Before any contesting words could be said by the fiery woman, the single sound of a footstep brought the group silent and alert. The arrival of anything else was cause for alarm; every creature that inhabited the land commanded that much fear.
They all sat, silent but ready for anything to arrive; whether it was a pounce from a beast or flame from another.
As something pierced through the air like a volley of arrows, they all jumped to their feet, but the fiery woman was the first to try and deflect one of the incoming projectiles.
"Try me—!" Veldalla roared.
Before the red-haired swordswoman's blade could deflect the mysterious projectile, it was stopped from another weapon.
"Huh?!" Veldalla angrily let out, looking at the figure right beside her.
The clown-faced man had spat out his unique sword from his stomach, using his saliva-coated blade to stop his companion's. Passing by, what landed against the ground was a sharp-ended, fleshy projectile that had emerald veins.
This is the end of the first part of Online In Another World.
Please stick around for when the second installment in the series begins, following the journey through the Godless Continent!
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