prepared for it. Jayr, the stage is yours."

Hearing that, I stretch my limbs and channel my inner Jotaro, I mutter, "Yare, yare. (Good grief.) It has been quite some time since I last dipped into a high-pressure zone. I almost feel my PTSD acting remembering my days training in the depth of the Mariana Trench."

Then I teleport into Cathedral Terra's hangar and there I summon Cratergann and Galeon from both the Core Drill and my soulbound Territory and combine them into Crater Gar.

Just as I'm about to deploy, a communication channel opens and I hear Leeron's worried voice as he asks, "Jayr, are you sure you want to do this? This is basically a suicide mission! The pressure out there is so strong that it can easily crush even a Space Gunmen a Gunmen like Crater Gar won't be able to endure such pressure, and even if it can, as you get closer to the Death Spiral Machine, the pressure will likely be even stronger to the point that I don't think that a material strong enough to endure it can even exist!"

After him, the voices of many other worried people can be heard one after the other, making me smile and happy at the fact that they are concerned about me, but despite that, I say with a confident tone, "Thank you, everyone. But you don't have to worry. I have gone through way worse things than a simple high-pressure zone. Such a thing won't be able to kill me."

Saying that my smile grows bigger as I declare, "See you later! Jayr Pucci, Crater Gar. Launch!" and shoot out of Cathedral Terra's hangar into the black water-like ultra-compressed space.

As soon as I'm outside, I instantly feel the oppressing pressure pressing all over Crater Gar's body and mutter, "Eh... I just got outside and the pressure is already way stronger than the bottom of Mariana Trench. Oh well, this is still something that we can easily endure... but I have to admit that the constant drain of Spiral Power could've been quite annoying if there was someone else in my place."

Indeed the constant drain is easily opposed by the fact that my Spiral Power is, in fact, infinite as my true energy source, the Spiral Cosmo can expand without limits always producing more and more energy with just a thought.

Then without hesitation, I start to rush toward the shining beacon into the middle of this abyss of ultra-compressed space and as I get closer, the pressure keeps increasing, but still, Crater Gar can still easily endure it, 'After all Crater Gar is the Crateris Cloth my most trusted partner that can even endure the pressure caused by a Spiral Nemesis for quite a long time.'

Soon, I'm close enough to see the Spiral Conversion Field that absorbs mass and converts it into Spiral Power to form a barrier that protects the Death Spiral Machine from harm.

Seeing that, I grin and mutter, "It is finally time to unleash my own final move!"

And so I start to input my Spiral Power into Crater Gar, which raises its right arm and starts to produce from its hand a Spiral Ball that spins at an ever-increasing speed and grows larger and larger the more Spiral Power I use until it reaches the size of the Moon.

At this point, my grin grows larger as I yell, "Giga... Ball... BREAAK!!" and Gar Cratergann throws it toward the Death Spiral Machine.

The Giga Ball easily breaks through Spiral Conversion Field ripping it open like it was made of paper and in an instant, it moves toward the Death Spiral Machine obliterating it out of existence and causing a titanic explosion that blows Crater Gar back.

At the same time, I hear Lordgenome's voice through the communication channel as he asks, "Jayr, are you okay! From here we have confirmed the Death Spiral Machine's destruction but the resulting explosion disturbs our reading." which I simply reply with, "I'm fine."

Meanwhile, a bright green light shines all over this dark sea, because, with the destruction of the Death Spiral Machine, the dark abyss made of ultra-compressed water is being converted back into Spiral energy which is quickly being absorbed by Cathedral Terra which starts to climb up rapidly as it beings to transform into its humanoid form.

At the same time, as I follow after them, I hear Lordgenome's voice as he declares, "Now, that we have dealt with your trap, it is time to show you our power. The power of Cathedral Lazengann. The power of Spiral beings!"

Of course, since the main body is the same, Cathedral Lazengann is very similar to Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann, the only difference is that the color scheme of Cathedral Lazengann is a slightly darker one with the drills on its shoulders and on its feet being red instead of golden and the fact that both its head and chest face does not have the iconic sunglasses, as it is mostly influenced by Lordgenome and Lazengann who are Cathedral Lazengann's Spiral Engine.

(Image Here - Cathedral Lazengann)

The fully emerged Cathedral Lazengann, who is still shining in the bright green of the Spiral energy that continues to constantly absorb, then quickly attacks one of the Anti-Spiral's two Ashtanga battleships with its Fingertip Drill, piercing the enemy with finger drills, easily breaking through its energy shield and blowing it up.

