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33.33% Survival System in Movies / Chapter 6: The cheat

Chapter 6: The cheat

We continued traveling east but Tallahassee started slowing down on a slope with a broken roadside barrier. And I quickly figured that it is probably Tallahassee's one weakness. Tallahassee stopped and went out so me and Columbus also followed him.

"What are we doing here?" - Columbus

"Well, take a look it's a goddamn Hostess truck." - Tallahassee

"Yeah, I see that, a Hostess truck. and so what?" - Columbus

"I could use a twinkie." - Tallahassee

"So what about you Montgomery do you like Twinkies?" - Columbus asked me and so I answered.

"No, I don't really like sweets. But I could use a snack right now." - Montgomery

"Y'all comin?" - Tallahassee

"Yeah" - Montgomery

"Uh... yes. yeah. one second." - Columbus then started stretching just like what he did in the show or limber up is it the same? I don't know.

"Are you fucking with me?" - Tallahassee

"Uh... No. You should actually limber up as well. Especially if we are going down that hill, it is very important. " - Columbus

"I don't believe in it" - Tallahassee

"No, I believe him. I used to have muscle pains because of now stretching before working out." - Montgomery

"What? you're on his side? You ever see a lion limber up before it takes down a gazelle?" -Tallahassee

"No, I have not." - Montgomery

"Hmm." - Columbus

Tallahassee then went down while we followed behind him. He took out his knife while Columbus almost tripping and me following just behind Columbus. Tallahassee kicks the door of the Hostess truck to check if there was anything inside. Me and Columbus aimed at the door just to be ready. Tallahassee cautiously opened the door and a mountain of Sno balls just rushed out of the truck. I can see Tallahassee getting mad over it now seeing any Twinkies I already know it doesn't have any because I watched the movie.

"Sno balls?" - Tallahassee

"Yeah" - Columbus

"Hmhm." - Montgomery

"Sno balls?" - Tallahassee said while stomping on some of them.

"Where's the fucking Twinkies!?" - Tallahassee

"I like Sno balls" - Columbus

"I hate coconut. Not the taste, the consistency." - Tallahassee

"I just want something to eat. So I'll gladly take this." - Saying that I grabbed an arm full of them and put them inside my bag.

"Fresh." - Columbus said while eating one.

"Oh, this Twinkie thing, it ain't over yet."

Tallahassee then decided to come back to the car while obviously mad because of the Hostess truck not having Twinkies. Like seriously it's a truck full how come they couldn't even pack one Twinkie?

"Hey, this may be a bad time, but I gotta take the Browns to the Super Bowl." - Columbus

"Me too actually." - Montgomery

"Really?" - Tallahassee

"Really." - Columbus

"Yep." - Montgomery

We then drove maybe half a mile to find a toilet we stopped near the entrance. I followed Columbus that is holding his gun and cautiously knocked open the toilet doors.

"I have a case of uh... chronic anxiety." -Columbus

"Nah, I already know that." - Montgomery

"Really? what gave it away?" - Columbus

"Because you look like one who has chronic anxiety." - Montgomery

"Oh... uhh... Okay."

I opened up a stall, locked it, pulled down my pants, then took a shit. But it was boring and so I asked Columbus.

"Do you have something that you fear the most?" - Montgomery

"Uhh... Why so suddenly? But I really hate is fucking clowns."

"Honestly same. They creep me out as a kid and till this day I hate them." - Montgomery

"Well... When you're afraid of something out there, you stop going out there. Which what happened to me before this." - Columbus

Columbus continued talking about what happened to him before this shitshow happened like what he did before. The girl that he thought he would get to be together with became a zombie. He also said he killed her because he didn't have any choice which is what should do.

After that we went outside with Tallahassee waiting for us. Asking why we took so long there so I just said Columbus couldn't stop talking. Which Tallahassee expected was the reason and Columbus getting embarrassed.

But nonetheless I think we make a pretty good group of friends we do get along with each other pretty well. And so we went on the road again until we reached a road with cars blocking the way.

"Okay, you'll steer I'll push" - Tallahassee

"You should steer I can do this myself I'm pretty strong you see" - Montgomery

"No way I will not do that" - Tallahassee

"I can steer if you want me to." - Columbus

"Okay go, we'll push from behind the car so"


"Okay"- Columbus

"And hey, I think I've heard there's a place untouched by this crap." - Columbus

"Back east, yeah?" - Tallahassee

"Yeah. yeah. You've heard the same thing?" - Columbus

"Out west, we hear back east. back east, they hear out west. it is all just nonsense really, there's no place untouched " - Tallahassee

"Hm... maybe CDC has something cooking up to cure this disease just maybe" - Montgomery

"CDC? those guys are maybe wiped out because of this by now or they're even more scared than us" - Tallahassee

"You know, you're like a penguin on the North Pole who hears the South Pole is really nice this time of year" - Tallahassee

"There are no penguins in the North Pole." -Columbus

"You wanna feel how hard I can punch?"- Tallahassee

After we were done pushing the cars away we then got in the car and continued going to the same route as before. But before that I tried opening the shop again for the first time coming here. But opening it, the layout was different than before when I was in Maze runner. Now it's filled with guns and ammunition and even tanks and jets. I wanted to get something from there before but it's a shame it's not here anymore. So I'll just find it and let's maybe look it up at the search bar.


