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48.93% Branwen / Chapter 22: Truths brought to light

Chapter 22: Truths brought to light

The room became silent and tense after that question. Glynda was glaring at her horn, Qrow looked ready to retort and Ozpin was staring Raven down. Raven however, looked nonplussed. Taking a seat and folding one leg over the other, she retorted.

"Why are you asking such an obvious question you know the answer to, Ozpin? You can tell what happened to make me look like this" Raven responded with a raised brow.

"Yes, I can surmise what happened. I want you to explain exactly what went down after Summer's disappearance. And why she would simply let you go" Ozpin clarified.

"Oh yes.. Summer's mission. Talking Grimm was it? You sent her alone to scout out the Grimmlands. I fail to see any logic in that stupidity unless you were deliberately trying to get her killed" Raven retorted in annoyance.

"Well unfortunately my best scout had run off back to her Bandit tribe and sending more with her would be rather counter-productive considering the mission was just to scout" Ozpin commented back.

"Qrow was available" Raven folded her arms.

"His magic transformation is known to Salem. She could have tracked him and Summer" Ozpin retorted as the tension in the room grew.

Raven sighed and nodded, though still not very pleased he tried to send Summer alone.

"You have your Semblance to get yourself out of bad situations. Now are you going to explain the events after you got Summer to safety?" Ozpin asked again, this time a little less patient.

"I was thrown into the Grimm water. Waters of Destruction? ...The black liquid. That. Salem was planning to throw Summer inside but I got her out" Raven responded and Ozpin nodded, gesturing her to continue.

"Seeing that I was submerged, Salem left to-" Ozpin held up his hand and interrupted.

"No. I want the truth, Raven. If you had simply survived miraculously and left, Salem would have found you. And given your stable condition, she would never have allowed you to leave. Not unless she converted you to her side or killed you. But I know for a fact that you were not there for a very long period, given your identity as the 'Black Fang'. So please explain what happened truthfully" Ozpin's demeanor changed. Looking as if he was ready to spring into action at any moment while Qrow looked uneasy but ready to defend his sister. Glynda was still watching Raven like a hawk with her fist clenched around her weapon.

"Don't lie huh? That's rich coming from you" Raven relaxed her posture and sat back, shaking her head in amusement.

"I do not lie, Raven. I may hide the full truth but I do not-" Ozpin was cut off this time by Raven's sudden chuckle.

"Oh it's not then? You just hid vital information, that's all. Like the fact that Salem is immortal? Oh, or how about the whole 'I'm actually hundreds of years old and I've been reincarnating in the bodies of young men, taking over their bodies while my soul parasitizes theirs'? I think that's a little more than 'lying', Ozpin" Raven saw him flinch as Qrow and Glynda looked over at him incredulously.

"Ozpin.. she can't be serious, right!?" Glynda yelled as Qrow took out his flask and started drinking, much to Raven's disapproval, judging by the look of exasperation she sent him.

"So Salem talked to you. What else did she say?" Ozpin reigned in his shock and schooled his expression again, giving Glynda a look that told her to save her questions for later.

"I know everything" Raven answered simply.

Ozpin raised his brow.

"..Elizabeth" Raven felt the tension reach an all time high as Ozpin's expression sank.

"Glynda, Qrow. Leave us.." Ozpin ordered but Raven shook her head.

"They have every right to know. Qrow only knows I pulled myself out of the pool. I was worried him and my team would have lost their trust in me if I told them everything. I intend to now" Raven shot an apologetic glance at Qrow, who looked confused but slowly nodded in acceptance, waiting to hold his opinion until Raven told them what she needed to.

"You must be thinking 'Why did she even tell her about her past life? Sympathy?' Well, it's more complicated than that. Kind of like your own life, really. Fact is, I'm 'Lawrence'. Unlike you, who wakes up in another body and takes control of it while merging with the soul, I merely regained all my memories one day. I'm still Raven but.. more than that now" She explained, watching Ozpin's expression of shock.

All but Qrow and Raven herself gave her a look of apprehension. Glynda was mostly in the dark about the whole reincarnation concept but Ozpin was looking at Raven in a new light. His expressions ranging from one of sympathy, jealousy, resignation and finally, interest.

"I see.." Ozpin answered, seeing Raven's brow raise.

"You see..? Hmph. Figured you would have had something more to say. I suppose I'll continue then" Raven leaned back in her chair and continued.

"She saw my memories after I was thrown into the pool and quickly moved me back to her castle, where I was nursed back to health. Though I ended up looking like this still" She pointed at her horn with a wry smile as Ozpin nodded.

"Wait what does your last life have to do with Salem?" Qrow asked, though Raven held a finger up, gesturing him to be patient.

"I was lovers with Elizabeth, Salem's past incarnation. She was my first and, frankly speaking, only love. Not that I didn't try to love again.. I spent plenty of time in bars and around women but everything was.. gray and muted for me. Food didn't taste as good as it used to, music didn't sound as nice as it used to. A significant part of me died when she did. I know loss is a part of life and you shouldn't let it prevent you from enjoying your life. I know that.. But the manner in which she died? I could not accept it. I blamed the countries of the Axis powers for her death but the one who took her to Pearl Harbor was myself. I only really came to terms with it later on in my life" Raven had a far away look in her eyes as she spoke, one that Ozpin could relate to.

"Ah.. sorry. I guess I rambled on a bit about myself there. I spent a few weeks talking to her. She's incredibly spiteful against the Brother Gods and yourself for following that hypocrite. I couldn't convince her to stop her plans but I'm seeking.. another way to end this without her actions destroying Remnant or ending in her death" Raven finished, seeing Ozpin's difficult expression.

