Valentina Point of View
“Here is the largest island of the cluster.” I said tapping on the map. “The smaller ones are lined up on either side of the large one so beautifully that if we are to buy the whole cluster, then we can bridge all these islands in a huge circle and can form one of the largest water cities.”
I pointed all the islands and drew a circle with the marker showing how my point works. Pig leaned over the table and took a closer look of the map as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
In the background, I can hear my son running and squealing loudly from downstairs and sounds of Aerial and Javier running around, perhaps to catch the little adorable monster.
By the end of the day, Javier would have thoughts of positively resigning his job is he were to stay my son’s guard.
Trust me when I say Agustin Iker Bianchi is a tough deal to crack.
“Those vermin decided well with the selection of their purchase.” Pig muttered and hissed when annoyance hit him.