(Quick note: I actually forgot some of what I've wrote have I ever wrote about what the survival shop cussss I'm lazy and I procrastinate alot that's all thanks you for reading.)


After looking for the things I want in the shop I started looking for the right things I wanted. And it's the shotgun I also stumbled in the perk category for guns and it is like Christmas. So I chose the Mossberg 500 for my shotgun it cost only 10 SP and I still have a hundred and forty SP left. I went to the perk section and found the right thing for my shotgun.

[Unlimited ammunition: Shoot like Hershel from The walking dead season 2 and put those bastards to sleep with infinite ammo.

Cost: 100SP; Level requirement: 10]

Perfect but let's not use it for now and don't let anyone see the thing I've bought they would get suspicious of me if I do. So I dismissed the shop and continued with talking with Tallahassee and Columbus.

"So, what do you think? - Tallahassee

"Wait, the last time I laid down some pipe?" -Columbus

"Last time you went 20 toes, put Percy in the playpen." -Tallahassee

"Who's Percy?" - Montgomery

"Wallpapered the closet, passed the gravy. Went heels to Jesus." - Tallahassee

"Oh, oh. Made love." - Montgomery

"Well, just sex." - Tallahassee

"Never. I'm still 15 years old. But I did kiss someone and I love her." - Montgomery

"You're still 15? that's gotta be something the most surprising I've heard" - Tallahassee

"Yeah... I thought you'd be older than that actually." - Columbus

"And for you?" - Tallahassee

"Uh... three weeks ago. yeah. In the back of an abandoned FedEx truck" - Columbus

"Shut up." - Tallahassee

"Seriously?" - Montgomery

"Yes, seriously. I was headed east. she uhh... west. And we took shelter in the back of the truck. And It was full of undelivered packages. " - Columbus

"What was her name?" - Tallahassee

"Yeahh" - Montgomery

"Beverly, Beverly Hills." - Columbus

"You dog" - Tallahassee

"Ohhhh, honestly unexpected coming from someone like you." - Montgomery

"So uh... what about you Tallahassee?" - Columbus

"Me? I... I... Aye. Aye. Aye. aye. aye. aye." - Tallahassee said while slowing the car down seeing a female zombie eating her so-called husband maybe.

"Oh, my God. It makes you sick." - Columbus

"Oh, hell nah." - Montgomery

"You know, it makes you sad, it makes you... It makes you think if you can go back to the things that are right now. You know, you'd be... You'd be out of the backyard you know, trying to catch fireflies. And instead of this." -Columbus

We then saw the female zombie continue devouring her husband and even slurping the bones? It looks like she's feasting and she is. Because she's a zombie after all and she is eating flesh.

"I mean it makes you..." - Columbus

"Hungry" - Tallahassee

"Yeah, I'm also hungry." - Montgomery

"I'm worried about you two." Columbus

"Look, whatever you have waiting for you in Columbus, I promise you it ain't prettier than our friend here enjoying her Manwich." -Tallahassee

"Tallahassee I got this. I also want to enjoy some things" - Montgomery

"Okay, sure go on ahead." - Tallahassee

After giving me permission Tallahassee then moved on and while passing the zombie I opened the side door and hit the zombie with it. We both laughed as we saw it falling down. We continued going through the road while talking so we wouldn't get bored but it was mostly silence whenever there wasn't anything to talk to. So until we reached a Grocery store because of Tallahassee wanting to get Twinkies. But maybe I could use this to make them think that I found a gun somewhere in this store it's America after all.

"What, are you prospecting?" - Columbus

"I don't know what he is thinking but I'm thinking it's gonna be fun." - Montgomery

"I know you would get me. Columbus go do exactly what he's doing and for once try not to be a bitch." - Tallahassee

"Jesus Christ." - Columbus

"You are a dangerous man" - Columbus said while Tallahassee is still preparing his weapons to get inside and so did I.