At the same time, all the Space Gunmen are dispatched from Cathedral Lazengann, and with Arc-Gurren Lagann taking the lead, they start to attack the remaining Ashtanga battleship and its forces composed of Hastagry and Pada mechas, and of course, I join them with Crater Gar, but my Gunmen is obviously the smallest mecha present in the battlefield.

The reason for that is that the Hastagry and Pada mechas have the same size as the Space Gunmen, and basically are all bigger than a mountain, then there are also the moon-sized Cathedral Lazengann and the even larger Ashtanga class battleship that is bigger than some of the planets around us, which are more or less the same size of the Earth, while many other can be considered planetoid.

But what Gar Cratergann doesn't have in size, more than made up in sheer power thanks to my limitless supply of Spiral Power and the fact that retains all the capabilities of the Crateris Cloth, it can still easily rip apart any enemy mecha in my way.

Soon the fight becomes truly fierce as Arc-Gurren Lagann with its Vortex Cannon Maximum, Space Sawzorthn with its sonic cannons, Space Solverina with its staff which shoots beams of Spiral energy, and Space Yoko W Tank with its cannon, which are shooting down any enemy in their path.

At the same time, Space King Kittan with its lance, the six-armed Space Enkidudu with its swords, Space Mo-Shogun with its two katanas, and Space Twinboekun with its massive arms, are fighting the Anti-Spiral mechas at close range keeping them away for their allies at the back of the formation

Meanwhile, Space Einzer and Space Kidknuckle take advantage of their superior speed to harass the enemy forces and create an opening for the close combat specialist to take advantage.

But despite their excellent teamwork and the fact that they are fighting the Anti-Spiral forces with everything they have, the number advantage of the enemy is too big, and they are slowly being pushed back.

Seeing that, I make my Spiral Power burst out as Crater Gar starts to produce Spiral Balls from all over its body, and once they are charged with enough Spiral Power, I yell out, "Full Burst Ball Break!!"

Under my command all the Spiral Balls shoot out at light speed leaving behind only a green trace of light wherever they passed, painting the surrounding space with countless green intersected lines.

Then the the lines left behind disappear, and the next moment, countless of explosions happen all around us at the same time, as my Spiral Balls destroyed thousands of the Anti-Spiral mechas, leaving behind only the Ashtanga class battleship.

The remaining Ashtanga class battleship then shoots an enormous red beam of Anti-Spiral at Cathedral Lazengann which easily block it with a barrier of Spiral Power which has the very original name of Spiral Barrier.

Seeing its attack blocked, the Ashtanga class battleship uses its creepy arms to grab the nearby planetoids and throws them at Cathedral Lazengann who is still able to endure such an assault with its Spiral Barrier.

After that, Lordgenome's voice is heard as he says, "Such feeble pebbles won't be able to hurt Cathedral Lazengann! It's time to end this!"

Then the drills on Cathedral Lazengann's shoulders detach and attach them over its hand, as the drills are placed on top of each other to create an even stronger drill, and as Cathedral Lazengann rushes toward the Ashtanga class battleship, Lordgenome yells, "Super Giga Drill... Breeak!"

Cathedral Lazengann's Super Giga Drill then easily pierce through the Ashtanga class battleship destroying it in a single blow.

But the relief of our victory is short-lived because a dark red crack between worlds appears in the distance, and from it, the huge figure of Antispiral emerges as it says, "I hate to interrupt, but that is quite enough, men of the Spiral. You were able to escape the sea of darkness thanks to the presence of that unknown variable that is the visitor from afar, but it is clear that without him you would have been ready to sacrifice one of your own in order to escape. In order to survive, you destroy without a second thought. Such is the karma of the people of the Spiral."

Hearing that, my body can't help but twitch a little as I mutter, "So much for hiding my presence... In the end, he already knew..."

Meanwhile, Antispiral continues with his usual demoralizing speech, "Spiral Power is the force which binds together lifeforms and the universe. A single lifeform is capable of drawing forth the power of the infinite universe. However, no lifeform is capable of controlling such power. This is the cold, hard truth of this universe."

At this moment, I feel a trace of Antispiral's Anti-Spiral Power imbued into its voice that tries to infiltrate my body as it continues its speech, and remembering what I saw in the movie, I realize what it is trying to do, 'The objective of this Anti-Spiral Power is to invade everyone's body and show them the visions of the possible Spiral Nemesis to invoke despair so that the Spiral races can exist without the threat of Nemesis. At the same time, It will also use this Anti-Spiral Power to trap them in that Extradimensional Labyrinth.'

