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Chapter 3: Puberty

As morning comes, the world seems to have changed. It's feels as if the world itself has come into colour. I'm supercharged. Every fibre of my being feels invigorated.

While the bite was painful, it was worth it. The bite of an Alpha is a perfect stimulant, if it doesn't kill you (and it could) or change you and you manage to survive it, chances are it's revealed what has been hidden. The fact that you're probable already nonhuman.

In my case, the bite acted as a stimulant waking up a dormant bloodline. Which in my previous life got activated way too late.

I only found out about my family- after dad…. was gone. I get why he hid it from me all those years, as he wasn't sure if I'd transition or not and just wanted to give me a normal life but seriously he lied to me for 21 years!

Gazing into the bathroom mirror, the bite has all but disappeared, even a werewolf's healing speed can't compare.

Looking at the teen boy I used to be with the buzzed cut hair, pale skin from staying in doors and playing video game, the high cut cheek bones, with the moles. That are in the shape of a constellation, a perfect isosceles triangle, I used to hate until I learned that my lovers always traced patterns with them, and the hazel brown eyes that will get me what I want.

Only my previously young scrawny build, seems to have undergone a transformation, lean yet dense packed muscles reminds you of the body of an Olympic swimmer.

I always found my transformation much more aesthetically pleasing that those of the mutts.

Your change depends on your forms underlying trait. A wolf or a fox, will be strength or speed respectively, whereas my change is based on mischief.

Even those pretty boy vampire bastards felt it was unfair.

After washing all the filth from the previous nights sweating, I throw on an oversized plaid T-shirt and jeans.

Going down stairs I read the note left by dad on the counter,

"Tried to wake you up earlier, but you were half dead.

Will be home late. Goodluck at Lacrosse try-outs

Love Dad."

Smiling I crumble the note tossing it into the dust bin and lock up as I leave. I check myself once over in the side-mirrors of my grey Jeep.

How I missed my girl.

She was never the same after the kraken attack, well who would be after getting most of their insides ripped out from them.

There was no mechanic in the world that could save my baby. Except coming back in time, I guess.

"God, how I missed you," I say as I lay on top of the hood trying to wrap myself around the entirety of the vehicle.

Guess I'm as ready as I'm ever going to be, now all that's left is for me to survive High School, the second time around!

I mean, I've been tortured for real, been a slave with no rights, nearly died thousands of times, saved the world twice…on my own, that's excluding the times if you add the pack.

I can totally survive High School again.


After that impromptu self help session, I finally head of to school.

The hell on earth for any teen.

Strangely enough though when I pull up to this stereotypical straight out a teen drama like school building a sense of nostalgia, overcomes me.

It doesn't last too long however, as I am reminded what a complete dick Jake used to be, seeing him and Matty tangle in the parking lot near that death trap of bike Scott owns.

If I had to describe, Jake it would be 6ft tall, good looking, bay blue eyes with dark hair that's styled in a perfect quiff, while his muscular body screams stereotypical jock.

Couple that with the porche Carrera GT he drives and the designer clothes he wears. He is pretty much the most popular guy in school.

His a bit angsty though, well who wouldn't be when they are forced to hide who they really are.

Must be tiring for the guy.

Like two peas in a pod, his dating the hot 'it' girl, Lacy Martin.

Making may over to Matt, I break the ice slapping his shoulder, "What did you do to Mr Team captain's panties to have him at your throat this early in the morning?"

"Dude, that stings. And seriously its just Jake being Jake."

"Well that…. Explains everything." I laugh

"Dude, sorry for ditching you last night. I don't know what happened. One moment, I'm hiding in the grass with you the next thing, the next thing I know I'm lying to your dad, telling him I'm on a night jog."

Feigning ignorance, "My dad? You didn't tell him I was there right? I'm so dead" I put on a exaggerated expression of panic.

"Easy Mace. Don't worry I got you covered." He offers me his fist, leading to a best friend fist bump.

"What was that last night anyway?" Matty asks

"I don't know, probably a big dog. Maybe a Doberman" I jest

"I …. think I heard … a wolf's howl"

I shut him down immediately, "No, not a chance. You didn't hear a wolf in CALIFORNIA"

"What do you mean?" He asks confused

"Because Cali doesn't have any wolves, okay. Well at least not like in 60 years." I add , "Anyway let's just forget about last night, and head to class. We got try-outs later. We got to make first string, this year. So we can climb out of this nerd prison, you've forced us into"

"Says the guy with batman bed sheets"

"BATMAN is Cool okay!" I say loudly enough causing those around us to snicker.

Even the 5'3, strawberry blonde fair skinned beauty who is walking past can't help but snicker.

Turning my head, I stare at her green eyes for a second longer remembering everything we went through when she comments with her appealing voice, "You're cute" before flinging her hair over her shoulder, just continuing on her way.

I stare at her, retreating figure. Not paying attention to anyone and anything else.

"Mace, are you okay?" Matty begins freaking out

"Yeah, why" Shit have I done something wrong

"I get that Lacy just said you are cute…. The girl you've been in love with since the 3rd grade finally acknowledged your existence but are you so happy that you are crying?…" He continues teasing extremely excited at the development.

I'm not crying because of that you idiot.

I'm crying, because I was able to see he again… my wife…. Alive.

Yes! Mason Loki Clarke, the ordinary human (at the time) was married to the beautiful genius and eventual fields medal recipient Lacy Martin.

Quite the surprise don't you think?

I missed everything about her, well almost everything.

Her shopping habits were the worst.

Jake and Lacy could spend a fair deal of cash whenever they went out.

My bank balance always suffered heavily.

If it weren't Ryan keeping me sane, I'd probably have killed his husband a couple times already.

Yes, another bombshell.

Jake Watson, the super jock.... is into guys. Even if he doesn't realise it yet.

I wipe the tears that are forming and try and think of something suitably flowery and over the top,

"Shut up loser. It's the best thing that's ever happened in my life.

I mean beside the birth of Lacy Martin herself on 13 March of 1994!

The sun that glints from her beautiful locks are perfection, are like liquid gold blessed by angels"

"Creepy dude. Creepy" He laughs at my fanboying, "But she is right though, something about you has changed, it's like you've gotten prettier" He says with a questioning gaze

"Dude! I'm not pretty! I'm handsome. Good Looking. Adonis like but definitely not pretty" I object

"Seriously though dude, you've changed overnight. What happened? New skin-care routine"

"Naah. It's something way more painful"

"Surgery?" He asks

"No… Matty my boy" I beckon him to lean in closer as if I'm about to tell him a deep dark secret.

"It's ….. Puberty!"

I laugh as I push him slightly, heading inside as the bell rings for the start of the school day.

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