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25% The King of Heroes (MHA) / Chapter 2: 02

Chapter 2: 02

A/N: The updates will be scheduled every Monday 


"... That changes things"

Nezu then chuckled a little in excitement as he continued, 

"if go by the theme here, his contraption are like those mentioned in the epic, each with their own abilities. And look at the place he landed just after the beginning and path he walked so far" nezu pointed at a map of the mock city A. 

The teachers thought and mumbled a little to themselves, when a long black haired with white scarf like support gear, underground hero Earsurehead, said. 

"the most optimum path for walking in a straight line, he would encounter the most number of robots" 

"correct Aiwaza-kun, it seems like our friend just knew where the robots were stationed, another mystery isn't it" 

Silence reigned in the room as each teacher had their thoughts on the matter when a blonde man who could be mistaken for a skeleton spoke, 

"so why is here? His reason to become a hero, is it training to protect himself in the future or just a desire to help" at the question nezu smirked as he raised the board where the written portion of the exam was recorded, a little question he designed himself that help him understand the students motives, 

There reason to become a hero. Most wrote the same textbook answer but a few of them did write something else, something that quite excited him for all the possibilities it presents,

"Well according to his answer here...because it serves as good entertainment"

Aiwaza scoffed, skeleton like man who was also the world's no.1 hero had a confused looked,

"Well the treasury and name isn't only connection to the epic here, it was stated in the epic that gilgamesh was very arrogant, and it seems like our little listener here is the same." Present Mic who returned to watch the exam said.

"he isn't the only one, there are quite a few of them in the roaster" vlad King said as he looked the screens showing two blonde kids one with an explosion quirk who ravaged the robots while the other seemed to copy other quirks for him to use.

"Well then shall we see how the fledglings react to the danger and give our young Prince some entertainment" nezu said with laugh as he slammed his paw on a red button.


On the site, Bakugo panted as he climbed down from the wreckage that used to be several robots, exhaustion was getting onto to him. He took a deep breath and looked around for more robots as he noticed the last far in his vision. He was approaching the end of the mock city.

He was pulled out of his thoughts as a robotic voice called out,

"1 minute remaining"

The message echoing through out the mock cities through numerous speakers throughout the city. The same task that the hero Present Mic could casually do with his quirk.

He looked at the most clear path, meaning no other extra had been there, hence there could be pointers there, just as he started walking when the very ground shook as he heard screaming.

The zero pointer!. Bakugo immediately thought, on one hand he wanted to see and challenge the bogeyman of a robot and on the other hand he wanted to gather more points to cement his position as number 1.

Finally he decided to go see the robot, as he ran towards the commotion, even an idiot could see the behemoth from a distance, the commotion it created and it's size was enough of the reasons, as Bakugo thought of his chances of beating it. Had he not been this tired and his hands paining from excessive quirk usage, he could turn the machine into scraps.

Just as he was about to turn away he noticed a guy walking towards the behemoth with his hands in his pockets, it was same bastard who flied over the city at the beginning, he narrowed his eyes as the boy walked on the road not giving a single shit about the gigantic robot which strangely also seemed to be making a beeline towards the extra.

When finally the extra stopped and looked at the approaching behemoth,

"this thing dare impede my path, I tear you shreds you filthy piece of junk" was all Bakugo heard as the sky above the robot and the extra shone in golden light as all hell rained down.

Weapons of all shape and sizes rained down on the behemoth at blinding speed tearing metal like paper, after a few seconds the hell rain stopped, all that was left off the once gigantic robot was the torn of pieces of metal littered throughout the buildings and roads, and a graveyard of weapons which disappeared in golden hue.

Bakugo couldn't breathe as he broke in cold sweet, he had watched the other extras squirming and struggling to get a few points thinking that he was leagues above them, but as he looked the guy continue to leisurely walk away like that stunt didn't even make him sweet, was this the level UA worked on?, the overwhelming power like Allmight.

He didn't want to admit it, but he could only see the blur of those weapons as they shredded the robot, had he been on the receiving end, there be nothing he could do to prevent him from getting maimed.

"and DONNNEEEEE! THE EXAM IS OVER" sirens echoed throughout the city along with Present Mic's announcement about the exam's completion 

Involuntarily, a grin appeared on his face, he knew he had qualified, he had counted upto 70 something points the highest he had heard was some extra with 40 something point and he knew for a fact that that bastard also qualified and he will be sure to crush him and then prove himself to be undisputed number one.


Gilgamesh sat in the living room of the penthouse that Sasaki bought for him to use, it was rather far from UA but he had enough treasures that could converge that distance in mere seconds then again he would be travelling through vehicles instead, he had already placed orders for sports cars of his liking and they will arrive before the course begins. 

Of course he knew he would be accepted, there was nothing he lacked from power to knowledge, if the mongrels had dared denied his presence he would have erased those vermins and the place from the face of the earth himself. 

He read through the paper about his accepted admission for UA's hero course, regarding his fees, costumes etc., Sasaki will take care of financial management, the mongrel though a coward, was a very useful and competent person he had found in the gathering of mongrels during his last visit in the land of Pharaohs. A young man looking for opportunities to prove his worth which gilgamesh provided. 

Wordlessly he placed a metallic disk as it turned on to display a projection, of the Principal of UA, a creature he found extremely fascinating, perhaps after he is done playing with the mongrels, he will allow the rodent the honor to serve him.

"greetings young Urk, first let me welcome you to our country young man..."

Gilgamesh snorted as he a golden ripple beside him gave him a golden glass full of the mixed juice of exotic fruits. 

"... Now then about your results, a perfect 100 percent in written something that only a very few achieved so you have passed with flying. Now for the practical part, you score a staggering 89 points in combat, though you failed to acquire any rescue you are still the highest scorer in the practical exam, congratulations and welcome to your hero academia."

