Both Sol and Cara the white squirrel on top of Sol's head pointed between Klaus and Bucky with surprised faces
Klaus seemed to be busy enjoying their cute reactions and said
"Just a little trick... Do you also want to try it?"
As Klaus said that he offered Sol his hand, Sol also took Klaus's offer with little blush on her face
Authority of False Creation _ Maya
Klaus just took her hands and next moment suddenly various butterflies appeared all around Sol and blue ones around Klaus
"My God..."
Sol looked around her, there was a golden dot in the middle of her eyes and the eyes of her little Squirrel Cora, both noticed all the flowers and plants in the garden shining beautifully like celestial skies
Her gaze went upwards and she noticed a beautiful purple blue nebula on the night sky filled with endless stars
The moon also seemed to have approached nearer to the world and various different types of birds flying there
Next moment her gaze went to the ground but what she saw left her in deep shock
"Oh my!!!"
She immediately grabbed Klaus's shoulders and arms and closed her both eyes tightly
"Haha! You won't be falling..."
Klaus gave her a little support and grabbed her tightly for assurance
She once again opened her eyes and noticed the ground had turned into water with various shiny flowers all over the place
She looked at her feet and suddenly noticed a gigantic whale like beautiful fish passing below her feet
After a few seconds she gained confidence and bent down a little, her gaze noticed uncountable beautiful fishes passing below her legs
A lot of time passed by with her inspecting the life below her and suddenly she noticed Klaus patting on her shoulders
Her gaze went upwards and she noticed Klaus starting towards the sky and at the sky was a Golden Phoenix passing through endless night sky
And behind that flying phoenix's tail was a beautiful sunrise
From the sky the phonix passed through the rays of sun followed them and in middle of water and beautiful flowers
Bucky, Klaus and Sol noticed a beautiful sunrise from unknown distance but with sun's reflection on water
The description of the scenery with words was just an impossible task
Sol muttered those words with a lost face between all those other worldly sceneries, Klaus suddenly caught her in his hands and his eight wings also appeared from the back
Klaus went directly to the sky with Sol in his hands, Bucky also followed Klaus running in air and stood behind Klaus looking at rising Sun
Like that all four of them watched the wonders of the world with bright eyes and the day passed away with wide joy and smiles on faces
A few days have passed since this event and all the guests have returned back to their homes and territories
The Whiteblood Family had also returned back along with Sol and Walpurgis family
But Reus and his original party was still here, well that was the plan but it seems like there is one more rebellious guy who was left here at City of Rosario
"I want a duel!!!"
Currently Klaus, Ashia, Molly and Zoya were currently looking at a young man in noble armour with great designs
Who was standing in front of Klaus's desk inside his office with a resolute face and dark purple hairs
Klaus and Zoya were looking at this dumb guy with little surprised faces while Ashia still seemed to be calm and composed
But Molly the second odd ball of the room was looking towards the young guy with purple hairs with an interested face
Next moment Klaus noticed the hands of Molly slowly moving towards her giant sword with a grin on face
Klaus immediately instructed Molly with a golden dot shining in his ocean blue eyes
Molly also just became a little disappointed but still backed off with her lowered ears and sat back at the sofa seat
"So who are you again?"
Klaus once again moved his attention to the young man approximately the same age as him, from just the appearance he wasn't half bad and he looked like a wealthy noble too
But the young man in armour at Klaus's office seemed to have been offended by those words
"How ignorant! Even if you are Duke and Hero and whatnot! How can you not know about the brother of your fiance!!!
Do you even know how many days I have been preparing for this duel!!?"
Even after all those enraged words of the young man the one reply he got from Klaus was
"No, I don't"
The young man was left speechless for the next few seconds before he came back to his senses again to continue his protest
"You are so ignorant! I'm the heir of Walpurgis Marquis Family and brother of my little sister Sol Walpurgis! Oliver Walpurgis!!!"
As Klaus heard this, he finally recalled the face of Sol in his mind and looked back at the young guy in front of him
'Well look here, they do really look a lot similar to each other, but...'
"... Weren't you supposed to be under Magic training in the magician tower right now? What are you doing here on top of that with a warrior's armour and sword?"
As Klaus said, Oliver became a little nervous but he still replied "I-i came here for a duel! These all are just for defense! I'm still a proud magician you know!!!"
Klaus heard him and a grin appeared on his face, next moment Klaus suddenly stopped right next to his face staring at his eyes
Oliver was scared to death right now but he still showed his courage to stand straight, Klaus noticed the flames in his eyes and moved his hand to the armour
"Well a Legendary Grade armour can definitely protect you from death by mistake, I guess..."
Klaus's words went like thousand lethal blades to Oliver's soul and he looked back at Klaus with more sweat over his face
Klaus walked right by his side to the door and said "Then follow me to dueling ground, the option to back off is no longer available..."
