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14.28% Jujutsu Kaisen: Peak Projection / Chapter 2: Encountering a Wild Rika

Chapter 2: Encountering a Wild Rika

55 days after Maki left for Jujustu Tech, Naoya was bored. his stagnation was clearer than a cloudless sky, boredom coursed through his veins. Progress, he needed to make progress but not even a single step is possible to take. Now he knows why his father, Naobito Zenin, has a drinking problem. Getting drunk is one way to pass the time before going to sleep.

His way focused more on patrolling cities to find unregistered grade 1 curses or even a special grade that may give him a challenge, but it was mostly low-ranking curses with occasional grade 1 here and there, not even a warm-up.

Sipping on his 7th diet coke, Naoya wondered if this was his version of getting drunk compared to his father's, focusing more on the delectable nectar of the gods compared to the disgusting burn from the sake. Can't complain, he despised the taste of alcohol after all.

However, his feet came to a halt, his senses flaring, and massive amounts of cursed energy could be felt in close proximity to him. The cursed energy signature was creepy, different than any other he's met so far and from the sheer amount of cursed energy that surpassed even Satoru Gojo, Naoya's curiosity peaked.

Disappearing from view, he ran from above the buildings, got to the location, and landed on a rooftop that gave him a clear view of the area. There he saw it, a cursed spirit about to attack a boy who was holding another kid by the collar, his first raised back to punch him.

Recognizing that the curse was attached to the boy, Naoya rushed in and the other boys disappeared, leaving the curse and the boy with the curse attached to him alone before Naoya returned.


Yuta didn't understand what just happened, and neither did Rika, but both didn't even have time to ponder as Naoya made his presence known to the two.

" Yo. That's some curse attached to you. How did that happen? " Naoya asked, walking up to them, fully relaxed, yet excited.

" You! Dangerous. " Rika growled, causing Naoya to light up a bit, after all, this cursed spirit called him dangerous but that feeling was short leaved, considering how much-untapped potential lay within Rika.

" Woah, woah! Chill! " Naoya said, raising his hands in mock surrender, his right hand making a certain hand sign, a curtain was formed around them.

" What is that? " Yuta asked.

" Oh, this. It's a curtain, It makes sure people aren't caught in or see anything go down. " Naoya explained.

" You! You're going to hurt Yuta!! " Rika growled, rushing in to attack Naoya. Yuta was worried, he was about to call out to Rika, to try and stop her but Naoya was faster, landing a direct punch to Rika's face, blasting her back through the houses behind her. Yuta fell on his ass from shock, looking up to see Naoya standing over him.

"What's your name? " Naoya asked.

" oh..uh...Okkutsu...Yuta! " Yuta stammered.

" Zenin Naoya. " Naoya introduced. " Seems like overkill to send that out against those other kids. Maybe they were extremely annoying but I don't think it warrants a health penalty, the executioner being her. "

Naoya pointed to Rika who screamed from above, her large hand coming down to crush Naoya, who causally picked up Yuta and moved away with enough time to spare before her hand slammed into the ground.

" Seriously, with the amount of cursed energy you have, you could beat them yourself, couldn't you? " Naoya asked.

" Eh? What? What are you talking about?! Also, behind you! " Yuta exclaimed, pointing towards an angry Rika, cursed energy rolling off her in waves, getting the attention of a certain strongest sorcerer.

" You don't know? Even with the amount that you have. That's suspicious. " Naoya said, placing Yuta down.

" Anyway, I'm going fight that for a bit. Come in anytime to stop her. " Naoya said, before moving faster than Yuta can perceive and kicking Rika upward and then kick her to Yuta's right, going through another house.

Naoya followed up by slamming Rika's face into the ground, his curse technique activating, making Rika freeze inside a frame, which Naoya picked up and slammed on the ground, breaking it from the halfway mark. The damage caused to Rika was felt on the body parts located in the same area of the frame where it was broken.

But it appeared it didn't do any damage, Rika was up and about to attack Naoya who smiled before punching Rika again, drawing blood from Rika, the blood dripping from her mouth before the next one hit and the next.

A rapid barrage of punches and kicks from Naoya, faster than Rika could perceive and react to, landed on her body. Her durability was off the charts, Naoya's punches weren't one-shotting her but at least multiple blows were doing some damage. But he couldn't finish her off, there wasn't a way in his arsenal to do so.

Yuta's day was in complete shambles. H rethought Rika was unbeatable by anyone and no one would be able to make her stop. He's tried but she wouldn't listen and people got hurt. Now, there's someone who's able to hurt Rika, and this time Yuta fears she'll actually kill someone this time. He can't let that happen.

" Stop! " Yuta yelled, running up to them. Naoya backed off from Rika, while Yuta ran up to her.

" Rika, it's alright. I'm fine. He isn't going to attack me. I'm fine. " Yuta said, mustering all the resolve he had to not stutter.

Seeing Yuta wasn't hurt and how confident he is, Rika vanished. Yuta breathed heavily while Naoya walked up to him.

" Didn't think you had it in you. " Noaya said.

" I'm sorry. " Yuta apologized.

" Why? " Naoya asked.

" Well, you were going to get hurt because of me. " Yuta said quietly.

" You?! Hurt me?? " Naoya asked. " That's a stupid take. I wasn't going to get hurt you. "

" No, you weren't, but that strong curse totally was going hurt you. " Satoru said, showing up out of the blue.

"Who...Who are you? " Yuta asked, to which Naoya answered,

" He's a friend. An annoying one, but a friend nonetheless. "



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