The situation was extremely dangerous, which could be seen from the way Patrick was firing.
It started with short bursts, then turned to long bursts, and now Patrick was firing continuously, holding down the trigger without letting go.
Patrick wasn't firing at a specific target, but rather he had to block the nearest passage to prevent the enemy from rushing out and using the opportunity to blast their bulletproof vehicle with a rocket.
Sanchi's hands were tied behind his back with zip ties, his mouth wasn't gagged, but he neither ran nor screamed. Instead, he lay face down behind the vehicle, crying and completely motionless.
Two of the Shadow's men were already dead, and another was critically injured; a bullet had penetrated the spot where his neck met his shoulder but hadn't severed an artery. Although not immediately fatal, the injury was severe, and survival was dubious.
With the enemy concealed and us exposed, the discomfort was real.
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