"I know she believes I took the God of Light's side but there's more to it than that, Raven. Gods, it would be so much simpler if that was all.. Salem's drop into the pool of destruction changed her. Not just physically but mentally as well. She keeps it at bay for a while.. especially in the presence of what she loves. But positive feelings only hold it back so much. That pool of darkness.. it's..."

-Castle Evernight-

Cinder had been tip-toeing around the Castle ever since Salem finished watching that video about Raven's past life. She was back in her regular mood that Tyrian so adored. Though this time it seemed a bit different. As Cinder was walking down a long hallway, she felt a large pair of hands pull her back before she could pass by an open door. It nearly gave her a heart attack, thinking it could be a Grimm.

It turned out to be Hazel, who put his finger to his lips to signal her to be quiet. Shooting him an annoyed glare, Cinder sighed in relief. Though she heard someone else breathing heavily. Coming from the room she was about to pass, she listened closely.

"...-won't force her to do that! Shut up.. shut up SHUT UP!" Cinder heard Salem, far worse than she heard her before.

A few crashing noises followed as she heard Salem talk to herself. Hearing sniffling, Cinder made a move towards the door but Hazel held her back with a serious expression. He shook his head slowly at the young girl.

"Tch... it'll be fine. No.. even if they do manage to wipe the slate clean.. We're immortal still. I'll still have her. Ahh... I hope she kills them soon.. How much longer can I hold on..? ..Hm? No, she won't end up like Ozma. She's always been with me. She has all of you as well.." Cinder backed away as she heard Salem begin to cackle.

Strangely enough, it sounded as if hundreds of different voices were all cackling with her.

-Beacon, Headmaster's tower-

"That pool contains corrupt souls. Ones that attached themselves to her. Voices screaming in her head by the vile people who were wiped out the day our world ended. I've studied the pool while I lived with her and I can safely say it has corrupted her mind. I.. I pity her but she is far too dangerous to keep alive" Ozpin finished with a sigh as the room became deathly silent once more.

"I.. I don't believe this.. I never noticed that. No, you have to be wrong about this. I don't even have any of those voices, Ozpin. I was submerged in it too" Raven tried to deny after a few long moments of silence.

"You don't..? I'm not sure how long they took to manifest in Salem but are you certain? You've heard nothing?" Ozpin sat straight and gazed into her red eyes.

"The only person in my head is myself" Raven answered him without hesitation.

"Perhaps you're a special case.. Perhaps...? ...No. Speculation won't get us anywhere right now. I need to know. Are you on our side or Salem's?" All eyes were on Raven now as she softly exhaled.

"I'm not fighting you or Salem. I told you. I'm looking for an alternative. I won't let the world be destroyed by hypocritical thoughtless 'gods'. But I will still help people as I've been doing for the White Fang" Ozpin untensed and leaned back as Glynda did the same, her posture easing.

"Very well. I won't force you back here. I also suspect you won't tell me what this alternative plan is?" Ozpin asked, seeing Raven simply shake her head.

"No. It's something only I can do" She answered curtly.

"Then I hope it succeeds.. If anyone can steer her away from her current path, it's you. I know she did not love me the same way after I returned to her. Couldn't help but feel like second place to your memory for a long time. Anyways, that isn't all is it? You want something from me, yes?" Ozpin refilled his mug as the atmosphere in the room took a turn for the better.

"Yes. Several things, actually. I recently adopted two teenaged girls. One's been on highly addictive performance drugs that were forced upon her. The other wishes to be a Huntsman and is head and shoulders above Beacon students in skill level" Raven calmly explained as Glynda and Ozpin's eyes widened.

Adopted two teenagers? Highly addictive performance enhancing drugs? Huntsman level daughter? Ozpin's interest peaked.

"I'll need to contact James for the drug issue" Ozpin told her, earning a scowl from both Branwens.

"You will not tell him what I told you" Raven stated seriously.

"I am well aware of James' .....tendencies when it comes to decisions. I'll not tell him of your relation" Ozpin promised, earning an appreciated nod from Raven.

"Hm.. you could tell him she's Qrow's illegitimate child. Her and her sister look a lot like us" Raven mused as Qrow began to choke on his drink.

"If he makes that connection I'll be sure to tell him that" Ozpin replied with a cheeky smile.

"What!? As if he'd really believe that!" Qrow yelled but everyone in the office just gave him a blank look.

"Considering how many women you pick up at bars? Brother, I'm surprised you don't have an STI.." Raven retorted with a sigh of disappointment.

"Oh screw you, Old man.." Qrow shot back while flipping her off.

"As for your other daughter? She can enroll as a special case in the third or fourth year if she's as skilled as you claim" Ozpin took a sip, ignoring the look on Qrow's face after Raven charlie horse'd him with the pommel of her blade.

"All she really lacks is knowledge about a few things. I'll teach her properly until the new school year starts" Raven finished with a nod, ignoring the groan of agony behind her.

"Very good then. I'd like to keep in touch still. Thank you for sharing this. I know it's not easy" Ozpin shook her hand, seeing Raven nod seriously to herself, her mind clearly somewhere else at the moment.

"Qrow will send you my new scroll number. I'll be in touch" Raven responded while dragging her brother out of the office.

Once they left, Glynda turned to face Ozpin with a frustrated expression.

"Explain. EVERYTHING" Glynda pushed her glasses up and glared at her boss with a deep frown.

~I forgot how scary she can be sometimes..~ Ozpin sighed wearily.

Saeko_Kaburagi Saeko_Kaburagi

Hoped you enjoyed! Not sure I handled the truth part as well as I could have. Maybe I forgot something but I think I got everything I needed to out there.

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