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"speak" no greetings, no salutations, straight to the point. Yep she did not like this team.

The class cheered as a very thrilling round came to an end. Hero team consisting of Midoriya and Uraraka both injured and Midoriya in infirmary somehow pulled a win. 

Bakugo still in shook stood alongside lida and Uraraka as Yaoyorozu broke down there mistakes and shortcomings one by one even startling Allmight. 

"A-Ahem. Lets move on to the next team" Allmight coughed in his hand as he took out two separate balls. 

"Team B as heroes and Team I as villains!" Allmight announced as everyone's excitement went through the roof.

"Todoroki vs. Urk, who do you think will win?" Kirishima mussed as Kaminari shrugged.

"I am just happy I am not facing either of them" Sero chuckled.

"A clash of giants" Tokoyami added with a nod in satisfaction of the current scenario, the first rank of recommendation exam facing the first ranker of the entrance exam had the promise of a grand bout.

Allmight then ushered the villain team in the building.

"sooo…what's the plan?" Hagakure asked as she took off all her clothes becoming completely invisible to the naked eye except for the flying wireless earpiece. 

Both Gilgamesh and Tooru stood in the room on the fourth floor where the bomb was kept. Gilgamesh stood facing the door with the bomb right behind him while Hagakure stood at some distance still unsure about how to handle her situation which mainly consisted of finding a way to communicate with her teammate,

Suddenly a golden portal appeared in front of her and a bright red sword emerged out of the portal right in front of her.

"Take the sword, mongrel"

"huh?" the sudden words from her till now unresponsive teammate caught her off guard. 

"the sword protect its wielder for cold, take the sword and the mongrel won't be able to stop you with his quirk" Gilgamesh said, though Hagakure had two questions. First, how did his quirk even worked and second, how did he know which way she was facing.

"O-Oh okay if you say so but they will notice me coming" Hagakure decided to put her questions for a later date and asked the questions that mattered to their current situation.

"that multi armed mongrel can easily hear you approach" Gilgamesh added still with his eyes closed. Hagakure wondered how he knew where she was and the direction she was facing with his eyes closed.

"Hero Team ENTER!" Allmight's voice screamed in their ears as the trial began.

Hagakure began to walk towards the door out of the room when suddenly she saw a wave of chilling cold envelope everything in her sight. She closed her eyes and tightened her hold on the sword.

A few seconds passed as she realized that she was in fact not turned into a Popsicle. As a strange warmth radiated from the bright red sword. Hagakure remembered Urk's remark about the weapon and looked at him with eyes that questioned everything it was seeing.

"Be honored to hold one of my treasures mongrel"

"Umm…okay?" Hagakure truly did not know how to respond to that hence she decided to put her questions on the back burner since the chances of the boy indulging her curiosity seemed rarer than Allmight losing.

"What do we do now?" Hagakure asked as the boy looked towards the floor to see the ice sheet melted into a small puddle of water around her. 

"Let the mongrels come"


Back in the Monitor room, both the teacher and the students stood shivering from the cold.

"H-He is s-something that o-one" Kirishima said shivering

"But their opponents doesn't seem to be effected from the cold but it will make things difficult for Shoji" Momo said as she gave blankets to the students made from her quirk who were struggling from the cold especially Asui due to her amphibian constitution. Hagakure's foot's outline was visible because of the puddle below her and Urk's didn't seem bothered at all, might be due to his heavy armor.

"what is that weird sword" Mina asked deducing the fact the it is floating because Tooru is holding it. 

"Young Urk's quirk is quiet the mystery" Allmight said with a laugh. As he took the blanket Yaoyorozu offered. 

"Oh! look Todoroki and Shoji are entering" Kaminari exclaimed pointing at the screen displaying the entrance.

Back on the 4th floor of the building, Todoroki and Shoji walked towards the bomb room.

"Are you sure they are here?" Todoroki asked in a cold voice as Shoji nodded, he then transformed one of his hands into a mouth while the rest remained in the form of ears listening to even the slighted of noise.

"I didn't hear any sound aside from that room, even now I am not hearing any"

"Then they must be frozen there" Todoroki said but he didn't believe it, the abilities Urk showed he wouldn't have a hard time breaking out of the thin sheet of ice he projected but it would to enough to immobilize his partner though his own partner was also struggling due to the cold but he could go on due to his physique but the same couldn't be said about the frail girl. 

Shoji stood behind Todoroki as he slammed the door open to find Gilgamesh standing in front of the bomb with his arms crossed and eyes closed and the ice covering his armored legs immobilizing him. A sight that confused Todoroki since seeing the boys quirk in action yesterday he was sure this level on ice would not stop him.


A shout right next to him sent him to high alert as he saw the flat side of a blade incoming towards his face.

He immediately stepped back as shoji also hearing the shout moved out of the way. Todoroki sent a wave of ice towards his invisible assailant which he didn't understand how she was able to get out of the ice but the boy who was clearly stronger couldn't.

Though, he soon got the answer as the sword seemingly melted the ice around her startling Todoroki. Hagakure used this chance and slammed the flat side of the sword on the left side of his face melting the ice that covered his face reveling his scar.