Gilgamesh looked at the now ended recording with a pensive look, the result wasn't surprising at all, when he looked the screaming mongrel who called himself present mic he had already deduced his entire life in his head as well as the existence of the rescue points, like he was going to lower himself and sully his treasure on some unworthy mongrel, 

An amused grin dawned on his face as he connected the dotted of the purple smoke vermin he saw in some of his future visions and the past of the screaming mongrel, this would be entertaining enough for him wait, so wait he shall, he would tolerate the mongrels for now, beside the last thing he wants to do is make the old man disappointed in him, he quite liked the man and his genuine care for him, as well as his grandchildren who accompanied him when he last took out Vimana for a stroll. They were an amusing bunch.

As he looked outside his house at the walls of UA at the far distance on the opposite side of the city on the mountain like the place where he was staying at, 

The biggest obstacle of this excursion will be find some mongrel who is slightly above the level of mongrels to present the old man as his friend so that his worries about his wellbeing lessen, perhaps that faker, or that blonde mad dog maybe that spawn of that flame mongrel or maybe delusional heir from Yaoyorozu. 

He took another sip, He knew full well what humans in there upmost glory were capable of achieving, the treasures in his treasury were enough of a proof. As unexperienced and unshapened as they are now they held a possibility of a great future and an equal possibility of a miserable one as well, it will depend upon them as to how they thread the challenges that were about to be thrown at them. And him. 

How gilgamesh intervene will also determine what happens to them hence his eyes couldn't give him an definite result but one like the myriad of futures that he often sees, each changing as he decides to do things differently. 

There were quite a lot of things he could do to artificially conduct such situation and take matters in his hands, but currently he was content with sitting back and watching. 

Then again it was just casual entertainment until he arrives. He didn't leave those dolls in germany alive for no reason. 


After a few days,

Gilgamesh walked down the hallway towards the class he will be attending, reaching the class he slide open the door, some students already in class, a few of them had arrived before him.

Wordlessly he closed the door behind him and took the first seat in the second row. He sat down on the seat with his arms crossed and eyes closed, his already unwelcoming posture with a perpetual frown on his face made it harder for others to approach him, but this didn't stop Tenya Iida from trying, As the boy marched straight to the golden haired individual, and started speaking loudly, 

"hello my name is Iida Tenya, I am from somei academy. You seem to be troubled by something and as fellow classmates.."

"I didn't give you permission to speak to me mongrel" Iida's face conveyed a look of disbelief and silence spread in the entire class as they listened in on the ongoing debacle as he continued on,

".. Such vulgar language is unbecoming of heroes, it is of paramount importance that we as future heroes..."

"if don't silence yourself, then I will silence you forever, mongrel" 

Just as Iida about to continue, a hand rested on his shoulder, as Iida looked at blonde haired boy with black lightning symbol on it, shook his head in refusal.

"I think the guy doesn't want to talk so let's leave it at that, I am sure he will when he is in a better mood" the lightning quirk boy who Iida remembered introduced himself as kaminari denki, said with a grin. As Iida sighed and moved back to his seat wordlessly.

As more and more students arrived the class got louder and louder as they went around greeting and meddling, when suddenly the door was slammed open, revealing a Ash blonde haired boy.

The class barring Gilgamesh who still had his eyes closed looked the boy who looked around as if he was sizing himself against the people present, his face had a grin when his eyes fell on Gilgamesh. As he walked towards his desk. Dropped his bag off and sat down on his chair with his legs on the desk, the actions which set off alarms in Iida's head as he made his way towards the recipient to give a piece of his mind. Only to once again receive vulgar insults in return.

The ongoing bickering stopped when the door opened again revealing a short green haired meek looking boy. As he stepped backwards a little from the sudden attention on him,

"deku" the Ash blonde teen whispered in contempt as he remembered how the nerd had made his way to UA, how did he, a quirkless, worthless, loser had made his way into the hero course. He scoffed thinking the nerd wouldn't survive the first week.

Iida upon seeing the boy marched straight towards him,

"hello, my name is Iida Tenya, I am somei.." he was once again interrupted but this time without the insults. 

"oh yeah, yes.. I-I overheard, I am Midoriya Izuku from aldera public school, nice to meet you." the green haired boy introduced himself in a meek tone,

Iida then went on to apologise for disrespecting Midoriya during the entrance exam, which the boy excepted rather shyly and even went as far as to admit he was also in fault. At this Iida almost let out tears in relief, his previous two encounters have been less than stellar and he got to know two most arrogant and rude people in his life in a span of a few minutes, the meek boy was quite honestly a breath of fresh air.

"it's you that curly hair kid" another person who arrived in the class just a moment ago exclaimed, as Midoriya looked around to see the bubbly and cheerful girl from the exam behind him, she looked good in that uniform he thought as he blushed crimson.

"you were so cool, you went like smash and bam and punch the zero pointer away" she did a mock punch imitating the boy's action as she smiled at him, whose blush worsen from the praise, as he decided to look at his classmates,

"if you are here to make friends then get out"

A voice called out from the door of the class as the entire class, barring Gilgamesh who still sat with his eyes closed, looked at the yellow caterpillar man, who took out a pocket nutrient and drank it in one go while still laying on the ground,

"this is the department of heroics" the caterpillar man who was not a caterpillar man climbed out of the yellow sleeping bag.

"it took you kids 8 seconds to quiet down, time is precious kids. I am Aizawa Shouta, your homeroom teacher"

The disheveled looking man didn't even wait for the students to register the information and took out a gym uniform from his sleeping bag,

"wear these and shove off to the PE ground immediately"



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