All three men were shot in the thighs, and both legs were hit, but the second drone attack only hit the gunman.
It was still a precision strike, hitting exactly who it intended to.
Even though Yuan Zheng was one of their own, Gao Guang couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine as he looked at the condition of the three men, breaking out in a cold sweat.
Yuan Zheng's drone was the sniper's natural enemy, no, the enemy of all infantry.
"What... the hell... is that..."
The shot gunman, who had lost his night vision goggles, wore a look of confusion and bewilderment on his face. He was almost completely unable to move, but he still exerted all his energy to voice his question.
But no one answered him.
"What... the hell..."
No one answered, and the gunman stopped asking because he died.
It was then that Gao Guang noticed the rifle lying next to the dead gunman looked very familiar. Upon closer inspection, he realized it was David's rifle.
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