Oliver heard this and tightened his grip over sword and also followed Klaus outside of room with a nod
"Did he seriously just take that excuse to escape from doing all this signature work?"
Zoya and Ashia were left staring at each other's dry faces with hundreds of thousands of papers in their hands
Which were the official documents which needed Klaus's signature and this part of work was what Klaus hated the most
'Escape Success!'
And seems like Zoya's theory wasn't wrong with Klaus's smiling cheerful face outside while walking at hall
Klaus and Oliver arrived at the dueling area outside of Klaus's mansion, Klaus was standing on one side without any weapons or protection on him while
Oliver was standing as his opponent with full body armour and a staff and Sword on his hands
All the knights who have been training till now were also looking at the duel with interest
Ain was standing in the middle as the referee and after confirming from both sides he gave off his signal
As soon as he did that Oliver chanted out various spells within a second and immediately released it towards Klaus
Klaus was still standing there without any change on his face but next various flame and ice spears were rushing towards him at extreme quick speed
But as they came to a certain area around Klaus all the spells suddenly exploded and as if Klaus was under some kind of invincible shell
Not a single injury appeared at Klaus's body or clothes and the fog that appeared because of mixture of flame and ice also disappeared
"What was that..."
Oliver was also left in shock after seeing Klaus's unscathed figure behind the dense white fog
But he still didn't give up and continued his chanting preparing for the next powerful spell
'Why isn't he moving?'
Even Oliver was left in surprise seeing Klaus still standing in the same place without any shred of worry or tension in his eyes
"You will pay for your arrogance! Take this!!!"
Oliver was starting to feel enraged seeing Klaus's behaviour and this time suddenly dozens of icy chains caught Klaus's body
And after that next a huge gigantic flame phoenix rushed at Klaus with extreme flames around it
But Klaus was still not surprised or panicked by this and just kept his calm staring at the flame phoenix approaching him
And as the phonix touched Klaus binded in chains once again everything got covered in white fog
"It was hot..."
"Is Lord Klaus okay?"
"Let's go check him out!!"
"Hey! Wait you newbie, just look there..."
The new recruits seemed to have wrong assumptions but before they can do anything, they were stopped by the older knights
And as the fog calmed Klaus was still standing there unharmed to the point there were no marks of burns even in his clothes let alone his body
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As the fog calmed Klaus was still standing there unharmed to the point there were no marks of burns even in his clothes let alone his body
Oliver was once again shocked, Klaus scratched his head and said
"You can try just one more time, after that it's my turn..."
Oliver gritted his teeth and stuck his sword right besides him at the ground and started preparing for the strongest magic he could do at current state
He kept chanting for minutes while Klaus just watched over him with a bored face, the audience of knights was also starting to feel bored
It continued just like that for the next few minutes until Oliver finally decided to shout out again
"You should not have underestimated me too much!!! Don't blame me if you break a leg today!
This is the strongest magic I have! The Tier 8 Magic _ Meteor Strike!!!"
Along with his words the sky suddenly became bright red and next moment a gigantic meteor was seen making its way directly towards Klaus
But this magic was sure to do more damage than just that, but Klaus was still standing there with unfazed posture
"Yeah that's it... I'm bored now..."
As Klaus muttered next moment he moved his hands upwards and this time there were no magic circles or visible flow of mana around his body
But just next moment dozens of chains made from what seemed to be clouds caught the falling meteor and in front of all eyes
The Meteor turned into dust, disappearing in air without any chance to even touch Klaus
And this happened everyone felt amazed and at awe because of Klaus's monstrous skills
But Oliver directly fell to ground with no mana left in his body with a horrified face, Klaus went to him and asked
Oliver looked upwards and with tight grip over his fist he said
"I.. I admit my loss..."
Klaus nodded and next offered his hand to Oliver as a support, Oliver sighed and grabbed Klaus's hands and stood back
"You seem to be kinder than the rumours..."
Oliver muttered with a smile over his face, Klaus also just nodded with a grin but suddenly Klaus asked
"But why did you want the duel?"
[Hah! That's an easy question! He came here with intentions of winning the duel against a hero to raise his reputation in Magician Tower and gain higher standing there!
To proved himself worthy to his family before inheriting the title of Marquis and winning their hearts to keep their loyalty by his side!]
Apollo said a lot of reasons after that but Klaus's focus was still over Oliver's reply
"I just wanted to test my sister's future partner with my own eyes and hands, I have heard a lot of rumours about you but I can't let the future of my sister just depend on mere rumours that keep changing every day
I just wanted to know if you are a capable man or not, but you exceeded my expectations ..."
Klaus was a little surprised by his confidence over his face and just nodded but still a question came from Oliver
Oliver seemed a little embarrassed over himself and said while scratching his back with red ears
"It feels weird right, I worry too much about my sister even when she has grown up, you won't do this if someone proposed to your sister right?"