Realizing this, I use my own Spiral Cosmo to block out the insidious Anti-Spiral Power as Antispiral continues its speech, "The Spiral Power will run out of control, and the energy that erupts out of the lifeform's body will become a galaxy. When this Spiral Energy beings to run out of control, it will instantly spawn as many galaxies as there are lifeforms. these mega-galaxies would then devour each other, forming a black hole, and then this universe would return to nothingness. This is the Spiral Nemesis. The uncontrolled process of evolution will destroy the universe in a single instant."

And indeed, through the windows open on my display, I notice that everyone else is now glowing in white light with their expression devoid of any emotion and a blank look on their faces.

At the same time, Antispiral's languid voice continues, "An Extradimensional Labyrinth. Spend your lives trapped forever in this hell of infinite possibility." as he sends everyone else into a trap to confine their consciousness into infinite possibilities by materializing the multiverse, generated by the divergence of the time axis at the moment of perception instant to instant and replacing it with infinite universes, a trap developed by the Antispiral solely to prevent the Spiral Power from being used by the Spirals.

Then Antispiral's figure appears in front of Gar Cratergann and says, "How fascinating, visitor... You are indeed an intelligent Spiral being but despise that you aren't affected by my Extradimensional Labyrinth... Is it because of your status as a visitor that you have no possibility in this universe of infinite possibilities?"

Then after looking at me for a few seconds in silence as if it is contemplating the various possibilities, it continues, "No... it isn't that, infinite possibilities include all kinds of possible events that can happen in this universe no matter how improbable they are... Is it that unusual Spiral Conduit... No, neither, while it is very different from all the others it isn't the reason. Then it can only be because of that unknown Spiral energy within your body... truly how fascinating, it feels so similar but at the same time, totally different..."

I look back at the Antispiral and calmly say, "You know? For being a cosmic horror that oppressed and killed innumerable Spiral races, you are quite courteous with those that oppose you. You had many instances where you could have killed Lordgenome, Simon, and the others, damn you could have wiped the Earth out of existence. But despite that, you always held back and fought with just enough power to make them feel powerless. Always trying to make them fall into despair instead of killing them."

Antispiral chuckles and says, "It is natural, visitor. Our objective always was and will be to prevent the destruction of this universe. To stop the Spiral Nemesis from ever occurring. We never wanted any senseless loss of life. But we will do anything to preserve this universe no matter the cost."

Then the shadowy figure spreads its arms wide and says, "That is why we cut off our own evolution, cut off our world from the space-time continuum, thrown away our entire existence, and created our own universe with extra dimensions within it, an 11-dimensional universe between the crack of the membranes with its own flow of time. All to watch over the universe and protect it. We are the only guardian of this universe. We became what you call a cosmic horror only for the good of the universe, for the sake of existence as we know it."

Hearing what it just said, I look at the Antispiral figure, the physical manifestation of the Anti-Spiral tribe's consciousnesses after they sealed themselves away to purge their race of Spiral Power, and as I once more confirmed that my conjectures until now were right, I let out a sigh and say, "Hearing all that. I can't bring myself to hate you guys. In fact, I pity you guys, you are truly tragic figures. You trying to fight on equal terms, it isn't to truly bring despair to your opponent, it is you doubting your's own convictions, and allowing the opposition the chance to try and change your mind. Even if you can't admit it. Subconsciously you are leaving openings as the hope makes you doubt yourselves."

After I said that, Antispiral stands still in silence, neither denying nor confirming what I just said, but its silence and inactions speak more than a thousand words.

Seeing that, a smile forms on my face as I say, "Well, do not worry. Your painful days are about to end. We will show you that you're truly wrong and that only bright days are ahead. That the Spiral Nemesis isn't to be feared."

Curious, Antispiral asks, "We? Are you talking about the people trapped in my Extradimensional Labyrinth? It is impossible for them to escape. They are all trapped inside an alternate universe. They are trapped within the chains of a universe created by one's own recognition. As long as they are intelligent Spiral beings, they can never escape."

Hearing Antispiral's declaration, my smile grows bigger as I reply, "You better not underestimate them too much. I said that we will show that you are wrong and what better way to do so than starting with escaping your Extradimensional Labyrinth, something that you yourself are sure is impossible? Listen carefully to my words and imprint them in your mind. You are against the Tengen Toppa Dai-Gurren Brigade, kicking logic and doing the impossible is the only way they know to resolve all their problems. I'm sure that in a few minutes, they are going to come out of that Extradimensional Labyrinth stronger than ever."

Antispiral then looks back at me for a few seconds, after that, it sits down on the empty space and says, "Very well, I will wait for them to prove themselves."

Hearing that, my smile grows bigger, then I use my spiral power to create a big screen and a console, then I bring out the disc of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and ask, "While we wait, would you like to play a game?"

Odyin Odyin

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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