Shoji tried to get hold of Hagakure when the sword in her hand suddenly lit a blaze forcing the multi armed teenager to step back.

Seeing the now flaming sword hagakure had many question yet threw them all away seeing as how the two very strong classmates of her were brought to their knees. She looked at the sword then the recovering Todoroki. A wicked grin, invisible but the intent was transferred considering the chill that went up Todoroki's spine.

Todoroki put up a wall of ice to trap Hagakure yet it was melted in a instant. Annoyed how his quirk had been rendered completely useless in the situation, he readied himself to freeze the whole building when his ear piece buzzed. 

He dodged another swing from Hagakure. The sword had rendered his quirk worthless did not make the girl proficient enough to wield a sword properly.

This time he made slabs of ice not to trap the girl but to obstruct her vision instead.

Large sheets of ice appeared in front of hagakure as she noticed the switch in strategy of her opponent. She used the sword to melt the ice sheet in front of her only to another ice sheet a few cm behind it angled differently and the ice boy no longer in sight.


Moving forward she was melting another slab of ice when a large hand grabbed her wrist from the another side of the ice.


A mouth formed on the end of another arm declared as he effortlessly lifted her up the ground. Hagakure tried to break free from her captor but the effort was fruitless. 

Shoji then tied the white tape around her wrist as a buzzer went off.

"Hagakure has been captured"

After confirming from the announcement he placed her down on the ground.

"damn it" 

He heard from the empty area in front of him. It was still a bit off-putting that there was a person there who he could not see, and if she learned more stealth related combat she would definitely be a menace in work field,

Speaking of menace, he noticed Todoroki walking towards them. A solemn nod with a hint of gratitude on the unexpressive face was all he received after taking out a foe that countered him or rather his quirk perfectly. 

"we need to move" 

Todoroki said as he saw the sword disappear in golden dust. Hence coming to the conclusion that the boy on the opposing team wasn't out of the ice sheet not because he couldn't but rather he simply didn't. but why he didn't help his teammate was the question.

Shoji nodded as both of them made their way towards the roam where their object was. And upon reaching there, they both noticed that that the boy hasn't moved an inch and was still arms crossed and eyes closed.

Was he asleep? Or did the cold get him? Everyone except bakugo and Allmight thought who had already seen the golden haired boy in action.

Todoroki stepped forward only jump back when with a flash of gold a sword was lunched where he was standing. 

Todoroki sent a wave of ice towards Urk who countered as three different weapon appeared behind him and lunched towards the incoming wave at very dangerous speed shredding the ice apart.

Both todoroki and shoji readied to attack the boy together when they noticed scowl on his face as piercing red eyes looked at them.

Three golden gates became a dozen, a dozen became several dozen each with a weapon ready to lunch as in blink of an eye a wall of weapon appeared between the boy and the mock bomb behind him.

A golden flash sent alarm bells in Todoroki's head as he let his quirk out to the maximum without his right side.

 "Get behind!"

Todoroki shouted at his team who was standing next to him who all drove himself behind the bicoloured teen. Todoroki this time did not held back as he sent as much ice as he could, ordinarily enough to encase the entire street in a block of ice yet time it was barely a foot away from him and it was all that stood between the two teammates and them becoming a pincushion.

Inside the monitoring room, the students alongside Allmight watched the ongoing battle of attrition with baited breath.

"should we should Urk" Sero asked with a hint of fear. The previous battle had left all of it's participants in quite the state and the less said about midoriya, the better.

"I am so glad I am not there" Mineta said a shaky voice. A sentiment that many shared as they offered their prayers for the one poor soul who was, Shoji.

"it's a battle of attrition the moment their quirk flatters they will lose, though it might be dangerous for todoroki since those weapon look quite sharp" Yaoyorozu exclaimed as she too watched the battle with vested interest, with her mind planning ways to counter the sheer offensive capabilities of the two most powerful classmates.

Allmight on the other hand was ready to sprint at the location in a moment's notice. The second he sees any of the two latter he will be there immediately. The previous exercise had thought him that words had very little effective on hot blooded youth, well not that he was the one to talk about hot bloodedness. 

He suddenly paled when he heard Young Urk say something and sprinted outside the room towards the ongoing battle.

Students also noticed the same sword that hagakure used that the golden haired seemingly took out from a golden portal next to him.


Shoji noticed that his teammate was getting noticeably tired with visible frostbites that looked life threatening if left as it is and Urk hasn't even broken a sweat. He wanted to help he highly doubted he would remain in one piece the moment he left the safety of the ice that now encased them more after being carved by the armory shot at it.

The walls around them had already torn apart by the ruthless assult of the armory used as bullets. Leaving them nowhere to run as the moment they went for the stairs they would come face to face with the oversized bullets. 

A spear tearing through the ice and missed the two by a few inches reminding them again they that needed to get out away from their current situation as soon as possible.

Todoroki noticed he was reaching his end while the boy in front didn't even look fazed, his right side was getting frostbites of dangerous level now, and unless he used his left side he doubted he would even survive let alone win.

Both Todoroki and Shoji noticed that the air around them had gone warmer and was getting warmer by the second.

"as amusing as your scuffle is mongrels, I have had enough of this façade"


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