As he said that the cheerful atmosphere of the place suddenly changed and all knights and Klaus looked back at him coldly and Klaus said
"Yes, how can I request a duel to test the abilities of someone who just likes my big sister...
I will just kill that sucker and let the worms eat his entire body while he is still alive
Then put a ball filled with centipedes inside his mouth to let the centipedes kill him from inside while he sees all this binded with chains unable to do anything
I will use every percentage of my strength to torture that bastard to death I will even visit hell if it means I can torture him more"
"Just as the lord said!"
"The flower of Whitebloods will be protected to death!"
"Yeah! The suckers will be removed just like in the past!"
"Only death awaits who dare to even gaze at Lady Sarah!!!"
Oliver suddenly noticed the flow of world change at visible speed in front of his eyes and suddenly there was a change of heart in him
"Someone who finally understands me!"
Both Klaus and Oliver grabbed each other's hands tightly and grinned seeing each other's eyes
But next Klaus noticed the cold shining eyes of Ashia standing at the windows of Klaus's office behind Oliver
"Oooh! Then let's have a few more duels!!!"
Klaus immediately turned his gaze away and announced it with a bright face, the knights were already fired up from before
And after Klaus announced that all knights jumped into the duel area and rushed at Klaus with excited faces
"I will get at least one strike this time!!!"
"I'm the first!!!"
"I will be the last man standing today!"
"Let the new legend be known to the world!!!"
Klaus just grinned and watched all knights rushing towards him with a bright face but even after those who roared at the end of day the only man left standing at the ground was Klaus
With dozens of unconscious and tired bodies of all knights piled up in the area like dead corpses
And Oliver tossed unconsciously somewhere at the corner of the place
"Yo! Finally regained consciousness again huh?"
As Oliver regained his consciousness he noticed Klaus sitting next to him with dead fish eyes
"Ah? Ahem! Yes!"
Oliver immediately straightened his back while sitting on his back and looked at Klaus with stiff face and posture
He looked around the room and noticed Molly standing near the door with her giant sword and Zoya standing besides Klaus with no visible emotions on face
And on another side was Ashia looking coldly over the place
'Am I getting punished for distrubing him now, well guess disturbing Duke during his work is really an offence worth a punishment...'
Oliver thought about these things after coming to understanding with his line of thoughts and just sighing, but next moment
"So what are you going to do now?"
Klaus asked looking at him with a little serious face, Oliver looked back at Klaus with an unexpected look
And replied after processing his thoughts for a few seconds
"I was thinking of returning to Magician Tower, I thought I was good enough after all these years but the world is still huge
I couldn't even understand the principles behind your magic, you used all your magic with chantless and traceless bases
I still don't have that level of mastery over my elements or even understanding the laws of magic to do anything even close to that..."
Klaus heard him and noticed him making a little disappointed and tired face
'Well fighting opponents can bring motivation as well as despair too, seems like he got little of both...'
Klaus tapped his shoulders and asked "What is your status in the Magician Tower?"
"Oh, although I don't like bragging too much about myself, I'm still the best student among the mages who are studying there..."
Klaus heard him and a grin appeared over his face with a sharp train of thoughts
'So if he is the best student then he is only second to teachers, magic tower candidates and magic tower master himself...
Well guess he can be a big help there too...'
Klaus took out two grimories from his storage and passed it on to Oliver and said
"This is the base of chantless and Instant Casting Magic, you will still need years to become completely proficient but better than nothing..."
After Klaus finished his words Oliver looked at him with a surprised and shocked face
"A-are you for real!?! Just like that!?!"
Oliver still couldn't believe just what he had acquired right now, Klaus just gave him a nod and before leaving left him with one instruction
"You can follow Merlin at Magician Tower from now on, she will give you tips from time to time
Just tell her my name and it will be enough, I think she is in a good place within Magician Tower so it will be good for you too..."
Saying that Klaus and others left the room leaving Oliver alone in the room with stars shining inside his eyes
'Merlin... The number one candidate of Magician Tower and the youngest Tier 9 Magician in the history of Empire...
She is also one to use chantless magic and Instant casting magic directly! I didn't know she was also connected to Klaus here!!!
It's a jackpot! Ahhh~ my little sweet sister is really my golden ticket to heaven!!! I'm so lucky~'
Oliver was busy in his fantasies while dancing with two books in his hands with an extremely satisfied look over his face
While outside Klaus was walking towards his office with a dead look over his face and suddenly he looked back at Ashia and said with expectant eyes
"I think we can have a little more talk with Oli-"
"You should let him rest, he must be tired!"
But his hopes were completely crushed by Ashia coldly who grabbed Klaus's hands dragging him inside the office of hell filled with endless documents he needed to see
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