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Chapter 2: I WANT YOU OUT!

My mother's face was filled with tears and sweat as she sobbed and apologized for not being able to hold him back. 

A different kind of pain descended upon me, shredding my heart into a million, unrecognizable pieces.


My jaw began to vibrate as my wolf uttered a whimper. 

Soon I was crying, not because he had beat the crap out of my mother, it was because he just wrecked my plans.

 That money was the way through which I could be able to leave this God-forsaken house and Pack.

 I had sacrificed many things just to get that money but he stole all of it in the blink of an eye.


There were times when I wished my mother was dead. I wished she was the one who had died instead of my father. 

We would not have been in this situation if she hadn't been so stupid and scared to listen to me and heed.


I felt utterly hopeless as I walked into my room. I wouldn't let them ruin this happy day. I went into the shower and wasted no time before I used the vanity table beside the doorway. 

There was no way I was going to allow this to deter the decision I have already made. I needed to leave this place, or else I would break down.


I am supposed to be happy that I graduated, not allowing this perpetual madness to screw my day.  

She didn't even care to come to my graduation, and I was the best graduating student. She didn't give a hoot about me.


"Elsie" I heard her shaking, desolate voice sound in the doorway. She was leaning on the door. I was facing the mirror, checking if what I was wearing was ok. 

I gave her a sidelong glance and looked away immediately. Her wounds were healing already. It was one of the numerous abilities we shifters had.

 We could heal very rapidly.  My mother wasn't healing as fast as she used to and that is because her strength and vigour were slowly deteriorating from the physical pain she faced daily.


"How was it?" How dare she ask me that, had she already forgotten what just happened? Did ten thousand grand mean nothing to her? I gave her a murderous glance and turned away from her.


"It's high time I told you my mind, mother." I began heatedly. I was not prepared to say this.

 "I want you and your fucking Rincon out of my fucking house! Father left the house to me and I decide if you both will remain in this house or not.

 I have tried to absorb the pain you cause me every single day but I can't any longer. It's very h-hard to bear and I can't have it any longer. 

Since you both have decided to kill yourselves, you can go leave somewhere else where you can kill yourselves. Are you not ashamed, mother!?" I yelled every single word so I could stop myself from crying, I already had my makeup on.


She was simply stunned.


I had already decided to leave the house for them, to kill themselves if they liked.

 I already hate her because she hates me and hates herself. 

She didn't care about what would better our lives. Her worst mistake was allowing Rincon to mark her. 

But all hope is not lost, she can take her predicament before the grandees of the Pack and renounce him as her mate.


"I want you and that idiot out of my house before my birthday, I don't want to set my eyes on you by then. "


"Your father was also my mate. She protested, a stupid look was on her face but she was shocked by my outburst.


"I don't give a damn about you anymore. You and that mate of yours took everything he left for me and sold them. 

But I am not going to watch the both of you turn this house upside down. I want both of you out!" I yelled again.


"Honey" she began with her sweet words. But I wasn't ready to hear a bit of it. I walked past her, enraged. 

There was no way I was going to physically force her out but I hope she took me seriously. If she didn't, I would find a way to kick her and her shameless mate out.


Before dying, my father had left behind much money that could sustain us for decades if we used them rationally, but none of it remained. Not even a dime. 

They had wasted all of it. They never cared about me when they went around, visiting the most expensive hotels in the world.

 They had realized themselves when the money finished. Now it had gotten to the extent of stealing the money I had saved.


My future was vague and bleak for sure, I could feel it. Things were no longer the same, unlike those days when the Pack thrived. 

Pack wars had stripped my Pack of its riches and had left us with almost nothing. The rich get richer while the poor continued to wallow in their miserable, poverty-ridden state.


The war we fought was with the Crescent Moon Pack and they had conquered us, thus making us slaves.

 My Pack was still recuperating from the misery and despair. It was also hard for me because my father had also died while fighting to save the Alpha.


When the war ended, some things were separated. The Bane Pack had its schools while the Crescent Moon Pack had theirs. Nobody from any of the two Packs dared go to the other's school. 

That was another reason why I was bent on leaving this place.


But from the look of things, I might not be leaving soon. I wiped my tears and made sure I looked a bit cheerful when I made my way into the hall, not wanting to be noticed. 

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