This sequence is from the time when Phoebe and Niccolo were newly secretly married and no one knew about it yet.
Phoebe point of View
If I thought Nicco was a very well thought-out person, then I am finding myself evaluating my scrutiny again. Because right now, I don't see him using his brain much.
Last evening, I had asked permission from Mrs. Clara for attending Sienna's impending wedding with Leonardo and thankfully, she agreed to give me a leave for a couple of days. Though she doesn't know that I'm going to the same wedding that her grandson is attending as well, she asked Nicco to drop me at the destiny in his car very conveniently.
The ride was silent but not awkward at least. It was going good until we reached Leonardo's house and met Sienna.
Everything was... good expect for Nicco keeping a vigilant eye on me every now and then.
"You are gorgeous Ms. Smith." I heard the blonde guy with these flirty eyes complimenting me with a smirk.