"You are gonna risk our lives over a Twinkie?" - Columbus

"There is a box of Twinkies in that grocery store, not just any box of Twinkies. The last box of Twinkies that anyone will enjoy in the whole universe. Believe it or not, Twinkies have an expiration date. Someday very soon, life's little Twinkie gauge is gonna go empty." - Tallahassee said while finishing the things he needs to prepare to go in and finally it's the time for the most iconic line in the whole movie.

"Time to nut up or shut up."

We went in the store while Tallahassee holds a banjo and when we entered Tallahassee then started to play banjo. It is used to lure in the zombies so he could assess what zombies are in here. and a little bit later a fat ass zombie showed up I quickly readied the machete that I borrowed. But Tallahassee just signaled me that he got it. He then started to approach the fat zombie and started to beat it to death. But another one arrived and Tallahassee signaled me again to take that one out. And so I readied my machete again and waited for the fat zombie to enter my range. I was thinking of a quickdrawing but I do not have a proper sword to do that and so I just do a piercing stance and aim at it's head. When it got close to me I then moved a little bit to the side then delivered a fast but effective strike to the temple. And with that it ends but I could've just been more aggressive because it was too weak.

[Earned 50exp killing a normal zombie]

Should I be happy with that or be angry because they gave me a small sum of experience point

[Quest completed: Kill three zombies without suffering any injuries.

Rewards: 2000exp 500sp]

I should check my status after I finish everything up with the current situation. But I think Tallahassee already took care of it with a grass cutter. This man is really cool not even gonna lie, so I then came back to them and thought what are they looking at. Oh it was just Wichita I should try maybe a little later and try surprising them so they wouldn't do something that's a pain in the ass.

"Come quick." - Wichita said while looking in distress and I already know that she's scheming something.

But after that she went to the back and Tallahassee followed but Columbus actually looked for me and went back.

"Hey, let's go." - Columbus

"Nah, I'll stay here in the mean time to check if everything is safe." - Montgomery

"Uh... okay be safe." - Columbus

I waved a goodbye to him and he went in the back to follow Tallahassee. But now I should try stocking up on supplies because I need something to eat. Thinking about it everything really is in shit, but with that shit everything is free now. What should I get I went to the Junk food aisle and took a lot of chips. I also went to the canned food aisle and took some of the canned goods and then I also took some normal necessities.

"Hmm they should be done by now let's go near the exit then catch them off guard."

I sneaked near the entrance to the back and waited for them to come. And they did come Wichita looks so pretty but I do need to do something with the gun she's holding. I also do have a gun right now but little rock also has a gun. Hmm so let's just take out wichita by knocking her out then disarming Little rock. Both of them then passed through me I sneak to the back of Wichita's head and knocked her out grabbed little rock's arms then grabbed the gun.

"Wait what!?" - Little rock

"Guh... ugh... what?" - Wichita

"I'm sorry but this is my companion's guns, and I know you Krista. You swindled my friend before, and you little girl is her sister am I right?" - Well I just said that so it would be more believable. I then saw Columbus and Tallahassee coming out of the back seeing me apprehending the suspects they both gleam with smiles.

"Oh what do we have here, hey nice going you are an MVP" - Tallahassee

"You caught them? And did I hear that she swindled your friend?" - Columbus

"I sure did, and yes. She's a con-artist" -Montgomery

"So that's why you didn't come with us." -Columbus

"Anyways we got that out of way let's ask this two now." - Montgomery

"Oh, I'm gonna have so much fun with killing these two" - Tallahassee

"No! wait! wait!" - Wichita

"We just wanted a car to go to pacific playland." - Little rock

"You could've just said that instead of conning as like that you little bitches!" - Tallahassee

"Woah, relax." - Montgomery

"We can just give you some of our guns and we will also give you a car." - Columbus

"No, we will not do that! I will not let any of these little bitches get away thinking they can fuck with my Cadillac" - Tallahassee

"I side with Columbus at this one. They did spare you and they're probably pretty nice people because of that." - Montgomery

"Well all right then but we will not give them my Cadillac she is mine!" - Tallahassee

"Of course we wouldn't, we'll give you something better in return." - Montgomery

"How better than my Caddy?" - Tallahassee

"Much better it's a very big truck with alot of big guns it was own by my old friend he lives near here." - Montgomery

"Okay, sure but you gotta promise me that or you will be dead once we got there" - Tallahassee

We then went back to the car outside then drove the house with the yellow car and I promised it also contained guns. Tallahassee was so happy that he even thanked me for it but it wasn't too sincere because we did give his car to the people we only met and even pointed guns at us. But with that we gave them the car and they drove away just like in the movie but a bit differently. Tallahassee celebrated and fired the guns, painted the side of the car with a number 3 and we continued to the road.


Note: Longest chapter that I did maybe 🤔


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